by Carolanne Wright
July 25, 2015
Wakeup-World Website

"It is scary how many similarities there are
between this
[pharmaceutical] industry and the mob.
The mob makes obscene amounts
of money, as does this industry.
The side effects of organized crime
are killings and deaths,
and the side effects are the same in this
The mob bribes politicians and others,
and so does the
drug industry …"
of Pfizer
pharmaceuticals 1
If you believe pharmaceutical corporations hold the health of the
general public in high regard, it's time to reconsider.
The industry
is filled with examples of wrongful death, extortion, fraud,
corruption, obstruction of justice, embezzlement, fake journals,
harassment and hit lists that would make even the most hardened
Mafia godfather blush.
Big Pharma has been fined billions by the
U.S. Department of Justice, but these enormous fines don't curb the
corruption, it's just looked upon as "the cost of doing business,"
similar to paying the utilities.
As a physician and researcher,
Peter C. Gøtzsche has firsthand
experience with the criminality behind the pharmaceutical industry - and subsequently exposed the massive fraud in
"Deadly Medicines and
Organized Crime - How Big Pharma has Corrupted Healthcare."
Dangerous Science
Dr. Gøtzsche has an impressive clinical background, as noted by The
Nordic Cochrane Center - a not-for-profit organization that produces
credible, accessible health information that is free from commercial
sponsorship and other conflicts of interest:
Professor Peter C. Gøtzsche graduated as a Master of Science in
biology and chemistry in 1974 and as a physician 1984.
He is a
specialist in internal medicine; worked with clinical trials and
regulatory affairs in the drug industry 1975-1983, and at hospitals
in Copenhagen 1984-95.
With about 80 others, he helped start
Cochrane Collaboration in 1993 with the founder, Sir Iain Chalmers,
and established The Nordic Cochrane Centre the same year.
He became
professor of Clinical Research Design and Analysis in 2010 at the
University of Copenhagen.
Peter has published more than 70 papers in
"the big five" (BMJ,
Lancet, JAMA, Ann Intern Med and N Engl J Med) and his scientific
works have been cited over 15,000 times.
Peter is also author of:
Deadly Psychiatry and Organized Denial (to appear in September 2015)
Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime
- How Big Pharma Has Corrupted
Healthcare (2013)
Mammography Screening
- Truth, Lies and Controversy (2012)
Rational Diagnosis and Treatment
- Evidence-Based Clinical
Decision-Making (2007)
A large part of Dr. Gøtzsche's academic career has focused on bias,
trials and evidence synthesis.
In "Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime," Gøtzsche reveals the
corruption behind exorbitant prices for branded drugs, bringing
attention to the fact that drugs are not expensive because of
development costs, but because of the political lobbying, marketing
and excess profit taking.
He also points out many trials are nothing
more than smoke and mirrors, where pharmaceutical companies organize
research in such a way that the best populations and comparison
groups are selected for the very reason that they support the
preferred outcome of the company; they control data and do analyses
in-house and hire professional writers to write the papers.
pharmaceutical companies then cherry pick the results to suit their
marketing needs, instead of what's in the best interest of patients.
Many times, academics are paid to be listed as contributors to the
study, yet in reality, they had very little input and cannot
substantiate the data.
According to Gøtzsche,
"The 'best' drugs may
simply be those with the most shamelessly biased data."
Moreover, Gøtzsche drives home the truth that pharmaceuticals are
just plain dangerous for a variety of reasons:
"Our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after
heart disease and cancer in the United States and Europe.
half of those who die have taken their drugs correctly; the other
half die because of errors, such as too high a dose or use of a drug
despite contraindications.
Our drug agencies are not particularly
helpful, as they rely on fake fixes, which are a long list of
warnings, precautions, and contraindications for each drug, although
they know that no doctor can possibly master all of these.
reasons for the many drug deaths are impotent drug regulation,
widespread crime that includes corruption of the scientific evidence
about drugs and bribery of doctors, and lies in drug marketing,
which is as harmful as tobacco marketing and, therefore, should be
We should take far fewer drugs, and patients should
carefully study the package inserts of the drugs their doctors
prescribe for them and independent information sources about drugs
such as Cochrane reviews, which will make it easier for them to say
'no thanks'." 2
Before you shrug-off Gøtzsche's argument as simply one man's view on
a complex issue, consider pharmaceutical giant Merck's tainted
Hit Lists, Fake Journals, Harassment and Big Money
During testimony in an Australian class action case, emails between
Merck employees presented labels such as "neutralize," "neutralized," or
"discredit" next to doctors' names who criticized
the drug Vioxx.
One email said:
"We may need to seek
them out and destroy them where they live…"
The court was told James Fries, professor of Medicine at Stanford
University, wrote to the head of Merck in October 2000, complaining
about the harassment certain members of his team were receiving who
had criticized the drug.
"Even worse were allegations of Merck damage control by
intimidation," he wrote.
"This has happened to
at least eight (clinical) investigators… I suppose I was mildly
threatened myself but I never have spoken or written on these
Jump to 2001 and the company was still engaging in unethical
Merck apparently:
Produced a fake 'peer reviewed' journal under the name of
"Australasian Journal of Bone and Joint Medicine" for the sole
purpose of marketing pro-Vioxx articles.
Published an entirely ghostwritten journal article and had a doctor
sign his name to it, even though a Merck employee felt the data
presented was "wishful thinking."
With this three-ring circus of corruption projected to become worse
in the future, the American Medical Association (AMA) has - right on
cue - brought forward new guidelines which will essentially place a
gag order on any physicians who do not tow the party line, including
those who speak out against pharmaceuticals.
"There's a great deal of dissent among medical professionals when it
comes to natural health, and many refuse to entertain the idea that
healing involves more than pharmaceutical chemicals.
The American
Medical Association has recently set forth new guidelines that will:
'create ethical guidelines for physicians in the media, write a
report on how doctors may be disciplined for violating medical
ethics through their press involvement, and release a public
statement denouncing the dissemination of dubious medical
information through the radio, TV, newspapers, or/and websites'," said
Dr. Edward Group, founder of the Global Healing Center.
Incredibly, the AMA represents only 17% of medical doctors, many of
which are medical students who were given a free membership.
yet, the organization is the fifth most powerful special interest
group on Capitol Hill, paying out a staggering $19.7 million for
lobbying efforts in 2014 alone.
Read more about the silencing of medical dissenters - and how to
take action -
Richard Smith:
"Is the pharmaceutical industry like the mafia?"
prescription drugs kill us in large numbers" Gøtzsche PC, Pol Arch Med
Wewn. 2014;124(11):628-34. Epub 2014 Oct 30