by Ida Lawrence and Soren Dreier
September 13, 2013
Talk2momz Website
Spanish version
People say there’s a thin line between love and hate, good and evil,
right and wrong.
There may be a thin line… we could call
it the everyday decision point. If we look at it that way, the line
helps us lay out the coordinates of an inner guidance system for
self empowerment.
Let’s begin with a story recalled from memory. It’s the story of the
afterlife of a pious Tibetan monk. When the monk made his
transition, his brothers carefully followed the spiritual tradition
and chanted for 21 days, using crystal balls, and communicating with
their brother in order to help his soul stay near the monastery and
on the spiritual path.
At one point during this process, the monks became unsettled… they
saw that their brother couldn’t proceed.
He was caught under a rock
and was asking for help. They asked him why he was under the rock,
and he answered that he didn’t know. They encouraged him to figure
it out, otherwise, that would be his purgatory.
He did look into the reason he was under the rock, and came back
with a particular memory. He remembered being in the kitchen one
morning and seeing a cockroach. He put his foot on it. In his
spiritual practice, taking any life is forbidden. The monk had
disobeyed on that morning, and he never came to terms with it. There
it remained.
In order to continue on his journey, the monk
had to
face and work through the unresolved wrong.
That little story tells a lot about our perception of our own
Who knows better about wrongdoing,
we… our higher
selves, accessed within, or the social conditioning systems human
beings have structured to tell us what is wrong and right… those
networks of control
we call the matrix?
We are very much used to the concept of ‘falling from Grace’ from
the outside - God in other words. But since we don’t subscribe to
judgment by the SkyGods, we must recognize that it’s more of an
internal affair.
If we fall from our own Grace, the results can be devastating.
Sickness kicks in, on every scale imaginable. We simply ‘get sick
inside’ - of ourselves… and that will spread like a blizzard through
the immune system.
Not degraded by disobeying God, the
matrix, but by the convenience of choosing solutions where we simply
know better.
‘I knew I shouldn’t have done that’,
and so on.
Don’t get us wrong here.
We are not talking about the right to
make mistakes, we are not talking of learning by doing - we are
merely stating the fact of: when we evolve within ourselves, our
hearts, our wisdom, and we don’t listen to our own evolution, since
quite frankly, evolution can be very inconvenient, we take the fall.
We might, as mentioned, want to put that
into an external God context, but that’s a matrix mechanic
reminiscent of an outside judge still, so no: we target the
God-force inside. The silent observer. The soul.
The dark and gloomy side of wrongdoing holds our gridlock and the
key to our inner freedom. If we look at how we degrade ourselves and
lower our resonance, then we can also look at how we refuse to fall
inside, how we resonate more closely with the higher self, and come
to terms with our past actions.
When we hear the thought,
"I won’t
go there anymore" change to "I can’t do that to myself",
...it will be
accompanied by a feeling - that’s the soul’s default setting… the
return to self.
Our decisions are made in the moment:
"Am I comfortable with this…
do I have to… they say it’s required."
We’ll call these decisions
agreements, each one small, like a little pearl.
How does it feel…
this little decision I am making? Asking how it feels is a good
place to start with regard to our internal guidance system. We are
manipulated to think we don’t have inner wisdom, and the outside
source has it… but that is not true.
Our feeling - the resonance
inside - holds our wisdom and our knowledge at a deeper level.
Let’s also make a distinction between morals and ethics; morals
being those directions given to us by systems within the matrix, and
ethics being the directions that are coded within us - the
connection with our higher self… our inner divinity.
The external directives of
the matrix are everywhere, in,
every culture
every religion
every government
every corporation
every family
It is a universal grid.
For a taste of the
external matrix dynamic we can look at the
egoistic, bloody, jealous God (Ego) of the
Old Testament meeting up with the higher
perspective of ‘Self’.
We have already grown past looking for Ego solutions, and that’s a
good reason to be proud, but we have to stick to the soul-utions if we
want this heart-based movement we’re involved in to prevail. Staying
Today we are taking on the evolutionary task again - learning by
doing, doing by ethics, and mixing whatever we can find in all the
ethical and philosophical teachings we can find with the information
coming from metaphysicians traveling in celestial dimensions.
Sorting as we go… asking our inner compass… how does it feel?
Now we can look more closely at how the external directives work
against us: there are likely millions who wish they could obey their
own compassion and disobey a workplace policy or procedure that is
cold-hearted and repugnant to them.
But to keep the job, or advance
themselves, they may make a very small agreement to compromise
ethics. People make these types of agreements every day - one pearl
after another on the string.
In the beginning, when we take the fall inside we know.
But after
some time, business as usual will begin to muffle the sound of the
inside voice, justifications will be believed, and the compassionate
heart will become a few degrees colder. So many exist within
compromising positions… could be the police officer, the military
man, the woman who signs off on evictions, the laborer spraying the
If they don’t know there is a wrong, there will be no ethical
But if they do… and if they make an agreement, they are in
both a sad state and a beautiful state. The sad is that they took a
fall; the beauty is that they can feel the thin line… for it is
never too late to decide not to fall.
We’ve heard it said that what we chose defines us, and it does.
could there be more… as the fall continues and agreements that are
even more compromising begin to make the heart freeze over, could it
activate DNA of lower states? We speculate on that as we have seen
the fall inside go far, far deeper than simply following a repugnant
policy or doing a job for the matrix.
We see in today’s world, and we have seen throughout history, human
beings discarding their inborn blueprint, becoming deaf to their
inner voice, making mockery of ethics, and even re-writing the
morals of the matrix to accommodate a descent.
Basically that is the
programming of the matrix. Womb until tomb, how low can you go?
Well… we watch. And as we watch a display of unimaginable depths we
wonder… are these people human? Perhaps not so much anymore.
this is the resonance of our celestial or ethical compass.
In order to return to that inner compass and become familiar with
its knowledge, we must wake up to the world and what the world
means, and we must to go inside and wake up to our true selves.
of these self-empowering steps constitute an inner awaking.
This does not mean that we should immediately ignore external
messages of right and wrong and go inside for all coordinates.
we begin this work, most of what we’ll find on the inside will be
the ego’s opinion mixed with conditioning and programming. Sorting
out ‘what is what’ is part of the process of waking up to what the
world means and waking up to our true selves.
We are a feeling… a
resonance… and not an opinion of right and wrong, love and hate,
good and evil.
On a social scale, good morals and right and wrong messages are very
much tied to the religious dictates, the economy, and to herd
programming. For that reason it can be very beneficial to accept and
learn from mentors and teachers who are able to help us tune in and
adjust our coordinates.
As we watch layers and layers of lies peel off the false reality we
believed in, we separate from the herd mentality, and we see
consuming for what it is and war for what it is. Eyes wide open,
millions of us are sharing experiences, sharing thoughts - not
pushing them or trying to persuade - just sharing.
This realignment
to the warm heart, the human soul, the guide within… is the
warrior’s strength. It’s also the matrix’s weakness.
In doing this - confronting the matrix by not confronting it - we
strengthen each other, and encourage each other to no longer make
agreements. Every moment that the inner knowing is listened to over
and above the outer dictates, the inner coordinates become stronger.
Eventually a person with a very good connection to the heart will
have a default setting. It’s important to remember that these
settings will not be one-size-fits-all. There will be differences,
and we want to respect our differences when they are soul-based. For
example, the ethical directive to not destroy life must be extended
to include not destroying life psychologically.
Allowing and
non-judgment belong in our coordinates.
People have a right to do whatever they feel they need to do,
without harming others. From the vegetarian who wants a hamburger to
the sister who wants a cigarette to the husband who wants a divorce
to the neighbor who wants to keep the uncomfortable job, we are not
called to judge or lecture on what is ethical.
Our ethics are our
own, and certainly a warm heart can observe and love without
If we refuse to take the fall inside when confronted by the matrix -
friends, spouse, whatever - we start to become self empowered: not
saved, not holy, not wanting everybody to see how spiritual we are…
just humans working on warming the heart and standing their ground.
Specialness cannot exist for very long in a warrior, for they come
to know their own darkness as well as their light. So, if you do
encounter someone with a celestial resonance, they’ll likely not
know it or care to speak of it.
Finally, ‘self’ is embedded in the blueprint.
The self empowered
person has no need to be right, or to be seen as being right. Since
‘self’ does not exclude, and one’s own happiness becomes tied in
with the prosperity of others - happy to be here in life, happy to
discover something new, happy to feel the love of friends, and happy
to look at our own string of pearls… some dark, some light and
shades of golden.
It’s the final walk
in the matrix from which we can no longer stray.
Outer guidance system dissolving - inner guidance systems up and