by Zen Gardner
November 19, 2015
ZenGardner Website

What's with this anything
goes atmosphere we've been swept into when it comes
to governmental, economic and societal behavior?
What happened?
How did this darkened, backwards
world become the "new normal" everyone seems to have
accepted, with nary a whimper of complaint?
Where did this come from, and in
what world are we now living?
It's very much like being in a well lit
room when someone waltzes in and hits the dimmer, which before you
know it has been gradually turned down to almost zero visibility.
And apparently the tables were turned when the lights went out.
Our Current
Dystopian Nightmare
Governments do as they please
without regard for due process of law or public opinion,
never mind the consequences.
Bankers run roughshod over
nations and populations with abject impunity, extorting
everything they can get and then insist they get bailed out
- and are.
Wall Street and corporations
openly cheat, steal and manipulate with complete abandon and
in plain sight with zero accountability.
What happened?
There are no consequences for wrongdoings, no serious protests,
logical investigations or punishment - no nothing. All while
the whirled around us unravels before our eyes.
Now add to this dystopian nightmare,
militarized police and swat
teams indiscriminately murdering innocent civilians without
the environment getting trashed
by geoengineering and radiation while the media and
authorities won't even acknowledge it is happening
all the while psychopathic
fascist war mongers murder millions in their march to
conquer the world under the Orwellian banner of democracy
and freedom supposedly against their own completely
fabricated, amorphous threat of terrorism
I know you've heard all this before but
let's get some context - the makeover of our planet is absolutely
shocking when you stand back and see it for what it is.
They Operate in the
When the lights are out, elements operate "under the cover of
darkness." Ring a bell? Who works under those conditions? The word
that comes to mind is "stealth".
Wikipedia's synonym entry says this about stealth:
synonyms: furtiveness,
secretiveness, secrecy, surreptitiousness, sneakiness, slyness,
covertness, stealthiness, clandestineness
"what they could not accomplish by
violence or chicanery they would have to accomplish by stealth".
This is what we're up against and the
nature of
the powers that shouldn't be.
"Cui Bono"
(Who Benefits) when the Lights Are Out?
I remember when one unlawful police shooting of a civilian was
headlines and didn't disappear until the culprit got his due.
War crimes were top news until
addressed. The public wouldn't have it otherwise. There was a moral
backbone, however compromised or manipulated at the time. It was
nothing like this surreal place we're living in now.
Today? Outright torture is publicly justified, entire genocides
don't get reported, crooked bankers and financial scammers run free
and collect bonuses, while homicidal police are put on "leave" at
Who did this? It's pretty plain to see if you apply the same old
trusty formula - cui bono? Who benefits? Well, the usual suspects
who are riding herd on humanity.
Clever little bastards these psychopathic termites are. But we're on
to them.
This list is long how much things have changed for the worse. Of
course we the people are being blamed as the problem - our CO2
emissions, bad consumer habits, terrorist like reactionary
"Patriotic" sovereign leanings, voicing dissent, and objective
journalism - all are now "bad elements."
That's about as topsy-turvy as you can get.

The Orwellian
World is Here
People are making a mistake when they say we're "becoming" an
Orwellian society or "evolving" into Huxley's
Brave New World.
They're both here. Full on surveillance
and meta data tracking and a fully drugged, media mastered society
are not what's coming - they're here.
In fact, so much is in place humanity is almost beckoning the final
New World Order they once dreaded,
in a sort of trance like awe-stricken fixation reinforced by what
they see continually around them as inescapable, logical conclusions
to what they've witnessed.
This is very serious stuff. And there's a reason people won't face
up to it.
As I said 4 years ago in
Dazed Lemmings Can't Bridge The Reality Gap:
Sensory Overload and the Ostrich Effect
As the gap between reality and manipulated public perception
grows, it may just be too big a leap for many at this point.
Having been dumbed-down and unresponsive for so long, it's too
much for them to take in.
Sad, but again, that's the projected reality that many
unconsciously adopt.
Hey, why wake up when everything's such a bummer? That's the
underlying mentality. The thing is, this is a conditioned
response. Overload and recoil. And it's been going on a long,
long time.
Like the dumbing down effect of not
just the manipulated media but
fluoride and
chemtrails and
adulterated food, it eventually
suppresses natural responses.
When the real alert presents itself,
the subject will not be able to react and protect himself.
Why all the dramatic end of
the world sci-fi movies?
Why the emphasis on violence
and horror movies and graphic, destructive wars?
Why does the news major on
the bad events of the day?
Why the combative gladiator
sports, emphasis on technology instead of humanity, and
mind-numbing crass consumerism and sexualization of
This is deliberate social
engineering, and that's the biggie.
It's all engineered... and that's the last thing most people
want to realize.
And it usually is.
So We're Here
- Now What?
Number one, we still have many freedoms, and we need to "make hay
while the sun shines".
The internet is still open,
we can still move about relatively freely, and we can still
communicate on a variety of levels. If we don't take full advantage
of this and rush the breach with all that is in us we will rue the
day some time in the very near future.
Our effect has been enormous in throwing off and delaying many of
their plans.
Sure they always come up with something
else but that requires regrouping and replanning, which clearly
results in hasty decisions and botched operations as we're seeing in
the past several years of blown
false flag operations, as only one
clear example.
It matters. And we need to hit it hard right now. Besides other
solutions, I'm convinced there is a large number of so-called
insiders who have had enough and want out, and are ready to tell
the truth in one form or another.
We need to find and encourage them.
Flood outlets you think may still have honest reporters, politicians
with even an ounce of integrity, corporate and banking stooges in
the middle and lower levels who've tasted the abusive game and want
out - as well as to expose the truth of what's going.
It's sure worth a shot. In the meantime make your own noise, stick
it to your local officials for their participation in this takeover.
Shake the stupor and induced indifference, buck the tide and stand
up for what is right like you never have before.
Cowardice is an endemic disease - born, bred and encouraged by the
very system we despise and want to throw off. It's a result of
believing the fear propaganda and putting ourselves and our personal
security above what is right and best for humanity.
Don't let it squelch your spirit. Rise. The hour is late… but not
over. We say when it's over.
And it'll be them who are over.