


The Birth of the Earth.


I will commence this chapter by copying what is said about the creation, in the sacred writings of Mu. There the creation has been divided into seven commands of the Creator.


It was written over 70,000 years ago in Mu.


"The first intellectual command was: 'Let the gases which are scattered throughout space be collected together, and with them let worlds be formed.' Then the gases were brought together into whirling circulating masses."

"The second intellectual command was 'Let these gases cool and solidify.' Obeying this command, some of the gases cooled, solidified and formed round worlds. Gases were left on the outside of these worlds and there were gases contained within them. Darkness prevailed and there was neither light or sound, for as yet the atmosphere had not been created."

"The third intellectual command was: 'Let the outside gases be separated, so that they form the atmosphere and the waters.' Then the outside gases were divided; one part went to form the waters, and the remainder formed the atmosphere. The light and heat were contained in the atmosphere.

"The waters settled upon the face of the earth and covered it so that no dry land appeared above the waters anywhere.

"Then the shafts of the sun struck the light which was in the atmosphere and gave it life, and light shone upon the face of the earth, and the shafts of the sun struck the heat in the atmosphere, and also gave it life, so that warmth fell upon the face of the earth."

"The fourth intellectual command was: 'Let the land appear above the waters.' Then the gaseous fires of the underneath, which were contained within the earth, lifted the land upon which the waters rested, and the land appeared above the face of the waters."

Commands 5,6 and 7 refer to life only.

After a careful study of these old Naacal writings, I made a study of the chemistry of the earth's crust, rock formations, and geological phenomena, to ascertain how well it fitted in with the writings of the earth's first great civilization.

It is left with my readers to say whether or not our present day scientists appear as mere babes in swaddling clothes compared with our great scientific forefathers.

It may be thought that Cosmic Forces have nothing to do with geology; directly they do not, but indirectly they control everything. The Cosmic Forces, as has been shown, are responsible for the earth's spin, and the earth's spin has been, and is, responsible for all volcanic workings.

To perfectly comprehend the workings of the great forces which eventually brought the earth into final magnetic balance I think it well to first give a short synopsis of the birth of the earth. Geologists have built up their theories on elements and compounds of elements coming before them.

I shall take the same material, and also show what part the Cosmic Forces and thermo-chemistry played.

After considering many of the questionable phenomena, I think the geologists' deductions about them are erroneous; and that these errors have arisen from the fact that geologists, generally, have completely ignored the presence of the great forces; also, the peculiar honeycombed condition of the earth's foundational structure, the primary archaean rock-granitic. This honeycombed condition must necessarily have existed; the reasons why will be given hereafter.

One of the greatest errors made by geologists is the manner in which molten matter cools and solidifies.

The process of cooling molten matter to the point where it becomes a solid is: first, a thin shell of crystals is formed on the outside of the mass, thus forming a crust or wall. When this crust or wall is formed there is no material shrinkage in the size of the body until the time when the whole mass solidifies, and is brought down to atmospheric temperature.


Therefore, the earth's crust, when passing from a molten into a solid state, did not materially shrink. The only shrinkage in the size of a body is the reduction in the size or contraction of the crystals, which form the outside wall or skin, when they are brought down to atmospheric temperature.


Thus, taking a spherical body, the only shrinking in the diameter of the body would be the amount of contraction of two crystals, one on each side of the sphere, which is infinitesimal. So that when the earth cooled, she never lost any size through cooling.

I can imagine how this assertion will be met by geologists, scientists and unthinking laymen.


With flushed faces, sneers and loud speaking they will declare:

"Why, it has been positively proven that the diameter of the earth has shrunk 20 miles in cooling."

I am not going to argue with them that the earth since the beginning has not lost 20 miles of her diameter, because I thoroughly agree with them in the amount of shrinkage; but as to whether the shrinkage was due to contraction in cooling, I emphatically say it was not.


Further, had the contraction been due to cooling, the great divine laws of creation as laid down by the Creator could not have been carried out.

I will explain how the crust of the earth was cooled and solidified, following a natural law, which we see exemplified every day. I speak from practical experience in cooling and solidifying large masses of molten matter.

As soon as the outside wall or crust is formed, by a skin of outside molten matter cooling and turning into crystals, and joining each other, the molten matter within the crust follows; it gradually cools and forms crystals; and, as each new crystal forms, it attaches itself to the one previously formed, which lies on the outside. Thus it goes on until the whole mass is crystallized and the mass which was molten becomes a solid.

As will be seen, the building up of the solid has taken place from the outside and was continued inwards to the center.

When molten matter cools and crystallizes, each portion of molten matter that goes to form a crystal occupies more space than the crystal itself; consequently, as the building goes on, the adhesions of the planes of the crystal become reduced in area, thereby reducing the strength of the whole, and the strength of the adhesion between crystals.

A careful survey of the foregoing shows that as the building goes on, the proportion of molten matter in each crystal diminishes, although the size generally remains the same; hence there is a weakness. The outside crust never sinks in towards the center to meet the strains put upon the central crystals.

This condition with the further cooling of the mass brings about internal strains within the body, which are gradually intensified as the temperature of the mass drops down to atmospheric temperature. This is caused by the withdrawal of the heat force from the mass. I have previously shown that heat is a force occupying space, and that temperature is the measurement of the volume of heat present.

It can now be readily appreciated that when the heat is withdrawn from super-heated body, cooling from a molten state, the central crystals of the mass, instead of having the bolstering power of a force, replaces it with a vacuum, so that the adhesions become weakened, often resulting in actually breaking the adhesions, causing long cracks to be formed in the body of the mass.


Quite often when casting steel ingots, a regular hollow is formed in the ingot if the metal is poured too hot.


This is technically called "piping."


This condition only occurs when cooling metal from a molten state, and occurs because in building up to the outside crust all material has been drawn from the center, leaving it hollow. The outside crust does not contract to fill in the cracks or pipe in the ingot. Neither has the earth's crust shrunk to fill in the cracks and fissures in the primary rock which were formed there during the cooling of it. These cracks and fissures in the earth's foundational rocks were formed there for nature's purposes.


They were pre-ordained to carry out creation as planned by the Creator. This will hereafter be shown and explained.

The formation of the primary rock, granite, was an undeveloped foundation which required compacting before a heavy super-structure could be built upon it. The development and completing of this foundation was the reason for most of the changes that took place in the earth's surface during the past millions of years. It was the cause of the many submersions and emersions of lands that have taken place during the many millions of years which elapsed between the archaean time, and the end of the tertiary era.


Gases have been the active forces which have been the agents of these changes. Gases are responsible for our mountains and mountain ranges. They have been responsible for the depths of our oceans and seas; and gases are responsible for our earthquakes and volcanoes today.

Had the gases remained inactive from the beginning, not one inch of land would ever have appeared above the waters.

The gases were encased in and within the primary archaean rock for a purpose: to become the agents for bringing the land above the waters, digging it over, forming soil on it, cultivating it, and preparing it for the advent of man.


Man could not appear before the proper condition for his existence had been completed; when this condition was completed man appeared.



First Command.


I shall make a start with the earth's original form which was gaseous. I make the start from this point because it will better enable my readers to follow my ideas and conceptions concerning the disposition of various gases during the earth's cooling, the gases which went to form the earth's nebula.

Gases have been responsible for all of the most important changes that have taken place in the earth's topography from time to time. The workings of the gases account for many well-known phenomena, the origin of which are, and always have been, matters of mystery and controversy among scientists.

The earth's nebula was a whirling, circulating mass of hot elementary gases, which has been estimated to have been from 400,000 to 450,000 miles in diameter. Before proceeding further let us make sure that the earth's original form was gaseous, as stated in the sacred inspired writings of Mu.

To arrive at the original and primary state of any elementary body, we have to invoke the aid and assistance of chemistry. A chemical analysis is the undoing of a previous chemical action called a synthesis. A chemical analysis is therefore the untying of a previously made chemical knot. The last chemical analysis or the untying of the last chemical knot must therefore bring matter back to its original form.

A chemical analysis brought about by the aid of the common acids does not bring the matter back to original form; it only separates the elements of a compound, and then not perfectly, as there is still left what are termed impurities. I must therefore employ a higher branch of the science for further progress in the analysis.


I will therefore employ thermochemistry, where the final analysis is brought about by the aid of the force heat, which transforms the elements into

As there is no known form of analysis beyond this, we may presume that we have arrived at original form. This confirms the sacred writings and proves that what is now the solid crust of the earth was originally elementary gases.

As a further proof that the foregoing is correct, with the aid of heat turn earthly elements into gases; then, in turn cool the gases again. They return to solids, thus proving beyond question that the original form of the earth was gaseous. As an example of this nature today, let me call attention to what has been termed dust clouds which commonly appear after a major volcanic eruption.


This is a well-known phenomenon to scientists. After a major eruption vast dust clouds are to be seen at high altitudes in the atmosphere, so dense as to often affect the sunlight. These clouds have been reported to extend thousands of miles, half way around the earth.

The ejections from the volcanoes normally are lava, which is molten rock, flames and smoke. It is inconceivable that the super-heated flames could carry up fine particles of dust without melting them and turning them into gases. The heat in the belt has been at a temperature sufficiently high to melt the rocks and form lava out of them; the dust was also in the belt, why was it not melted with the rocks?


To me this is the only reasonable solution of these clouds: The dust left the crater in the form of super-heated gases, and being hot ascended; the higher they were carried, the cooler became the temperature; the flames were made up of both non-solidifying and solidifying gases. When the solidifying gases arrived at the cold strata of the earth's upper atmosphere, it caused them to cool and solidify in the form of a fine dust, making what science has called dust clouds.

These dust clouds float on until drawn down to the surface of the earth, by the great central magnet. After settling on the land, the first rain would naturally carry it into the soil, and where it fell on water it would naturally sink to the bottom.

In this way we see nature taking from the center to add to the surface. No doubt electric storms have much to do with bringing the dust down to the surface from the atmosphere.



The great universal centripetal force, if it can be so called, gathered up the earth's gases out in space, and worked them to a center.

We see this same thing happening today in various spots of the universe. One which I think duplicates the earth's nebula, moon and all, appears in the constellation of Andromeda.

When the gases were brought to a center by the great molding force, they had an exceedingly high temperature, which is demonstrated by the fact that now to turn the matter back into original form, an exceedingly high temperature is required.

Whether it was the effect of ether surrounding the cooling gases, whether it was the dividing of the gases themselves, or chemical affinities, or the great molding force, or a combination of them all, I am not prepared to say; but, certain of the various gases went into chemical compounds and intimate unions, cooled, solidified and formed the initial crust of the earth.

There were more than 80 elementary gases composing the earth's nebula. Out of this number only six went to form the initial rock granite, namely - aluminum, calcium, magnesium, potassium, silicon and oxygen. Hereafter I will call these six the solidifying gases and the balance non-solidifying.

At the time when some of the gases began to assume a molten form, they apparently began to divide to a certain extent only; apparently right in the middle of the nebula an area of the heavy rock-making gases was drawn towards the center in the form of a sphere. With it however were carried vast volumes of the non-solidifying variety.


A complete separation between the solidifying and non-solidifying gases was not made, so the earth's crust commenced to be formed with the gases unseparated.

As previously stated the cooling and solidifying commenced near the center of the nebula. Volumes of gases of all sorts lay within the forming crust and volumes of gases of all sorts lay on the outside of the crust. Among the outside gases were vast volumes of the heavy, solidifying gases. These gases eventually went to form the gneiss rocks, which were laid down upon the granite.


The balance of the outside gases went to form the atmosphere and waters. The material of the gneiss rocks went into various chemical combinations and, one after the other, cooled until molten, then rested on the gneiss. The earth was moving at the time and her impetus caused the molten matter to spread and flow.


As these rocks were not all formed at the same time, but one after the other, they were stratified. This is the reason why we find the gneiss rocks stratified and the granite unstratified, although some of the earliest of the gneiss rocks are made of identically the same chemical compound as the granite.

The granite at the time the first gneiss rocks were being laid down was exceedingly hot. It had not sufficiently solidified to prevent the gneiss from running into it.
During the formation of the granite rock, some of the non-solidifying gases went into chemical combination with each other, forming highly explosive gases, which are now called volcanic gases.

These volcanic gases were encased in and within the granite rock. In the granite rock they formed chambers for themselves, and vast volumes were incased within the crust itself. These confined gases could not escape without first puncturing the rock above. This they were incapable of doing at first, because the rocks were too hot and too pliable.

As the granite rock was being formed by one set of gases, at the same time the explosive volcanic gases were being formed by another set of gases, so that in and within the granite rock there were huge volumes of these explosive gases awaiting freedom.



As vast volumes of the volcanic gases were associated with the solidifying gases at the time the granite rock was being formed, room space was required for their accommodation.


These gases could not remain evenly distributed throughout the solidifying mass, as in such a state they would have prevented the formation of rock by preventing the adhesion of the crystals as they were formed. Had this adhesion of crystals been prevented, only hot masses of powder-like, crumbly matter could have been formed.

These volcanic gases collected in bulk, forming huge bubbles; the rock was formed around them, and thus incased them. In this way a huge chamber was formed in the granite rock, filled with the most explosive form of gases.

From the foregoing it will be seen that granite, the foundation of the earth when laid down, was a perfectly honeycombed mine of explosive gases. In an estimate I have made of the possible volume of these gases, I think fully one-half of the rock was made up of these chambers, and that up to the end of the Tertiary Era, by the blowing out of these chambers down to the gas belt line, fully 20 miles of the earth's diameter was reduced.


I made this calculation on the average depth of the gas belts today. It was by the blowing out of these chambers, and their roofs falling to their floors, that the earth's diameter was reduced, and not by shrinkage in cooling.


I think this should end the teaching of the geological myth of "the fault," upon which our scientists are basing the origin of earthquakes. The origin of an earthquake is the movement of gases, and gases only, attempting to reach one of the outlets in a belt, and, finding the passage blocked, they have to clear it to pass on.

When a chamber was blown out the roof fell to the floor, the waters rolled in over it, and then another super-structural rock was formed upon it.

Regarding the size of these chambers, they no doubt varied considerably. Some were mere pockets a few feet in height only, while others were hundreds and thousands of miles long and of great height and area. The average was less than 300 feet in height from floor to roof. This is verified where we find a coral limestone built up on the roof of a fallen chamber.

I do not think that the deepest spots in our oceans are the result of the blowing out of a single chamber. I rather think that a series of chambers lay directly under one another, and close at that.

Following natural laws these old archaean gas chambers should represent area rather than height. This seems to be verified by several phenomena following a blowout.

All through the past millions upon millions of years, from the Archaean Time down to the end of the Tertiary Era, the earth's foundation rock, granite, has been sliced up through volcanic workings. The land and rocks have been raised and submerged over and over again.


Each time they have been compacted by the weight of water above, so that now nearly all if not entirely all of the old archaean gas chambers, anywhere near the surface of the earth, have been blown out, worked over and compacted. If any do remain they are exceedingly small, mere pockets, and of the isolated variety; that is, they have no connection with the earth's center or cracks and fissures leading to the earth's center.


At present for many miles below the earth's surface (down to the gas belt lines) the primary rock is a solid foundation for the superstructure resting upon it.



I have already shown that the earth's crust was full of cracks and fissures caused by internal strains in cooling; these became the passageways for the gases from the earth's center to the chambers above.

The earth's center is composed of all of the elementary gases which formed the nebula. They are the gases "within." Much of the heavy gases has gone into a molten state, leaving the non-solidifying gases free. The earth revolving on her axis is carrying around this molten matter, but not at so rapid a gait as the crust is moving. This causes a friction between the central molten matter and the hard crust. This frictional line forms a magnet, and is die source of what is termed gravity.

It has two divisions, as heretofore explained. The friction is enhanced by the central centrifugal force thrusting it against the hard crust.

As they are being carried around, the free gases come into contact with the hard crust. By the tremendous weight of the molten matter driven against the crust by the unmeasurable power of the central centrifugal force, the free gases are forced up into the cracks and crevices to the chambers. They are forced from the lowest down chamber to the one nearest the surface.


This one, being already full, has to find room space for the new gases thrust upon it. This it does by raising the roof of the chamber, this being the line of least resistance.


As new gases flow or are driven in, so the roof is forced up. This goes on until the thickness of the roof will stand no more-raising. Weak spots in it have developed; these the gases puncture, and escape as volcanoes. When they have been exhausted down to the point where their bolstering power ceases to sustain the weight of the roof, the roof crashes down. The fallen rocks seal up the passage to the chamber below.


Then the chamber below has to take charge of the new gases from the earth's center. This it does until it meets the fate of the one just blown out above it, and so it has gone on until the accumulated rocks above are thicker than the gases can lift and puncture. They then attempt to lift and puncture the rocks above. This they are incapable of doing. The rocks are lifted until a huge tunnel is formed to the next lateral chamber, and so on from one chamber to another, thus forming a belt.


At spots the gases found weak spots in the roof; these they followed up, eventually piercing the roof and forming a crater through which the gases of the belt are emptied out. In places the forming of these belts cracked the roof above so that the gases had a free passage to an isolated chamber which was upholding land out of water. This they caused to be over-compressed. It then blew out and the land above with all on it sank and became submerged.


Prominent instances of this in the past are the submersion of Mu, Atlantis, Bering Land Bridge, overland route to Europe and ancient Ceylon. At places there were no chambers to run into; the belt then bored along in the lines of least resistance, raising mountains and mountain ranges.

These gas belts could not form until after the rock above was too thick to raise and puncture. This occurred about 12,500 to 13,000 years ago, so that mountains, as I have always maintained, are of comparatively recent origin.

When the gas belts were being formed, vast areas of land were submerged and water was drawn in from surrounding areas to fill in the holes made by these submergences. This emerged much land that was covered by shallow water, and extended the shore lines of remaining lands, also draining out shallow arms of seas which ran up into the land.


Notable examples of this are the draining out of the Amazon sea in South America, the Mississippi valley sea and the St. Lawrence valley sea in North America, the emersion of Florida and extension of the shore lines of America, both on the east and the west sides.

The body of the earth today is honeycombed with gas belts large and small. There are two particularly large ones. One is the Great Central Belt, which runs around the world in the northern equatorial regions; this belt has two divisions and many ramifications. The other is the Pacific Circuit Belt which runs clear around the Pacific; this has several divisions and many ramifications.


The Pacific Circuit Belt has more volcanoes on it than all the rest of the world put together.



At the commencement of creation, universal laws were laid down for the completion of the earth's development.


These laws have been unswervingly followed from the beginning down to the present time. They are commonly known as the natural laws. These laws have ever been governed and carried into effect by the forces.

Many of the natural laws are well understood to exist, but what controls them is not known. It will be my endeavor in this work to supply to science this missing link. It is not my intention to review all of the natural laws, but rather to call attention to a few that are the least understood and appreciated by laymen.

The natural laws to which I am about to call attention should be appreciated and understood, as they will enable the reader more thoroughly to understand what forces are and their manner of working, especially the workings of the earth's great primary force with its multiplicity of branches.



By using the word "extreme" to designate this natural law, I wish to specialize it from any other of the natural laws.

An extreme is that which cannot be received by the human body, or comprehended by the human mind. Although extremes exist, they cannot be seen, felt or comprehended. There are also extremes which do not concern the body or the mind. All thoughtful and reasoning minds must appreciate that we are surrounded and living in the midst of tremendous, overpowering forces, many of which, if they could touch us, would instantly crush out our existence.

There is a great force which is carrying the earth around the sun, another which is daily spinning the earth on her axis, and yet another which is held in suspension in our atmosphere and which is capable of driving all the mechanical machinery of the world millions of times over, and yet another that if put into full force would burn everything that is combustible on the face of the earth, and fuse and melt the rocks and destroy the earth.

When man was created, he was formed tenderly, delicately and extremely complex; so fragile that if one of the great forces could touch him, he would be instantly crushed. Fortunately, however, these great forces cannot, generally, detrimentally touch him, or any element. Only one of these forces, and it is a secondary one, can affect elements, and this one comes from the earth herself.

No force emanating from the sun can touch or affect any earthly clement.

Although being in the midst of and surrounded by the great forces, we cannot feel them, because they do not touch us; we cannot receive them because our elementary bodies are neutral to them.

Great, tremendous crushing forces are emanating from the earth herself.


They are, however, so arranged in their workings that under all ordinary circumstances a sufficient volume is seldom accumulated at any one point that could harm us. Even then, when so accumulated, we must be in the direct line of their passage to receive them. As an example I shall take lightning, which is an accumulation of one of the divisions of the earth's primary force over and above what the atmosphere can hold in suspension.

A scale of reception has been created within us - that is, we are so constructed that we can only receive within certain ranges. These ranges are middle or medium. Beyond these ranges cither high or low, they become extremes. Because they are extremes, we cannot receive them; therefore they cannot harm us. It matters not how powerful or how terrible the force may be, if it is beyond our range it cannot touch us.


To this general rule I know of only one exception, and that is the case of lightning. I shall now give a few examples of extremes which are popularly known:

  1. The human ear is limited in its range of reception. We can neither receive or hear a very high tone or a very low one.

  2. The optic nerve is limited in its capacity for carrying the light force. It cannot carry to the brain a sufficient volume to injure the brain.

  3. A quart of water cannot be put into a pint cup. When a pint of water is in the cup, the balance overflows. The balance is an extreme.

  4. A bar of iron three inches in diameter cannot be passed through a hole two inches in diameter. The extra inch in the thickness of the bar is an extreme to the hole.

I shall now demonstrate the first two of these four examples.


Example 1 - Sound

Let a number of people sit around a room, then in the center place one with a sliding whistle.


Commence with its lowest note or tone, then gradually push in the slide and ascend the scale. At a certain high tone or note, one or more of the people in the room will cease to hear any sound coming from the instrument although the sound will be heard by every one else in the room.


Continue raising the tone, then one after the other of the listeners will cease to hear any sound whatever from the whistle. Eventually no one will hear it. The foregoing shows that the range of reception of sound varies among people, some having a longer range than others.

As soon as the whistle is emitting a sound which no one can hear, bring into the room an ordinary domesticated cat. The cat on entering the room will at once prick up her ears and look at the whistle, for the cat hears a sound coming from the instrument. Pussy hears because her range of hearing reception is higher than that of human beings. The cat can be corroborated by a test of the sound waves coming from the whistle.

The foregoing demonstrates that there is an upper limit to the reception of sound by human beings; also that certain animals have a higher limit than human beings.

I shall now make a test for a low limit by selecting the lowest notes of a very large organ. Many people cannot hear them. Atmospheric sound waves and discernible vibrations confirm the fact that sound is there. This determines that there is also a low limit to the reception of sound by human beings, and that it also varies in different people.


The car, having both a high and low limit to the reception of sound, shows that man can only receive the middle or medium range. All sounds above the high limit and all sounds below the low limit are therefore extremes to the human being. Sounds, however, coming within the range of reception, may be so intensified as to become harmful to the hearing.


Intensities of this description generally are the outcome of the works of man, and can therefore be guarded against by protection of the car-drum.


Example 2 - The Optic Nerve

This is fully discussed in Chapter 3, entitled "Light".


The Mind.

The mind of man also is governed by extremes, for: Man's mind cannot conceive where space begins or where it ends. Man's mind cannot conceive when time began or when it will end.

These two questions are extremes to the human mind.




This is a great natural law but little understood or understood at all: the natural law of duplication.

The earth has been built up on a set of original patterns and laws. Each new life or whatever else it may be partook of the pattern of its predecessor. Changes to a slight degree took place in each succeeding pattern. This had to be to make them more complex to be balanced by the ever cooling of the earth, and the lowering of the volume of the life force proportionate to and in ratio with the temperature.


The semi-duplication or semi-repetition of life has been erroneously called by scientists "evolution."

These semi-duplications in life had to be so to make them more complex, otherwise life would have died out with the first product. Then the earth today would only be a barren waste without life upon it. In this work, Chapter V, I show what life is and why each succeeding life was more complex than its predecessor, and why each succeeding life partook so strongly of the shape and character of its predecessor. I shall show that it was only following the great law of duplication.

A great field of duplications meets our eyes on all sides in the field of nature. A river starts with particles of moisture in the air. These particles of moisture form rain drops and fall, the rain drops soak into the ground and form springs, the springs join and form brooks, the brooks join and form streams, the streams form a river which flows majestically to the ocean. A tree starts from a seed.

A ray from a super-heated body starts as a dark invisible parent ray, then divides and sub-divides over and over again, ending in numberless colored rays. Each of these rays is carrying a force which is used by nature.

The earth's own great force starts as a parent primary force, then divides and sub-divides into innumerable forces, each particular force having its appointed work to do for nature.

The human nerve system and the human blood system are other examples. And so I might go on indefinitely with examples of duplication.



Our sun is revolving on her axis, therefore she is being governed by a superior sun, who also is revolving on her axis. Astronomers have advanced the theory, and upon good sound reasoning, that, out in space, far beyond the great sun Rigel there is a great dark sun.


The movements of celestial bodies and the appearance of an apparently unoccupied space in this part of the universe has led many scientists to this conclusion. Such a theory is well founded.

This great dark sun is believed to be many times larger than the largest of our known suns. No estimate, however, has been advanced regarding its possible size, nor could there be, when the body is dark and invisible.

Some foolish writers accepting the theory of a dark invisible sun go further and say that it is a dead sun. If it were a dead sun, it could be seen if within the range of our telescope, for reflected light would disclose its position and size. There are two good reasons why it may not be seen; first, it may be too far away to bring into view with our most powerful telescopes. But what is more probable is that her rays are dark and extremely intense, so intense that all are ultra to the human eye.

It seems a certainty that the superior sun around which our sun is revolving has never been seen, although possibly, but improbably, she may be nearer to us than suns which we do see.


The superior sun is an incalculable distance beyond Rigel.

A sun powerful enough to control such an inconceivable space, with the tens of thousands of bodies under her control, must have rays and forces which are extreme to the human eye, and neutral to all earthly forces. As there is no unoccupied area of the universe except possibly by a dark invisible sun that lies out beyond Rigel, the possibility remains that every body we see in the heavens is under her control.

As the dark intense rays coming from our sun are ultra and extreme to the human eye, it stands to reason that the dark extremely intense rays coming from the superior sun are a thousand times more so.


So, to man and to science, the superior sun must always remain the dark secret.



The question "What will be the end of the earth ?" has always been an interesting question and a speculation not only among scientists but among many laymen as well.


The interest in the subject has brought many theories forward, and as I have shown, many of them ending in some calamity for this poor old earth.
I am going to add another one; as my readers will have seen ere now, it will not be scientifically orthodox.

The earth arrived at her final form and condition during the Pleistocene Period, which condition will last to the end of time.

Every body throughout the universe is moving in a neutral zone, and clear of all other bodies. To affect any of the celestial bodies, something must happen to the great supreme force which is controlling the universe. The neutral zones have been arranged so that no two bodies can collide or run into each other. Each sun controls its own satellites and has no power over others. No one system encroaches on or overlaps another. No body can be drawn from one system to another.


The earth cannot become a dead world as long as our sun exists. Our temperatures and seasons cannot alter because the movements of the poles have been finally fixed.

Oxidations and erosions will continue.


Mountains will gradually be washed down, and with the material carried down by the rivers into the seas, islands will be formed. Man will reclaim the land and make it more productive than when on the mountain side. Millions of years hence all of the volcanic gases will be worked out of the earth's body. Then earthquakes and volcanoes will belong to the past history of the earth.

Man will become better and more nearly perfect, living consistently with his great knowledge.


Struggles and bickerings will be unknown.

"The lion will lie down with the Iamb."

Nations with their cravings for power and wealth will disappear. There will be one great union of the communities of mankind, each one being in truth a brother to the other.


Then, the Supreme only knows what is to follow.


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