Chapter II - The Earth's Forces

Various phenomena which are constantly coming before our eyes show us that the earth is generating forces.

Nature has never been prodigal in her works, so that these forces are being generated for works which are being carried on by nature. It will be my endeavor to show what these forces are, how they are generated, and, to some extent, show the works they are carrying on. To do this, I shall have to start from the very beginning of the earth, when she was nothing but a whirling mass of gases, a nebula, to enable me to see how the earth's forces were commenced and afterwards completed.


This is necessary to show the polar forces and the very important part they play in the movements of the earth.

Before the formation of a crust to the earth, no earthly centrifugal force existed, nor could there be until after the centripetal force, which had been working the gases to a center, surrendered the matter. As there was no regular revolving movement of the mass to generate a centrifugal force, there could be no gyroscopical force.

The gases forming the earth, and down to the time of a molten crust, were rolled and tumbled around in every conceivable manner by the centripetal force which was forming her. This was necessary to mold her into spherical form. This rough handling had to be, otherwise the earth would have assumed some irregular form.

As soon as a crust was formed, the earth was a sphere having a hard outside crust and a molten and gaseous center - or soft. And when she ceased cooling, the condition was the same, with the exception that the crust was thickened.

The next point to consider is: of what use is this soft center?


It must be of some use, otherwise it would never have been retained within the crust of the earth.

The earth and the universe are our great schoolhouse to lead us to a higher learning. There are many, many lessons which nature would teach us, but they remain unlearned. Nature has taught us that everything that exists is in a temporary form only, and that nothing can really die or be lost. All must, in some form or other, continue on forever. Everything that exists, and every condition that is brought about, is for some special purpose and for the accomplishment of something for * some special object.

As the earth has a hard crust and a soft center, it is a condition. Being a condition, it has been brought about to result in some special service. Now comes the question: what is the special function or service that is being performed on account of this condition?

On the equator, on its surface, the solid hard crust of the earth is traveling at a rate of speed of about 1500 feet per second. The earth's central molten matter is traveling in the same direction, but much slower than the hard crust. Between the two substances - the one going faster than the other - a fric-lional line is produced.

When the earth commenced to revolve on her axis, she commenced to generate three great forces: A great primary force A centrifugal force, and A gyroscopical force. The early volcanic workings during the Archaean time show that the great centripetal force quickly surrendered its control of the earth to the newly born earthly forces. This change was accomplished before the newly formed crust had time to become cold and brittle. This is demonstrated by the waves and flexures in the Gneiss rocks, which I have in my geological work called the secondary rocks, as they were laid down upon the granite which I have called the primary rock. These volcanic workings took place before the waters rested on the face of the earth.

The earth's centrifugal force may be put into two parts or divisions, - the first division, within the crust of the earth, and the second division, from the earth's surface out.

With the advent of the earth's centrifugal force came the birth of the earth's gyroscopical force.

As soon as the gyroscopical force came into existence, it began to settle the earth in an upright position, which afterwards became permanent. When the waters and the atmosphere were formed, the centripetal force relinquished all claims on the government of the earth's movements.

The earth was then taken full charge of by the sun's great magnetic forces in conjunction with the earth's forces. The combination of these forces ever afterwards governed all of the movements of the earth.

During the time the original shell or crust of the earth was cooling, the inner division of the centrifugal force which was turned into the gyroscopical force after striking the earth's solid crust should have had a tendency to cup or flatten the polar regions. It would do so if the forces worked then as now, because when these forces first began their work, the crust was very soft, plastic, and pliable, and capable of being molded. We find that the forces did work then as now, because the ends of the earth, the polar regions, are flattened.


The flattening of the ends of the earth could not have been accomplished had the crust of the earth, then, at the commencement of the working of the forces, been cold, hard, and brittle. It is thus shown that the earth commenced to revolve on her axis directly after the first initial crust was formed, and before it became cold and unyielding.

Up to the time of the formation of the waters and the atmosphere, the cooling and solidifying was slow, but after the waters and atmosphere were formed, the cooling and solidifying became more rapid. At first the earth's crust, the storage-plant of her forces, was very thin and incapable of holding all of the primary force which she was developing.


As it thickened, however, the storage-plant for her forces was increased. As soon as the waters and atmosphere were formed, vast volumes of the primary force were drawn out into the atmosphere by the sun's affinitive forces. Volumes were drawn out until the holding capacity of the atmosphere was filled. Then the actual thickening of the earth's crust commenced, for it was practically impossible to cool deeper until some of the primary force was withdrawn. The heat force forms a large percentage of the earth's primary force.

As the earth's crust thickened and greater volumes of the primary force were held in her body, the resistance to the sun's pull increased. Consequently the velocity of the earth's revolutions was proportionately increased.

The thickening of the earth's crust went on until a neutral zone was struck. Then it could cool and solidify no deeper. At this point the earth had attained her highest velocity, which she has maintained down to the present time.

I have heretofore said that a soft center was retained within the crust of the earth for some special purpose and for some definite function. That purpose was to provide a frictional line where the earth's forces could be generated and regenerated. This phenomenon is explained m the article below, entitled "The Primary Force."

Following natural laws, the earth's central centrifugal force combined with the gyroscopical force should carry up and pack the molten matter against the end, and with it volumes of the primary force that had not yet been placed in the storehouse.

At the top end the molten matter should assume the form of a cup, with a flattened end on the surface of the crust on the outside. A natural result would be a great aggregation of the primary force within the cup, resulting in the super-magnetizing of the flattened end on the outside. This area should be more highly magnetized than any other area on the earth's surface. Wc find it is so, therefore this phenomenon is a fact and is proven by the magnetic compass being drawn towards the pole from all parts of the earth, and ceasing to be drawn when within the magnetic cup.


By this I mean the needle ceases to act after it passes the edge of the cup. I have been told by explorers who have been within the cup that the needle tries to stand on its end. The molten cup is formed at the pole because the forces carry the matter upwards with a circular movement. An encased centrifugal force turns to a gyroscopical force and carries matter upwards and at the top cups it. The earth's molten matter is encased.


An ordinary example of an encased centrifugal force is stirring a cup of liquid with a spoon rapidly. The liquid at the top assumes the form of a cup.



The primary being the principal one of the earth's forces, I shall consider it first.

This force is generated and regenerated by the grinding of the molten matter in the earth's center against her harder outside crust. It is the friction along the line of contact between the molten matter and the crust that forms the magnet which attracts and draws back exhausted forces for regeneration. It is this magnet which holds regenerated forces in their storehouse against the pull of the sun's affinitive forces, and it is this magnet that draws all elementary matter towards itself, popularly called the force of gravity.

Forces are like elements, in that they have always existed and will continue to exist forever. They cannot die or pass away, and, like elements, after performing a work they become exhausted; the clement returns to mother earth, the force returns to the frictional line for regeneration; thus they both return to their respective places of generation for regeneration.

The frictional line of contact forms a most powerful dual magnet. One part controls the forces of the electro-magnetic division of the primary force. The other part of the magnet controls all elementary matter. Hereafter I shall refer to the frictional line as the central magnet.

As before stated, what is termed our solar heat is an earthly force which is drawn by affinitive rays of the sun from the earth's body out into the atmosphere.

After many trials and experiments, I have succeeded in photographing the movements of the atmosphere caused by the forces passing through it as they leave the body of the earth.



This photograph is not of the forces or of the atmosphere. Neither the forces nor the atmosphere can be photographed. It is of shadows cast on a suitable background.



From this picture it is shown that the earth's forces leave her body in the form of dark invisible flames.


These flames divide up and disperse in streams and flashings too indistinct to show in the picture. Some of these dark flames or columns attain a considerable height, several feet. When the volume of these flames increases, as it does during certain hours of the day, the length of the flame increases, and with it rapidity of movements of the whole group.

Most of the earthly forces are specialized in that they cannot leave the earth and her atmosphere and pass out into space, there to become lost. Therefore these earthly forces cannot be drawn out beyond the atmosphere.

Certain of the sun's rays carry forces that are affinitive to the forces of the earth's electro-magnetic division.


These sun's forces fall upon the earth's surface with his rays. They attract and draw from the surface of the earth's body certain of the earthly forces out into the atmosphere. While the sun's forces are drawing and pulling on the earth's forces which are In her body, the great central magnet is endeavoring and trying to keep them in the earth's hard crust. This point should be specially noted because I shall hereafter show that it is one of the factors in revolving the earth on her axis.

One great fact must be fully appreciated; that is: when the earth's forces are drawn from her body out into the atmosphere, they can be drawn no further, and there they must remain until claimed by the central magnet.


Another very important point ever to remember is: The earth's atmosphere has a limit to its holding capacity; it can only hold and carry in suspension just so much and no more. Any surplus over its holding capacity becomes an extreme and gets spilled. This is very plainly shown us in everyday atmospheric phenomena.


As an example: When the sun's affinitive forces succeed in drawing from the earth's body a greater volume of the forces than the atmosphere can carry, the surpluses accumulate, join, aggregate, and return to their storehouse, the earth's hard crust, being thus drawn back by the central dual magnet. Lightning is the example. Lightning is an accumulation of the overcharge in the atmosphere of the electro-magnetic division of the earth's primary force, in the act of either returning to the earth or equalizing in the atmosphere.

Another very important point to be constantly kept in mind is: The earth's hard crust is the storehouse of her forces; and that the earth's primary force permeates the whole crust of the earth and her atmosphere and everything on the face of the earth.

Oxygen plays a most important point in the earth's makeup. It is a many-sided element and under certain circumstances has a dual polarity. In the scientific teachings of today great stress is laid on polarity; in many cases this is unquestionably the wrong word to use, as it is misleading. First of all, let us see what polarity as named by scientists is.


Polarity is the working of one force against another, and the phenomenon of polarity results under the great law governing neutral zones. As an example, scientists call the earth a negative pole!


Why? On account of its repellent or centrifugal force which is working outwards all the time.


This, however, is only comparative, otherwise all loose matter on the surface of the earth would be hurled out beyond the atmosphere into space. This does not happen because the earth's central magnet is the positive and stronger force. There is a neutral zone between the two. The zone depends on the elements in question, for with some elements this neutral zone does not exist. As an example, throw a stone into the air at a given point; it stops its upward flight and is drawn back again by the magnet or positive force.


Oxygen has as many sides as Joseph's coat had colors. It is one of the great affinities of many of the branches of the electro-magnetic division - primary force - and is especially affinitive to the Vital or Life-Force, a branch of the electro-magnetic division. It has been the great hardener in forming the earth's solid crust, for no crystal can be formed without it. The whole earth is made up of oxides.


Oxygen is contained in all rocks, soils, metals, water, and the atmosphere. In this material we find the storage-plant of the primary force.

Oxygen in combination with other elements is the conductor of the primary force to the outer limit of her atmosphere. What do we actually know about chemistry today? Nothing! What we know can be written on the first page of a 2000-Ieavcd volume, the balance would be filled up by what we do not know, and all because we have failed to learn the connection between the elements and the forces.

I shall hereafter show under the head lines of the sun's forces that magnetic forces are coming from the sun to the earth which are extremely affinitive to all forces of the electromagnetic division of the earth's primary force. The sun's forces being so much more powerful than the earth's magnet enables the sun to draw from the body of the earth her forces even against the magnetic power of the central magnet and elementary attractions, to the extent of what the atmosphere can carry in suspension.

When two or more forces are working against each other, neutral zones are formed. A neutral zone is where the two forces equalize in strength. If there were no neutral zones, the whole universe would be chaotic in its movements; the celestial bodies would have no definite routes and would be constantly colliding and running into each other. All system throughout the universe would be eliminated.

A neutral zone is a line or point where two forces which are working in opposition to each other become equalized in strength.


Generally, when two forces emanate from the same source, in fact, I might say always, one of the two forces starts much stronger than the other, but weakens faster as it proceeds from the point of generation.



At a given point or line, the weaker one becomes equal to the stronger one, so that from this passing point as they continue on, the stronger becomes the weaker as shown in the illustration above.

In this cut I shall suppose the dotted line to be a magnetic force a, a, and the straight lines a centrifugal force b,b. At N. Z. they become equal in power, hence at this point there is a neutral zone.


Below I give two examples which may be tested out by anyone. They are simplicity itself.



Place an ordinary sewing needle in the exact center between two equally powerful magnets.


The needle is in no way affected because it is in a neutral zone. To prove that it is in a neutral zone, take away one of the magnets. The needle immediately jumps to the remaining magnet and attaches itself
to it.

Instead of using a sewing needle, take a magnetic compass. This experiment is much more delicate. While the compass is midway between the two magnets, the needle will point north. Remove one of the magnets, and the point of the needle will immediately swing around and point to the remaining magnet. While the two magnets were present, the needle was in a neutral zone.


The magnetic forces were working on both sides of the compass, but their powers were equalized.



I have termed this division of the earth's primary force the electro-magnetic division because it contains the compound force electricity, the compound life or vital force, the heat force, the light force, various magnetic forces, and other innumerable forces which I have been unable to isolate.

The forces of this division originate and carry on life, and, in combination with certain forces from the sun and two secondary earthly forces control all movements of the earth.

All forces in this division are exceedingly affinitive to certain of the sun's forces. The sun's forces give them life and movement. Without the sun's forces they are dormant. The sun's forces are absolutely neutral to all earthly elements. Elements are in no way affected by any of the sun's forces. The sun's forces affect the earth's forces only. All apparent affectations of earthly elements by the sun are the works of earthly forces set into action by affinitive forces from the sun.

The earth's central magnet is antagonistic to the sun's forces: for, while the sun's affinitive forces are drawing the earthly forces from the earth's body out into the atmosphere, the central magnet is using all of its power to prevent it and to keep the earth's forces within her body. Were this not so, the earth could not be revolved on her axis.

As before stated, there are apparently hundreds of distinctive forces that go to make up the electro-magnetic division.

Rays of all colors, shades, and tints are in combination with the various forces, and each force is carried in its own particular colored ray. All rays carry a force regardless of whether they are light and visible or whether they are ultra, dark, and invisible. As a matter of fact, less than one-tenth of the rays carrying forces are invisible to the human eye. They are extremes, and although every one of them has a color, the color is indistinguishable because it is an extreme color.


Each and every one of the forces is used by nature, in some special manner, for some special purpose.

I shall hereafter show how the visible light rays which carry the light force can be separated and isolated from the dark rays which carry the heat and magnetic forces. There are two dark rays which carry the heat and magnetic forces which can be conjointly isolated.


But I have been unable to isolate the heat ray from the magnetic so as to isolate the heat alone. In all of my attempts to do so, and they have not been few, the magnetic has invariably crept in.


If the magnetic ray could be repelled from the heat, then the heat would stand alone - isolated.


I shall now give a diagram showing a partial division of the electromagnetic, starting from the central frictional line.


Fig. 1. Represents the earth's full primary force at the central frictional line. As will be seen, the forces are shown intertwined by diagonal lines like a rope. The black rings represent the electromagnetic and the light rings the cold magnetic forces.
Fig. 2. The horizontal black heavy line represents the full volume of the electro-magnetic as it passes from the earth's body out into the atmosphere. In the earth's very specialized atmosphere, the various forces are filtered out from the main stream, so that each force becomes qualified to perform the duty assigned to it by nature. The forces filter out in two forms, single and compound. Probably some of the compounds filter into singles afterwards.
Fig. 3. Shows the forces leaving the main stream as compounds.
Fig. 4. Shows a single force filtering out from the main stream.

There are innumerable functions performed by the electromagnetic division, and a volume might be written on each one, so that to go into details about all would fill a library.


I shall simply dwell on a few. A chapter will be devoted to each - all that is possible in this curtailed work. I am simply blazing a path for others to continue.

Judging by old records, the study of the mystic forces appears to have been the principal theme of the ancients of the earth's first great civilization 50,000 to 100,000 years ago, and which they appear to have fairly mastered.

The subject of forces with us, today, is an unploughed field. Not a sod has been turned over by our present civilization.

When the first great civilization was wiped out, mankind went down hill as regards learning. Take only 500 years ago, - what then was known of our present puny knowledge of the mystic sciences?

Unless the relationship between elements and forces is the basis of future scientific studies, science will, as it has done before, fall back and decline, become so filled with myths and erroneous theories as to become the greatest farce and absurdity.


Science stands today at the forked road. If the right one is taken, science will advance; if the wrong one, then science will decline.



I have given this the name of The Cold Magnetic Division because the heat force is in no way associated with it.

The cold magnetic division is one of the divisions of the great central dual magnet. An explanation of it discloses and explains what the well-known phenomenon called gravity is. It shows the origin of gravity, also the point of its origin. All elementary matter at every opportunity gravitates towards the central magnet.


Therefore the origin of gravity is one of the magnetic forces emanating from the great central magnet, and its point of origin is the frictional line between the earth's solid crust and the central molten matter, and not the earth's actual center as stated in our present-day scientific teachings. The actual center of the earth is a vacuum. How large, I cannot say.

It is the power of the attraction of the central magnet which causes matter at every opportunity to take steps in an endeavor to get nearer to the magnet. Thus matter gravitates towards it, therefore: the cold division of the central dual magnet is The Force of Gravity.

The sun's forces are neutral and in no way affinitive to the cold magnetic division. Nor do the sun's forces in any way affect it or its workings. Earthly elements are not affected in any way by the sun's forces. They are under absolute control in their movement of the cold magnetic division. This force extends its influence to the last particle of atmosphere on the edge of space.


The influences of the cold magnetic force is over elementary matter only. It is neutral to forces generally. I might say one exception only, and there it is antagonistic. The cold magnetic force is ever attracting and drawing elementary matter towards itself - the central magnet; only when density intervenes is its further progress stopped. When the progress of matter is stopped by density, the central magnet then anchors it to the spot where it stops.


There it remains until another opportunity occurs for it to move again towards the magnet.

The central magnet, according to various calculations made by scientists, who have made a study of the probable thickness of the earth's crust, seems to be about 45 to 50 miles below the earth's surface. I have never personally made any calculations, depending on what I find written. Their figures seem to be correct from phenomena which I have studied for a distance of about 20 miles down.


All movements of matter must therefore be towards this 45-50 mile line.

The downward movement of matter is assigned to the force of gravity, which is correct. I cannot find, however, that any of our scientists have attempted to explain what the force of gravity is that carries matter down, or either to show where and how it originates.

A force is that which moves matter (not that every movement of matter is the work of the force of gravity). The force of gravity is one of nature's tools to move elements in a definite direction, namely, towards the central magnet. Also to prevent the outer division of the earth's centrifugal force from carrying any elementary matter out into space.

Gravity is the working of the cold magnetic division of the central magnet. The central magnet has two antagonists: first, the outside division of the earth's centrifugal force; and second, density. Density is not active but only resistive, yet gravity is responsible for the earth's density from the Archaean rocks to her surface. Even the atmosphere is affected by the cold magnetic force; as this is apparent in itself, it needs no explanation.

I shall now give a few illustrations of the working of the cold magnetic force showing the force of gravity, taking first Newton's theory as to why an apple falls to the ground.

I have selected this phenomenon for two reasons: First, because it is an example where the workings of the forces are distinctly those of the cold magnetic division only; second, because it is such a popular theme.

Why does an apple fall from the tree?


Many moons ago that great scientist Sir Isaac Newton answered this question by saying that,

"It was the attraction of the big body over the small one."

In some cases Sir Isaac would be partially true, but not with the apple.


The falling of the apple is entirely due to the influence of the central magnet. The earth's elementary body has nothing to do with it. The earthly elements could not pull the apple down. It requires a force. Elements are not forces, but they are permeated with forces.

While the apple is still unripe, it clings to the tree. The running sap gives it an adhesive power, which is one of nature's provisions for bringing fruit to maturity. When the sap ceases to flow into the apple, a line at the end of the stem of the apple dries out and severs the connection. Then the adhesive power is gone. Then the cold magnet force calls upon the apple to make a start for the central magnet.


The power of the magnet severs whatever is left of the dried-out fibers and pulls the apple from the tree to the ground. This may be considered by some as not being conclusive, in that it was not the elementary body of the earth that pulled the apple down. To make it conclusive and beyond controversy, I shall give an illustration of an apple tree on the side of a hill with the apples falling.

When the apples A.A. are pulled down by the central magnet, they strike the ground at B.B. From there they roll down the slope to C.C., where density intervenes and stops their further progress towards the central magnet.

The apple and all other matter will keep rolling towards the central magnet until stopped by density.

If, as Newton claimed, it was the attraction of the large body over the small body that pulled the apple down, then, when the apples touched the ground at B.B., they should have remained there, as they were in contact with the big body, but they do not. They go rolling down the hill until they are stopped by density at CC, thus clearly showing that it was not the big elementary body that caused the apples to fall, but the force that made them roll from B.B. to CC, which was the magnetic power of the central magnet.

Next I shall take up the subject of the attraction of a big body over a small one, and, as an example, will take a particle of dust clinging to a wall. All matter carries and is permeated with magnetic force. All forces, at all times, endeavor to join and aggregate. The wall has a larger volume of the force than the particle of dust.


When the particle of dust touches the wall which has a greater volume of force, the forces are attached to each other and adhere, and as the particle of dust cannot surrender its force, it is compelled to remain in contact with the wall.

The power of the forces in elementary matter to attract and draw to each other depends on density and proportions.


It is necessary that the small body holds only a given volume of the force, otherwise the central magnet will interfere and prevent the aggregation, as an example:

Take a grain of sand and place it against the wall alongside the particle of dust. The sand will immediately fall to the floor. The volume of the force in the sand is sufficient to enable the central magnet to pull it down against the lesser volume in the wall.

Why does water flow over the bed of a river and on to the ocean?


The water is in constant touch with the earth, which is the large body. If the large body is the magnet, it should hold the water stationary and prevent its flow. It does not. The water flows on to the ocean, which is the nearest point it can get to the central magnet.


In these two towers, for the sake of illustration, densities are to be considered equal throughout all parts of both towers. Both towers are drawn out of perpendicular like the leaning tower of Pisa, Italy.


The lines of centers of gravity C1 and C2 show the unequal divisions.

Fig. 1. This shows the greater part of the tower A1 extending beyond its base line d1 - its overlap is shown by e1. The pull of the central magnet being in proportion to each area shows that the magnetic pull is greater on el than on d1. The central magnet will pull this building down.

Fig. 2. This shows the area of E2 to be less than d2. This building will not fall because the magnet's pull on d2 is greater than on E2, the overlap. The line of center of gravity can be compared to the balance handle of a pair of scales. The side will dip and go down to the greatest weight, for weight is a measurement of the power of the cold magnetic force.


This is an exceedingly interesting example, as it shows the two divisions of the earth's primary force in antagonism against each other.


Both are striving for the possession of the nail. The one endeavoring to aggregate and join two volumes of a magnetic force out of the electro-magnetic division, the other endeavoring to draw the elements composing the nail nearer to itself. Both the magnet and the nail have volumes of the same magnetic force in them, but the magnet being super-charged, has a great preponderance, as shown in the Fig. 1.


The super-charged magnet has the nail in contact, as the nail is seen adhering to it.


Although in contact, the force is not drawn out of the nail, - if it were, the nail would fall from the magnet. The magnet will hold the nail at any angle against the efforts of the cold magnetic force, provided the body of the nail does not have an area of surface and density where the cold magnetic force becomes stronger than the electro-magnetic force. The result depends entirely on the surface area and density of the nail.

If the nail is retained by the magnet, it shows that the electro-magnetic force overpowers the cold magnet. If, however, the nail falls as shown in the following cut, then clearly it is demonstrated that the cold magnetic force overpowers the electro-magnetic.





In addition to the earth's great primary force, she generates other forces which I have called secondary forces.


Secondary because they originate from the primary force in combination with affinitive forces of the sun. The sun's forces are affinitive to certain forces in the electro-magnetic division of the earth's primary force.

The earth's centrifugal force is one of the two secondary forces about which there is much that can be said. This force is generated by the spin of the earth upon her axis. For convenience in explaining its workings, I shall make two divisions of it - the inside and the outside. The outside division works on the outside of the earth's crust, and the inside within the crust.

Were it not for the work of the outside division, the earth's cold magnetic force would hold everything down so tightly to the earth's surface that not a thing could move upon it, and the atmosphere would become so dense that nothing could breathe it. The outside division is therefore antagonistic to the influences of the central magnet.


The central magnet endeavors to anchor all matter down to the earth's surface hard and fast, at the same time the centrifugal force is endeavoring to throw everything movable on the face of the earth out into space. The neutral zone of these two forces is the outside edge of the earth's atmosphere. The inside division works within the crust of the earth, and plays a very important part in the movements of the North Pole: and, it was an important factor in the shaping and development of the earth.

The earth's development has depended on the working out of the primary rock, the old Archaean gas chambers. Their elimination depended on the over-compression of gases in them, and, over-compression depended on the central centrifugal force driving the central gases out into the chambers through the various cracks and fissures which developed during the cooling and contraction of the primary rock.


It has much to do with the movements of the north pole, as with the aid of the gyroscopical force, it accumulates and concentrates a super-volume of the magnetic forces in the polar regions, magnetic forces which have affinities in some of the sun's forces.

A centrifugal force is limited only in power by the size, density, and velocity of the revolving body generating it. Velocity to a great extent is governed by the density of the 'revolving body, and the power which is revolving it.

As illustrations of the power of centrifugal forces constantly are seen instances where grindstones and metallic fly-wheels are burst asunder by their centrifugal forces and oftentimes with dire results. Yet, the volume of the forces which burst these wheels asunder are infinitesimal. The earth's centrifugal force, which is trying all the time to hurl us all out into space, is billions upon billions of times greater and more powerful than the puny forces emanating from grindstones and flywheels.

Although of such incalculable power, and although we are living in the midst of it, we cannot feel the earth's centrifugal force, because we are neutral to it, it is an extreme to the human body, and although of such incalculable power, it cannot hurl us off into space, because the magnetic force is more potent and holds us back.

All forces are silent in their movements. All sounds which we may hear through their workings or movements, such as thunder, are caused by the elements which they are affecting.

The question was recently put to me: Why docs not the earth's great centrifugal force, the mere skin that forms her solid matter burst open this shell?


A centrifugal force will burst a metal fly-wheel and grindstones, as we know from experience. That the earth's crust is but a very thin skin, when compared with her total diameter, all must admit. Comparatively speaking, not one thousandth part as thick as the shell on a fowl's egg. Yet the earth's crust does not bend or bulge out anywhere under the strain of her centrifugal force - why?


This is a very easy question to answer, but, first I must say as I have previously stated, forces are so arranged that they are, in many "cases, working against other forces and in all cases they form neutral zones, or one has the complete mastery over the other. Then the weaker one becomes non-effective - the earth's centrifugal force is non-effective against the tremendously greater power of the great central magnet.


For while the centrifugal force in endeavoring to burst the crust of the earth and to throw everything on the face of the earth out into space, it cannot do this because of the stronger and more potent central magnet which overpowers the centrifugal force and draws all elementary matter towards itself at all opportunities. Density only stops matter rolling towards the magnet, and yet, the magnet is responsible for the density of the rocks above granite and the gneisses.


To illustrate the excessive power of the magnet over the centrifugal force, throw a stone into the air. If the centrifugal force were stronger than the magnet, it would carry it off into space. But no, as soon as the magnet overcomes the temporary impetus given to the stone, it has full control over it, and quickly draws it to the surface of the earth, where it can go no further - density prevents it.

Now a question arises of what use is the earth's centrifugal force, for, nature has never been prodigal in her works. Therefore the centrifugal force was created for a purpose.


What was that purpose? For one thing, it was to govern the density of the atmosphere, for, without the centrifugal force exerted to throw the atmosphere outwards, the central magnet would draw it all to the surface of the earth and there so compact it that nothing could breathe it, or nothing could live in it.



The second secondary force is the earth's:

gyroscopical force.

This force is also generated by the spin of the earth on her axis.

The principal function of the gyroscopical force is to keep the earth in an upright position, and to prevent the' sun from completely rolling her around from north to south. The sun's affinitive magnetic forces are, at all times, endeavoring to draw the earth's north pole in a direct line with herself.


The earth's gyroscopical force is always working against it, trying to keep the north pole in its true or mean position. The gyroscopical force is therefore antagonistic to the sun's magnetic affinitive forces.


As before stated, the electro-magnetic division of the central magnet is also antagonistic; without these antagonisms the earth's poles could not oscillate, neither could the earth revolve on her axis, phenomena which will hereafter be explained under the headlines:

"The Earth's Spin" and "The Earth's Pendulum."

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