Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker or intense energy
or stress
This is one of the first ascension feelings that a person
usually feels.
In the beginning,
when the energy shifts arrive, they bring with them a new and
higher vibration. Old patterns and behaviors are being pushed to
the surface for release.
Feeling all this pressure going on inside of you can feel like
great stress or that you are on overload.
If you are still in a
conventional life with mainstream pressures, this New energy can
really add to your pile. You will eventually adjust to this
higher vibration and much will be activated for release within
you as well.
More room inside for
more of the higher energy!
This symptom is most definitely in the top three and very widely
The ascension process
purges so much of the darker and denser energies from us, that
we find ourselves in them for quite some time. We may feel like
things are simply never going to get better.
And to add insult to
injury, the outer world is no longer in alignment with the new,
higher vibrating you.

Anxiety, panic, and feelings of hysteria
our egos begin to depart, they
literally freak out as they do not want to cease to exist.
It may feel as if
everything is ending (most of everything is!). Your system is
also on overload and you may feel as if you are
hyperventilating. Things are happening that you may not
You are also losing behavior patterns of a lower vibration that
you developed for survival in 3D. This may make you feel
vulnerable and powerless. These patterns and behaviors you are
losing are not needed in the higher realms.
When we experience
death in a 3D world we can
panic and have anxiety as we do not know where we are going.
A need to eat often along with what feels like attacks of low
blood sugar
A craving for protein. This is another of the first symptoms
that is felt by many. Our bodies are using up an incredible
amount of fuel for this process.
As we are literally being turned inside-out, every ounce of
energy that we have is being utilized. I have found it best to
eat the protein along with being still during this time.
These low blood sugar
periods come and go for several years, but get much better as
our bodies begin adjusting.
Unusual aches and pains throughout different parts of your body
This is another of the most common symptoms.
Manifesting just
about anywhere, this is a sign of purifying and releasing
blocked energy that is vibrating at a 3D level while other parts
of us are vibrating higher.
You may feel pain in
various parts of your body for several weeks and then it will
simply vanish with no explanation.
Continual neck and upper back stiffness and pain
Our spines are vibrating differently and also connecting to a
higher form of light. This area of our body is where it all
Skin eruptions and diarrhea
Acne, rashes, and hives, etc. usually arrive when we are in the
purging process and adjusting to a higher energy.
Rashes are fairly
common and diarrhea can last for weeks and even months. Be
mindful of what you eat. Your body is going through intense
change and cannot handle heavy foods that are difficult to
Use your discernment
and consult your Higher Self if you are unsure of what to eat.
Heart pain and palpitations
These symptoms are common for many.
Our hearts are trying
to accommodate a new and higher frequency. At times you can feel
as though you are having a heart attack.
When this happens it
is important to rest as any exertion can make the symptoms seem
much worse. Know that you are not dying! At times it may even
feel like your heart has stopped beating, and you may feel fear.
Stay calm! Keep in
contact with your Higher Self for reassurance.
Periods of very deep sleeping
When the energy is not moving and we are done for awhile, we get
to rest.
While we are
integrating and preparing for the next phase of intense moving
energy, we become very lethargic. It can become near impossible
to keep your eyelids open in the daylight hours and daytime
napping can become a regular and necessary habit.
Even if you think you can exercise your way back into some
energy, you will usually find yourself dropping dead on the sofa
at every effort.
Experiencing emotional ups and downs; weeping
Our emotions are what carries the energy.
When we are falling
apart (and we are doing just that), we can get
pretty emotional.
When we are releasing, we can cry at the drop of a hat. A sad
movie can make us cry, or even a sad commercial. We can cry when
we experience kindness.
We can cry when we
feel relief. We can cry when we see any kind of suffering.
These tears are a great cleanser and releaser. I always know
when some New energy has arrived because I can simply cry while
I am driving along in the car. This seems to be an on-going
symptom that is here to stay for awhile.
But at least it is
fairly painless!
Night sweats and hot flashes
At certain times you will become very hot for no reason.
This happens when
your Higher Self moves into close proximity to you for some
reason. Their energy is much more dense than yours and when they
are close to you, you will feel intense heat.
Feeling cold with an inability to get warm
As your body adjusts to the higher frequency of energy, you may
find that you have periods of intense cold. It is normal. Add an
extra blanket to your bed and take hot showers or a hot bath
when this happens.
Vivid, wild and sometimes violent dreams
We are releasing many lifetimes of lower vibrational energy
through our dreams.
If you are one who
receives their higher information through dreams, you will
likely do a lot of releasing at night. I consider you to be
lucky, as some are doing much of their releasing when they are
These dreams usually do not make sense, but if you are good at
dream analysis you can usually figure them out. These
acid-trip-like dreams are up and visible because they contain
energy that's on its way out, never to return.
Through this process
we are releasing all of the negative energy we accumulated
during our past lives.

Dizziness, loss of balance, vertigo, and spinning
This happens when our Merkabah is forming.
The Merkabah
is the transportation vehicle of the light body. It is a 6th
dimensional cube that rotates and spins. During its formation
you may feel periods of dizziness and vertigo as the cube
calibrates itself with your energy.
When this happens,
sit down and take a break for a little while. It usually doesn't
last for long.
Overall body pain and days of extreme fatigue
Our bodies are taking in higher density energy and this is the
reason you will experience these symptoms.
High density energy
can make you feel as if your bones are crushing and your muscles
ache as if you have just sprinted in a major marathon.
You may suddenly feel
as if you are 100 years old and can barely walk across the room.
Gritty, itchy eyes and blurred vision
Very simply, our eyes are adjusting to see in a new and higher
density of energy.
When this adjustment
has been completed your vision will be sharp and clear, and
colors will stand out for you as they never have before.
Memory loss and difficulty accessing words
So many are having this symptom that we can only laugh as we try
to converse with each other.
"I was having a
glass of…you know what I mean… that white stuff… uh… what's
it called?"
"Did you watch
the… er… that event where everyone competes from around the
At times we cannot
talk at all because we are simply unable to access much of
When this occurs you
are going back and forth between dimensions and experiencing
Another somewhat
related occurrence is trying to type words and having the
letters become jumbled in the wrong order. In this case, we are
not in alignment with time and our flow is disconnected, as part
of our energy is here and another part is further ahead.
Difficulty remembering what you did or who you talked to a day
or sometimes just an hour before
In the higher realms, reality is very much in the moment.
If we do not hold
something in our consciousness, it simply ceases to exist. We
have no attachments. We are creating our own world around us
through our beliefs and thoughts and what we do not hold onto
does not exist.
Everything is brand new as we are starting completely over,
moment to moment.
We can tap into
whatever we choose to at any moment and create and experience
just that. This state comes and goes, but is practice for living
in the higher realms. It can feel a bit creepy when it occurs.
In addition, at times
we are neither here nor there, as we are in between dimensions.
A feeling of disorientation - Not knowing where you are; a loss
of a sense of place
"Where in the
world am I? I do not fit anywhere and nothing seems to fit
or feel remotely right! And I do not know where I belong or
where I am going or what I am supposed to be doing either!"
Ever had this
conversation with the Universe!?
You have been knocked out of your old grooves by an energy shift
and are in between realities. You have successfully left much
behind and are in a very new space but have not integrated yet.
A loss of identity
You look in the mirror and have a strange feeling of disconnect
as you no longer recognize that once familiar image.
You almost feel out
of body. Once this phenomenon occurs it never ends. You have
released so much of your ego self, that you are no longer the
same person, and do not have that attachment or connection to
your physical vessel.
As you begin to access much more of your soul or higher self,
you are not in your body much.
You may still use
your voice to communicate and other bodily aspects, but you are
slowly beginning the process of disappearing and releasing the
human form.
In addition, you have
cleared much of your old patterns and are embodying much more
light and a simpler, more purified divine you.
All is in order… you
are OK.
'out of body'
The same explanation as above.
The physical body is
the last to catch up. Much of us is now in a higher dimension
and residing outside of our bodies, as our physical bodies
are not there yet.
and 'hearing' things
As we can now access different dimensions fairly easily, it is
common for many to see things out of the corner of their eyes or
hear things when nothing is there.
Many also experience
ringing in the ears, which is common when we are going through
"the tunnel" and accessing a higher dimension.
Depending upon how sensitive you are and how you are wired, this
can be a common experience.
Many are seeing orbs
and vibrating blobs of color as well.
Feeling you are going insane, or must be developing a mental
illness of some sort
We are rapidly experiencing several dimensions and greatly
opening. Much is available to us now. You are just not used to
it. Your awareness has been heightened and your barriers are
This will pass and you will eventually feel very at Home
like you have never felt before, as Home is now here.

An intolerance for lower vibrational things (of the 3D),
reflected in conversations, attitudes, societal structures,
healing modalities, etc.
They literally make
you feel 'sick' inside.
When we begin arriving in the higher realms and in a higher
vibration, our energies are no longer in alignment with the old,
outside 3D world. Through a severe intolerance to the old, we
are being "pushed" to move forward to… and create the New.
In addition, you may feel like staying home or just being alone,
as much of everything "out there" no longer matches the higher
vibration of YOU. This is simply a very common experience of
evolution. We are moving forward before the outside
manifestations are.
Being in the old can
feel downright awful.
It is similar to having to "go back" after you have had a
near death experience.
As the ascension
process continues, going back to the lower dimensions will not
feel good nor will it be possible for long, as it is difficult
to drop our vibration down in order to reside there.
You don't feel like doing anything
You are in a rest period, 'rebooting'.
Your body knows what
it needs. During this time you may feel as though you have lost
your passion and joy and don't know what in the world you want
to do with your life and don't really care!
This phase occurs
when we are realigning.
At higher levels much is realigning as well. Things are being
put into position so that all will be ready when you move
forward again.
In addition, when we
begin reaching the higher realms, doing and making things happen
becomes obsolete as the New energies support the feminine of
basking, receiving, creating, self-care and nurturing.
Ask the Universe to bring you what you want while you cannot do
it for yourself. And know that you are always being taken care
of during the ascension process, even if it does not feel like
it at times.
Those in the physical going through this process are very highly
revered by all the cosmos.
We are most certainly
being watched over.
A longing to go Home, as if everything is OVER and you don't
belong here anymore
We are basically done
with our incarnation that involved raising the frequency of the
planet with a goal of reaching critical mass.
We achieved a lot of
this through transmuting the darker and denser energies through
ourselves. Now we don't have to do that anymore and may feel
like we simply want out of here and away from that experience.
What is coming next
is simply divine and does not remotely resemble the first phase.
Sudden changes of friends, activities, habits, jobs and
One of the most basic and prevalent experiences in the higher
realms involves the Law of Attraction.
Like energies always
attract like and similar energies. This relates to the
dimensional hierarchies as well. We will always be matched with
what and how we are vibrating.
As we go higher and higher, this phenomenon becomes much more
magnified and also becomes one of the basic cores of our reality
and existence. Through the ascension process we evolving beyond
what we used to be, and therefore the people and surroundings
that no longer match our vibration simply leave our space.
This can sometimes occur rather dramatically or at times through
a simple desire resulting from the inability to relate to them
like we used to.

absolutely cannot do certain things anymore
When you try to do your usual routine and activities, it feels
downright awful. Same as above. You're no longer a fit and it's
time to move on to a much higher vibrating way of living, being,
and creating.
Waking at
night between 2 and 4 a.m.
Much is going on in your dream state. You can't be there for
long lengths of time and need a break. This is also the
'cleansing and releasing' hour.
When we awaken in the
middle of the night we're not only in enhanced awareness, but
we're also in an enhanced state of creation.
In this state, our
ability to transform our thoughts into reality is greatly
The challenge is to
become conscious of what we are thinking about, and therefore
what we are creating. Instead many simply allow their thoughts
to flow from them by default, thereby creating realities that
are not really to their liking.
Meaning... if you worry about not being able to sleep, and worry
during this period that you are going to be tired in the morning
because you can't get enough rest, you'll only be adding to the
likelihood that you are going to be tired in the morning.
A much more useful plan is to enjoy the enhanced creativity
and tell yourself instead that you're going to be invigorated
and energized by this period of heightened awareness and
Then be amazed at the
Heightened sensitivities to your surroundings
Bright light, crowds, noise, foods, TV, other human voices and
various other stimulation are barely tolerable. You also
overwhelm very easily and become easily over-stimulated.
Know that this will
eventually pass and you will be able to 'tune out' and be in
control of what you wish to experience.
Humming and/or ringing in the ears
This is not Tinnitus, though it feels like it might be.
The other thing that will be happening very soon as a result of
all the things that you are moving through, is that your ears
will take another step into change.
Some of you will hear
ringing that will go on and on and on and on.
Take it as a
vibrational imprint for it simply means that you are vibrating
in harmonics with a new alternate reality which is very close to