The previous events are true up to the point where “Steven Spielwood” gets involved in making the movie. The movie shows an easily copied actual method of neutralizing a UFO. This is not something that should be attempted by a lone amateur. It requires money, manpower, equipment, and organization. So don’t try it at home unless you can really handle it. Many local police departments can obtain the equipment to capture and bring to justice the Gray kidnappers that have been “above” the law in the past.


The US government in the past has donated surplus military equipment to civilian police departments. To arm and prepare police organizations now would offer broader based protection for the public. Foreign governments should adopt a similar program to have defensive capability in place to protect their citizens when the time comes. The US government should make advanced alien weapons technology (of a defensive nature) available to our allies and adversaries.

In this way we will have more allies in the defensive action that lies ahead. President Reagan said in his speech at the United Nations, that this type of threat from above should unite humanity, to make us realize we are all in the same boat, before we destroyed each other. With the advanced technology now available to us, humanity is close to being able to erase the underlying causes for war amongst ourselves. Just stopping the interference of the Gray alien agent provocateurs will eliminate the cause of our seemingly mindless major wars.


We will always need military forces to defend ourselves from the occasional madman in power, or from any future threat from above. The elimination of war amongst us will free up a lot of resources that can be used to eliminate disease, hunger and poverty. The military industrial complex will find they can make money constructing commercial aircraft and ships, etc., for trade among nations. They can reap huge profits constructing spacecraft, for any nation that can afford them, for use in interstellar trade. Interstellar trade will open up markets for trade products the M.I.C. could produce. If we are judged to be warlike by the Federation of Sovereign Worlds, we will be barred from space.


There’s supposed to be 90 worlds in that group. So you can say it’s more than a world of potential trading partners. It’s 90 worlds, all sentient, all space-faring. How do we get there from here? Write your local congressman and the president. Demand full-scale action. The previous chapters are written as movie bait. The idea is to attract the attention of Hollywood moviemakers. If we get all of the information in this book made into a movie, more people around the world will be made aware of the continuing threat the aliens pose to us. The following chapters will show reasons we have to prepare. They will give you a look at the alien’s actions in the past and present, and make it painfully obvious what they have planned for our future. The aliens are a very advanced adversary. We may not be able to stop them.

A grass roots effort has started, calling for congress to hold open hearings to uncover all information military intelligence has pertaining to aliens and UFOs. If you want to get involved, access Dr. Steven Greer’s web site at Art Bell had Richard Hoagland, Dr. Steven Greer and Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell on his radio talk show Jan. 6, 1998. The participants told of President Clinton trying to get UFO information after his first election. Military intelligence said there’s nothing to it. Clinton asked CIA Director Woolsey to make inquiries about UFOs.


Woolsey was stymied by military intelligence too. Woolsey finally had to turn to Dr. Steven Greer for a complete briefing. The web site will fill you in on most of this. Other new facts were brought out that night. Military intelligence was identified as the agency that withholds all UFO data. NORAD has the capability to track and target UFOs in the atmosphere and deep space (This shows who runs those DEW satellites past Mars’ orbit).


It was stated that when congressional hearings are held, there would be over 400 witnesses from the military, intelligence, and government who are anxious to testify and reveal all UFO data. Dr. Greer said using alien technology to upgrade our transportation systems would eliminate air pollution and global warming. He said we now definitely have the technology locked up to travel between the stars! He has witnesses who have the facts. Eighty billion dollars a year is going into black budget UFO type projects. The hearings will reveal them. Dr. Greer also said he had been present at NORAD headquarters when a 300-foot diameter saucer was tracked entering Earth’s atmosphere. An admiral in charge that day scrambled land and sea-based aircraft to intercept and shoot it down.


Dr. Greer was asked to leave the Situation Room and did not see the outcome. Word on Art’s show was that the military was using SDI type weapons for shootdowns, and there was great concern we’d anger the aliens into retaliation. Dr. Greer said cowboys were in charge at NORAD. Dr. Greer said papers the library of congress had in storage regarding UFOs were being confiscated and taken straight to the furnace by military intelligence. This happened after similar documents were dragged into court in a Freedom Of Information Act lawsuit. In that case the judge ruled that the documents could not be released, as the UFO information was so sensitive the continued need for secrecy far outweighed the public’s right to know. This showed the courts would not use the law to release sensitive printed evidence.


That’s why congressional hearings are necessary. They can grant immunity from secrecy oaths, compel testimony, and shake loose some documentation. The Freedom of Information Act case showed the military is hiding genuine facts, not weather balloon pictures. Thursday January 8, 1998’s Art Bell show, featured Robert O'Dean, a retired military intelligence analyst who had been stationed at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium for 12 years. He had “cosmic” top secret clearance, which gave him access to information about recovered UFOs. His job was to analyze field reports, photographs, and autopsy information to prepare summaries for NATO’s general staff. Dean said the Royal Air Force shot down a 98-foot diameter saucer at Timensdorfer, Germany in 1964.


Twelve alien bodies were recovered from the wreckage. Mr. Dean said from his access to old and new information, he had uncovered evidence that the aliens have been in very close contact with humanity for thousands of years, and had a hand in starting all the world’s great religions for their own advantage. Mr. Dean has a degree in theology. Mr. Dean gives lectures on this topic, showing hundreds of slides of religious tapestries and manuscripts from the Middle Ages, clearly depicting aliens and UFOs. He has reached the same conclusions about religion that I had developed from other factual sources. I had decided to exclude religious facts from this book as it could create a firestorm of controversy.


After hearing Mr. Dean, I had to include it. It shows the aliens misled us with high tech tricks to turn us into adoring awestruck sheep for their own sinister purposes. This insidious meddling with our faith and betrayal of our loving and trusting nature makes me realize humanity has been had. Well they can’t have us anymore! I cover this alien interference in the chapter titled, “What About Religion?” Reading Mr. Dean’s work should be fascinating, but be careful. I believe the government put certain bits of misinformation in the reports he had access to.


This was done for purposes of hiding extremely bad information and to tag each report with some piece of nonsense to identify where specifically that the report originated if it was ever leaked. It would also narrow down who had access to the original documents. An example of this is the autopsy reports on the aliens who were recovered in 1964 by the British army. It said the aliens did not eat or process food as we do and had no system to eliminate waste. But reports from area 51 seemed to dispute this. The reports said the Grays “ate” strawberry ice cream, but not how.


They are said to absorb food through their skin, much like a plant absorbs nutrients through their roots. This may explain their liquid diet (blood). It may also explain why the ancient Hebrews were forbidden by dietary laws from eating blood. On several different ancient Hebrew holidays, it was required that hundreds of cows, sheep, etc., be brought to the temple so that their blood could be drained out on the sacrificial altar. When this practice was stopped years later, the Grays had to start mutilating cattle themselves to obtain blood. The number of cattle currently mutilated worldwide and drained of blood is roughly equal to the amount of cattle sacrificed and drained in Bible days. The local cowhands still have to eat.

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Bob Lazar claims he was employed by our government to work as a physicist and back-engineer the reactor of a captured alien spacecraft. He said he had been hired to replace another physicist who had been killed in an accident while opening one of the alien reactors while it was running at full power. There are several UFO researchers who have discredited him because they found he might have stretched the truth about his background to give himself a better chance of being believed and selling his expert knowledge. What no one has been able to explain away is his W-2 form showing he was being paid by Naval Intelligence.


My take on this is that he had enough of a technical background to get hired. Since the government was now considering this employment slot a hazardous “cannon fodder” position, by hiring Lazar, they would not risk losing any more “real” physicists in the examination and back engineering of the alien reactor. The other factor that made me believe his description was correct of how a UFO functions is that I have seen a movie showing a UFO functioning exactly as he describes.


This movie was made more than 20 years ago. It wasn’t until after Lazar’s revelation that the movie was examined frame by frame to confirm his story. I am the person who examined it. You can too. A UFO was inadvertently filmed during the making of the movie “Jaws.” I describe it in detail further on in this chapter. Lazar could not have known about it.

Bob’s report of the alien craft’s power and capabilities left me awestruck. Bob worked on a 52-foot diameter craft that was referred to as “the sport model.” Access to the interior was gained through a small entry port on the underside of the craft. It led into a middle deck control area.


The low ceiling required a man to stoop over, being barely high enough for 4 foot tall Grays. In the center of the control room, three control consoles were laid out in a half circle arc, a seat behind each one. There were 3 arches built into the walls around the control room area.

They were part of the ships structural framework. The half circle arc of the three consoles was faced toward one particular arch on the wall. When the propulsion system was engaged, a large holographic window with an outside view would appear in that arch. Just to its right, a vertical screen one-foot wide from floor to ceiling appears. Symbols that look like Korean writing scroll down its length. The top surfaces of the consoles light up while in use. All interior walls and surfaces are the same color, a pewter silver.


There are no angles or seams anywhere in the craft’s construction. The entire inside of the craft has a look and texture of injection molding. This type of construction is a sign of mass production. Thousands of these craft could be cranked out quickly by an advanced assembly line factory. There is a six-sided hatch in the control room deck that gives access to the lower deck. The hatch folds up and out of the way, collapsing like a pop up take out tray at a fast food restaurant. The reactor and field generators are on this lower deck.


The reactor is a metal box 2 foot square and 6 inches high. The base is thicker than the other sides. Inside is a cyclotron that accelerates protons at 220 grams of element 115. One fifteen is an artificially created element. When the protons combine with it, element 116 is formed. This is highly unstable and degrades back to 115 giving off huge amounts of energy. There is no throttle on this reactor. It runs constantly at full power, generating gigawatts of electricity. It’s reported to be fifty times more powerful than the Hoover Dam Hydroelectric plant when the dam is running at full output.


The reactor supplies power to 4 field generators by means of flexible copper colored tubes. Three field generators, mounted in a circle around the reactor, form a toroid [donut] shaped field with the craft in the hole. This field counteracts gravity and time. Centered under the reactor is the fourth field generator on a flexible mount. Earth craft move by propulsion. This system works in just the opposite way. For directional travel, the movable field generator is pointed in the desired path. When power is fed to it, a field forms in front of the craft which pulls the craft through it, like sliding down hill. When the craft travels between the stars, it faces the bottom surface in the direction of travel.

All four field generators form a field that pulls the craft through the fabric of space-time. It folds space around itself and can travel at hundreds of times the speed of light. When Bob Lazar back-engineered the craft, other scientists showed him several fascinating characteristics of the drive units. When the craft is in hovering mode, a black fist sized dot forms in the air a few feet under each field generator. If a lit candle is lifted up inside the dot, the flame stops flickering and looks like it is frozen in time.


Bob Lazar once worked inside of the craft with the field on for 2 hours. When he came out no time had passed for him. Bob was told it was because the craft was time shifted. The toroid field is so strong it can bend light completely around the craft. If it is hovering 25 feet over your head and you look up, you can’t see it. All you see is blue sky. There are certain other angles of view from which it can’t be seen.

When the craft is in the interstellar travel mode it makes many small jumps. The reactor cycles every few milliseconds. When a craft enters Earth’s atmosphere at high speed, it throws a field out behind the craft to slow itself down. There is no reentry friction on the hulls of the type craft that use gravity waves as a propulsion system. The body of the craft is completely surrounded by a strong antigravity field that pushes against any surrounding matter (like our atmosphere). It is the field that makes contact on reentry to or exit from the atmosphere, not the hull. Think of it as magnetizing the nearby air and then applying a repulsing force to the hull that pushes the air away.


The hull is repulsing the atoms in the air so strongly, they glow white near the craft when the energy is applied to them and they bleed off the energy as photons. You may already have a videotape of this phenomenon in your possession. If you have a copy of the movie “Jaws” there is a beautiful example of a UFO in slow down mode streaking across the screen. It looks kind of like a shooting star until you play it frame by frame in stop motion on a good 4-head VCR. If you have “Jaws” on a DVD, you can see it even more clearly.


When the movie was in production, this particular night scene on the boat was one of the last to be shot. When the film was developed, the UFO was noticed during editing. Steven Spielberg was very upset that the UFO was in his shark movie and thought it would be too distracting. He and his staff debated for 10 days about cutting the scene, but it would have left a gap in the movie that they could not reshoot unless the crew flew back to Massachusetts, and built another boat.


The studio would not increase the budget, so Spielberg decided to leave it in. He recently said he has received hundreds of letters about it over the years. When you run the tape frame by frame, you will notice that about every seventh frame the craft throws its energy field out behind it, and the ionized trail it has left behind lights up like a lightning flash, then goes out. That is the reactor cycling every few microseconds.


When “Jaws” was filmed, the reactor function and gravity field information wasn’t public knowledge. The craft passes from the upper right to lower left screen. A few seconds later another one goes from left to right. That one is still glowing white but going a lot slower. Since no “track” is visible behind the second one, it can be deduced that the directional field is not visible in the forward speed mode because the gravitational wave is directed in front of the craft where there is no “ionized trail” to light up. It is thrilling to watch! Bob Lazar got the information right.


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A Recipe for disaster

One of the methods I used to seek out the truth is a very logical analytical method, once summarized by the great fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. To quote:

“When the impossible has been eliminated, then, whatever you have left, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”

Try it yourself. If you analyze all of the alien’s actions over the last ten millennia to determine what they want with us, it results in one conclusion.

Elements of our government should know what the alien’s plans are, either from direct evidence or deduction. Based on the available information, anyone can see we have a problem. It has become clear the main reason our government has not shared information about the aliens with the public is that it could devastate society. There may be an inner circle in control of this knowledge, which may or may not have been involved with helping the aliens in the past. Indications are that the military has been making an effort to build up some defense against the aliens, now that we have captured enough of their technology.


The secret information that makes up the big picture has been virtually impossible to come by because of the way it is handled. It is highly compartmentalized when acquired, and disseminated only on a need to know basis. As a result, each organization such as NSA, military intelligence, NASA, and all military branches never have more than scraps. Enough people have dared to risk all to tell what they know, allowing the public to start getting enough information to see the big picture. It is a wake-up call for mankind.


If the plans the aliens had for us were good, the government would not be making such a massive effort to hide the facts, and firmly deny any leaks. They release disinformation to promote confusion. Does this convince you they are hiding something very, very bad? What could be that dreadfully bad? The choices would be; the aliens intended to enslave us, kill us, or eat us. If you look at the “magnitude” of the evidence, it indicates the aliens use us for food on a large scale.


I’m referring to huge losses of life from alien manufactured and disseminated diseases, improbable wars, and the sudden and complete disappearance of vast numbers of people. During the last ten thousand years of recorded history, there have been several occasions when large numbers of people “vanished off the face of the Earth.”

  • According to Richard Hoagland, around 5000 BC, half of the Earth’s population died off.

  • According to archeologists, the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel became “lost” after they were taken into captivity by the Assyrians in 722 BC. Somehow those Israelites were liberated from captivity without any archeological trace.

  • Even Hitler couldn’t eliminate one and a half million people without a trace.

  • The Philistines met the same fate.

  • In 610 AD the entire population of three Mayan cities in Central America vanished. A half a million men, women and children just disappeared.

  • One hundred fifty thousand people also vanished from Teotihuacan in Mexico. If they had died from war or disease, archeologists would have found their remains. They never have found them and they are still looking.

  • Many millions also died in the Black Plague, and forty million died in the 1918 flu epidemic.

  • In both outbreaks, “government” people collected the bodies for disposal.

Where were all those bodies taken? The aliens can use dead bodies for only two things, food or genetic material.

What are the aliens most interested in when they appear? People. No one has ever witnessed them taking soil samples or gathering wheat, apples or oranges. It is always human or animal tissue samples they take. If they were doing this for our benefit, they would tell us. I suspect they take a half pound muscle tissue sample from each leg of the abductees, every time they are abducted. The Grays do have the technology to remove internal tissue samples and leave no scars on your skin. Special note to multiple abductees: weigh yourself and record the weight every night before bed.


Check your weight on arising in the morning. Any unexplained weight loss may have been caused by the abduction. If we ever get our hands on the alien’s surgical technology, we could remove meat from cattle without killing them. It would be very humane. There would never be a cattle shortage again. The aliens have done breeding and crossbreeding experiments on us, very much like we do with our own cattle. We do it to improve beef yield, flavor, and milk production.

If they wanted our real estate, they could have taken over years ago when we were primitive. The aliens have never done anything in the open to help us. They sneak in at night to abduct us, breed us against our will, then electronically and/or telepathically suppress our memories of what they did. They know we have the mental capacity to recognize if they do something good or bad to us. They know we would not like their plans and program.


So they hide what they do to the best of their ability. If they were our “friends” they would help us openly. I know friends don’t kidnap you in the middle of the night, breed you secretly, or perform abortions without your permission. Someone who would force things like this on you and cover up their actions is more accurately described as an “enemy.” When you take into consideration the fact that for the last 15 years, the aliens have been testing our defenses to learn how to overcome them, they must consider us a future enemy.


Recently, their main purpose for contact has been examining, monitoring, and breeding human subjects. The Gray’s primary task is to abduct many thousands of women and men and impregnate the women with sperm taken from the male abductees. They genetically alter the sperm with alien DNA to produce a hybrid. Some experts say alien DNA is introduced into the fertilized egg to create the hybrid. Then after three months the aliens return and abort the fetus. All of those fetuses could be hybrids. Some hybrids are later trained to help the aliens with abductions.


This raises the question, what happened to all of the other fetuses? There should be close to a million of them by now. Some of the abducted women have been impregnated and aborted by the aliens six times. The missing bodies of normal and hybrid babies and the meat and blood taken from cattle abduction, are probably being processed and stockpiled on the Moon. Having been a meat cutter for two years, I know a meat packing plant must be located at a site with gravity. If you ran a slaughterhouse in a weightless environment, you would have a mess beyond belief.


You also need a large facility to process a large herd of “cattle.” I believe NASA found one during the Apollo Moon missions. That’s why we haven’t returned to the Moon in 25 years. Fear. Remember, Neil Armstrong said the truth was covered up. The doctor from NASA said the aliens had plans for us that scared the shit out of him. Buzz Aldrin was afraid to talk about a picture of an alien structure on the Moon. They would not be that frightened of a breeding program. I am fairly certain the NASA people know what’s on the Moon because they found it.


Since information of this type is compartmentalized, they are the only civilians that know. That’s why the only information leaking out from other civilian government employees is just about UFOs, not the alien lunar bases. The alien lunar structures are old news, not subject to new leaks, except for Richard Hoagland seminars. It does make sense to put the meat processing plant on the moon. If the “cattle” are brought there alive, they can’t escape. It is easier for the large mother ships to come in and stock up on the Moon, as the Moon’s gravity well is easier to escape from.


Vacuum packaging would be a snap. Let’s lay another mistaken belief to rest. If the aliens are so different, how could they eat us? We are both made from the same building blocks of life. Scientists have shown that meteorites landing on Earth usually contain the 70 amino acids that are the basic building blocks of life. If their presence is so common in our solar system, it should be the same in an alien’s home system. There have been many accounts from ex-military people, etc., that the captive Gray’s favorite food at area 51 was strawberry ice cream. This shows they can metabolize Earth protein, sugar, fat, and carbohydrates. It also could mean that some of the Grays might have an internal digestive system. The clone drone “abducting” Grays have an external food absorption system and no reproductive organs.


They were cloned to work and travel in space as a full time job. I believe they were genetically tailored to overcome the problems that arise from their tasks, such as eating in a weightless environment, bone deterioration, etc. Being bred with no reproductive organs means breeding and child rearing of their own kind will not distract them. It also means they can’t breed their own kind to turn on their masters, the Reptoids. So it looks like the military has figured out that all of the actions of the Grays add up to something that is not to our benefit.


The military has been preparing for the worst, deploying advanced weapons systems and surveillance systems. The need for the very distant early warning satellites became apparent to the military years ago. They would not have spent all that money on a system to warn of incoming friendly visitors. The air forces of several countries have been shooting down and capturing alien spacecraft. It doesn’t sound like friendly war games are going on. It’s possible the cross breeds being produced will be used against us, so the pure aliens experience no casualties in subduing and harvesting us this time. The crossbreeds are short and fit easily into the small alien craft’s cramped space. Are they creating an army out of our own genetic material?


If we were in the alien’s shoes and we were traveling through the galaxy, we would have their logistical problems. For instance, why bring an army when you can create one out of your enemies DNA? If they are breeding simply for food it solves another logistical problem. When their migration transport ships leave their home world, they can only be stocked with a finite supply of food. It’ll last only so long. When it runs out, they can’t send home for more.


They have to stop somewhere and restock with food for the next leg of the journey. Since they haven’t settled here in the past, it is obvious they are traveling further. (The reasons they are bound elsewhere will be covered in the next chapter.) We are one of at least two planets that breed food for them. I have been asked: why don’t they use something like Star Trek replicators for food? They do. We are their replicators. I know I enjoy replicating.


By relying on us they don’t have to expend energy on their ships to recycle whatever would be needed to manufacture food. The alien’s methods are similar to what commercial trading company sailors did 200 years ago. The sailors would drop off live sheep on islands along their trade routes. When they would return on subsequent trips, they could stop and have fresh meat. According to experts, the aliens genetically altered us in the past to insure we would survive and multiply. They even removed previous genetic versions that didn’t thrive as expected. Remember the Neanderthals?


They lived for 200,000 years, right up to 25,000 years ago. At that point in time, that breed completely vanished from their worldwide domain. The strange part of this was that the Cro-Magnon man did not displace them. They were just gone. The European Neanderthal population at the time of departure was estimated at 100,000. The Grays eliminated them because they had not been fruitful and multiplied. The big hardy Neanderthals had just survived an ice age. All that cold kept food sources scarce, but the Grays wanted numbers. So they upgraded the intelligence of their new breed. For the Neanderthals it was just like getting fired by a boss for conditions beyond your control.

They couldn’t get their numbers up due to the ice age restricting their food supplies. The dumb brutes were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. So we were modified genetically to be smarter and more promiscuous. Now you know why there’s no link between the Neanderthals and us. They were gone so quickly, no example of interbreeding, clashes, etc., has been found. Later it became apparent why the aliens were very upset by the poor breeding performance of the Neanderthals.


The Aztec Indians written history discloses a large steady sacrifice of humans to the “Gods” who lived with them. The aliens had a voracious appetite for “human organs.” When the Spaniards arrived, they found the skulls of 250,000 sacrificed humans hanging on hooks in one temple alone. So the aliens had to be disappointed when they returned and found only 100,000 Neanderthals in all of Europe. They were history.

Recently, archeologists have been using laser measuring devices, global positioning systems, and computers to do site comparisons of pyramid and temple complexes at far-flung locations around the world. They found out that the pyramid complexes at Giza, Egypt, Angkor Wat, Cambodia, and a few less famous locations in Central America and Mexico, all lined up with different star constellations in the night sky.

Each complex was laid out so that its ground pattern matched the constellation overhead. There are seven sites, with seven different overhead constellations. The alignments of all the ground sites were off by the same number of degrees from perfect alignment with the constellations, due to drifting of the Earth’s orbit, etc., over a long time period. When computers were used to figure backward to when the sites would align correctly, it was determined they were built 10,500 years ago.


Also, the size of the base of the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt and a large Mayan pyramid in Central America were identical to the inch. All of the sites show knowledge of high precision astronomy. All of this information was shown on a show on The Learning Channel titled “Quest For Lost Civilizations.” They said that 10, 500 years ago humans were not capable of pulling off a global construction project of that magnitude or exactness. It should be obvious this was an alien run construction project. History tells us we did supply them the labor and the food.


Those pyramid complexes could have been the alien’s version of theme restaurants. On the walls of an ancient structure in South America, appear carved images of the pyramid workers: Blacks, Orientals, Indians, and Norsemen. Now that is very interesting. The Maya were very prolific in carving all manner of things and creatures on their walls, etc. There are no pictures of horses because the Spanish did not bring them to the New World until the 1500s. There are no pictures of wheeled vehicles because the Maya did not use the wheel. They only traveled by foot.


Since there are no pictures of ships, that means the Blacks, Orientals, Indians (from India), and Norsemen had to provide their own transportation to work on building the South American pyramids. Just how did those wide spread people know to all get in their boats and show up all at the right time to help build the pyramids? How could such wide spread and diverse people all know to show up simultaneously? They did not even speak the same language. It wasn’t your typical slavery. There was never any slave trade in history that collected people of all races.


Archeologists have always said there were not enough people living in Egypt to build the pyramids during the time frame in which they were supposed to have been constructed. This may solve that mystery. The aliens concentrated hundreds of thousands of workers abducted from around the world at each construction site until those pyramids were completed. Then they would transport them to the next site. There are over 100 pyramids in Egypt and over 90 newly discovered pyramids in China. It took a lot of work and many workers to build them. When the work was done, a lot of workers were probably eaten.

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Angel of Death? Or Alien of Death?

Something has been bothering me about three biblical incidents. The aliens were probably involved in the disappearance of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. There’s no other way 1.2 million people can vanish off the face of the Earth with no archeological trace. Even Hitler’s extermination machine could not completely dispose of that much evidence, and they were trying seriously. In the Bible, a traveler returned back from where the tribes were taken, 80 years after their disappearance, with the revelation that the missing tribes had been taken to a land where they could eat no meat, and every firstborn child was sacrificed to the gods. Having worked as a meat cutter, I immediately caught the significance of their new diet. Grain fed beef is the tastiest.

But what was the deal about the firstborn? There had been two earlier reported slaughters of the firstborn in the Bible, first all firstborn male offspring of the Hebrew slaves, then all firstborn of the Egyptians. Why the firstborn? What was the purpose of that? I could think of no relevant answer to the question. Finally I wondered if it had to do with taste. That led me to the answer. Think cattle. At any point in time, the biggest, meatiest offspring will be the firstborn. Being born first, they mature first. THAT was the reason!


All firstborn of sufficient size for slaughter would be rounded up and processed for their meat. This revelation saddened me greatly. It was one more example of humans being led to slaughter by the aliens. They are so good at it. They control us and outsmart us at every turn. It would have been so easy for the Grays to telepathically influence the pharaoh to round up and slaughter the firstborn Hebrew slaves. Then the Grays harvested the Egyptian firstborn about thirty years later.


To complete the operation, the Grays would have telepathically influenced the people writing of the events to describe them in the story in the form of a floating “angel of death.” Yes, imagine that, an “angel” that kills people. Think very hard. God does his own work. So the odds heavily favor that the angel in question is the employee of someone other than God. Are you starting to see the light? Who needs dead bodies? Not God. Grays and Reptoids need them.


The biblical narratives are not far off the mark as far as reporting what actually happened. However the writers ascribed the actions to God’s will. This could be because they could not conceive of any other explanation; or they were influenced to believe it and write it that way. (We know the Grays influence writers by feeding them disinformation.)


Look what they did to a competent writer like Whitley Strieber. They convinced him they are mankind’s spiritual saviors. It was Whitley himself who reported in one of his books another example of the alien’s pattern of mass removal of people for food purposes. He told of a documented report from Ireland a few years ago, in which a local woman witnessed the landing of an alien craft that resembled a large glowing ball of light about thirty feet in diameter. A tall human male emerged from the craft and talked to her for several minutes in a language she couldn’t understand.


He was dressed in ancient style clothing. Then he returned to the spacecraft and departed. Later investigators hypnotized the woman and she repeated on tape the exact words the visitor had said. Language professors at a nearby college identified the language as an ancient Celtic dialect. The “visitor’s” statement translation said he was the chieftain of several Celtic tribes now living on another world. He had voluntarily departed from Earth on the spacecraft many years ago. (His story and his name matched up with an old local legend telling of the Celtic chieftain who had entered into a round glowing spacecraft 1000 years earlier and departed).


He said he was allowed to return to check on the well being of the tribes left behind, and to say hello. Apparently there are Celtic, Mayan, and Hebrew tribes somewhere that need to be brought home in a new Exodus, or liberated and become trading partners with us.

Additionally, I found that recently archeologists have found evidence that some of the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel were moved to “new pastures” (so to speak) as if it were a cattle operation (it was). Some may have been moved to Russia, Europe, and Asia. Migration of large populations to better lands is something that has happened throughout history. The gypsies move from India to Europe is another example. Those moves to areas where there was room for expansion to increase population apparently were triggered by “outside stimuli.”

The Reptoid food chain will have to be broken in four places. All four worlds will then have to supply them with alternate protein. I’m sure we can work something out. We have a lot of creative chefs here. Plus our scientists are now able to grow living tissue in the laboratory. I bet we can manufacture food that will keep the Reptoids off our backs (and other body parts).

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When the aliens use our religions against us, we don’t have a prayer.

I stated earlier that Robert O'Dean is selling a video tape that deals with his many years of research into how the aliens had a hand in starting most of the world’s great religions for their own sinister purposes. I have not viewed his tape so I don’t know what he has uncovered. I have found a few possible cases of alien interference using religion myself though. A lot of this has to do with cultures that never had any contact with each other, but had similar religious beliefs, practices or customs. I am not talking about God having a universal influence.


Pagan customs, such as human sacrifice “to the gods” in widely diverse cultures, may show an influence where the aliens openly let these ancient people know they were eating them. Being superstitious savages, they let the gods feed at will. The old Islamic and Norse religions taught that if you died in battle or in a holy war you would be taken to heaven. The legends of both cultures contained eyewitness accounts of bodies floating up to the sky from the battlefields. How many bodies have the aliens levitated off battlefields from the many times they have started religious wars?


The aliens dropped a big hint about this themselves. During one of Whitley Strieber’s abductions, the aliens asked him if he knew what caused the fall of the Roman Empire. Whitley talked for about 30 minutes, covering everything he had studied about the subject. When he finished, the two aliens who had been listening to him agreed telepathically that, “He doesn’t have a clue.” This seemed to indicate that our view of past events was wrong. What really started me looking into this occurred a few years later. I had been listening to a radio talk show and someone used the old cliché, “Is the Pope Catholic?” Another person on the show said, “Not necessarily, of the first four Popes, two were Jewish.”


That caught my attention. I consulted with a friend who was an ex-priest in the Roman Catholic Church. He told me more information than I wanted to know. He had done many years of research and had left the church as a result of what he found. He said the truth he found is more miraculous than what the church would have you believe. This seems to be the same story that the alien was referring to. I don’t think Bob Dean talks about this on his tapes. Mr. Dean said Jesus made many statements that showed he was aware of alien influence.


The information I have is the other side of the coin. It is about what Jesus did. I had a hard time believing it until a year ago, when I saw a movie on TV about it that agreed with my friend’s story, “The Inquiry,” starring Harvey Keitel and Keith Carradine. After Jesus was crucified and supposedly dead and buried, the Roman authorities kept getting reports that he had been seen in different locations stirring up trouble against Rome. A high official was dispatched from Rome to investigate. His investigation was brutal. He tortured people until somebody revealed how Jesus’ death had been faked. Jesus had been given wine laced with myrrh. The local citizens knew back then, that if you drank this it would dull your senses and if enough was taken, put you in a catatonic state simulating death.


In “The Bible As History” by Wemer Keller, the author, states,

“We read in an old Jewish Baraita:

“Anyone who is lead out to execution is given a small piece of incense in a beaker of wine to numb his senses .... The good women of Jerusalem have a custom of dispensing this generously and bringing it to the victims.”

Moldenke, who has done much research into Biblical flora, has this to say:

“Wine mixed with myrrh was given to Jesus just before the Crucifixion to lessen the pain, just as in the days before anesthetics, intoxicating drinks were poured into the unfortunate patients on the eve of big operations.”

Wemer Keller goes on to relate that Jesus was crucified at 9 AM and “died” at 3 PM. He states it was a known fact that crucified people always took two days to die. So what really happened? Jesus was obviously given wine laced with a heavy dose of myrrh. That is why he stumbled and fell several times when carrying the cross. He was WUI, (walking under the influence). It was also known then, if a really heavy dose of wine and myrrh was taken your breathing and heart function would stop. It also had a preservative effect.


This would all wear off in about 40 minutes and you would come back to life, usually with no brain damage from lack of oxygen. In “The Inquiry,” the investigating Roman official had three prisoners crucified as a test. He had his men give them wine with myrrh. When they all stopped breathing he had the crosses laid out on the ground. After about 40 minutes two of the men revived. He had the crosses raised back up to finish the job.


The official dispatched soldiers to find and arrest Jesus. They came back only with a rumor that Jesus had sailed to Rome, to the enemy’s heart. The real miracle started here. Jesus and an unknown number of companions went to Rome. “The Inquiry” ended there. The facts the movie is based on are found in the two books I mentioned in this chapter.

Instead of doing what Moses did when he confronted Pharaoh, Jesus started a religion that caused a bloody civil war in the heart of Rome. The lifeblood of any government is money. Jesus was able to cause Rome to bleed money. Lack of money can destroy a country’s infrastructure. This limited the Roman government’s ability to maintain it’s offensive and defensive military capabilities. That happened when money was diverted from the Roman state religion into the new religion Jesus started.


It led to the collapse of the entire empire, and freedom not just for the people of Israel, but for millions of others from the British Isles to Africa, that had been under Rome’s heel. That accomplishment was far more spectacular than what Moses did. Remember that Jesus was a marked man [his wounds]. He was operating under the nose of the enemy. He was wanted dead. The Romans were actively looking for him.

Jesus’ mission was a planned operation. Jews do not convert people. If a non-Jew wants to convert to Judaism, rabbis try very hard to discourage them. The Jewish popes were making sure a religion was established that would not allow the Romans to ever enslave Israel again. They wanted their homeland to be holy to the Roman people also. Does this seem to make sense? The historical story of Jesus was changed around by a series church leaders to make it more supernatural and awe inspiring to give their church members a God-like figure to worship.


The true story was a successful tale of the brilliant subversion of the monolithic Roman government. Whitley Strieber’s alien abductors knew what had really happened to the Roman Empire. They were apparently checking out our knowledge of their past activities to see if we ever caught on to them pulling strings. Huge body counts from civil wars, religious wars, etc., play right into their hands, as always. In the big picture, Rome was stepping on the alien’s toes. I have found no specific evidence the Grays used Jesus as a tool to bring down Rome.


I believe that Jesus and the Grays were both working toward that goal simultaneously for their own reasons; Jesus for freedom of his people, and the Grays for the restoration of the status quo that existed before the advent of the Roman Empire. The Grays had a more productive source of food before Roman rule. Roman rule interfered with alien plans to breed more humans. So the aliens would have been very interested in eliminating the Roman Empire because it had a negative effect on their harvesting activities. Population increases in captured countries were stifled because the Romans cleared the local populations off their land.


The confiscated land was given to prominent and powerful Roman citizens. Many of the displaced people were herded into cities and used as slaves. The slaves were not allowed to breed at will. This meant there would be fewer people for the aliens to harvest. The widespread domination of many countries by the Roman Empire resulted in what is called “Pax Romana.” That means “Roman Peace.”


Roman soldiers to prevent rebellion and to control the local citizens garrisoned the countries conquered by Rome. As a result, a widespread peace existed because the various countries could not make war on each other, or on Rome. Religious wars were impossible to start because a religion would have to take on the local Roman garrison first before they could attack another religious group. War had been one of the chief sources of protein for the alien harvesters.

To add insult to injury, the Romans fed Christians to hungry lions, instead of hungry Reptoids. That was probably the last straw for the aliens. The Roman Empire had to go. There is other evidence of alien presence. Noah lived 600 years. Methuselah lived 969 years. Does that suggest anything to you? Ponce De Leon later went on a quest for the Fountain of Youth in the New World. The legends of long life were still known in the New World in his time.


The aliens used time field generators and altered human genetics for long life to increase populations when they were visiting in the New World also. There are many more references to alien interference throughout history in the book, “Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind.” If you need more examples, you can find them there. It is a “must read” for people who would like a wide variety of background information.


The book records the large amount of evidence gathered at the conference held at MIT by all scientific disciplines to determine the agenda of the aliens. I highly recommend it. You should get Mr. Dean’s tape also. It is titled “The Greatest Story Never Told.” And that’s not the only suppressed knowledge that I encountered while researching the alien connection to our major religions. I don’t know who or what was able to suppress this really startling religious information, but it will probably make you mad.


It made me mad to realize that the human race has been kept in the dark about our true Biblical history and our destiny by some of our fellow human beings. Those people are traitors to their own race. In the book, “Bloodline of The Holy Grail,” by Laurence Gardner, it is revealed that Jesus and his brother James had sons whose descendants have been tracked by the Roman Catholic Church to the present day, but whose existence has been kept secret for reasons of political expediency and to maintain credibility and control. The other book of revelations is titled, “The Tomb of God,” by Richard Andrews and Paul Schellenberger.


It reveals a long suppressed secret, that Christ’s body actually rests in a tomb in a town called Rennes-Le-Chateau in France. A Catholic priest there unearthed ancient parchments that led him to a buried fortune and the location of the tomb. Apparently Jesus did travel and do more in life than we have been told. And the Roman Empire fell. Remember France was under the domination of the Roman Empire also. Could it be that Jesus caused the fall of the Empire by behind the scenes political subversion of some sort? Or was it a religious conquest by conversion along the lines of a Moslem jihad (holy war)?


Jesus himself thought that inspired people could do miracles. Remember, Jesus said, “You are as Gods. What I do, you can do, and even more.” That message is in the Bible. My mother used to tell me, “The Lord helps those who help themselves.” Kind of sounds like the same message. So, it will be necessary for you to take action to save yourselves from what’s coming.

If you are a religious person, you need to know that prayer will not help in this situation. God has no favorites in this matter. Four billion years of a continuing food chain on Earth proves what God’s plans are. We are all creatures of God. Life has been feeding on life since life began. God has always let life feed on any other life without interference. I can cite many examples of this and some are unpleasant.


So, if God lets sharks and worms eat us, why would he stop highly intelligent alien beings? The facts show we’re part of the alien food chain. We are a part of it on a periodic basis with two different harvest time cycles. The first cycle I believe is to feed the local alien “cattle ranchers.” Every 50 to 90 years or so the locals round up a good-sized batch of humans to restock their meat lockers.


Every 50 to 100 years they have a huge harvest, sometimes as much as half the world’s population. The large harvests are used to restock the food lockers of the mother ship fleet carrying their excess population from their home worlds to resettle them elsewhere. To change this recurring nightmare, a lot of us need to see the light. Religious leaders should get the word out that the aliens are not devils or demons, just God’s creatures who need to eat. Some religions have already issued statements that extraterrestrial beings are not demons.


The Gray and Reptoid aliens have used religion against us in the past. Now it can be used against them. The aliens can create a false religious experience in people’s minds using telepathic frequencies by electronic means to make you cooperate. To fight that we need to develop electronic countermeasures. God doesn’t need to show off. It’s proven the Grays can control the minds of implantees from a great distance.


The Grays make the implantees feel calm, love, or euphoria during an abduction to keep them under firm control. As I said before, praying to God won’t help, as HE hasn’t shown favoritism for one form of life over another in HIS food chain plan. Life feeds on life. Sorry. That is the way God set things up. Defend yourselves. GOD WILL LET YOU.


There are many people who don’t want to hear new ideas about God, the Bible, or religion. You know who you are. Some of you have those bumper stickers on your cars that say, “God said it, I believe it, that settles it.” That’s great. Our God does not require human sacrifices, so don’t let any of the “new” ideas presented in this book, ever make you think that this book is just a lot of BS, or far-out science fiction or against traditional religious beliefs.


The aliens have looked upon church congregations in the past in a way that gives a new meaning to the religious term “flock.” It is the “food source” definition. So don’t let your flock be led to slaughter. God may let you add a final chapter to the Bible when our people join (politically) the federation of peaceful beings, (beings He has created). Peace on Earth will be an elusive dream.

How Mistaken Belief Jesus/God Stops Abductions Came About.

I was fairly sure that God wasn’t protecting people from abduction. (HE doesn’t protect us from HIS food chain, so why would HE stop abductions?) I have come to the conclusion that there are logical reasons why people who scare away alien beings about to abduct them, mistakenly believe that prayer prevented the abduction.


I looked at the premise of why religious abductees think that God or Jesus stopped their abduction. In a through analysis of the sequence of events in a typical abduction, I’ve determined that the people that think they are driving the aliens away with prayer have already been abducted and returned! The abductees usually wake up as they are being returned. At that point in time the abductee’s memory of everything that came before was already erased as part of the Standard Operating Procedure during the abduction while on the ship, so when they awake they are seeing the aliens for the “first time” and “get religion” out of fright. Then they call on Jesus and think it made the aliens leave, but the aliens were departing anyway.


They were finished with the abduction. Look at it on a subjective basis to see it from the abductee’s point of view. In a regular abduction, the abductors erase your memories. When they bring you back, you wake up and see them. You get frightened and say, “God or Jesus save me!” The abductors were leaving anyway because they had just brought you back.

This makes you deduce that because you said “God save me,” that they ran away. (That they can go zipping through solid walls when they depart makes it look even more like God has frightening supernatural beings into wild flight.) I thought of another analogous situation where loss of memory could cause you to incorrectly perceive the actual situation. Imagine that a woman was given a date rape drug and knocked out. She was raped while unconscious, and then the rapist is getting dressed to leave. The woman comes out from under the drug’s influence, sees the near naked rapist and screams out “Jesus save me!” Or “police, rape!”


The rapist runs off. If she is very religious, or not, she now thinks that Jesus, or screaming, may have saved her from rape. She has no memory of the rape, just like an abductee has no memory of the abduction. Commonly in those type cases she will not know for sure if she was raped unless there is physical evidence. In abductions, most abductees don’t know what physical evidence to look for, and don’t call the police to report it as a kidnapping. As a result, no police detectives are called out to check for physical evidence.


Therefore the abductee has no solid evidence that the abduction already occurred. The problem is there are few other circumstances where a person is rendered unconscious with memory loss during a crime/experience except abduction and date rape. The thing to keep in mind is there are few other circumstances where you “regain consciousness,” or “wake up from sleep,” and suddenly see something that will frighten you out of your wits and make you pray to God. The point is, you are coming out of blank memory, or sleep, and see something that frightens you.


From your viewpoint, you are seeing it for the first time. If you have no memory of the aliens, then suddenly see them, you would think you were seeing them for the first time. (I know my own mother would say “God help me,” if she awoke to see alien beings). So we are back to square one about prayer stopping abductions. The abductions were already over at that point. Maybe the aliens believe prayer could stop them, because they make sure you can’t pray to stop the abduction. Put another way, it does not matter if praying does work to stop abductions or if displaying a gun would work to stop abductions of if shooting the gun at the aliens would work.


This is because at the start of the abduction, the abductee is rendered unconscious (or nonfunctional) and unable to pray, brandish a gun, or fire shots at the aliens because the aliens routinely electronically paralyze the abductee. Standard Operating Procedure is almost always to neutralize the nervous system of the abductee at the very start. Most abductees who later remember the abduction, say they were paralyzed and could only move their eyes. Their minds were made clouded and slowwitted. They never had a chance to pray or shoot. When someone like this comes back to full functionality after the abduction, it is irrelevant whether praying or gunfire will work because the aliens are already departing.


Prayer or fright or bullets are not “stopping” the aliens from doing anything because it is already over. So even the Pope with a pistol can’t stop something that is already over. It’s over. I had someone tell me they know a person that stopped two different abductions by praying, and the aliens never came back. Again, that abductee on subsequent abductions awakes after each abduction with his mind wiped of that particular abduction.


Since abduction memories are again not fresh in his mind, and he sees the aliens, he gets scared, and calls out to Jesus again. Again, the aliens leave because they are done with this abduction too. If the abductee is slated to be continually abducted and the aliens noticed that he woke up and was frightened on one or more previous abductions because he came out from under the electronic ether before they left, in subsequent abductions they can give him an increased mind zap to keep him out longer. That will give the aliens a chance to leave before the abductee regains consciousness. The Grays do have a record of trying to not frighten the abductees unnecessarily.


They are not stupid. They don’t want any damage done to their “property.” So from the abductees point of view, the abductions would have stopped completely, since they now have no memory of new abductions because they are zapped out as long as necessary to prevent them from seeing anything.

The point of this religious chapter is to show the aliens know history better than we do, because they were there and influenced most of it for their own purposes. They could telepathically control the minds of major figures in the Bible. The way living conditions were structured in biblical times also shows a strong alien influence. Religious laws, rules and regulations in the old Hebrew and Moslem religions were very strict in their living arrangement requirements. Kings and rich people with many wives were required to keep their women in their own privately guarded harem.


Average men were required (when away from home) to keep their wives in a public guarded harem. This treatment was akin to keeping your animals in a stable. It gets even better. The men were only allowed to breed with their wives in the month of December. The public religious run harems were structured along the lines of a convent. The women referred to each other as sisters. I’m sure this was popular with the men when they had to be away at war, out fishing, or away trading in a camel caravan, as their wives were protected. They were being watched by “the church.” Here’s how this benefited the aliens. These harems were breeding stables for them.


This is cattle control. The “cows” were concentrated at central locations. This was most likely a hybrid-breeding program, just like today. By concentrating women of childbearing age in central locations, it was much easier for the aliens to examine their physical condition, and impregnate all of them with hybrids and then harvest all the hybrids at the same time. Religious laws were making this possible. Each man was required to have two sons from each of his wives. That’s right, required by religious law. This was a widespread program. Sultans in Turkey had guarded harems too. Even the Catholic Church carried on the practice.


The use of nuns and convents may have been an attempt to copy the religious practice, which the Jews and Moslems had used, except the Catholics used it for church work. The nuns in the early days of the Catholic Church were being bred, most likely by the aliens, as proven by archeological evidence. I am referring to newspaper accounts over the last fifty years of the finding of fetal and infant skeletons when very old convents in Italy were torn down. Baby skeletons were usually found in inaccessible places such as inside hollow walls, etc.


I always wondered how nuns could be engaging in sex and then killing infants. What these finds indicate to me now, is that those could be the discarded bones of alien meals. If that many bodies were hidden in walls, the smell from decomposition would have been horrendous and unbearable. It would have brought an investigation. If all the protein were stripped off the bones first, there would be nothing to decompose. This is similar to a practice from ancient Israel that also seems highly suspicious. I found out how the ancient Israelites may have unknowingly fed the bodies of their dead to the Reptoids.


The bodies of the dead were left in caves exposed to the open air for a year. When the year was up, the families went back and collected the bones and put them in a limestone ossuary box. Something had disposed of all the flesh. So, it was a burial ritual the Reptoids could take advantage of. I learned of this from an archeology show on TV about the ossuary box that supposedly had been used to hold the bones of James, brother of Jesus.

Even Jesus was buried this way. His body was placed in a cave. Then it vanished? I’m not trying to be irreligious here, but it does make you wonder. Leaving bodies in caves, unburied, may have just been a part of the Reptoid’s harvesting program. Keep in mind most people back then had a life span that ended in their thirties. So it was not like the burial caves were getting mostly bodies from very old people.


All ages would be left in the caves, from babies on up. The caves were described as being very cool. That would tend to make meat keep longer. Don’t forget, the Grays have the technology to move a body or skeleton through a solid wall. I’m sure with that level of technology they could remove meat from a skeleton. In addition to this on-site butchery, there is evidence of low altitude on board ship meat processing immediately after abduction. There were two old cases reported of blood and meat scraps falling from the sky.


Recently there have been several cases where cow skeletons that were completely stripped of meat have fallen from great height to land in the tops of trees and onto very high fences. In the old North Carolina cases in the nineteenth century, two different incidents of blood and flesh falling from the sky were recorded. They happened in Sampson County and in Chatham County thirty-four years apart. Both incidents were similar. The first blood bath happened on Feb. 15, 1850 on Thomas Clarkson’s farm.


The Fayetteville North Carolinian newspaper reported,

“On the 15th Feb.'s, 1850, there fell within 100 yards of the residence of Thos. M. Clarkson in Sampson County, a shower of Flesh and Blood, about 250 or 300 yards in length. The pieces appeared to be flesh, liver, lights, brains and blood. Some of the blood ran on the leaves, apparently very fresh. Three of his (T.M.C.’s) children were in it, and ran to their mother exclaiming, “Mother there is meat falling!”

So it looks like a UFO crew cleaned out the slaughterhouse section of their craft before departing. This seems like it would have to be standard operating procedure because it would be impractical to carry trash into space just to dump it.


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