by Edith Kermit Roosevelt
The New Hampshire Sunday Times News
April 1, 1962
From Robert Keith Spenser's The Cult of the All-Seeing Eye, pp.
ConspiracyArchive Website
A temple will be erected in Washington,
D. C., for "the citizen of the world" to develop "universal
understanding" in place of his "national limitations."
Planners for this $5 million edifice, called "The Temple of Understanding," say endorsers include,
Swami Prabhavananda of the
Vedanda Society, Hollywood
Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara
Socialist leader Norman Thomas
Chester Bowles, special advisor to
the President
Swami Bhaskaranand Paramhamsa of "UNISM," New Delhi,
Thomas B. Watson, president of International Business
Eleanor Roosevelt, the United Lodge of Theosophists, New
York City
and others...
The futuristic building, characterized as a "spiritual UN" will be a
"symbol of the brotherhood and sisterhood of mankind," according to
the brochure issued from Temple headquarters, Greenwich, Conn. A
wing of this modern-day Tower of Babel will
be accorded to each of
the six international faiths: Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism,
Confucianism, Christianity and Islam.
AMONG OTHER endorsers listed are,
Jack Benny
Douglas MacArthur II,
ambassador to Japan
Max Lerner of the New York Post
Prof. J. B.
Rhine of Duke University
Roland Gammon of the Laymen's Movement and
World Parliament of Religions
Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes, president of
Sir Roy Welensky, prime minister, Federation of Rhodesia
and Nyasaland
Rev. Fred Jordan, president, International
Spiritualists, Norfolk, Va.
Philip S. Linnik, director Universal
Brotherhood Center, Glen Cove, Long Island, N. Y.
James A. Linen,
president Time-Life Inc.
S. A. Mohamed, cultural attaché of the
United Arab Republic, Washington, D.C.
A "world publicity campaign" for donations is being launched. The
names of the donors are to be enscribed on the stone walks of the
THE SYMBOLISM planned for the building dates back to the black magic
practiced by the high priests of ancient Egypt. The building will
contain a giant eye -- a circular pool of water which reflects light
beamed onto it by a dome faceted to resemble a many-colored diamond.
The Temple brochure states:
“The dome will be illuminated all night in order to indicate,
symbolically, that even while the world sleeps, the light of
understanding continues to shine.”
WHILE TEMPLE publicists proclaim the idea for the temple arose quite
spontaneously out of a talk between two woman friends, shrines for
"the brotherhood of man" have been systematically used throughout
history to create a mystique of collectivity.
Money was raised to build a similar shrine in London by the
occultist, the late Mrs. Annie Besant. A sort of Eleanor Roosevelt
of her day, Mrs. Besant worked closely with [Jawaharlal] Nehru and
Krishna Menon and was a founder of the Fabian Parliamentary League,
a British socialist group in which Sidney Webb, Hubert Land, H. H.
Champion and Bernard Shaw were active.
MRS. BESANT'S temple featured six symbolic presentations of the six
great international faiths in the lecture hall. Visiting "adepts"
contemplated a mural of a six-pointed Theosophical star made of two
interlocking triangles connected by a serpent.
This theme is repeated in the "Temple of Understanding." The
brochure informs us that the temple's six wings "will contain the
cultural facets of the 'diamond of truth.'"
IN NEW YORK the "Friends of the Meditation Room" have long met
regularly in the
United Nations' Meditation Room. In the center of
this shrine a beam of light plays of polished ore. On April 24,
1957, when the Meditation Room was reopened, the late Dag
Hammarskjold, UN Secretary General, described this pagan stone as an
altar to universal religion.
"The altar is the symbol of the
God of all," he said.
The Temple of Understanding also will have its meditation room, to
be known as the "Hall of Illumination." There, it is planned that
the Illuminati, Masters of Wisdom*, Our Leaders of the Temple of
Understanding, will train the public in the new humanistic cult.
Mahatmas, or Masters of Wisdom
To Helena Blavatsky the earlier civilizations such as the Egyptians
and Greeks understood esoteric wisdom better than modern societies
which made their teachings more proficient in the occult arts.
teachers of this wisdom were the "Mahatmas" or Masters of Wisdom as
they were known in India, lived on through centuries in various
incarnations taught their profound knowledge to worthy students.
According to her, most of the Mahatmas lived in remote regions of
Tibet, Mongolia, or India, forming the Brotherhood of Adepts. Such a
concept of brotherhoods exists in numerous occult traditions.
Helena claimed that two of the mahatmas (Koot Hoomi Lal Singh and
Morya) were the real founders of the Theosophical Society. The
Mahatmas frequently sent mysterious notes to officers of the Society
and the disciples. Also, they dictated the various material which
she later wrote into her books. A.G.H.
Meetings, film showings and courses of study in the world's great
religions will be held in the "Hall of Illumination."
IT IS INTERESTING to note that for some time now a group who call
themselves "the New Group of World Servers" have been holding "full
moon meditation meetings" at the
Carnegie Endowment International
Centre in New York. On Dec. 21, 1961, this writer attended one of
these meetings where pamphlets were distributed describing "the New
World Religion."
One " World Goodwill" booklet described what some
of the backers of "The Temple of Understanding" may have in mind.
“A new type of mystic is coming to be recognized... he
distinguished by his lack of interest in his own brand of religious
WHERE THE internationalist would-be elite gather to plan and plot
world government I heard a determined group of "World Servers" led
by Foster Bailey chant in unison their eerie Great Invocation.
“Let purpose guide the little wills of men— “The purpose which the Masters know and serve.”
Is the real purpose of the world-minded
Masters of Unism to guide
and control us by pagan rites?