by Ethan A. Huff

staff writer
February 14, 2012
from NaturalNews Website



It is bad enough that many medical experts and health agencies are now recommending that pregnant women get vaccinated for things like influenza and whooping cough in order to supposedly pass on immunity to their offspring.


But now some oncologists are recommending that pregnant women with cancer undergo toxic chemotherapy and radiation treatments while their babies are still in their wombs, alleging that this is "perfectly safe" in most cases.

Published as part of a series of papers in the journals Lancet and Lancet Oncology, a Belgian research study on 70 children exposed to chemotherapy while still in the womb found that, in certain situations, it is allegedly perfectly safe for a pregnant woman with cancer to undergo conventional cancer treatments. Based on their findings, researchers say chemotherapy-exposed children exhibit similar heart, IQ, and general overall health as children not exposed.

Missing from the study, however, was any long-term assessment of how exposure to chemotherapy or radiation in utero affected children later in life.


Though this small sampling may have appeared to show similar overall health between exposed and non-exposed children up until their 18th birthdays, researchers obviously do not know for sure whether or not in utero exposure to toxic cancer treatments will cause long-term damage.

Currently, most oncologists recommend that women either withhold undergoing conventional cancer treatments until after their babies are born, or in some cases, actually recommend that women earlier on in their pregnancies get an abortion in order to accommodate conventional cancer treatments.


But now, oncologists may begin recommending that pregnant women just go ahead and take chemotherapy drugs or get blasted with radiation during their pregnancies.

  • On the one hand, the new findings will at least discourage the practice of oncologists telling pregnant women with cancer to just get abortions, which will allow for more children's lives to be preserved.


  • On the other hand, the more women will now have a renewed false sense of security about the so-called safety of conventional cancer treatments, which will still likely kill many pregnant mothers and their babies.

Based on the findings, researchers say the best time for pregnant women with cancer to get chemotherapy treatments is after the first trimester, while the best time for radiation treatments is during the first two trimesters.

