Two of the most interesting questions of the day, to both scientist and layman, are these:

  • Where did man first appear upon the earth?

  • At what date did he appear - how far back?

The first of these questions I can answer and give all reasonable proofs, which consist of written documents, inscriptions on historic ruins, traditions, and geological phenomena.

The second question cannot now be answered, and probably never will be, because the records and proofs which were once written now lie in the bed of one of our deepest oceans. There is a possibility, however, that in unearthing the ruins of ancient Hindu Rishi city temples, there may be found complete copies of The Seven Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu. The seventh writing, or chapter, tells the tale and gives the history of man from his advent upon earth.

We have a Biblical statement that says man first appeared on earth in the Garden of Eden, but where the Garden of Eden was no two authorities agree. I maintain that the Biblical Garden of Eden was the Egyptian Lands of the West, the Maya's Land of Kui, and the Hindu's Motherland. The hieratical name for all of these was the Land of Mu.

Now I shall follow ancient man around the world and, by the written records he has left behind in every country, show beyond all peradventure the geographical position of Mu. I shall make the start from the United States of North America, because North America and eastern Asia were the two countries where man made his first settlements away from the Motherland.

In their excitement over the discovery of a few old human bones, such as the Neanderthal, Piltdown, and Heidelberg man, scientists, in both Europe and America, have completely ignored the remains of ancient man in North America. That the European remains were those of idiots and degenerates is obvious from the abnormal shapes of their skulls. Doubtless they were outcasts from civilized communities.


From Valmiki, Druidical works, the Popol Vuh and other ancient writings we learn that such characters were driven into the forests, there to live and die like the beasts. It would appear from many ancient writings that the usual method of disposing of bodies was by cremation, consequently there remained no trace of those whose bones had been consumed by fire.

The mere bones of man do not show the degree of civilization which he has attained, or the manner in which he lived - but his works do.

The remains of ancient man's bones found in North America are few, but his works are many.

All of the scientists who became excited over the discovery of ancient bones in Europe agree that they are of the Pleistocene Time, or subsequent to the geological Glacial Period.

North Americans were highly civilized, experts in the arts and sciences, tens of thousands of years before these idiots and degenerates of Europe existed.

A scientific boom was given to Egypt, by way of change, through the assertion that Egypt was the mother of civilization, whereas there are numerous ancient documents telling us that the soil of Egypt was first trod by colonists from America and India, and that these colonists "brought the learning and civilization of the Motherland with them." Many of these documents were written by the ancient Egyptians themselves.


As Schliemann has shown, the great civilization of Egypt declined with the loss of support furnished by the Motherland.

The evolution theory has now a firm hold on our scientists, an idea which is impossible and untenable in the face of The Sacred and Inspired Writings of Mu. These writings tell us what life is, how it originated and the forces which govern it. Although written more than 50,000 years ago, the writings inform us as to the nature of the force which our scientists call the electron; its origin, how it works, what it does and its final disposition.

There are the remains of highly civilized men in North America which date far back into the Tertiary Era and antedate the geological Glacial Period tens of thousands of years.

The Sacred Mysteries of Egypt tell us what the so-called Glacial Period was, what caused it, and give a scientific description of everything concerning it.

Many of the North American remains of man date back to a time before our great western mountain ranges raised their imposing heads above the level of the plains.

In our western states there are traceable four civilizations of human beings who occupied the land before the Cliff Dwellers and the present red Indians.

It is quite possible that the actual Cliff Dwellers and the red Indians may be races that have descended from remnants that were saved during the raising of the mountains. The four civilizations are shown by their different forms of writings and the remains of their houses. These writings are on boulders and cliffs and give to us an imperishable history of the race that inscribed them. True, it is a fragmentary history, but it is sufficient to tell us whence they came, how they came, and of their religion and accomplishments.

The keys to these writings come from the Motherland and they consist of a hieratic alphabet and a system of symbols or picture writing. The pictures form an alphabet of words instead of letters, and they are easy to read with the aid of the keys and a knowledge of the language in which they are written.

Following are a few of the most prominent of the ancient civilizations in North America:



In Oregon, at a place called Fossil Lake, the remains of a very ancient civilization have been unearthed. Fossil Lake is the dried-out bed of what was once an ancient sheet of water. From the remains of the prehistoric animals found there, it has been proved that the lake existed in the Mesozoic Age.

Fossil Lake stands in the midst of the great Oregon Desert, once a fertile plain but made waterless by the raising of the mountains, which diverted the surface water. Around the dried-up bed of the lake the fossils of ancient animals have been discovered. In the lower strata the bones of dinosaurs and other Mesozoic animals have been found; in the upper, the bones of mastodons and other mammal life of the Pleistocene Time. Among the bones of the mastodons were arrow and spear heads made of volcanic glass.


Some of the most valuable data relating to ancient man in North America have been uncovered through the work of archaeologists in this state.

Hundreds, yes, thousands, of records have been found on the rocks and cliffs of our western states, including symbols, hieratic letters and vignettes. I have selected a few from Nevada, as much as I can give in this curtailed work.

Symbols found among Cliff Dwellers' Writings

A. This is one of the symbols of Mu, The Empire of the Sun. A sun in mid-heaven surrounded with rays.
B. This is the symbol for the rising sun, and was so used by all ancient peoples.
C. This is the symbol of the sun at its meridian commonly used by all ancient peoples.
D. This is the sun shown as gone down beyond the horizon, set. Usually it is depicted as a plain circle without rays. In this case it is a black disk, which says it is referring to something that has forever passed away from the sun's rays.
E. This symbolizes Mu forever in darkness. Mu's name is given by her numeral, three, placed on the top of the black disk.
F. This is a vignette saying that Mu lies across the ocean in the direction of the setting sun. The serpent is Khan, symbolic of the ocean Khanab, the great waters. The semicircle above the serpent is a picture of the western horizon. Here again Mu's name is given by her symbolic numeral three. She is shown by three feathers on the horizon.
G 1. This is a hieroglyphic reading U-lummil, "The Empire of - ." This is the central figure on the royal escutcheon of Mu.
H 1. This is a bud of a lotus, the royal and sacred flower of the Motherland.
G 2. A single-headed, unadorned serpent, the symbol of the waters among all ancient peoples.
H 2. Another symbol used for water, in place of the serpent.
I. The ancients sometimes used a plain cross instead of the usual symbol, the four-sided square. Both show four cardinal points.
K. This is the first letter in the hieratic alphabet of the Motherland, pronounced ah. It is also the numeral one, pronounced hun. Its meaning was extended to cover King Ahau, the King of Kings.
L. This is the letter n in the hieratic alphabet.
M. This is the symbol for an abyss, a valley or hole.
N. This is the letter x in the hieratic alphabet.
O. This is the letter u in the hieratic alphabet, reversed.
P. Pages might be written about this symbol of the serpent and the tree. It came into existence, however, after the submersion of Mu.
Q. This symbol has both plain and esoteric meanings. It symbolizes creation, also the numeral nine.
R. This is an Uighur-Maya religious symbol.
S. This is the Uighur hieratic letter h.
T. Is this a feather or shrub? I don't know.
U. This is the ancient symbol for a hundred.
V. This is a symbol for mountains, not very old.
W. This is an interesting symbol, as it is a map of the western coast line of North, Central and South America.
X. This picture has no symbolical significance. Such hands are found painted on cave walls throughout the world.
Y. This cross reads and refers to the active and passive elements in nature. It also has an esoteric meaning.
Z. I doubt if this symbol means anything beyond artistic effect.
AA. This is the picture of a skin of an animal.
BB. Similar heads are found in Egypt and elsewhere. The horns are adorned, showing that the animal is intended for some function or ceremony. It is not a very ancient symbol.
CC. A three-pointed figure symbolizing multitudes. It is generally found with the points pointing downwards.
DD. A guide-post telling the traveler the direction and length of his journey.

These cliff writings prove that the writers came from the Motherland and that they were intimately connected with the Mayas of Mexico and Central America, as their language is a branch of the Maya.


Grapevine Canyon, Nevada

1. Is the ground plan of a temple.
2. Is the symbol for submersion. Having gone down with myriads of inhabitants.
3. Is the symbol for the sun having set forever on the land or lands submerged, and includes the sunset, the life cross and submersion.

The details in this ground plan (1) say:

"This temple is erected to the memory of Mu, the Motherland of Man, which has been submerged with myriads of souls."

The central figure (4) represents a shrine or holy of holies. Within this shrine is m reversed - m, Mu, Motherland, showing to whom it is dedicated and that she is no more. She is dead.

On either side of the central figure are three taus - T - the symbol of resurrection. This is a common way of referring to the Motherland all over the world.

On the moon stones of Anarajapura, Ceylon, the symbolical animals are in groups of three. On the great monolith of Tiahuanaco, Peru, the thrones are in groups of three. On the heads of the figures in Central America are three crowns - and so on, ad infinitum.

The three divisions about the shrine represent the three rooms, where the devotee receives his three degrees in religious knowledge. This is the usual construction of ancient temples. The three rooms are confirmed by the treble figure (5) at the entrance. This is the shape of the ends of all the rooms, representing heaven and earth.


In the room itself the degree is shown by the number of stars within the triangle.


At the right of this temple is the glyph (2). This is a compound symbol and reads "land or lands Submerged." 20 is a symbol meaning multitudes. Thus the glyph shows multitudes of souls submerged.

At the left is another compound symbol - (3) ; a is the sun, b lands submerged. Translated, it reads,

"the sun shines no more on these lands which are submerged."

Therefore, the whole tableau says:

"Mu, with myriads of souls, has been submerged. The sun shines no more upon her. She is in darkness. She is dead."

The second stone is adjacent to the previous one. It represents a sacrificial scene: I. The animal on the altar. 2. The fires to consume it. 3. The symbol of submerged Mu.

I have included this drawing to corroborate the previous one and furnish additional proof that the temple was dedicated to Mu and that Mu had been submerged.

There were no burnt sacrifices previous to the destruction of the Motherland. Burnt sacrifices were introduced as a religious ceremony, to commemorate Mu and her people being consumed by fire as she sank into the fiery abyss.

Gold Gulch, Beatty, Nevada

This rock is one of nature's freaks that was utilized by man many thousands of years ago as a guide to travelers, and a commemorative monument to Mu.

Roughly, the stone resembles the squat and bent figure of a man in a posture of grief and mourning. He is heavily cloaked in the ancient Manchu style, with arms folded across the knees. On the top is a weatherworn stone, which represents the head of the figure.


In place of eyes are pecked and painted two symbols, both very pronounced as to meaning: it reads, chi-pe-zi, which, translated, means,

"A mouth opened, fires came forth with vapors, the land gave way and went down." 2a. This is the escutcheon of the Empire of the Sun, the land of Mu. A sun with eight rays.

Instead of the center being a symbol reading,

"The Empire of - ," this has in its place: 2b "Ahau, the King, the Great King, the Great Ruler."

Freely read, the writings on this face say:

"A mouth opened, volcanic fires and vapors came forth, the land gave way, and Mu, the Great Ruler, the Empire of the Sun, sank into that abyss of fire."

On the left arm of the figure, the first symbol is (3) the-the-ha, which, translated, reads:

"Toward water," or "in the direction of water."

From the main symbol are shown streams joining each other. The characters on this picture are all Uighur-Maya. These people may have been Mongols.

This is a guide-post, nothing more, telling the way to water. It is a crudely drawn ancient, conventional face looking in the direction of water. The first water to be found in this vicinity, by the way, is a spring, pond or lake, and farther on, a river. The ground is intersected with trails, and the figure shows which road to take to the pond or spring.

The first settlers in the United States made their settlements along the southwestern states. These settlements were wiped out by cataclysms at the same time that contemporary settlements in Mexico were also destroyed.


These were of a very early date, probably during Pliocene times.

Colorado River and Tributaries

The Gateway of the Cliff Dwellers into the United States

A second civilization, and probably a third, followed them.


These were destroyed by cataclysms and by the raising of the great ranges of mountains. The raising of these mountains, by the way, made deserts of many fertile lands in Colorado, Arizona and Nevada.


The Cliff Dwellers were the last colonizers to arrive from the land of Mu. When the first settlements were made in the southwestern states, it was before the mountains were raised. When the Cliff Dwellers entered America, the mountains probably had been raised, for we find their houses in the cliffs of the mountains.

The Cliff Dwellers spoke the Yucatan-Maya language, as is shown by their use of the Maya hieratic alphabet, which I have found in Nevada. One would judge, from the points where we find the remains of the Cliff Dwellers in Colorado, that the mouth of the Colorado River was their port of entry into America.

It is quite apparent that, after reaching their objective point from the Motherland, the mouth of the Colorado River, they proceeded to work up the river and inland. From remains of them found in various states, it is shown that they did not confine themselves to the main river, but worked out on all of its branches and smaller tributaries, some even going beyond the water route by trails on land, such as the old Zuni trail. Generally, however, they seemed to choose water routes in preference to land routes.

Working inland from the Colorado River's mouth, they would first pass through Arizona, which state is full of their remains. Their old homes and remains show that they worked out on the Gila, Little Colorado and Grand rivers. In New Mexico their remains are also abundant.

After passing through Arizona, up the Colorado River, they wound their way into Utah. Utah is rich in their remains. Branches of the Colorado continue into Nevada and Wyoming and in both states there are remains of these ancient people.

Leaving the main river and working out on the branches, the Grand, San Juan, White and Yampa rivers, the Cliff Dwellers would, naturally, enter Colorado, a state which is extremely rich in their remains.

Basing calculations on these not only possible but probable routes, the great figures pecked and painted on the rocks, in peculiar positions, with extraordinary hands and feet, were unquestionably guide-posts; a dumb language, guiding and telling the traveler about the journey ahead of him. I know this is true, because I have deciphered and translated some of them.

All the regions surrounding the Colorado River are literally filled with the works of the old Cliff Dwellers. These remains consist of cliff houses, rock paintings, rock writings and various utensils and instruments. The fact that these works are only found in the vicinity of the Colorado River and its tributaries is the strongest sort of evidence that the Colorado River was the gateway through which the Cliff Dwellers entered America, and possibly their predecessors as well.

When the Cliff Dwellers came to America is problematical. There is no positive evidence, nor, in fact, anything to give us any intimation.


They or their ancestors, however, were here before the mountains were raised, which would fix their date at 12,500 years ago.


Dr. Walter Hough, of the Smithsonian Institution, made an examination of the petrified forests of Arizona and reported that he had found the remains of four distinct peoples there.


This find corresponds with my own discoveries in our western and southwestern states, as well as in Mexico. Three of Hough's civilizations existed before the mountains were raised.

The accompanying illustration is a copy of an ancient rock picture found in the Hava Supai Canyon, Arizona. It is more than 12,000 years old and shows that man was living in Arizona contemporaneously with the mastodon.

New Mexico

The ancient history of New Mexico is the ancient history of the Pueblo Indians, whose past constitutes one of the most fascinating tales ever told about the ancient men of North America.


The Pueblo Indians, when they first came to America, were a very highly civilized and enlightened people. Their traditions and the data found among them prove the fact. They have the oldest records and traditions of any North Americans who came to this continent from the Motherland.

In our western and southwestern states are many ancient ruined cities and structures - rock pictures, rock writings, pottery and traditions. Our famous scientists and archaeologists have been particularly bashful about telling us anything about the people who occupied this land before the present inhabitants. The most they tell us is that these writings are from 3000 to 5000 years old.

It is from the Hopi and Zuni Pueblos that the most information is to be obtained. To me these tribes are the most interesting of all the North American Indians living today. Possibly this is because I know them better than any of the others. Their connection with the Motherland is perfectly established, and their traditions also tell us that they originally came to America from Mu. All their religious inspirations are traceable back to the first religion of man, and their sacred symbols are virtually those of Mu.

I have a Pueblo ceremonial blanket, the ornamentations of which are sacred symbols derived from the Motherland.

Their traditions are interesting and far-reaching. A fascinating tradition of theirs is about the creation of the first man and woman - the Adam and Eve of the Bible. It is most valuable for the reason that the language of the Motherland is found in the esoteric meanings of some of the words.

The Zunis and the Hopis have two special gods who are supposed to shape the destinies of mankind. These gods are held sacred, but are not worshiped. In other words, they are comparable to our saints. The names of these two gods are Ahaiinta and Matsailema. These were the first children of the God of the Sun.

This sentence bears careful analysis. The Hopi Indians have differentiated between the Sun, the collective symbol of God, and God Himself. They point out that the first man and the first woman were the children of God Himself and not the children of His symbol the Sun.

I have found in ancient writings, especially in those of the Hindus and Egyptians, passages where the sun is called the father of life, and the waters, the mother of life, but in each instance they are speaking about nature's products and not the special creation called man. They also speak of the sun's forces working on the earth's affinitive forces.

The Hopi Indians hold that man and woman were the children of God, the Great God who rules the sun; therefore, they are not the offspring of nature. A further corroboration lies in the esoteric meanings of the names of man and woman. Their names are composed of vocables of the mother tongue, and, like all ancient religious writings, have a hidden meaning.


For instance:

Ahaiinta is made up of the Motherland words A-hai-in-ta, and Matsailema of Ma-tsai-le-ma.

Conjoined, they read:

"God created the first man and the first woman to occupy the earth. These first children of God were the parents of all mankind."

The language of the Pueblo Indians contains, as I have pointed out, many words of the mother tongue and many others find their roots in the same source. Another legend reads as follows:

"Their forefathers came to America in their ships from across the sea in the direction of the setting sun."

Thus it is shown that they came to America from the west, in ships, not over the much abused and imposed on Bering land-bridge.

When the Pueblos first came to America they were in a highly civilized state, which is corroborated by their wonderful knowledge of geology, their cultivated language, and their use of the sacred symbols of the Motherland.

A peculiar coincidence that I discovered among the Pueblo Indians was this: they had Seven Sacred Cities of Cibola. This is a pure copy of the Motherland and a custom that prevailed among her colonial empires. For instance, the Motherland had seven sacred cities of religion and the sciences; Atlantis had the same, and India had her seven Rishi, or sacred, cities.

Lieutenant Gushing lived among the Hopi Indians for a long time while he translated what has been called the Zuni Myths, which are myths only because the people into whose hands they have passed have failed to understand them. These Pueblo traditions have been handed down orally from father to son for thousands of years, but a tradition is actual history, not a myth.

I shall take some extracts from Lieutenant Cushing's translations, which, added to my own personal knowledge of the Pueblos, make interesting reading.

For example, a Zuni tradition says:

"Once the earth was covered with water, no land appeared anywhere."

Is this a myth? Not at all, for it has been corroborated by the sacred writings of the Motherland and by geology.

Another Zuni tradition says:

"Just before man appeared upon the earth, the ground was so soft and watery man could not have walked upon it, his feet would sink into the ground, therefore he could not live upon it."

A description of what sort of footwear a man must have had to enable him to pass over the soft, watery ground without sinking into it, is very amusing.

Although geological works do not mention this kind of ground as having been in the world at any time, yet that such was the case is clearly enough shown by the shape and character of the feet of the early Tertiary animals, that had long, spreading toes like the feet of our present-day wading birds frequenting the muddy shores of rivers, ponds and lakes.

Another so-called Zuni myth:

The ancient Zunis, thousands upon thousands of years ago, had a perfect knowledge of the great reptilian monstrosities that frequented the earth from the Carboniferous Age down to the end of the Cretaceous Period.

The traditions say:

"They were monsters and animals of prey; they were provided with claws and terrible teeth. A mountain lion is but a mole in comparison to them. Then Those Above said to these animals: 'Ye shall all be changed into stone, that ye be not evil to men, but that ye may be a great good to them. Thus have we changed ye into everlasting stone.'

"Thus was the surface of the earth hardened and many of all sorts of beasts turned into stone. Thus, too, it happens that we find them throughout the world. Their forms are sometimes large (in shape), like themselves; sometimes they are shriveled and distorted out of shape, and we often see among the rocks many beasts that no longer live, which show us that all was different in the days of the new."

I think Cushing hardly caught the exact translations in the words I have italicized. My changes, however, in no way alter the meanings.

The foregoing has been passed along as another Zuni myth. Yet, in order to prove that it is not a myth, one has only to stroll through any of our museums to see on every side the truth of the Zuni tradition. Go to the Museum of Natural History in New York and look at the fossil of the crested trachodont, or visit the United States National Museum at Washington and gaze at the complete and perfect skeleton of the Jurassic dinosaur, Stegosaurus. crushed and flattened.

There may be readers who will say that these have nothing to do with the Pueblos and that they do not prove the tradition not to be a myth. For the benefit of such doubters let us consider the Hava Supai Canyon in Arizona.


There, drawn and carved on a rock, is a picture of the most terrible carnivorous dinosaur that ever existed on earth, the grewsome Tyrannosaurus of the late Cretaceous Period. This picture probably was drawn more than 12,000 years ago.

It is only within the last hundred years that this form of reptile was known to our scientists. Cuvier found a part of a skeleton and out of it made a reproduction - a great lizard walking on all four legs. I think I am correct in saying that it is actually only within the last fifty years that the true form of the Tyrannosaurus became known, although it had been faithfully depicted in rock drawings by ancient man thousands of years ago.

The Zunis also have various traditions about the "Flood." I quote the tradition about this catastrophe, as published by G.W. James:

"In the long, long ago, the Zunis were very wicked, and in spite of the continued warnings of Those Above, they persisted in their evil doings until the Shadow people determined to destroy them from the face of the earth. Accordingly the two great water sources of the world were opened: the reservoir of the above from which all rains descend, and the reservoir of the below from which all springs, creeks and rivers receive their flow.

"The very plugs were withdrawn and the rain poured down and the floods arose, until the Zunis knew the wrath of the gods was falling upon them. Hastily they fled to the summit of Tai-yo-al-la-ne (Thunder Mountain), where the younger ones of the wicked and profane laughed at the fears of the others, and openly scoffed at the idea that even the floods of heaven and of the underworld beneath could ever rise so high as to reach them."

"But slowly the water arose; higher and higher it came, until even the scoffers were silenced, and dumb dread filled their souls. In vain the priests of the various brotherhoods danced, sang, prayed and made big smoke, made medicine and offered gifts. The anger of Those Above would not be turned away. At last the Chief of the Priests went away to a quiet part of the mountain summit, where he could meditate and pray and more especially intercede for the people.


He finally came back and said that Those Above could have their anger turned away from them only in one way. The choicest of the young men and the fairest and sweetest of the young maidens must be sacrificed, and then, with appropriate ceremonies be flung into the waters. Thus could the wrath of the gods be appeased and their anger turned away.

"Sadly the people listened and then discussed as to who should be offered as the needful sacrifice. A youth was found as handsome as a young god, athletic, healthful, radiant, fine featured and beloved by all. Then while no one dared to whisper it, the thought went through the minds of all that the only maiden worthy was the beloved and only daughter of their revered Cacique. When he looked up to see whom the people had chosen, there was no maiden there. Tears sprang into his eyes.


Calling his sweet daughter to him he said a few words to which she reverently bowed her head. Taking her stand beside the youth, those present knew that the sacrifice would be complete. Carefully robing them both in their finest ceremonial costumes, placing suitable decorations in their hair, around their arms, and in their hands, the young pair were made ready. Then, slowly and quietly, but increasing in volume and agony, the death wail was sung, after which the Cacique blessed them both; and, invoking the pardon of Those Above, to be gained at so great a cost, he flung them headlong into the seething waters.

"It was done not a moment too soon, for already the throng were standing on a small piece of high land left on the mesa-top with the waters completely surrounding them.

"In less than an hour the waters had gained their height and began to subside. Days and weeks passed, however, before the valley was dry and the chastened people could return to their homes.

"Not long after this, one of the youths who had been foremost in wickedness happened to look up towards Tai-yoallane and there saw two figures standing out clear and plain on the mesa-top. Calling to his people, they were soon gazing in wonderment and awe at the sight, knowing that Those Above had given this to them as a sign. This was confirmed when the Cacique solemnly assured them that these were the heavenly made images of their loved ones given as a sacrifice. The outer, larger one, was the youth, and the inner and smaller one was the maiden."

As a matter of fact, there are six of these shafts on Thunder Mountain, two large ones and four small ones.


James, after thanking his Zuni narrator, pointed out the fact to him, whereupon the Zuni replied:

"Ah! the youth and the maiden cried out to Those Above that they were lonesome, so the gods married them, and by and by four children came, two boys and two girls, to make them happy."

In the tradition it will be noted that the word cacique is used to designate the head or principal of the tribe.


Cacique is a Quiche-Maya word, meaning the principal head. In Peru, the Quiches, who originally came there from Central America, are now known as Quichuas, and their word for principal or head is cacique. It is the same in Venezuela among the descendants of the Cara-Mayas from Central America.

The Zuni tradition of the flood is a particularly valuable piece of geological information because it proves that the waters of the last magnetic cataclysm extended far beyond the geological drift line in America.

Various Pueblo traditions, their language, their sacred symbols and other evidences prove that the Pueblo Indians originally came to America from Mu. As I have already shown, Mu was submerged some 12,000 years ago. Therefore, as these Pueblo Indians came directly from Mu, then they must have been in America at least 12,000 years.

The Pueblos have many of the Quiche-Maya words in their language, in addition to which many of their original conceptions are identical with those of the Quiches, showing that either in the Motherland, or on their first arrival in America, they were geographically in close proximity.

The Pueblos have been little influenced, if at all, by the white people of today, and live now as their ancestors did for many centuries, preserving with great care not only the purity of their language, which they teach their children to speak correctly, but also their customs, traditions and ancient rites and ceremonies.

Another connection with the Quiche-Mayas and the far-distant past is their prominent symbol, the bearded serpent Quetzalcoatl found principally in the Parjarito Park region.

In confirmation of the foregoing, Professor E.L. Hewitt, of the Las Vegas University, reports that he has found in the homes of an ancient people fossil remains of the mastodon and saber-tooth tiger; also utensils made out of live, not fossil ivory, thus corroborating the Hava Supai Canyon picture.

Colorado Desert

In the Colorado Desert there are some famous remains of a great past civilization.


These remains have been a puzzle to scientists, but they merely substantiate the, old tale of ancient man and his original habitat. The Colorado Desert, like the Oregon and most other deserts, was once fertile land made waterless by the raising of the mountains.


It is conclusively proved, however, that the people who lived where the Colorado Desert now stands lived there before the western mountain ranges were raised.


Professor R.W. Gilder, of Omaha, Nebraska, has made one of the most remarkable and valuable archaeological discoveries ever made in any part of the world. His discovery shows uncontrovertibly that man was living in North America, in a highly civilized state, back in the Tertiary Era.

Gilder has discovered a civilization that was wiped out by the waters of the Last Magnetic Cataclysm, which was the Biblical "Flood" and the geological Glacial Period.

Gilder reports that "the familiar buffalo wallows of the West were never made by buffaloes; they are, instead, the entrances to ruins of underground dwellings, in which, thousands of years ago, lived a race which has vanished from the earth. There is no indication of who the people were or how they were wiped out."

Among the ruins of these long-filled burrows Gilder has found various works of art of the vanished race.

Fig. 1. Is a glazed clay pipe (see halftones).
Fig. 2. Is a fishhook made of bone.
Fig. 3. Is a clay face with prominently sloping eyes.
Fig. 4. Is a small pink soapstone head. Gilder says of it: "The pink head is Egyptian in every feature. It is delicately carved and highly polished. It is Egyptian in headdress, having even the rectangular ear-guards worn by the Egyptians. It is more than Egyptian; it resembles the face of Ramses II himself, if the marble busts in Oriental museums today are images of the Egyptian king."
Fig. 5. Is an ornament made of shell.
Fig. 6. Is a comb made of elk-horn.

"The floors of these underground burrows are strewn with charred sticks, reeds, coarse grasses and corncobs. In the floor of every cave is found a cache, where most of the domestic utensils and other valuables were kept hidden. Sometimes there are several in the same cave. The mouths of the caches are always found plugged with layers of burnt clay. On top of this is a layer of ashes. Beneath all, the cavity widens like a jug or bottle, often the size of a hogshead."

These artificial caves were filled in with the soil and drift torn up by the waves of the cataclysm as they rolled down over the plains. In time this filling packed and left a hollow at the entrance, which has been called a "buffalo wallow."

Gilder's civilization was wiped out by the last magnetic cataclysm. Therefore, it was a Tertiary Era civilization.


In Kentucky are the remains of a civilization that was contemporaneous with Gilder's Nebraska civilization.

At Blue Lick Springs, several years ago, an excavation was being made. Twelve feet below the surface of the ground the workmen came across the bones of a mastodon; farther down, they found a stratum of gravel, and underneath the gravel, a stone pavement. The stones forming this pavement had been quarried. Their upper surfaces had been cut and dressed, while their lower sides were in the rough.

The mastodon in this excavation belonged to the Pleistocene Period, as it lay above the gravel. The gravel was formed by the waters of the last magnetic cataclysm, and the stone pavement, being below the gravel, shows that this civilization, like Gilder's, was a Tertiary Era civilization.

George W. Ranck, the Kentucky historian, in his History of Lexington, wrote:

"The city now known as Lexington, Kentucky, is built of the dust of a dead metropolis of a lost race, of whose name, and language, and history not a vestige is left. Even the bare fact of the existence of such a city, and such a people, on the site of the present Lexington, would never have been known but for the rapidly decaying remnants of ruins found by early pioneers and adventurers to the 'Elk-horn lands.' But that these remains of a great city and a mighty people did exist, there can be not the shadow of a doubt.

"Who, then, were these mysterious beings? From whence did they come? What were the forms of their religion and government? These are questions that will probably never be solved by mortal man, but that they lived and flourished centuries before the Indian, who can doubt? Here they erected their Cyclopean temples and cities, with no vision of the red men who would come after them, and chase the deer and the buffalo over their leveled and grass-covered walls.


Here they lived, and labored, and died, before Columbus had planted the standard of old Spain upon the shores of a new world; while Gaul, and Britain, and Germany were occupied by roving tribes of barbarians, and, it may be, long before imperial Rome had reached the height of her glory and splendor. But they had no literature and when they died they were utterly forgotten.


They may have been a great people, but it is all the same to those who came if they were or not, for their greatness was never recorded. They trusted in the mighty works of their hands, and now, indeed, are they a dead nation and a lost race."

True, the mighty works of their hands, so far as buildings are concerned, "are one with Nineveh and Tyre," but their hands left other records upon the imperishable rocks, and it is by these records we may identify them as colonizers from Mu, the Motherland.

Therefore, by the foregoing facts that I have recorded about discoveries in North America, we have positive proofs that the whole of western North America was peopled by highly civilized races during the latter part of the Tertiary Era and before the geological Glacial Period.

Hundreds of rock writings, confirmed by many legends, also tell us that these first civilizations of North America came from a country called Mu, and that,

"Mu lay to the west of America, beyond the horizon of the great water."

This is positive because the Nebraskan and Kentucky civilizations have now been shown to have existed during the Pliocene Period.


Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico show us civilizations that existed before the mountains were raised. As these civilizations antedate the mountains, they also went back into the Tertiary Period.


How far back into the Tertiary Era they went is not known, as no date has so far come to light to tell us.


It remains an open question.

Cliff Dwellers' Guide Posts in Three Forms of Writing

Fig. 1. Arizona. Directions about an overland trail
Fig. 2. New Mexico. Directions, land trail
Fig. 3. Utah. Directions, land and water route to a settlement. Not the same people as either I or 2

Those ancient dwellers in our western states known as Cliff Dwellers were represented by several distinct tribes and it is possible that, instead of being merely tribes, the were distinct nationalities.


I surmise this from their rock writings and rock paintings, which show that different tongues were spoken. The writings are also in varying forms of symbols and alphabets.

A close examination discloses that some of the rock writings and pictures that have been assigned to the Cliffs Dwellers of North America are thousands of years older than others which appear within a stone's throw of them. These very ancient writings and pictures were executed before the mountains were raised, which is proved by the fact that some of the rocks on which they are written are fractured and displaced.


In some instances the fracture divides the writing, and in others, characters are found that have been split in two, one part appearing on one side of the fracture and the remainder on the other. This indicates that the rock was fractured and displaced as the ground was being elevated. Other writings as clearly reveal that they were written after the land was elevated.

It is impossible to give here a detailed account of rock writings and rock pictures of North America. I have been compelled to confine myself to a few that cover two important points: First, those that give an approximate date of the civilization; second, those that tell us the origin of the people, where they came from, and how they came to America.

It is quite doubtful if all those classed as Cliff Dwellers actually belonged with that people; that is, certain writings assigned to the Cliff Dwellers were probably written by people who were not Cliff Dwellers at all.

That the Cliff Dwellers came from Mu is certain, for every one of their pictures that are used as guide-posts contains a reference to Mu.


In fact, the rock writings and pictures of the Cliff Dwellers, except those drawn for artistic effect, are permeated with references to Mu, both before and after her submersion. In addition to this, they invariably used the symbols that were in vogue in the Motherland.

Among the rock writings I have found four different branches of the Maya language that were in use; also the evidence that these ancient Americans used three differently arranged alphabets.

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