Oct 24, 2007
VideoGoogle Website
Lindsey Williams
talks about his first hand knowledge of Alaskan oil reserves larger
than any on earth. And he talks about how the oil companies
and U.S. government won't send it through the pipeline for U.S.
citizens to use.
Read "The
Energy Non-Crisis" by Lindsey
Raining Hydrocarbons In The Gulf
by Lisa M. Pinsker
Geotimes - Petroleum Geology
June 2003
GeoTimes Website
Below the Gulf of Mexico, hydrocarbons flow upward through an
intricate network of conduits and reservoirs. They start in thin
layers of source rock and, from there, buoyantly rise to the
surface. On their way up, the hydrocarbons collect in little
rivulets, and create temporary pockets like rain filling a pond.
Eventually most escape to the ocean.
And, this is all happening now, not
millions and millions of years ago, says Larry Cathles, a chemical
geologist at Cornell University.
"We're dealing with this giant
flow-through system where the hydrocarbons are generating now,
moving through the overlying strata now, building the reservoirs
now and spilling out into the ocean now," Cathles says.
He's bringing this new view of an active
hydrocarbon cycle to industry, hoping it will lead to larger oil and
gas discoveries.
By matching the chemical signatures of the oil and
gas with geologic models for the structures below the seafloor,
petroleum geologists could tap into reserves larger than the North
Sea, says Cathles, who presented his findings at the meeting of the
American Chemical Society in New Orleans on March 27, 2003.

This canvas image of the study area shows the top of salt surface
(salt domes are spikes) in the Gas Research Institute study area and
four areas of detailed study (stratigraphic layers).
The oil fields
seen here are Tiger Shoals, South Marsh Island 9 (SMI 9), the South
Eugene Island Block 330 area (SEI 330), and Green Canyon 184 area
(Jolliet reservoirs).
In this area, 125 kilometers by 200
kilometers, Larry Cathles of Cornell University and his team
estimate hydrocarbon reserves larger than those of the North Sea.
Image by Larry Cathles
Cathles and his team estimate that in a study area of about 9,600
square miles off the coast of Louisiana, source rocks a dozen
kilometers down have generated as much as 184 billion tons of oil
and gas - about 1,000 billion barrels of oil and gas equivalent.
"That's 30 percent more than we
humans have consumed over the entire petroleum era," Cathles
says. "And that's just this one little postage stamp area; if
this is going on worldwide, then there's a lot of hydrocarbons
venting out."
According to a 2000 assessment from the
Minerals Management Service (MMS), the mean undiscovered,
conventionally recoverable resources in the Gulf of Mexico offshore
continental shelf are 71 billion barrels of oil equivalent.
But, says Richie Baud of MMS, not all
those resources are economically recoverable and they cannot be
directly compared to Cathles' numbers, because,
"our assessment only includes those
hydrocarbon resources that are conventionally recoverable
whereas their study includes unconventionally recoverable
Future MMS assessments, Baud says, may
include unconventionally recoverable resources, such as gas
Of that huge resource of naturally generated hydrocarbons, Cathles
says, more than 70 percent have made their way upward through the
vast network of streams and ponds, venting into the ocean, at a rate
of about 0.1 ton per year. The escaped hydrocarbons then become food
for bacteria, helping to fuel the oceanic food web.
Another 10
percent of the Gulf's total hydrocarbons are hidden in the
subsurface, representing about 60 billion barrels of oil and 374
trillion cubic feet of gas that could be extracted. The remaining
hydrocarbons, about 20 percent, stay trapped in the source strata.
Driving the venting process is the replacement of deep,
carbonate-sourced Jurassic hydrocarbons by shale-sourced, Eocene
Determining the ratio between the
younger and older hydrocarbons, based on their chemical signatures,
is key to understanding the migration paths of the oil and gas and
the potential volume waiting to be tapped.
"If the Eocene source matures and
its chemical signature is going to be seen near the surface,
it's got to displace all that earlier generated hydrocarbon -
that's the secret of getting a handle on this number," Cathles
Another important key to understanding
hydrocarbon migration is "gas washing," Cathles adds. A relatively
new process his research team discovered in the Gulf work, gas
washing refers to the regular interaction of oil with large amounts
of natural gas.
In the northern area of Cathles' study area, he
estimates that gas carries off 90 percent of the oil.
Ed Colling, senior staff geologist at ChevronTexaco, says that
identifying the depth at which gas washing occurs could be extremely
useful in locating deeper oil reserves.
"If you make a discovery, by back
tracking the chemistry and seeing where the gas washing
occurred, you have the opportunity to find deeper oil," he says.
Using such information in combination
with the active hydrocarbon flow model Cathles' team produced and
already existing 3-D seismic analyses could substantially improve
accuracy in drilling for oil and gas, Colling says.
ChevronTexaco, which funds Cathles' work
through the Global Basins Research Network, has been working to
integrate the technologies. (Additional funding comes from the Gas
Research Institute.)
"All the players are looking for
bigger reserves than what's on shore," Colling says.
And deep
water changes the business plan. With each well a multibillion
dollar investment, the discovery must amount to at least several
hundred million barrels of oil and gas for the drilling to be
Chemical signatures and detailed basin models are just
more tools to help them decide where to drill, he says.
"A big part of the future of exploration is being able to
effectively use chemical information," Cathles says.
Working in
an area with more oil by at least a factor of two than the North
Sea, he says he hopes that his models will help companies better
allocate their resources.
But equally important, Cathles says,
is that his work is shifting the way people think about natural
hydrocarbon vent systems - from the past to the present.
More Evidence For Sustainable Oil
by Donnie Marlo Otto
Rense Website
After reading the article posted today on your website "Sustainable
Oil", I smell a conspiracy here! An oil industry conspiracy to drive
oil prices through the roof by floating the lie that oil is created
from organic processes and is in limited supply. (Fossils)
I did a search on Google on the subject using the term "Origins of
Petroleum" and found a wealth of info backing up the authors
claims..... see below.
The Origins of Oil and Petroleum
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996 17:54:57 PDT From: "Daniel E. Reynolds" Subject: Oil - A RENEWABLE and ABIOTIC FUEL?
On June 20th, 1996 Col. Prouty stated...
"Oil is often called a 'fossil'
fuel; the idea being that it comes from formerly living
organisms. This may have been plausible back when oil wells
were drilled into the fossil layers of the earth's crust;
but today, great quantities of oil are found in deeper wells
that are found below the level of any fossils. How could
then oil have come from fossils, or decomposed former living
matter, if it exists in rock formations far below layers of
fossils - the evidence of formerly living organisms? It must
not come from living matter at all!"
Two days after I read his statement
I encountered the following statement in a newspaper I deeply
"Any geologist will tell you,
well, most geologists will tell you that OIL IS CREATED BY
THE MAGMA OF THE EARTH. The oil wells in Pennsylvania that
were pumped out dry at the turn of the century and capped
are now filled with oil again."
(Say what?)
I would be honored if Col Prouty could provide me with just a
ASSERTION. A search of the US libraries (via computer) has
turned up the name of Professor Thomas Gold who wrote a book
entitled: "Power from the Earth".
I tried to contact
Marc J. Defant, a Volcanologist who teaches
at the University of Southern Florida, but he is in Russia -
probably drilling for OIL PRODUCED BY MAGMA!!!
Professor Gold's book has been requested via interlibrary loan.
I certainly believe Col Prouty is telling the truth - as he
knows it - personally! Well, I seek the TRUTH - and when I find
it - I teach it to all who desire to hear it - as best I can.
Thank you for taking time to read my request. If, Col Prouty can
find the time to read it too - and he chooses to share
additional information with me - I shall be most grateful.
Sincerely, Daniel E. Reynolds
July 29, 1996
Here is Col. Prouty's response.
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 21:16:04
From: Col. L. Fletcher Prouty
Subject: RE: Reynolds letter
This response is for Daniel E. Reynolds, 29 July 1996 on the
subject of "Oil - A renewable and abiotic Fuel?"
Dan, your use of the word "abiotic" is good. As a non-fossil
fuel, petroleum has no living antecedent. It contains chemical
elements found in living matter; but it is not "formerly living
matter." There has not been enough true "formerly living matter"
through all of creation to account for the volume of petroleum
that has been consumed to date.
My background in this subject goes back to 1943. I was the pilot
who flew a U.S. Geological Survey Team from Casablanca to
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. We met the Cal. Standard Oil team holding
down that lease. Then we went back to Cairo to meet President
Roosevelt during the Nov. 1943 "Cairo Conference" with Churchill
and Chiang Kai Shek. FDR ordered the immediate construction of
an oil refinery there for WW II use. This led to ARAMCO.
During the "Energy Crisis" of the 1970's I was detailed to
represent the U.S. Railroad industry as a member of the "Federal
Staff Energy Seminar" program started by the Center for
Strategic and International Studies, sponsored by Georgetown
University. That began in Jan 1974 and continued for four years.
It was designed to discuss "the working of the United States
national energy system, and new horizons of energy research."
Among the regular attendees were such men as Henry Kissinger and
James Schlesinger... most valuable meetings.
During one meeting we took a "Buffet Break" and I was seated
with Arthur Kantrowitz of the AVCO Company... "Kantrowitz Labs"
near Boston. At the table with us were four young geologists
busily talking about Petroleum. At one point one of them made
reference to "Petroleum as organic matter, and a fossil fuel."
Right out of the Rockefeller bible.
Kantrowitz turned to the geologist beside him and asked,
"Do you
really believe that petroleum is a fossil fuel?" The man said,
"Certainly" and all four of them joined in.
Kantrowitz listened
quietly and then said,
"The deepest fossil ever found has been
at about 16,000 feet below sea level; yet we are getting oil
from wells drilled to 30,000 and more. How could fossil fuel get
down there? If it was once living matter, it had to be on the
surface. If it did turn into petroleum, at or near the surface,
how could it ever get to such depths? What is heavier Oil or
Water: so it would go down, not oil. Oil would be on
top, if it were "organic" and "lighter."
"Oil is neither."
They all agreed water was heavier, and therefore if there was
some crack or other open area for this "Organic matter" to go
deep into the magma of Earth, water would have to go first and
oil would be left nearer the surface. This is reasonable. Even
if we do agree that "magma" is a "crude mixture of minerals or
organic matters, in a thin pasty state" this does not make it
petroleum, and if it were petroleum it would have stayed near
the surface as heavier items, i.e. water seeped below.
My D. Van Nostrand "Scientific Encyclopedia" says,
"Magma is the
term for molten material. A natural, complex, liquid, high
temperature, silicate solution ancestral to all igneous rocks,
both intrusive and effusive. The origin of Magma is not known."
My "Oxford English Dictionary" does not even have the word
Some years ago I wrote two or three pages that appeared in the
McGraw Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, i.e. "Railroad
Even that source is a bit uncertain about the
"origin of petroleum" to wit:
"Less than 1% of the organic
matter that originates in or is transported to the marine
environment is eventually incorporated into ocean sediment,"
"Most petroleum is formed during
catagenesis (undefined
anywhere). If sufficient organic matter is present oceanic
sediments that undergo this process are potential petroleum
sources. Deeply buried marine organic matter yields mainly
oil, whereas land plant material yields mainly gas." (Their
idea of "deeply buried" is the "out.")
All this leaves us no where. I still
go with Kantrowitz. Since oil is lighter than water, everywhere
on Earth, there is no way that petroleum could be an organic,
fossil fuel that is created on or near the surface, and
penetrate Earth ahead of water. Oil must originate far below and
gradually work its way up into well-depth areas accessible to
surface drilling. It comes from far below. Therefore, petroleum
is not a "Fossil" fuel with a surface or near surface origin.
It was made to be thought a "Fossil" fuel by the Nineteenth oil
producers to create the concept that it was of limited supply
and therefore extremely valuable. This fits with the "Depletion"
allowance philosophical scam.
During one of our C.S.I.S. "International Nights" (1978) the
Common Market Energy boss, M. Montibrial of France, told us that
while petroleum was being marketed then for $20.00 per barrel or
more, it cost no more than 25 cents per barrel at the well-head.
There is our petroleum problem!
We were paying more than
$1.50-$1.60 per gallon, one 42nd of a barrel, at that time.
Interested folks need to learn more about the
Institute of Transport, and not waste their time with OPEC, the
"Cover" story.
Those who pumped the Pennsylvania wells "dry" during the late
eighteen hundreds saved what they had for those better days.
L. Fletcher Prouty
Subject: FACTS, FACTS, and MORE
To: Col Prouty
Priority: Normal
Dear Len (and Col Prouty),
Stimulated by Col Prouty's assertion that OIL IS A NON-FOSSIL
FUEL - I put my roadster in high gear - and went prospecting
for some SOLID support! Well, I'm hear to tell you both, I DO
BELIEVE I've FOUND IT - in spades!
Power from the Earth Deep Earth Gas - Energy for the
Future by Thomas Gold
[J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd, London, 1987] ISBN
May I quote a few lines from from the front cover of the book
... a few words ... on,
"Professor Thomas Gold is one of the great scientific thinkers
of our time and in Power from the Earth he puts forward a highly
revolutionary and controversial theory.
According to Gold, there are within the Earth virtually
limitless stores of energy in the form of gas and oil as yet
untapped. This energy is of non-biological origin and there is
far more of it in the Earth than geologists have ever imagined - and IT IS ACCESSIBLE!
- - Score 1 for Col Prouty!
At a time when the future supply of traditional fossil fuels is
said to be seriously limited and nuclear energy is becoming ever
more suspect, Gold's theory has vast implications for the future
of the Earth's energy supplies and is crucial to our
understanding of the deep processes that cause earthquakes and
volcanoes. His view also clearly has far reaching consequences
for the economic and political shape of the world.
- - Score 2 for Col Prouty!
In the past Professor Gold has explained the nature of pulsars
and solar flares, proved that the Earth's poles change position
over time, made new discoveries about the workings of the human
inner ear, and was the only scientist to predict that Moon's
surface consists of dust. His new theory has already been
grabbing the attention of the international press and a drilling
operation has been started in Sweden on the basis of his idea.
In Power from the Earth Professor Gold puts forward one of the
most important scientific ideas of our age."
Well, having read the book, I can say I certainly concur
with THAT OPINION. And guess what - Dr. Gold is a friend of
Arthur K. of AVCO LABS, etc....! BULLSEYE!
- - Score 3 for Col Prouty!
WHO IS THIS MAN....well listen up...
"Professor Thomas Gold, FRS, was born in Austria and educated in
Switzerland and England, where he became famous as an astronomer
at Cambridge in the post-war years. In 1956 he moved to the
United States to become a professor at Harvard. He later became
Professor of Astronomy at Cornell University, where he founded
and directed the world-famous Center for Radiophysics and Space
Research. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society and of the United
States National Academy of Sciences, and in 1985 was awarded the
Gold Medal by the Royal Astronomical Society. He now lives in
Cambridge, England and is an Honorary Fellow of Trinity
Not bad. Not bad at all.
In fact, I'm honored to have made his acquaintance.
- - Score 4 for Col Prouty
They say, he coined the term magnetosphere in '59! I wonder
what HE THINKS is causing those black outs out West??? Falling
tree limbs? Now THAT's an interesting hypothesis!
Maybe a bird
took out the TWA?
Hey, it's just a theory, just a theory...
Ok... now... I hear some one murmuring
..."Well, if his Ideas are so good, so right, so profound
surely it's been recognized around the world!"
As a matter of fact, it has!
My I introduce you both (if you have not been so introduced prior to
this letter) to the work and writings of P.N. Kropotkin...
Ref: Kropotkin, P. N. (1985)
Degassing of the Earth and the Origin
of Hydrocarbons,
published in the International Geology Review, 27,
P.N. Kroptkin - who is with the
Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, it
says in the header,
"has long been a leading proponent of the
continuous tradition of support in Russia and the Soviet Union
and a recent revival in the United States and Western Europe."
Oh, well, better late than never!
Anyone who thinks that Col Prouty
- and
I for one LOVE the Sound of THIS MUSIC!
May I share just one quote from the work of P.N. Kroptkin... from
page 1265 ... just one of many many AWESOME FACTS IN THIS SCIENTIFIC
"Commercial oil pools in the
basement rocks have been recorded in 267 oil and gas deposits on
different continents. In some, oil is present at a depth of
several hundred meters from its surface; in the USSR, such pools
are known in a number of areas. A detailed analysis of the
geological environment suggests that in some of these deposits,
Such is the Borolla deposit with pools in the Precambrian
granites of the Shillong plateau (eastern India), the Peace
River deposit in Western Canada associated with faults in the
basin of the Athabasca River which border the zone of the
pericratonic tough of the Canadian Shied, and the gigantic
deposits of the Hugoton-Panhandle region of the USA and the
Augila-Nafoora-Amal deposit in Libya.
In the Hugoton-Panhandle
deposit, the upper Paleozoic sediments and the basement rocks
contain, in addition to oil, 2000 billion m3 of fuel
gases and 10 billion m3 of helium and its
concentration in such vast amounts over a small area may be
explained, as earlier noted by V. I. Vernadskiy, solely by the
migration of gas from a great depth, where faults drain huge
volumes of rocks of the lithosphere."
by Toldedo Blade
Petroleum Discussion Update for March 1997
SEATTLE - The public's most widely known piece of geological
knowledge - how petroleum and natural-gas deposits formed on Earth - is
false, a noted scientist says. Surprisingly, his campaign to rewrite
school textbooks and encyclopedias is getting grudging support from
some geologists, who acknowledge that petroleum's origins may be
dramatically different than what people believe.
Millions of Americans learned in grade school that oil deposits
originated in the age of dinosaurs, when vegetation in lush forests
was buried and subjected to high heat and pressure.
Those extreme conditions supposedly
transformed the hydrocarbons in vegetation into the hydrocarbons of
"That's nonsense," snapped Thomas
Gold, a scientist at Cornell University. "There's not a shred of
evidence from chemistry, geology, or any other science to
support it. It has no place in textbooks and school classrooms."
In appearances at the annual meeting of
The American Association for the Advancement of Science in Seattle
here that ended Thursday, Gold repeatedly challenged geologists to
reconsider and reject the conventional theory.
Gold also presented evidence that oil and gas deposits on Earth are
primordial. That means they came with the planet. They were part of
the original raw material that formed the sun and planets, and
deposited deep below Earth's surface when the planet formed 4.5
billion years ago.
Some of the oil gradually oozes upward from these original deposits
100 to 200 miles below the surface and collects where oil drillers
can reach it.
In one presentation, Gold described shafts that he and associates
drilled in an ancient meteorite impact crater in Sweden. They
drilled into a kind of rock that was not sedimentary, not associated
with the sediments believed to produce oil deposits.
At a depth of about 4 miles, they encountered a hydrocarbon oil
similar to light petroleum that Gold believes was primordial oil. He
noted a variety of evidence to support the belief. Gold estimated
that this single site contained "more petroleum than all of Saudi
With current technology, however,
pumping it out would be impossible, he added. Gold contended that
many other planets and planetary bodies in the solar system have
similar deep deposits of hydrocarbons, which are the stuff of oil
and natural gas. Gold argues that a primordial origin for petroleum
is the only way to explain its chemical composition.
Petroleum originating from plant matter decayed by bacteria, similar
to bacteria that decay backyard garden-compost piles, would resemble
a microbial product. Instead, petroleum is chemically similar to a
pure hydrocarbon that has been contaminated with microbial material.
That contamination, he argues, occurred as petroleum seeped upward
through rock now known to contain enormous amounts of bacterial
In moving upward, petroleum also
collected helium, explaining why oil wells are such a rich source of
"This is the only possible
explanation," Gold said. "The association of helium with
petroleum has not been accounted for in any other way."
How do geologists respond?
They're beginning to listen, according to Michael Carr, who appeared
on a panel where Gold presented his theory. Carr is a scientist with
the U.S. Geological Survey in Reston, Va.
"Dr. Gold has some very, very good
evidence, especially that involving helium," Carr said. "He
certainly is challenging the geological community. There is a
debate within the geological community."
Carr said geologists plan to reconsider
the conventional theory about petroleum formation at a major meting
later in the year.