More Recent Info from Anna Hayes



Below is some more recent info from Anna Hayes re: this subject matter. It gives us another look... another angle at the cosmic power struggles at hand.


Another view from the other side.

- Raphiem


The Anunnaki/Draco try to make it look like Earth was formed from Maldak (the Nibiru BATTLESTAR was formed from it, not Earth.)

They try to make it look like they did us a favor by taking cave men and making them human. [Neanderthal etc came after the original Humans not before as evolution would have it].


A total lie aimed at hiding the TRUE human heritage of the 12-strand Turaneusiam. They have 10-strand DNA and DO NOT want us to realize we have the 12 potential superior to theirs.

What they DID do was mutate the human Cloister strains, tainting the race pool and hybridizing the Low Belil and Black Sun human gene codes into the lineage, which was NOT a part of the intended human evolution plan. Sharks in Sheep Clothing.

They are trying to make it look like the Anunnaki were the Original Lyrans, when in fact the Sirian Anuhazi and their human-hybrids Oraphim Emerald Order were the pure Lyran strains, the Anunnaki were "fallen" Anuhazi that crossed with Drakonian from Orion and were mutated into the 10-strand reptilian imprint.

The Anunnaki DID exploit here and elsewhere for gold, but the pure strain Lyrans did not have to, as they had immortal bodies and full mastery of the densities at will.


Only the mutated Anunnaki, their hybrids and the races of the Drakonian nations needed gold and other things to sustain manifestation, as they lacked the 8th and 12th DNA strands and have monadic reversal and couldn't draw perpetual energies directly from Source.

This is another song and dance from the middle council fallen Elohim, the Nibiru Anunnaki, Nephilim, Kurrendara and Dracos.


The hidden agenda is not as bad as the Nephedem and pure Drakonian Black Sun Strains who desire human exploitation to extinction, but it is a sinister agenda none the less.


These guys seek to "befriend" us as our long lost progenitors. They then desire to hybridize with our Diamond Suns to get their missing coding, while mutating the 12-strand potential OUT of our gene pool through code saturation and monadic reversal.

They want to "help us evolve" only into the D-4 frequencies where they can interact with Earth more directly, then "cap" our evolution so we never actualize the 12-strand ... as this would place us at a higher evolution and greater power than they are. Their agenda is pro-Anunnaki, Dracos and Beli-Kudyem evolution and anti-Adami-Kudmon Turaneusiam original 12-strand evolution. With friends like this we don't need enemies!

The Nibiruian Councils and the Fallen Elohim matrices that are behind a lot of false angelic contacts and who run the "Galactic Federation" con.


Guardian Alliance knows these guys, because whenever the Galactic Federation gets into trouble with the lizard big guns from Drakonian Orion (D-11 avatars and their Nephedem and Drakonian family lines), they come crawling to Guardian Alliance and Emerald Order Melchizedek Councils for protection and to "make deals"...


Guardian Alliance will deal with them occasionally and protect them here or there, if they can do something in exchange to assist the pro-all peaceful evolution agendas of the Guardian Alliance.


Guardian Alliance doesn't trust them as far as they can see them because whenever deals are made these guys back out on their end as soon as they got what they wanted (usually localized protection from a Drakonian "hot spot").

They are now, and always have been, interested in hi-jacking human evolution to keep humans as their subservient pawns, and they hold a One World Order mind-control agenda toward earth humans, just as does the Orion Drakonian crew.


Part of this programming is the false and twisted history, to hide our true lineage and the fact that they have abused, mutated and exploited our race for hundreds of thousands of years.


The Anunnaki and their manipulations were responsible for the original "fall of man". The Turaneusiam cataclysm 550 million years ago on Tara. They were jealous of our race and its extended potentials of the 12-strand code, and so did their best to mutate it.


The earth humans are descendants of the Adami-Kudmon Turaneusiam, those whose 12-strand coding was restored after the Anunnaki mutated it on Tara. The Beli-Kudyem were the mutated Anunnaki strains that were never restored.

In Earth history the Anunnaki have tried to wipe out the Adami strains while enhancing the Anunnaki and Beli-Kudyem strains through exploitation of other races.

The Anunnaki were not always Blonds ... the true Nordic Blonds were Lyran-Pleiadians who migrated from Lyran, to the Pleiades to Procyone eons ago.


The Anunnaki invaded and hybridized Procyone to gain more of the Lyran coding and literally mutated the original Lyran-Pleiadian-Procyone Blonds out of existence.... like they hope to do with the Adami races. That's how the primarily black-haired tan skinned Anunnaki adopted the more appealing Nordic appearance in some of their strains (esp. the Nibiruians).

In their history of lies they always try to make it look like WE started out as the "cave men", but in truth those pathetic hominid forms were Anunnaki mutation experiments made from distorting the original human DNA imprint.


THEY ARE LYING.... the Nibiruian-Anunnaki-fallen Elohim covert mind-control human hi-jacking nonsense.


Guardian Alliance usually just take a stance of non-interference, allowing them to misguide the portions of the human populations that carry their Belil and Black Sun DNA mutations.


The Guardian Alliance helps "refugees" from this group- Nephilim, Anunnaki, Kurendara and their human hybrids- who want out of this control matrix, offering them Host Matrix transplants and non-violating hybridization programs to advance their evolution, as long as they fully adopt pro-human 12-strand evolution agendas.

The Guardian Alliance brings in the undistorted history and DNA mechanics etc, for any humans who will listen. Usually only the Diamond Suns or Oraphim respond to the true history, as the mutated Belil's and Black Suns have DNA and a consciousness that is "tuned" to the Nibiruian or Orion Drakonian mind-control matrices.


Even the races that are NOW Black and Belil Suns were once upon a time Diamond Suns, so the option of evolving back to wholeness exists for them if they don't buy into the Anunnaki bull.

Even the Anunnaki can reverse-mutate their Drakonian contaminated 10-strand pattern to re-evolve into the Anuhazi-Lyran-Sirian Imprint out of which they originally came.


But most of them , like the Drakonian Dark Avatars, do not want to operate via the Law of One fairness, and so refuse reconnection to their original Monadic families of consciousness through which they could reverse-mutate their coding and reunite with their Rishi collectives.

It is simply the nature of the polarity game as it manifests in the lower 3 harmonics. There are hidden ulterior motives of evolutionary hi-jacking.


They are using the LIE that have used with our race for 200,000+ years, that they made us from animals and are thus are our forefathers and "gods".


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