“Declassified” Quotes

In one document from the White House, dated February 22, 1944, and marked “Double Top Secret”, titled Memorandum For The Special Committee On Non-Terrestrial Science And Technology (below image), we read Franklin D. Roosevelt’s following statement(s):

“It is my personal judgment that, when the war is won, and peace is once again retored, there will come a time when surplus funds may be available to pursue a program devoted to understanding non-terrestrial science and its technology which is still greatly undiscovered.

“I appreciate the effort and time spent in producing valuable insights into the proposal to find ways of advancing our technology and national progress and in coming to grips with the reality that our planet is not the only one harboring intelligent life in the universe.”

from 'The SS Brotherhood of the Bell', by Joseph P. Farrell

And for those of you looking for more documentation about the Jesuits, here is a quote from a memo dated June 30, 1947, from General Eisenhower to Col. K. W. Ireland, in which Eisenhower orders Col. Ireland to take good care of Archbishop Francis J. Spellman on his tour through New Mexico.


The memo states:

“By personal direction of the President of the United States, Archbishop Francis J. Spellman in his capacity as Military Vicar of the Armed Forces of the Army, Army Air Forces, and the Navy, is making a tour of military bases in New Mexico, afterwards is making a trip over the routes of the Air Transport Command.” [Remember Roswell?] This trip was “classified”.

Here is a rather interesting document from the White House, dated June 28, 1961, labeled “Top Secret”.


National Security Memorandum, from President John F. Kennedy to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Subject: Review of MJ-12, Intelligence Operations as they relate to Cold War Psychological Warfare Plans.

The entire memo reads:

“I would like a brief summary from you at your earliest convenience.”

This is a request about the activities of a committee (MJ-12) the reality of which has long been officially denied.

There is an extremely interesting nine-page “burned” memo (below images), stamped TOP SECRET/MJ-12. Unlike many of the Majestic documents, this one is an original carbon with an Eagle watermark characteristic of government work.


The memo is from the Director of Central Intelligence (MJ-1) to MJ-2, MJ-3...MJ-7, in reference to Project MAJESTIC and JEHOVAH, Project EVIRO, Project PARASITE, and Project PARHELION. Although no date is given, its content suggests the month of September.


The year is estimated to be in the early 1960s and is still under investigation.



Of note is the statement,

“As you must know, LANCER [code word for JFK] has made some inquiries regarding our activities which we cannot allow.”

Also of interest is an NSA intercept, dated 12 November 1963, “Top Secret UMBRA”.


This is apparently a modern retyped NSA intercept of JFK’s “hot line” talking to the Premiere about the UFO problem and its collective national security importance for each country. Statements made about NASA dovetail with other known authentic National Security Action Memorandums (NSAMs).


Here is what the intercept says:

“Mr. Premiere a situation has developed that affects both our countries and the world and I feel it necessary to convey to you a problem that we share in common.”

“Mr. President, I agree.”

“As you must appreciate the tension between our two great nations has often brought us to the brink of showmanship with all the tapestry of a Greek comedy and our impasse last year was foolish and deadly. The division that separates us is through misunderstanding, politics, and cultural differences. But we have one thing in common which I would like to address to your working group on the UFO problem.”

“Yes, yes. I agree with your assessment. We nearly tied the knot that divides us permanently. Our working group believes the same way as yours. The UFO problem presents grave dangers to our countries and to the whole world. If we allow suspicions and miscalculations to force our military defense systems to react to this problem, God will never forgive us.”

“Then you agree, Mr. Premiere, that we should cooperate together on this issue?”

“Yes, Mr. President.”

“Mr. Premiere, I have begun an initiate with our NASA to exchange information with your Academy of Sciences in which I hope will foster mutual concern over this problem and hopefully find some resolution. I have also instructed our CIA to provide me with full disclosure on the phantom aspects and classified programs in which I can better assess the situation. Can you persuade your KGB to do likewise.”

“Mr. President, I cannot guarantee full co-operation in this area but I owe it to future history and the security of our planet to try. As you must know, I have been somewhat limited in my official capacity as Party Chairman to order such co-operation in this area. We too feel that the UFO is a matter of highest importance to our collective security. If I can arrange for a secret meeting between our working groups at a secret location, and at a time designated by you, I feel that this much on my part can happen.”

“Mr. Premiere, if a meeting at this level can convene it will be an important first step. It will lead to more dialog and trust between our countries and reduce the ever present threat of nuclear war.”

“Yes, Mr. President it will.”

“Then we are in agreement.”


Particularly the parts emphasized in bold above suggest that neither head of state was sure about having the power to deal with the secret government “higher” than them that was REALLY in control of such matters.


And, of course, we all know what happened to an uppity JFK - asking too many questions and demanding too many answers about secret projects—within a few weeks after this conversation!

In another very interesting document, labeled “Top Secret” and “Sensitive”, written by none other than Allen W. Dulles, dated 5 November 1961, we read, in part:

“Basis for Action. Earlier studies indicated that Americans perceived UFO sightings as the work of Soviet propaganda designed to convince U.S. intelligence of their technical superiority and to spread distrust of the government. CIA conducted three reviews of the situation utilizing all available information and concluded that 80% of the sighting reports investigated by the Air Force’s Project Blue Book were explainable and posed no immediate threat to national security.


The remaining cases have been classified for security reasons and are under review. While the possibility remains that true UFO cases are of non-terrestrial origin, U.S. intelligence is of the opinion that they do not constitute a physical threat to national defense. For reasons of security, I cannot divulge pertinent data on some of the more sensitive aspects of MJ12 activities which have been deemed properly classified under the 1954 Atomic Energy Act of 1954.”

Now, for a much different perspective on this entire matter from a well know “psychic channeller” and author, Sheldan Nidle.


You will notice some similarities between this message and some of the points made by Phillip Krapf, with regard to need for, and the complexities of, human diplomacy.

Sheldan Nidle has received and written a lot of information, and I have merely chosen to quote one small portion of one writing.

Sheldan Nidle is the author of two recent books: Your First Contact and Selamat Ja!


He is also the co-author of a book titled You Are Becoming A Galactic Human.

The following is an excerpt from a statement “received” by Sheldan Nidle, dated October 10, 2001. To the best of my knowledge, there is not a connection here to the Verdants’ contact, although I’m not able to make that statement absolutely:




The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation

On your world, diplomacy requires a great deal of patience, keen appraisal of your opponents across the table, and a flexible strategy for success. Frequently, it is regulated by the strange variables that generally surround your covert rulers. It requires strong focus and the willingness to come from a place of Love.

Our liaison works by forging the necessary elements for harmony and cooperation, a process that your covert rulers are coming, more and more, to understand. This first contact mission is making possible a transition from your present reality to a true galactic society. It means that we are negotiating with the full supervision of Heaven. It has taken nearly a decade and brought us to the brink of much-desired success. It has also allowed us to experience your world and gain more thorough insight about the dark.

Clearly, we have altered some of the main thrusts of this mission. However, one major element remains nonnegotiable—your swift move into full consciousness and a new, prosperous reality. For this reason, we have increased our recent levels of cooperation with our Earthly allies. Global tyranny in any form is detrimental to your growth as gracious, loving, and sovereign individuals.


It is crucial that you be officially informed of our existence and our benevolence.


This is one of the conditions we are quickly working toward. Moreover, the militarization of “Space” is not an option for your cabals, nor will we tolerate the use of tactical nuclear weapons in any environment on, above, or below the surface of your world. As we have stressed to all who secretly rule you, insane actions such as these are not an alternative.

Our purpose is to oversee, with Heaven’s divine guidance, your transformation from limited- to full-consciousness Beings.

[End quoting]

It would appear that the planetary transition now well underway is very thoroughly under a level of control that allows little “wiggle room” for those who have been the secret elite controllers of this planet for so many thousands of years.


One aspect of that planetary transition is the awakening of the public to their true place in a populated Universe.

Let’s shift the discussion now to a gracious gentleman, Robert Perala, who wrote, in 1998, The Divine Blueprint - Roadmap For The New Millennium. Robert Perala’s new book, to be released within the next several months, is titled: The Divine Architect - The Art Of Living And Beyond.

On the back cover of The Divine Blueprint, we read the following review appearing in NAPRA:

“Life is a mystery school in which we discover the Divine Blueprint, the ancient memories which lie deep within each of us and are now being awakened as we approach the Earth’s ascension. Perala and Stubbs make a great storytelling team, and Perala’s experiences roll-out, one after another, in sparkling detail.


From his abduction in 1977 by “angels in spacesuits”, to his gut-wrenching but illuminating visit to Egypt, the lively writing makes this a real page-turner. One of the best of its kind, this is a book for those New Age “pathfinders” who are preparing the Earth for its anticipated ascension.”

Another gifted author, Dannion Brinkley, author of Saved By The Light, comments:

“There are many blueprints in the world, but his blueprint is special. Whether you’re into UFOs, spirituality, or personal growth, this blueprint has got it all. It’s a fantastic book. Get it!”

Robert Perala has often been compared with the little boy in the captivating movie The Sixth Sense. He has been “visited” by apparitions for most of his life. These visitations by semi-transparent men and women have taught him various Laws of Creation and what lies on the other side.

After a bit of juggling, Robert Perala and I finally coordinated some time to have an unhurried telephone conversation.


That event took place on September 24, 2001.


Back to Contents



Interview With Robert Perala

Martin: Before we get to your book, it seems like people are just in shock, doesn’t it? They’re just walking around dazed from this whole 9/11 catastrophe.

Perala: They really are. There is a tremendous release when a shift in consciousness happens like this. When a change like that happens, such as the bombing in New York. It will cause a vast shift in the consciousness where we’ll all be challenged to look at our levels of tolerance, our levels of compassion, our levels of forgiveness, and our emotional bodies will be heavily challenged.

Martin: Absolutely. The Spiritual Hierarchy has said for years that the separation of Light versus Dark will accelerate as we continue up this increase in frequency, and those who mean evil, and do evil, will become more readily apparent.

And it seems like we have seen the best and the worst in the last couple of weeks.

Perala: Yes, it’s really true. It’s an interesting phenomenon on the planet.

You’ll notice that the Earth changes have a lot to do with the public’s emotional bodies, in the sense that, never before have we seen so many records broken with solar flares.

Now we know that solar flares have a direct impact on the lymph glands of our systems, and on our emotional systems. They can actually trace and watch the crime rate raise, significantly, at the point that we have massive solar flares.

You have to ask yourself why it is that, in all the ancient cultures, such as the Vedas, in the Sanskrit, the Gita, certainly in the Egyptian mystery schools, and a number of the other mystery schools, they all revered the Sun.

And you’d have to ask yourself: Why would that be so important to them? Unless they knew that the Sun was an intrinsic part of our own experience, and revered that.

It’s actually a lost technology, and only now are scientists recovering it and saying,

“Gee, maybe the Sun has a lot more to do with our experience here than we realize.”

It’s not just providing light and energy, but actually is an intrinsic part of our own life-force here, and affects us on a mental plane, emotional plane, etc.

As you know, I am a little bit of an unusual case in that a lot of my esoteric teaching has not only come from 24 years of research into all of the esoterics, metaphysics, etc., but also has been prodded by my nigh-time visitations. These visitations that I’ve had, have been going on, pretty much, since I was about 5 years old. And at 7 years old we started to track it, because we didn’t know what it was, at the time. I came downstairs when I was very young and told my mother that I had people in my room at nigh-time.

And these people would appear, actually, at a point where I was largely in the hypnogogic state—that’s that little window between when you’re semi-awake and falling asleep. It happens, very largely, when you’re falling asleep, like when you’re going to bed, and when you’re going from awake to falling asleep, and then back again, from when you’re asleep and becoming awake.

And inevitably what happens is—that would happen, also, in the middle of the night—and I would wake-up in the middle of the night and be in this sort-of semi-awake state and hear people talking. And then I would become a little more awake, and even open my eyes and actually be able to see them standing there, many times talking amongst themselves; and then, sometimes, speaking to me.

These are men and women who look like you and I, who have benefited, perhaps, from greater time and greater knowledge, and/or had lived here on the Earth, and had simply just run out of time, as we all do, and had run their life course and the body had fallen away in the natural course, and they find that they are still here.

For a long time it would just be that I was a witness to the phenomenon. And I told my mother about it, and they took me to a number of doctors. They did all kinds of things, from EKG scans—

Martin: [Laughter]

Perala: —and taping my head with wires, and everything. They wanted to see whether something was really wrong with me, or perhaps these were hallucinations. This was 1966, remember, when metaphysics was, literally, taboo.

They found that, for some reason, my sight and my hearing in this state, in the middle of the night, was much more active than the average person’s.

Martin: This was in the San Francisco Bay Area?

Perala: This was all in the Bay Area, yes.

As years would go by, we started to research it more and more, and that’s how I get to 1999. I did roughly 180 radio shows where they were comparing me, largely, to the young boy in the picture The Sixth Sense, because I “saw dead people”.

But, in fact, they were very, very much alive. Not only were they alive, but I was actually sharing in my talks across the country, what this phenomenon is—who and what these beings are. Most of them are largely from here. Just because we die doesn’t mean you’re exempt from the things that you’ve created.

And, in many ways, you would go to what would almost be a panoramic life-review, almost instantaneously, after you leave here.

And then, largely, you might come back for awhile and see things through, things that you’ve created, such as your children. You might give divine inspiration to them, and you’ll check-in on them from time to time. I was just seeing discarnate beings that largely were just right on the immediate 4th-dimensional plane.

You also have other people coming from other realities visiting here, continually. These are also men and women, because men and women, human-like forms, in this form like what we have here, is flourishing throughout many, many, many other spheres, many other realities.

And they come here to look at what’s going on here. This is a tremendous learning ground. This is kind-of the “center of attention”, you might say, almost, over here—in that as we grow, they grow.

And they look at free will. And they look at choice. And they look at an evolutionary process like this, which is, at this particular juncture in history and in time, with an Old World meeting a New World. And we see this happening between the West and the Islamic Republic, in the aspect of the Middle East. They are looking really closely at how this goes forward. Because in this 13-year window, which most ancient texts, in one form or another, basically are saying the same thing.

It’s this 13-year window between 2000 and 2013, as the planet itself is being prepared to be birthed into the Big Picture—because consciously, we’re at a very interesting point, where many of us are ready to be ushered into a larger expression.

We’re either going to go forward, or the process will come to an abrupt halt, which, I don’t think it really will. I think we’ll see an intervention before it gets really, really, really, serious. That’s not to mean that we’ll “be saved”, but that we will see, kind-of, the best and worst in times, as the frequency rises. You’ll see this conflict we have now, currently, escalate. And then, you’ll also see wondrous things happen, too.

There will be, finally, I believe, an arrival of a more succinct relationship with those on the other side, such as the Angelics—the Seraphim, the Cherubim, the Elohim. There’s many other factors. That’s where we’re at now.

So, really, we are in the single greatest time in the course of human history, at this juncture.

Martin: That’s right, pretty exciting.

Perala: You bet! To be able to receive information from the other side is the time that we’re in.

The funny thing about the frequency on this planet is, as it rises, it does seem to affect the pineal gland, that center itself. The mystics had all pointed to this time; they say it in various ways:

“the light of the world” or “we’ll be illumined”, etc.

There are a number of ways of saying it, like:

“Man will walk amongst the angels, again.”

So I think a lot of people, who will be waking-up at this time, are slowly starting to come into their true nature and will know, exactly, a little more about what’s going on, while the others won’t have a clue, and they will deny that anything has happened.

So it will be a very funny time to live in.

Martin: Let’s keep talking about your contacts, because the article that I’m writing is specifically on ET contacts. It started out as a narrow story, but has branched-out into what will be a several-part story, at least. Basically, it will be a “where are we?” with this whole intergalactic contact issue.

So, with that in mind, let’s talk about The Divine Blueprint, very specifically, in terms of:

  • Why do you think we’re being contacted by ETs?

  • Who are they?

  • What is their purpose?

  • Are they benevolent?

There’s a lot of paranoid energy out there, particularly among certain christian groups, saying the ETs are “fallen angels” or “they’re satanic”. There’s a real fear.

The chains of dogma will really hold people back, in the days and months and years ahead, in terms of being able to grow and change and fluidly move with what this planet is about to go through. There will be many who will be left not knowing what is happening, while others are really waking up.


It’s tragic, but that’s just the way it is.

Perala: Consciously, I think we’re at that division point of where there is separation, and definition, and choice being made.

There are many souls on the planet who, consciously, are not connected to their spirit, or committed to their spiritual growth. And they’re stuck here, being side-tracked by materialism. We know this already.

While others are very committed to spiritual growth.

But I think it’s because the energies coming into the planet now, those that are making a commitment to work on their spirit, and further their own evolution and make a deep commitment to that, are tremendously supported.

It’s not that the others aren’t supported, it’s just that, like in Nature, you’ll always be more supported if you, too, are doing your homework. And an awful lot of people aren’t doing their homework.

Martin: Getting back to the christian/protestant issue, I don’t want to hammer it too hard—so many of the protestant christians, who really believe that they are doing God’s Will, as strictly defined by the Bible, are going to be in the same state of shock as people are now over the attack on New York, when the ETs actually start interacting with us.

They’re not going to know how to handle it, if they have this narrow view that ETs are all evil.

Perala: Right. Well, that’s the Old World meeting the New World. Again, where the Old World has so much more fear in it, in that they want to cling onto what they’ve been told, and their belief systems can’t stretch that far.

And so, there’s an intrinsic part of us that wants to feel safe, and to feel secure. We are all seeking stability.

We are all seeking a sense of stableness, continuity, where we don’t like our lives disrupted too much. And the idea of another culture merging with us—consciously, a lot of people just aren’t ready for that; while others are actually pulling on it, and want that deeper connection, and are more ready for that deeper connection. I think that’s why they tend to see more, and take advantage of what’s going on out here.

It goes without saying that where you put your intention, at this time, especially with the frequencies rising, there you will have a greater chance at meeting things.

It’s just like Nature. It’s as though, consciously, you were watering fertilized soil versus soil that is dead. And how well committed you are to that is how fast you’re going to grow. I think you can see a lot of examples of spiritual growth right in Nature itself, right in plants and trees.

Martin: It’s like you say, intent is everything, at this point.

Perala: Yes, intent is everything. And there are a lot of things that are thwarting the intention, too. The biggest common denominator is fear. It’s thwarting a lot of the intention here.

Fear of the unknown is the big one.

Subconsciously, the conservative aspect, like the different religious communities—I don’t have to pick on any certain one—but the religious communities have an awful lot of fear, and also haven’t embraced a very important thing.

And this is an important pay-off for your readers, and that is:

"Are we willing to be able to look into the mirror and say: 'Perhaps most of what we know is wrong.'”

And that’s ok, because once we do, we allow room for the other concepts to make their way in.

And a lot of people aren’t allowing themselves to admit that maybe there’s much more to the story, and maybe a lot of what we know is wrong. A lot of people don’t want to take responsibility for their own consciousness.


They want to take the soft way out and say:

“But the prophet 2,000 years ago said ‘It’s this way...’.”

So, therefore, they want to give their power to somebody who wrote down something 2,000 years ago. And the translation has been—I mean, if they knew the real story, that the translation itself has been tampered with so many times, they may be willing to open-up a little bit more and say:

“Well, so, alright, there’s been corruption all the way through.”

But there are many who are clinging very, very tightly to that—and God bless them—it’s just the way things are here.

Martin: Well, and of course, he taught personal responsibility. You are responsible, and the kingdom is within you. His message was clear, it’s just that it has gotten so misinterpreted in so many ways, and that is tragic. But we’re in a time when that, too, will be clarified.

Perala: Belief systems are a real powerful thing on our planet. Whether it’s coming from the research that I’ve done, which has been a long time now in psychology, and other things like the Robbins Research Institute, and stuff like that, or it’s coming from my own integrated relationship with my visitors at night-time—who are nicknamed, actually, extraterrestrial emissaries.

Martin: Well, that’s accurate.

Perala: Yes, exactly. These beings on the other side have a message for most of humanity, and it’s pretty general. It’s spread out in many ways. This is a story of personal growth.

A lot of the teachings that are going on, or what they have actually asked me to teach now, are things like emotional mastery and relationship mastery.

Recently, out loud, actually, I was taking a catnap in the afternoon and I was listening to this voice say: “We’d like you to share more concepts in emotional mastery.” Meaning that the most important thing that we can do, at this time, is to manage the state of our emotions—in good times, but certainly in bad times, or in challenging, negative times.


The ability to manage the state of our emotions will be critical, at this point, as to how we move forward in our relationships with each other, as well as how well we hear those messages coming from the other planes.

[Editor’s note: Do the very important points he just made above sound familiar to you longtime readers? These, and others made below, are the same significant themes as are woven through so many of the spiritual messages shared within these pages, for many years now, from various Master Teachers, Wayshowers, and Guides from the Higher Realms. In other words, Truth is Truth, no matter from where it comes!]

And so, largely, I’ve called my visitors “the original personal growth architects”.

Martin: Well, that’s true.

Perala: We’re in an evolutionary process here. And the process is going on every day. And they are looking at how each soul is progressing. No soul is missed. No one is operating autonomously here. Every eye-blink, every thought-form, every little movement has not been missed; it has, actually, been recorded, in some way, or observed, in some way.

And there is a great graduation that is starting to take place here, where many souls will graduate to a higher plane, and be more connected to the Spiritual Hierarchy operating down here, again, while the others will simply deny that anything has happened.

And so, the whole goal here, of the ascension process, if you want to call it that, which it basically is, they’re getting ready to birth Earth into a larger expression—on a spiritual plane, on a mental plane, and on an emotional plane. And that’s the general goal here.

And at the same time, there’s this huge conflict going on between us and this conflict that we have now. That will have to be mastered, continually, also.

Martin: The ones who you’re interacting with currently, are they specifically Pleiadians, Sirians?

Perala: Yes. There are a number of them who are coming out of the Pleiades [star system]. The Pleiadians are a very important part of our experience here. They, actually, have been responsible for a lot of the seeding of the DNA on this planet. And in doing so, they have sort-of been nurturing their garden all along.

It’s interesting that, even in the Bible, it makes reference to,

“you are descendants of the House of Pleiades, the House of Sirius, and the House of Lyra.”

And I asked a conservative minister what he thought that might mean, and he told me:

“Well, I think that was a place near Damascus, at the time.”

Martin: [Laughter] That’s great!

Perala: I said:

“I think they’re talking about a declaration on the stars. I think that they’re trying to tell us that there is a portion of our beingness that is rooted in these other aspects, these other spheres.”

And that was very hard for him to go that far. And he thought that I was drawing conclusions.

But I think the evidence is there, because when you see, historically, there are “routes” to Sirius all over Egypt, where they revere Sirius, all over the various aspects, especially at the Pyramids of Giza.

And then there are routes to the Pleiades all over astrology, the oldest mathematical science of all.

And my visitors are men and women, some are coming from the Pleiades. They don’t necessarily always reveal themselves or their names. Some of that, for some mystical people, that’s a very dangerous thing in some ways, to reveal the exact origin, the exact name, because our consciousness isn’t developed enough. We often want to embellish on what it is, who they are, where they come from. And our ego wants to settle it very quickly.


It wants to know: Where do they come from? What is your name, so I can feel safe.

Martin: Who do you serve?

Perala: Right, exactly: Who do you serve?

When, in actual fact, many who are coming out of the Pleiades have told me, on the “inner” channel, that our consciousness doesn’t have the scope to go there, exactly, yet. It’s beyond the scope of our consciousness, a little bit, to understand how and what this is.

Just, please, accept that they are here, flourishing the good, and that we’re all connected to them in an evolutionary process. And they want to see us graduate.

At the same time, there are other beings, the Sirians, who are here, and have been here all along. They established life here, physically, throughout all of the area of Egypt, and also spreading throughout the world, for that matter, in other portions. And remnants of that are all still here.

We had the Orions, who were here at one point, and these may have also looked like a portion of an animal. You can see this on walls, in some of the temples there, in places like Dendara and Aswan. It’s all over Egypt.

So there’s no question in my mind that we’re a part of this; it’s just how much of this is a part of us which remains to be seen.

Martin: I think one thing that is a real dangerous thing that happens with people looking at the whole ET issue is that they lump the Orions and the Greys and the government’s manufactured clones in with the Pleiadians and the Sirians and other benevolent beings, as though they are all the same.


And they are NOT the same, by any means! They are as different as night and day, literally.

Perala: Sure, sure they are, very different cultures. But we all share a portion of the DNA, because we’re part of a vast network. We’re not an isolated experience happening autonomously out here in this section of the Galaxy. We’re actually a shared experience, by hundreds of millions of other beings. And that’s a little bit how it works.

I don’t like to be sounding like I’m an absolute authority. I have bits and pieces like, I guess, you do, and other people do.

Our contacts are just a little more succinct. I’ve heard [archangel] Gabriel speak to me out loud. And, really, I guess I realized for the most part that it was Gabriel. He spoke to me out loud.

I had heard the voice at about 7:00 a.m. in the morning, because somebody was talking to me out loud. You know how that kind-of wakes you up.

I’m starting to come awake and I said,

“Who is this?”

And a voice just came BOOMING out, just as clear as a bell, and said

“This is Gabriel.”

Just as clear as a bell, it popped my eyes open.

Martin: That’s enough to get your attention!

Perala: Yeah!

Martin: What we’re talking about just doesn’t seem far-out to me, at all. It’s just an accepted part of my reality. But I know a lot of people out there think this is just crazy.

Perala: Waaaaaay out!

Martin: And it just isn’t. It is so on-point. It’s simply the way it is.

Perala: Yep.

Martin: And yet, there are those who will read this article and say: “Oh, my God, Rick has gone completely off the deep end. This is completely nuts.”

In The Divine Blueprint, which is just an amazing compilation of different things, you bring them all in. It’s really an interesting combination that you’ve done.

Perala: It sells really well, actually. We sell this book every week, and have since the end of 1998. I think it’s a nice layman’s book.

Martin: Yes, it is.


Perala: Sort-of a “best of” book.


Martin: It’s not threatening.


Perala: And it’s fun. It’s even humorous.


Martin: I mean, when you had the experience in Tahoe, and you went into a church to get clarity, and they started doing an exorcism on you—I was crying, I was laughing so hard.

Perala: Yes.


Martin: Isn’t that the way it WOULD be, too?!


Perala: You know, the funny part is, 20 years have passed and that same church, now, is the Self Realization Fellowship for the Yogananda group. They preach all kinds of things, like that we’ve lived many times.

[Laughter] So, I guess we won, in the end!


Martin: I thought it was really interesting that the implant that you had was “etheric”. I’ve heard a lot about that, in recent years, that many people think they have implants and, in fact, they are on the etheric plane. They’re physical, but they’re not in the physical, if that makes sense.

I was glad to read that, because that is good confirmation of other things that I’ve come across.

Perala: We are electromagnetic beings. And the best way to work is in terms of energies. I started to research this myself to see “What is all this about, this implant business?”

Because there are so many people in the tabloids, all over.


You wonder,

“How is it that so many thousands of people can say, ‘I was abducted by an alien, and they implanted me.’”

How can this be?

Well, I work with 3 different institutes, as a researcher. There’s one in Jacksonville, Florida; there’s another one in Oregon; and there’s actually one right here, in the Bay Area. These are people who do NET—neural emotional technique. They also do a lot of kinesiology, muscle testing. They’ve developed this to a craft that’s very, very good.

They kept finding that some of the disturbances that people had in their energy field weren’t only just from abuse factors, or some experience that disturbed them out here on the physical plane, but actually were the result of a relationship that they had encountered while asleep.

While looking at the abduction phenomenon, we’ve estimated that about 65% of the abductions are out-of-body experiences, where we experience it “out of body”, on the etheric plane.

About 30% are unconfirmed, or unsubstantiated. And about 8-10% report it to be the actual, real, physical “encounter”.

This happens in a number of different ways, from the unsuspecting guy going down the highway, and suddenly there’s this tremendous bright light, and he encounters either a craft or a being of some sort, to the beings appearing physically, within the room.

Now, this is another phenomenon that’s worth mentioning. Extraterrestrials seem to materialize and dematerialize at will, in that they actually materialize in the room, much like we see on television, on Star Trek, when they beam down somewhere. They actually materialize from the etheric plane, right onto the physical plane. And I’ve been looking at some of these cases.

And in all of these interactions with extraterrestrials, there seems to be a game or a science of “tagging” the people. This is much like what we do in Nature, where we would tag an animal, watch it go through it’s habitat, and we can monitor it and follow it. And in this case, it is much more sophisticated where the implant will give them information, that they can take back, on the person’s emotional system, on the person’s thought-forms, belief systems, etc.

So the implant is just a direct mechanism by which they can monitor the evolutionary process. There are actually millions of people who are implanted. And they find these actually imbedded in the “light body”, as a little polyp, or an aberration in the light body.

And some of these implants are very, very helpful, and can help the person—largely emotionally, mentally, thought-form wise, etc.

Others will take away, such as, there is negative implant programming going on. And you can see this resulting in the counter culture. And then, there’re the cults. You also see it in the punk movement, the kids wearing the white face, who seem to have been “checked-out”. There’s a lot of programming in some of these, such as the “I want to die” program or “I don’t want to be here” program or “I hate the government” programs, etc.

And so, we see some implants actually hindering. This is where some of these programs can actually leave them fragmented, even, and allow negative entities to enter. Thus, we get things like Columbine, and some of these kids with very, very strange ideas.

So, not all implants are good. Some of them have been placed in the field and are very poor.

Martin: And there’s also—I did a story with Dr. Ann Blake Tracy some months ago. She has written the book Prozac: Panacea Or Pandora?

Many of these young people who are acting-out in extremely violent ways are on either Prozac or one of the derivatives thereof. And the side effects of some of these mood-altering medications also bring about tremendously violent behavior, and that, combined with an already unstable emotional system, is just a prescription for disaster.

Perala: It also tends to fragment the energy field. Some of these drugs, where the field of the person, the person’s own vitality, their energetic field, is compromised, and so it will cause a distortion or an aberration in the field itself, and thus allow a negative entity, or something, to enter from the astral plane. Then they get real poor results.

And, ironically enough, the doctor looks at that and says, “Gee, hmmm, maybe we’d better UP the dosage.” You know?!

Martin: Medical doctors are just not trained in these kinds of things.

Perala: Very true. A lot of possession comes from this.

You know, I work with these institutes.


One particular institute, from Oregon, came to see me at the Whole Life Expo, about 3 years ago, in San Francisco, and they said:

“Well, we came to see you because of something you said in your book. It’s the part about alien possession. That possession is not just demonic, as has been historically portrayed, but in fact is an extraterrestrial dark entity."

And this is why—and people don’t like to hear this in some of these metaphysical circles—but I am vehemently against getting too much attachment, fascination, almost addiction and idol worship, towards these little Grey-green beings. It’s ok to look at the science maturely, and to examine the science.


But do you notice that some people become addicted to it? In other words, they have the alien T-shirt, the alien bumper-sticker, the alien key-chain, you know? Alien hat, everything alien, and they read all the alien books.

Martin: It’s like “Get a life.”

Perala: Yes, exactly, and they don’t have a life. Many of them would come up to me at some city that I was speaking in and they would be wearing the typical black T-shirt, with some Grey on there who says “Take me to your leader” or whatever.

And the signs that they have alien possession are the following:

  • They have child-like behavior.

  • They’re very often emotionally retarded, on various levels.

  • They have compulsive obsession with anything to do with aliens, abductions—an intense interest in any abduction story.

  • They don’t seem to relate to people all that well.

  • They have sexual addictions, because a lot of the ET addiction will attack the second chakra. Therefore, they have aberrations in their sexual interest and behavior that result in real perversions.

There’s a case that I’m working on right now where the person simply can’t hardly contain himself, and embarrasses himself publicly because he can’t control his physical movements. I guess you know what I mean.


And it’s spreading.

  • There’s a very child-like behavior that it puts them in.

  • They’re very often unemployed.

  • They very often cannot relate to society in the way that a healthy person could.

  • They almost always hate anything governmental or structure-wise.

  • They have an intense negative reaction to anything that is “authority”, good or bad.

  • They have sleep disorder.

  • They have agitation constantly, emotionally; you can see the “glassy eyes”, you can see the twitch in the head, twitching in the hands, where their nervous system is fragmented.

  • They’re just getting very, very poor results. The vitality level is very, very challenged. You can see that they have this very bad.

The “possession” that has been historical with all of these symptoms, such as the glassy eyes, the twitching in the head, the poor vitality and physiology, the nervous system being severely challenged, the child-like behavior, is also largely associated with the resulting of possession by these little Grey-green-styled entities.

Now, these Grey-green-styled entities are not just some being that is coming here in a spaceship and taking soil samples. In fact, they are interdimensional creatures who can appear, disappear, at will, as well as be as small as just above what a large atom would be. And they would imbed themselves into the person’s field, actually, like a parasite.

Historically, maybe the prophets in ancient times interpreted these as “devils”, whereas they were, actually, an ET entity, coming from another star system, another dimension, and attaching itself to a human in the form of a parasite.

And so the prophet would say “These are the devils” that the Bible talks about, when, in fact, they are referring to an extraterrestrial negative entity.

It goes without saying that if you translate the word extraterrestrial, extra meaning beyond, and terrestrial meaning terrain, which means that we’re studying everything that is beyond the terrain of our own five senses.

And so, therefore, we’re on a whole new playing field, where almost anything is possible.

So these negative entities are, largely, I believe, an extraterrestrial contingent here that lives off some of the population, and would like to see the evolutionary process of this planet slowed down, because they still have a stake in this whole process. And as souls graduate from this process they, eventually, more and more, move away from what would be considered, really, their feeding-ground. And so we do have, kind-of, a little bit of an interdimensional struggle going on here for autonomy.

And that’s why I’m a real big proponent on physical exercise, proper diet, meditation, correct breathing, and making a huge commitment to yourself. Because when we’re not taking responsibility, the more we don’t take responsibility, the more we open ourselves up for somebody else to share our space and our experience.


That’s why we’re seeing so many people “checked-out”, completely, because they’re not doing their homework; they’re not looking at their life as something that is absolutely vital to flourish and to grow, knowing that they are graduating into something great.

The consciousness here is very low, but still an awful lot of people think that we just live, and we die, and that’s it; there’s nothing afterward—when, in fact, this is a whole process of reaching a graduation to the next stage.

Martin: I noticed that you mention Sheldan Nidle in your book. I’ve been reading his website for some time, now. His messages are very positive, and very encouraging, and nurturing in nature.

Perala: I’ve known him for years.

Martin: It seems to me that many of the messages that come through from either the Pleiadians or the Arcturians or the Sirians are extremely encouraging, and hopeful, and empowering for people’s growth. For ones to be so fearful about even looking at that information is, I think, really unfortunate, because there is a lot of very positive information out there from these sources.

Granted, one has to be incredibly discerning, because there is a lot of bunk out there. There is some very poorly channeled material out there; people who have not been rigorous in clearing their space and really hearing what is being said, and presenting it as it is being said.

But that said, there is so much positive that is being offered by these Elder Brothers and Sisters, these Higher Dimensional Beings. And I know I’m singing to the choir here.

Why is the 26,000-year cycle so important?

Perala: Several researchers in the Earth sciences have come to the conclusion that the Earth must have flipped it’s axis several times. We see warm water currents in Antarctica, palm trees, etc. We see remnants that maybe the South Pole was the North Pole, and the North Pole was the South Pole, at one point.

When I asked my Pleiadian guides:

“What is this about the Earth flipping it’s axis?”

They said this was a process by which the Earth changes its axis, roughly about every 26,000 years.


It’s not exact. It’s based on the precession of the equinoxes, and it’s based on a cyclic aspect, where the Earth makes a rotation through a sector of the Galaxy, or this Universe, about every 26,000 years, and the Earth is made new at each such point, and another seeding process begins.

And that seeding process will spawn another form of life. It’s almost a recycle aspect.

The next question then was: “Is there such a real thing as the Photon Belt?”

Because it seems to be based on the fact that the Earth enters into the Photon Belt, where the mystics have been saying, and people who receive channeled material say, Earth goes into the Photon Belt every 26,000 years.

My guides said “That’s kind-of it.”


That the Earth, actually, is in the Photon Belt now, what would be considered the Photon Belt. But the Photon Belt itself is not an understood thing. It’s not necessarily a cosmological energy that we can understand.

It’s interesting that the prophets have talked about this in the Bible, at the end of this particular process—or what they would call in Revelation, the ending of this time. The scientists might call it the end of this process, what-haveyou, that the Earth reaches the outer lip of the Photon Belt. And because of its effects, the Sun may be blotted-out as we go through the outer lip of the Photon Belt.

You’re familiar with all this, right?

Martin: Sure.

Perala: At one point there is a change in the paradigm where the Spiritual Hierarchy actually returns and becomes more evident. Well, many believe that we must be in this energy, they call the Photon Belt, at this time.

  • There is a vast increase of paranormal activity all over that’s documented.

  • There is a vast increase of UFO activity.

The frequency does seem to be rising around the planet, as if we are entering into some kind of new energy that might be coalescing with what the Photon Belt is.

Martin: Some people theorize that some of the Sunspot activity is increasing, also, because we are moving more into the Photon Belt. I don’t know whether that’s true or not.

Perala: I believe that’s part of it. I think the Photon Belt is also somewhat beyond our scope of understanding.

Martin: In this dimension, I’m sure it is.

Perala: Yeah, but I do believe that it does exist. I do believe that there will be a time when the paradigm will change.

The prophet says:

“Then the Sun was blotted-out out of the sky like a sack-cloth of blood,” which means that the Earth entering into a greater density of the Photon Belt, that the atmosphere would turn kind-of a reddish color.

Because the prophet also said:

“And I saw the sky on fire.”

That would be the atmospheric aspect of the sky turning more of a red-orange color.

Martin: Now, some people, just to give you another hit on it, some people have theorized, in the last 5 or 7 years, that that description describes the igniting of the ionosphere.

Perala: Right.

Martin: Either through HAARP or nuclear exchanges.

Perala: Exactly. It might be a little bit of both. See, rising in frequency causes tremendous polarity between the negative aspect and the positive aspect. The negative aspect is much more negative; the positive aspect is much more positive.

So the polarity, and definition, and separation are all increased by this phenomenon.

Martin: Do you see, in this crazy time we’re in right now—this week, next week, as we’re gearing-up to go to war, which is what we’re doing—do you see intervention?

Perala: A little later down the road, a little more down the road. I think that, in some ways, there’s an evolutionary process here that they want to save and keep and flourish and grow. But there’s a big “hands-off” policy in the spirit world about not interfering; that the karmic debts need to be served-out in one form or another. And death isn’t so bad, it’s just a returning to who you really are.

Intervention will happen later. I think intervention really happens, also, when our technology is more affecting outside the planet, because we are basically contained here and live by the laws and rules here.

Take that technology out into the free-will zone of space, where we’re consciously not ready yet, and it might be like a child, almost, playing with a revolver; an intervention or a parent must step-in and say:

“You can’t do that; you’re not qualified for this; you’re not mature enough.”

So, metaphorically speaking, going out into space with such negative energy, and wanting to destroy anything that doesn’t look like us, there would be an immediate intervention.

Martin: Let me just ask you this outright. Do you think the people of Earth are ready to become part of the Galactic Community?

Perala: Only, actually, a small percentage. You know, under 20% are ready for it.

I think even the people who are prepared, and who have been thinking about it and wishing for it and everything, still aren’t prepared for the actual reality of it. Because once it really does happen, it’s almost so shocking to the system.

But I think many will thrill in it; many will be, also, ready for it, to a large degree. But the problem is that we’re still like children. We’re like children in the sense that we look to a higher authority coming to this planet to “save us” so we don’t have to face ourselves, or face the responsibilities we’ve agreed to.

So, we’ll often look to be just taken away, or saved in some way, so we don’t have to face our own agreements. And they’re not going to do that.

Martin: Right. It’s got to be a blow to a whole bunch of people when they find that out.

Perala: Exactly. And they keep waiting to be saved. I remember a lot of us, in the ’90s, felt that there was going to be a mass landing. And so, many were looking forward to it being: “I’d just like to leave this Earth.”

And the guys on the other side are saying: “You’ve missed the whole point.” For the teacher to just come in and snatch the test off your desk and give you an “A”, it doesn’t work like that.

You can’t join the Federation until you’ve gone through certain hurdles. You see this even in the ancient scriptures in the Bible where it says:

“You cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless you rid the flesh and re-enter the Wheel of Life.”

Martin: Let’s talk about the Pleiadian blueprint, the Eight Steps To Transformation, the Divine Blueprint; basically, where your last two years have led.

Perala: Well, the Pleiadian Blueprint is an integral part of our experience here because they have been a part of our DNA, and have seeded much of what is going on here in Creation. While there are varying opinions on it, let’s just say the last couple of hundred thousand years they’ve been a part of our experience. And they’re seeing this experience through. We’re actually related to them.

And their Blueprint is, for the most part—and this is very rough, and very loose—that many souls who have a large root in that experience graduate from here and return back to that, which is more of their “soul base”.

You notice, like when we were growing up, if they asked you your background, you’d say something like “Well, I’m have German and half Italian” or whatever.


Only now, in the new millennium, we are realizing, through past-life research, that there seems to be a real connection to the soul where people would say something to the effect of:

“I have a Pleiadian solar heritage, and a Sirian stellar heritage”—meaning that they have roots in these aspects, before they came into physical manifestation here.

And there’s a large contingent of souls who have had a deep rooting from the Pleiadian experience, and the Pleiadians are very, very much like us, spread-out over their own evolutionary process, where some are about the same level, actually, as we are.


And others have graduated to a level where they are able to move. They’ve graduated from physicality and are able to come here and observe, and be Wayshowers, and instruct this reality from the level that they are at.

So, the Pleiadian Blueprint—I would be presumptuous, actually, to say what it really is, because no one really does know—but for the most part it’s that souls graduate from here and return back to that aspect. And it’s one of the largest contingents who are here.

Out of all the other many ET influences on this planet, historically, I believe the largest contingent is still the Pleiades.

Martin: Your new book is called The Divine Architect. Let’s talk about your new book, which I have not read or seen.

Perala: It’s largely a personal growth book. It’s what I call a provocative blend of spirituality, metaphysics, personal growth, and anecdotes for living.

In addition, it looks at Earth sciences and celestial influences. The name Divine denotes that we are mighty and powerful spiritual beings, coming here in our own divine uniqueness, and given a physical form, and allowed to live here on Earth to go through the karmic cycle, clear a lot of unwanted energies, become clear on what serves Creation, and what takes away from Creation; what serves the Creator and what takes away from the Creator; what serves yourself, as well as what takes away from yourself; what serves others, and what takes away from others. And in that, this is a form of architecture.

We are architects, actually, of the Spirit, where we are building and incorporating every thought-form, every decision, every emotional response, every belief system, each day, into our own Divine Architecture. Because the Body and the Spirit is set-up. They say that the body is the temple, meaning that we are architects of that temple, we are carefully crafting, molding, and shaping that.

Now, that’s for the conscious who realize that’s what we’re here to do. For the unconscious, they will do it unconsciously, to a certain degree, but for the most part they will build a very poor temple because they’re here serving self. There’s not a sense of service to others.

So, what I’m saying in the book is, we are Divine Architects of our own Spirit, here to learn all these various facets and lessons, and incorporate them in the Spirit. All the while, also, I invited a few of what I am saluting in the book as the Divine Architects of our time. These are the ones who have given information that has resonated with a large contingent of the population.

So we invited, and paraphrased—rather than quoted— we paraphrased some of the extraordinary work I felt was the significant contribution. So we saluted some of the Divine Architects of our time who have given great works, such as Deepak Chopra, the Dali Llama, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Gregg Braden. Dannion Brinkley wrote the forward to the book, who is a big proponent behind my work, and has always supported me.

In addition, I’m also a Compassion In Action coordinator here in Northern California, so I’ve worked with Dannion quite a bit.

I have to mention some women, got to have some women in there—Elizabeth Kubler Ross, Walda Woods, have all contributed significant works that have added a significant impact to the public.

And so, we wanted to make the book kind-of a “blend” book, a little bit of the “best of the best”, where you see a little bit of Earth sciences, you see some of the best of what’s out there in personal growth. You see some metaphysics, you look at some of the esoteric. We included the Mysteries Schools. Most people don’t even know what they are, like the Qabbalistic School and the Hermetic School.

We included a lot of these things, kind-of in a “best of” field, again, like The Divine Blueprint. It’s an extension of the original, first book. And then we commented on their work, as well; why we thought it was significant, and what impact it has made on society. It will be out in the beginning of next year.

Martin: What kinds of closing remarks, or words of encouragement would you have for our readers, at this time, spiritually, emotionally, in terms of their connection with Source. Take as long as you like.

Perala: I think the Guides from the other side who have taught me have stressed, very much, that the most important thing that we can do emotionally, right now, is the ability to manage your state, the state of your emotions, in good times, but certainly mostly in bad times; because you WILL be challenged!

And then, within that, look at the lessons that are being brought forth.

  • What does this mean?

  • What does that tell us?

  • And why is each lesson important to us?

Really examine what comes before you. Many people miss the grains of wisdom that are coming their way when there is tremendous opportunity for growth, and they don’t want to look at it because they don’t want to do their homework, and emotionally they don’t want to respond to it. They think they’ve got enough on their plate, and they want to take the soft way out.

So, the ability to manage your emotional state will be very, very important. Spiritually, I would say that most of what has been felt, taught, or shown, from our visitors, it’s about commitment; to realize that we have a beginning point, which is birth, that’s A, all the way to Z, which is the exit point, what we call death, or transition.


And looking at that window, to make a deeper commitment to realizing that we’re here on a mission. We’re here to work on ourselves; we’re not to wiggle out of our responsibilities, but to embrace them. And that we have a fantastic opportunity to grow here.

You can’t tell that I’m a real personal growth proponent, can you?!


People are going to say:

“This sounds like Tony Robbins meets Drunvalo Melchizedek or something.”

Well, it IS kind-of like that.

There’s a big esoteric side to me, and then there’s a very holistic, personal growth side, because I’ve worked with Tony Robbins for the last year and a half here, and his Institute, and graduated from his University.

Martin: There’s a real pragmatic side to you, too.

Perala: Yes, I try to be very, very pragmatic. It’s a message for the new millennium. It’s a kind-of modern blend of natural, personal growth, mixed-in with some of the esoteric teachings.

And, also, it’s important to stress keeping things simple. I think we tend to read into a lot of things, and make things harder than they really are.

So, spiritually, a commitment is vital to your own survival, and your own health.

Looking at tools, we need to be commanding the space around us that we can’t see. Commanding the space around you to be clear. Asking for only that which is in your highest good.

Because we’re at a time when the ethers are very, very thin, and there are a lot of negative entities residing right outside the third dimensional plane, on the fourth dimensional plane. And we’re seeing this result in all kinds of things. That’s why we’re having so many more shootings by young children, and things like that. There’s an escalation of a lot of darkness on this planet.

So it would be very, very important to commit to health, and vitality, and keeping your space very, very clear—consciously realizing that we are influenced by a tremendous number of things that are in the unseen.

In fact, so much so, not all of your thoughts, or your own thought-forms, are your own. You’re actually sharing some space here. You’re actually swimming through an atmosphere of all kinds of entities walking right by you. You just can’t see it. So it would almost be like diving in the ocean and seeing all these fish for the first time, swimming right past you. Then, suddenly, you’d say to yourself: “Wow, this has been going on the whole time!”

It’s very much like that. And there are fish who are like dolphins, that are very wise and supportive, and then there are piranha out there.

Martin: Great whites.

Perala: And I think to love yourself really deeply is critical at this point. To sit with reverence, each day, and to look at life as a gift. And to remember, in gratitude, is very, very critical at this point. And to love yourself, deeply and passionately, each day, because the more we love ourselves, the more we are able to give love; because you can’t give what you don’t have. Am I preaching to the choir here?

Martin: You are reinforcing good points our readers have often heard before, but we always need to be reminded of again.

That’s a perfect place to end. That’s a great message to end with. Thank you.

From what Robert Perala had to say above, you might be asking yourself where the domain of extraterrestrial interaction with planet Earth leaves off and the world of spiritual teachers begins. That there is a large overlap between these two domains is the single most important point you can take away from the interview.

Moreover, on a purely practical level, does it really make any difference whether one (or more) of your personal Guides or guardian angels is of, say, Pleiadian ancestry or not? We can assume that ALL Higher Beings here at this time to assist with the upward transition of planet Earth are well qualified to help any of us when the call goes out.

So, why does so much secrecy swirl around the subject of extraterrestrials and UFOs? Let’s turn our attention, once again, to the head of The Disclosure Project, Dr. Steven Greer. His assault on the dark forces who are keeping the UFO subject from the public is to be greatly commended and encouraged.


As Greer stated to The SPECTRUM during an interview on October 16, 2001:

“People have to understand that it is the people keeping this secret that are the rogue, illegal elements.

“I have met, personally, with the Head of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. After our briefing, and after my military advisor, and one of the Apollo astronauts who walked on the Moon—and a few other people that I invited to this meeting had spoken—this Admiral, who is the Head of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a J-2 position, a very key position, said that he had no doubt that this was true.

“He had been denied access to these projects. He was told that he “did not have a need to know”.

And then, later in the interview, Dr. Greer had this to say:

“I was briefed by an intelligence agent who had a very high clearance, back in the mid-’90s, who had sat-in on meetings where these so-called 'alien reproduction vehicles' that we have been manufacturing out at the Lockheed Plant out at the North Facility of Edwards [Air Force Base], and other bases, would be used.


Now, these are the human manufactured things that look like a UFO, that are anti-gravity. There was a plan to use those to ‘attack’ the Earth, making it look like the aliens were doing it, when in reality, we were doing it, because it would stampede people into this new, higher level of funding for military adventurism in space. And I was stunned when I was told this. I felt the man had to be making this up, until I heard several other people confirm it."

“I think this is something which, again, this whole matter, the disclosure of this matter, is extremely critical to our future, and it’s been neglected because it’s been marginalized through ridicule and through extreme secrecy.”

The full outlay of this interview will appear in an upcoming issue of The SPECTRUM, as a later part of this feature story. But for now the point to hold onto is that the wall of silence and secrecy is cracking badly and soon must give way to the pressures of The Truth flowing forth.

And speaking of secrets bursting forth, let’s hear, once again, from the respected Robert O. Dean:


It’s, roughly, two and a half times the mass of the Earth. It’s going to be visible to the naked eye, and it’s going to be making its 3,600 year orbit pass, probably within 5 years.

Now, I think that is one of the reasons why the Vatican has been so deeply involved with this thing, and why that old man wanted to make a “pilgrimage to Ur”, a couple of years ago.

[Editor’s note: Ur is a major ancient city of Mesopotamia, now known as Tell Mugheir, about 200 miles SSE of Baghdad and a few miles from the mouth of the Euphrates river. This is where the infamous Tower of Babel was built.]

I got this right out of the New York Times. I even kept the clipping.

The Vatican released a little information here, late last year, that His Holiness was negotiating with the government of Iraq, to allow him to make a pilgrimage, and that was the very word the Vatican used, to the “Holy City”. That was another word that was used in the article, a pilgrimage to the Holy City of Ur; which is now, whatever is left, is in Iraq.

There’s not a hell of a lot left at Ur, except the ruins, like an ancient ziggurat [step tower, of Babel].

But, the Anunnaki established the Sumerian civilization. And the Anunnaki, apparently, built Ur, and another half a dozen ancient cities. And that old man wants to pay a visit, a pilgrimage to the Holy City of Ur?!?

Now, put two and two together, and see what you come up with.


The Vatican knows something. The Naval Observatory knows something. A hell of a lot of people know it, and they’re sitting on the edges of their chairs, and grinding their teeth, and they don’t have control of this thing.

[End quoting]


[Editor’s note: The above provocative statement was made to The SPECTRUM on October 17, 2001. The full interview will appear in a later edition of The SPECTRUM, in conjunction with later installments of this feature story.

Also know that, yes, we are well aware of “Planet X” or “Nibiru” moving into the vicinity of Earth. Most say it will be passing close to Earth in mid-to-late 2003. Rick Martin will be doing a feature article on this important subject in a future edition of The SPECTRUM—if we manage to remain financially afloat in order to share the intriguing information with you!

Now, no mention of this mystery planet or spaceship, presumably carrying extraterrestrials who have interacted with planet Earth in our past, would be complete without a few words from the instigator of this intriguing subject.]

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