by Angus Sutherland
from BookOfThot Website




All over the world there are many examples of ancient people worshipping the SERPENT. They were very proud of it.


Many legends speak of, the "Serpent People".

For instance there were the Nagas, of India and Amaru of South America, and even some of the Gods of the Indus Valley, (which became the Hindu culture) - they were said to take either human or reptilian shape at will. The Serpent People were a very intelligent race.

Legends also say that these remarkable people retreated to the dens of the Earth and created underground cities worldwide. It is said they have continued to make appearances to humankind on occasions. There are also many depictions of serpents in sacred site of Teotihuacan in Mexico.


The ancient Maya’s Feathered Serpent god was Kulkulkan (Kukulkan).

There are serpent depictions all over Mesoamerica, Aztec, Toltec and Mayan sites.


There is strong evidence that the Aztecs, Mayas, Toltecs, Incas and others worshipped the same god, known under different names like,

...and even other names not mentioned here.


In the "Codex Chimalpopoca", the book of legends it is told that the Aztecs worshipped the serpent god Quetzalcoatl, who lived with the Indians 52 years and was their teacher.

His beautiful name is translated as "Serpent of precious features", "Plumed Serpent" or "Green-feathered Serpent". He was tall, light skinned, with blonde hair and beard. Sick people used to visit him because he could cure blindness, skin diseases and eye ailment.


In "Codex Chimalpopoca" is written:

"And so greatly did they believe in their priest Quatzalcoatl. and so greatly obedient and given to the things of their god were they and so fearful of god all believed in Quetzalcoatl when he left Tula...
(From: "Voices from Legendary Times", Ellen Lloyd)

The benevolent serpent-god Quetzalcoatl is the plumed serpent-god who brought the benefits for the Mexican civilization and taught the science of mathematics and astronomy to man.


He learned humans useful arts and commanded them to love and respect each other and dismiss violence.

Across the world in Old Mexico the Toltecs were raising great temples in honor for their White God, who inspired them. People of Mesoamerica believe Quetzalcoatl, the serpent god, will return again to rule all the planets.


Quetzalcoatl, "the white God" was known by the Chorotegans, who lived in what is now Nicaragua and Northern Costa Rica as god Tamagastad. In the 17th century the Popol Vuh was discovered by Father Ximinez and established the indisputable philosophy of the Mayans who worshipped the "One" God as an impersonal and worshipped messenger of the Sun, Quetzalcoatl.


The Mayans are still waiting for the return of Quetzalcoatl just as Hindus are awaiting the 10th avatar of Vishnu and Christians are awaiting the return of Jesus Christ. In North America, serpents are deep-rooted in the native Indian cultures. The serpent symbol dominates the art of the Hohokam Indians. Their site is the famous Snaketown, Arizona, dating from 400 BC to AD 1200.


We must also remember that an unknown culture left an enormous serpent-shaped mound in Ohio.


The country of Haiti has many very old legends related to the serpents. The native voodoo people believe in a god Damballah Wedo and his image of the serpent. Damballah Wedo is the Great Serpent, the Creator of the Universe, Heavens and Earth.

As a voodoo Flood tradition says,

the Serpent let go the waters upon the Earth, the Rainbow arose and the Serpent took the rainbow, named Ayida Wedo, as his wife.

In Australia, the aboriginal people have preserved many legends of the serpent in their "Dreamtime" myths of the creation of our planet.


In central Australia there are ancient drawings of the Rainbow Serpent. He created mountains, rivers and people while traveling from the north coast.

The spacemen (ancient astronauts) who descended from the stars to teach mankind were known to the ancient people as the dragons or serpent people. Serpents were worshipped by the Lemurians and Atlanteans. The serpent was a symbol of divine wisdom. Later this worship turned into serpent cults among native people all over the world.

Sarpa was the original Sanskrit term for a snake or serpent, whereas naga, although likewise signifying a snake or serpent.

In Buddhism, wisdom has always been related, symbolically, to the figure of the Serpent. In the Western Tradition it can be found as used by the Christ in the Gospel, according to Saint Matthew 16:

"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."

The East Indian pantheon is connected with the Serpent Spirit and the Dragon Spirit.


It has an equivalency to the Burmese Nats, or god-serpents. In India and Egypt, and even in Central and South America, the Naga stands for one who is wise. In China, the Naga is given the form of the Dragon and has a direct association with the Emperor and is known as the "Son of Heaven".


The Chinese are even said to have originated from the Serpent demi-gods and even to speak their language, Naga-Krita.


The serpent was worshiped in:

  • Egypt

  • Sumer

  • India

  • China

  • Peru

  • Mesoamerica

  • North America

  • Greece

  • Britain

  • and many other countries, practically all over the world...

The snake/serpent is a symbol of immortality and can be found on monuments, artifacts, large and small. It means power, rebirth, wisdom, strength and protection.


Unfortunately the Catholic Church has presented the wrong image and meaning of this great symbol.

It can be worth considering… its immense significance and legacy on our planet.