"I made virtue and vice to be distinguished by instinct. "
- Isis




The first beings to be expelled from the face of the earth by Rama were the "Watchers", the misguided offspring of Indra's lineage who had defiled mankind, created through his methods of sun-birth and the ill-begotten offspring by mortal women.


They now stood in judgment before the Ennead:
They have defiled themselves with great defilement upon the earth;

neither will there be peace unto them nor the forgiveness of sin.

For their children delight in seeing the murder of their beloved ones.

But they shall groan and beg forever over the destruction of their children,

and there shall not be peace unto them even forever.

Rama gave the final orders to his men to expedite the miscreants to the only place on earth they could tolerate now that light would once again cover the face of the earth:

From now on you will not be able to ascend into heaven unto all eternity, but you shall remain inside the earth, imprisoned all the days of eternity. Before that you will have seen the destruction of your beloved sons and you will not have their treasures which will fall before your eyes by the sword.


And your petitions on their behalf will not be heard-neither will those on your own behalf which you offer weeping and praying-and you will not speak even a word contained in the book which I wrote.2

It had been a torment to the Ennead that their blood had been wasted so in creating dying life:

For what reason have you abandoned the high, holy, and eternal heaven; and slept with women and defiled yourselves with the daughters of the people, taking wives, acting like the children of the earth, and begetting giant sons?


Surely you, you used to be holy, spiritual, the living ones, possessing eternal life; but now you have defiled yourselves with women, and with the blood of the flesh begotten children, you have lusted with the blood of the people, like them producing blood and flesh, which die and perish...


But now the giants who are born from the union of the spirits and the flesh shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, because their dwelling shall be upon the earth and inside the earth. Evil spirits have come out of their bodies. Because from the day that they were created from the holy ones they became the Watchers; their first origin is the spiritual foundation.


They will become evil upon the earth and shall be called evil spirits. The dwelling of the spiritual beings of heaven is heaven; but, the dwelling of the spirits of the earth, which are born upon the earth, is in the earth. The spirits of the giants oppress each other, they will corntpt, fall, be excited, and fall upon the earth, and cause sorrow... You were once in heaven, but not all the mysteries of heaven are open to you, and you only know the rejected mysteries.


Those ones you have broadcast to the women in the hardness of your hearts and by those mysteries the women arid men multiply evil deeds upon the earth. Tell them.


Therefore, you will have no peace! 3

Rama's punishment for the offspring of Indra knew ho bounds as they had corrupted the people in their inequities. A great court was held to discern their punishment and they were brought before a tribunal:

After this judgment, they shall frighten them and make them scream because they have shown this knowledge of secret things to those who well on the earth. Now behold, I am naming the names of those angels! These are their names: The first of them is Semyoz, the second Aristoqis, the third Armen, the fourth Kokbo'el, the fifth Tur'el, the sixth Rumyal, the seventh Donyui, the eighth Neqo'el, the ninth Baroqel, the tenth Azaz'el, the eleventh Armoros, the twelfth Betrayol, the thirteenth Basas'el, the fourteenth Hanan'el, the fifteenth Tur'el, the sixteenth Sipwese'el, the seventeenth Yeter'el, the eighteenth Tumo'el, the nineteenth Tur'el, the twentieth Rum'el, and the twenty-first Azaz'el. These ore the chiefs of their angels, their names, their centurions, their chiefs over fifties, and their chiefs over tens.

It seems as if there was a moral scandal as officers mislead their men to the offenses when other work was in order:

The name of the first is Yeqon; he is the one who misled oil the children of the angels, brought them down upon the earth, and perverted them by the daughters of the people.


The second was named Asb'el; he is the one who gave the children of the holy angels an evil counsel and misled them so that they would defile their bodies by the daughters of the people. The third was named Goder'el; this one is he who showed the children of the people all the blows of death, who misled Eve.


Who showed the children of the people how to make the instruments of death such as the shield, the breastplate, and the sword for warfare, and oil the other instruments of death to the children of the people.


Through their agency death proceeds against the people who dwell upon the earth from that day forevermore. The fourth is named Pinem'e, this one demonstrated to the children of the people the bitter and the sweet and revealed to them oil the secrets of their wisdom.


Furthermore he caused the people to penetrate the secret of writing and the use of ink and paper; on account of this matter, there are many who have erred from eternity to eternity, until this very day. For human beings are not created for such purposes to toke up their beliefs with pen and ink.


For indeed human beings were not created but to be like angels, permanently to maintain pure and righteous lives.

The line that because man took to writing he has forever 'erred" is interesting.


We know total recall is how Aborigines and other 'primitives' pass their history on. It is considered a matter of mental weakness to err or lie in the telling. A mind that is well structured can recall everything ever taught. The subconscious is an excellent computer, if you want a horrible parallel. The computer has replaced that which western man has lost, total recall.


This was also why the Ennead did not have their people accept religion for when a man loses all his empiricism he must turn to rules and regulations which are always broken. To err is human, to forgive divine, did not seem to work with them; to err is manlike, to forgive, unspeakable. They considered you biologically flawed otherwise.


The "Tablets of Wisdom" that they constantly hid from the Anunnaki were either of the latters own composition, which they captured for they knew without them they were handicapped because of their degeneration, or they were manuals, texts, etc., stolen from the Ennead.

As the texts states, humans were created to be as angels because they once were. Knowledge known instinctively is life, knowledge learnt, is death. You cannot learn by trial and error for harm is done in the process, but you must have the senses to anticipate and react.


Rama came down hard on the evildoers for they took something away from the people they would never likely attain again-immortality:

Death, which destroys everything, would have not touched them, had it not been through their knowledge by which they shall perish, death is now eating, us by means of this power.


The fifth is named Kasadya, it is he who revealed to the children of the people the various flagellations of oil evil - the flagellation of the souls and the demons, the smashing of the embryo in the womb so that it may be crushed, the flagellation of the soul, snake bites, sunstrokes, the son of the serpent, whose name is Tabo'ta.


And this is the number of Kasb'el, the chief executor of the oath which he revealed to the holy ones while he was still dwelling in the highest in glory. His name was then Beqa, and he spoke to Michael to disclose to him his secret name so that he would memorize this secret name of his, so that he would call it up in an oath in order that they shall tremble before it and the oath.

Rama was still perturbed that,

"the entire time of this age acted lawlessly and practiced miscegenation and gave birth to giants and great monsters and great enmity." 7

He then sent many of them to where they belonged:

the Lord has sentenced them under the earth until heaven and earth are ended forever...

As we so sorrowfully saw, Indra could not control his world properly which culminated in global upheaval.


A pact of peace was established between he and the Ennead.


The latter returned and for man,

"when the great gods dug thee out, thy set good things upon thy bonks."

They became known as the Arrangers, as "the Arranger has set in their proper place the sun and moon, the sky and the earth, the middle realm of space, and finally the sunlight."


But, the 'Lord God' was ordered to stay with his people in the dreariness of the Netherworld having fallen off his self-made pedestal. Peaceful relations proceeded for a number of years. Rama and his family had a big task ahead. Those people whom they felt worthy were taken by them, while those hopelessly mutated, by Indra.


The entire earth had to be restructured again and they started where the earth had originally been formed in Egypt at a place they called Annu or On of the Bible, Helopolis by the Greeks, five miles northeast of Cairo. Anu is also the name of Rama in Sumerian texts.


It was here that the famous BnBn stone had arisen, the pyramidal stone which was of crystal, "the naval of the earth" the power source from which the energy flowed to create the world.


It was here Rama separated the water of heaven from the earth:

The sea would not readily produce its bountiful treasure.
The fish of the sea would lay no eggs in the canebrake.
The birds of the sky would not spread their nests over the wide earth,
In heaven the rain-laden clouds would not open their mouths.
The fields and meadow would not be filled with rich grain...

CO2 was in fixation, cloud formation he soon changed to near zero.


All that Indra had failed to do was accomplished by Ra, as he was known to the Egyptians, and his host of Gods. No one person received special credit other than the fact Ra led them, without the pomposity of Indra. However, this credit would go to Indra when this world fell. Rama's eldest son was Enlil of the Sumerian, Yudhisthira of the Veda, Osiris of Egypt whose name here meant "many eyes" referring to his airship.


Rama and Indra were called, "thousand eyed", in the Veda and Egyptian also.


Enlil was given command of all as his fathers assisted. Peace was established between the Nibiru and Anunnaki, in the "day of the union of the two earths," the earth above and the hollow earth below. Shu became the god of the sky, Ra the heavens above and Seb of earth while Osiris commanded also the Underworld with his fathers.


The "iron roof of heaven" was upraised again, the geomagnetic fields placed in order as the flood had destroyed them. The "celestial Nile", the waters of the veil were set in order.


Most importantly a disc, some sort of artificial satellite, a companion to the sun, was established and the water of the canopy that covered earth lifted and a new world began for man and the Ennead,

"for the sun has sinned upon the earth and darkness is over. There shall be light that has no end, and they shall not have to count days anymore..."

Death would end as the environment was bathed in negative ions and nitrogen filled the air.

We will say much about the disc in these pages, as all the texts give reference to it. Gnostic texts give much credence to it and it sounds as if the Egyptian "BnBn stone" had something to do with it, as well as the hollow earth, which may be why a peace-pact was enacted:

The construction of the earth was begun at the center, with the foundation stone of the Temple, the Eben Shetiyah, for the Holy Land is at the central point of the surface of the earth, Jerusalem is at the central point of Palestine, and the Temple is situated at the center of the Holy City. In the sanctuary itself the Hekal is the center, and the holy Ark occupies the center of the Hekal, built on the foundation stone, which thus is at the center of the earth.


Thence issued the first ray of light, piercing to the Holy Land, and from there illuminating the whole earth.


The creation of the world, however, could not take place until God had banished the ruler of the dark.

"Retire", God said to him, "for I desire to create the world by means of light."

And so did light bring life to the earth once more when the other 'God' was deposed.


Hebrew texts also seem to relate that what they called the "Sekinah" was the disc, as,

"the brilliance of the Sekinaii radiated from one end of the world to the other, 365,000 times more brightly than the sun; anyone who gazed at the brightness of the Sekinaii was not troubled by flies or gnats, by sickness or pain; malicious demons were not able to harm him, and even the angels had no power over him".

Indeed no insect or illness would pester anyone in such an atmosphere.


It was either an airship or satellite, or a little of both, for in Enoch's journey,

"when the Holy One, blessed be he, desired to bring me up to the height, he sent me Prince Anapi'el YHWH (YHWH is a title like Indra, Enlil, etc. - A.N.) and he took men from their mist, before their very eyes, and he conveyed me in great glory on a fiery chariot, with fiery horses and glorious attendants, and he brought me up with the Sekinah to the heavenly heights..", and "when the Holy One, blessed be he, removed me from the generation of the flood, he bore me upon the stormy wings of the Sekinah to the highest heaven..."

The disc of Egypt is often portrayed with wings as we!!. It could very well have been used by Indra before the Flood who was incompetent of its use, as one gnostic text states he did use it:

"when I saw that the men of the generation of the Flood were behaving corruptly, I came and removed my Sekinah from their midst, and I brought it up with the sound of the horn and with shouting to the height above, as it is written",

...however, this could be taken to mean the generation we now speak of and we will find that Indra would indeed remove the "Sekinah".

Despite the peace, the Nibiru made certain the Anunnaki knew where their bread was buttered and the disc was shown between two lions, called yesterday and today. Without the Ennead, the Anunnaki would have neither.


The following is a Sumerian attribute to Indra's incompetence:

There was no ewe, the lambs multiplied not,

There was no she-goat, the kids multiplied riot,

the ewe did not give birth to its two lambs,

The she goat did not give birth to its three kids.

Because the name of Ashnan, the kusu and Laliar,

The Anunnaki, the great gods, did not know.

The shemush-barley of thirty days did not exist,

The shemush-barley of forty days did not exist,

The very small barley, the mountain-barley,

the barley of the holy settlements, did not exist,
There was no wearing of clothes.

The Egyptians said Ra and Osiris taught the people cultivation and brought wheat and barley.


As the population increased after the Flood they had re-developed old habits and cannibalism emerged again which the Gods were said to have put down by teaching them how to eat properly. The introduction of healthful foodstuffs which the Anunnaki could not achieve, set the people on the pathway to producing better offspring as cannibalism is a biochemical disturbance.


By introducing whole grains this made their craving for fat subside. It was natural cannibalism had developed among the lighter skinned peoples who lose so much vitamin A they need more fat to metabolize what little they have. They even assigned helpers, students of theirs, to help them in spreading farming techniques as in Emesh and Enten of a Sumerian story who sounds so much like Cain and Abel, it could very well have been Marduk and Zu.16

The new life on earth would be but a brief and shining moment however.


The archaic texts tell us much that once the 'professionals' appeared, much changed for the better no matter how fleeting. The Anunnaki needed them as much as the people whom they destroyed.


The latter were the thousands of offspring the Anunnaki bred, their ill lineages growing until they became extinct:

"Thou hast heard of many kings, kings of great enterprise and great strength. Thou has heard talk of them from Dvaipayana and the Wise Narada. They were born in great lineages of kings that were prosperous with virtues, they knew celestial weaponry, their splendor was a match for Indra's. They conquered earth with Law, they offered up sacrifices of large stipends, acquired fame in this world - and then they succumbed to Time".

Their "splendor'" was one of the reasons Indra had gotten rid of them.


Rama, or Anu, had not been too pleased and often killed himself, it seems, those people he could not bear to see breed anymore defective offspring, as,

"during the juncture between the Age of the Trey and the Age of the Deuce".

Rama, greatest of swordsmen, urged on by his rancor; destroyed over and again the baronage of the earth.


When he, lustrous like the fire, had annihilated the entire nobility with his own might, he made five lakes filled with their blood in Smantapancaka. In those lakes with their waves of blood he, insensate with rage, offered up bloody oblations to his ancestors, so we have heard. Thereupon Rcika and his other ancestors appeared to this bull among brahmins, and, saying "Have mercy!" restrained him, so that he desisted.

All of the family members seem to have been there with Devasena now Nephthys of Egypt as she would be now called.


The following Sumerian lines gives us a glimpse:

In long-ago days, in for-off years. The Fates dug the rivers:
The gods of the lands. Aim, Enlil, and Ea convened an assembly.
Enlil and the other gods took counsel,
Among them was seated Shamosh,
Among them was seated the great lady among the gods.
Once there was no kingship in the lands
And the rule was given to the gods.

The people would come to know a world that was like our visions of the Garden of Eden, the earth that once was, and the Gods had pity and helped those whom they felt capable of recovery for they knew the possibility that "the immortal comes from the same womb as the mortal," for with proper guidance they could transcend their biochemical restraints.

Much is written in all the texts of the New World, and the progress made by the Gods:

All four classes were thereafter headed by the brahmins. Men lay with a woman at her season, not for lust, nor out of season; and so did the other creatures, even of the brute creation, couple with their females at the right season, O bull among Bharatas.


Thenceforth their offspring grew with the Law, living for hundreds and thousands of years, O herdsmen of the earth, and bent upon the vows of the Law. Men were wholly free from worries and diseases. The baronage once more governed mother-earth entire with her ocean borders, O king of the lordly elephant gait, with her mountains, wilderness, and woods.


And while the baronage reigned over this earth in accordance with the Law, all the classes, headed by the brahmins, found surpassing jay.


Casting off such vices as spring from lust and anger; the kings of men protected their subjects, using their staff according to the Law upon those that deserved it. As the baronage was law-abiding, the God of the thousand eyes and the hundred sacrifices rained sweet rain at the right time and place, swelling the people. No infant died then, king of men, no one knew a woman before he was of age.


Thus bull among Bharatas, this ocean-girt earth was filled with long-living people. The farmers ploughed the earth with bullocks; they did not put cows to the yoke, and they let the lean cows live.

The earth felt the plow and hoof again, not motorized farming which does not yield healthy crops.


But most importantly, there were no Gods to fear and everyone lived for themselves and families, as the Veda emphasizes that "all the classes devoted themselves to their own tasks". Gestation was now six months for women and there really were no seasons. Command was now fully in Enlil's hands and he was also the new Indra as On was known as Indraprastha.


Enlil meant in Sumerian, "Lord of the Airways" similar to the meaning of Osiris. Nonetheless, the world was content and "all the people, relying on King Dhann of Enlil - A.N.) lived hoppily like souls that rely on their own bodies that are favored with auspicious marks and deeds". How soon Siva of the Netherworld would put this to an end.

It was at On that the famous "College of Ra" was established. It was not a school as we know it. From all appearances they frowned on education not taught by other than the immediate family. The strengths and weaknesses of a family lay in their abilities to discover and learn from the world for themselves. It was more as a huge library from which the people could seek wisdom for themselves.


It was larger than the later famous one of Alexandria which was the recipient of the materials from here, the students having transferred it there during the reign of Ptolemy II. Solon, Thales and Plato were said to have visited the College of Ra; Plato was said to have studied there and Manetho, the priest of Sebennytus, wrote a history of Egypt in Greek for Ptolemy II, having collected his data from there.


The temple fell to ruins as the ages passed and blocks of it were carried away bit by bit.

The Gods were said to possess the "World-body" which was the sum total of the material universe by which they could evaluate all things. To this the people strove as one Akkadian passage says that,

"the mind of the god, like the center of the heavens, is remote; Knowledge of it is very difficult; people cannot know it."

The people soon benefited as,

"the generations have become wise by the power of him who has propped apart the two world-halves even though they are so vast. He has pushed away the dome of the sky to make it high and wide; he has set the sun on its double journey arid spread out the earth."

The Egyptian God Thoth, known as the scribe of the Gods, shown with the Ibis head, was the "lord of books" who had the knowledge of "divine speech". He promoted the arts and sciences, the hallmark of the Nibiru.


In the early days of On, he was known in this position as instructor to the people and guided them on their road to recovery. After the Fall of On, he became a Godhead to the people who remembered his leadership. They knew he was self-begotten, an 'original being', so his parallel seems to be to Manu of the Veda or another brother. He is often shown holding a scepter and/or ankh. His counterpart in Greece is Hermes, bringer of knowledge and learning, although there seems to be confusion with Siva here as well, however, Hermes has all the same scientific and artistic abilities of Thoth.


According to Clemens Alexandrinus, there were 42 books written by Thoth, divided into six classes; the laws and the gods and priests, history of the world, geography and hieroglyphics, astronomy and astrology, (you cannot have one without the other nor be unstudied in a myriad other sciences) books of 'religious' composition and those dealing with medicine.


Thoth must have had some military rule as well for he had a " Temple of the Net", which as we know from Egyptian, Sumerian and Veda sources, was some sort of force field they employed against airships. We use the exact thing today, as German railways have electric "nets" to operate.


Thoth was said to be well studied in "celestial mathematics" and kept the earth in equilibrium with the heavens. He also had control of the Underworld and those within. And also, he helped restore life to the dead. He, like Anu would become great figureheads to the people.


The following tells us from the Veda how Rama loved his people, and, how families of the heaven and earth were reunited:

And Grandfather spoke to the joyous and serene king as though sating him with his words, "By your acts in the world you have collected the full fourfold measure of the Law, and this world is immutably yours. Your fame is once more eternal in heaven because of your good works, royal seer.


The minds of all who dwell in heaven were covered with darkness, so that they did not recognize you: and unrecognized, you were cast out. Rescued by your grandsons with love, you have now returned here and resumed the station you had earned with your own works --immovable, eternal, holy, supreme, permanent, and untransitory".

The Grandfather's final words were to this particular king, "You, king, are not to despise either the elevated or the lowly or the middling. To those who are consumed by self-pride no one is ever an equal".

Thoth was like all Nibiru men. an eclectic being, whose genetic endowments were such that the universe held very little mystery to him.


This only makes sense, if nature is going to make a creature it must be omni-intelligent to survive if Nature's purpose was to create a helpmate. A man was then a scientist, artist, scribe, doctor, all those things because these are the foundations of life. It was deemed the highest duty of a family to be able to handle every crisis in life.

Ptah was another God who had control of the disc, his name meant "opener" of the day and Tern another God, took the disc to its close to Manu in the west; he was also known as "Ptah, the Disc of heaven, illuminer of the two lands with the fire of his two eyes, ,'Z1 which sounds a little suspicious! Ptah helped oversee work in metal and stone. He too was "self-begotten," and helped keep the iron floor of heaven in harmony with the earth.

One of their most famous students was Imhotep, "he who cometh in Peace" and who learned the art of healing.


He was honored by a temple on the Island of Philae under the Ptolemies which shows how late reverence for him was. He was said to have been a son of Ptah which is a little incredulous as he was very bald. He was, like Thoth, capable of restoring life, for he was the,

"Great one, son of Ptah, the creative god, made by Thenen, begotten by him and beloved by him, the god of divine forms in the temples, who giveth life to all men, the mighty one of wonders, the maker of times(?), who cometh unto him that calleth upon him wheresoever he may be, who giveth sons to the childless, the chief Kher-heb (the wisest and most learned one), the image and likeness of Thoth the wise."

He practiced as most doctors did at this time, eugenics, refusing help to those they did not feel worthy.


He taught another famous physician, Heru-tata-f, who spoke an unknown dialect amongst the people. Also the magician Tetteta was a student, who was famous for 'head tricks' to be discussed later.


However, the people would sadly bemoan the day the Gods left them:

"I have heard the words of l-em-hetep and of Heru-tata-f which are repeated over and over again, but where are their places this day? Their walls are overthrown, their seats have no longer any being, and they are as if they had never existed. No man cometh to declare unto us what manner of beings they were, and none telleth us of their possessions." 30

I cannot help but think the rising of the phoenix was a ship taking off.


It rose from the "House of the Obelisk" the shape of a rocket or missile. This is translated from the words "Het Benben " which is similar to the "Bnbn stone, " which may not then have been a stone per se, but some devise that activated the restoration of the earth, or may have even created it if the earth was created literally by the Gods.


However, the phoenix was called the "Bennu" bird and "visited" Heliopolis every 500 years at its "fathers" death. At 500-1461 years it burnt itself to death. This sounds too much like ships launching which the people equated as burning birds. It had red and gold feathers. Others said it died after 7006 years. It was said to be the soul of Ra and the living symbol of Osiris and was the "guide of the Gods in the Tuat."

The Egyptians never made any pretenses about whom we have come to call the Gods as being actual persons. And, they knew who was good and who was bad. They controlled nature and protected man until their evil counterparts caused havoc and man was caught between. Nature is pure entropy. Man is very foolish to think that Egyptians were childish, thinking that higher beings were in control.


When you begin studying the fragility of nature and organisms and the planets and stars, you soon come to the dire conclusion it would all fall into a heap instantly if there were not someone to control the disorder. Of the God Hapi, who kept control of the 'celestial Nile,' it was stated that "if thou wert overcome in heaven the gods, would fall upon their faces and mankind would perish," again alluding to the magnetic boundaries.


The people on the whole here were well aware of the phenomenons of nature, and that which was caused by the Gods, as for instance an Akkadian letter refers to an eclipse of the moon and then talks about the gods with no equation between the two, nor the moon being a god.

There were no 'races,' no tongue was foreign and the earth was full of hope:

In those days there was no snake,

there was no scorpion, there was no hyena,

There was no lion, there was no wild dog, no wolf.

There was no fear, no terror,

Man had no rival.

In those days the land Shubur (East),

the place of plenty, of righteous decrees,

Harmony-tongued Sumer (South),

the great land of the "decrees of princeship,"

Uri (North), the land having all that is needful,

The land Martu (West), resting in security,

The whole universe, the people in unison,

To Enlil in one tongue gave praise.

Things were so perfect on earth and in order that the Gods were all able to return.


Life was so normal that a son, Enlil, (Sumerian), Osiris (Egyptian), Yudhisthira (Veda) was born. Followed by four other sons and a daughter, Draupadi of the Veda, Inanna as she was sometimes known in Sumerian and Isis of Egyptian. Devasena, or Nephthys, became known then as the "Grandmother of the divine company." 32


Sumerian and Veda texts state Enlil was born in the heavens; "chariot borne" as the Veda states. So perhaps he was born on Nibiru. The rest of the children may have been also.

Indra now had his home in the "abyss" which was where he bided his time:

After the water of creation had been declared,
After the name hegal (abundance), born in heaven,
Like plant and herb had clothed the land,
The lord of the abyss, the king Enki,
Enki, the lord who decrees the fates,
Built his house of silver and lapis lazuli;
Its silver and lapis lazuli, like sparkling light,
The father fashioned fittingly in the abyss.

But soon, temptation was too much for them.


They could not tolerate the power the Nibiru had. Indra had established one of his daughters to rule over the Sumerian city of Erech which was against, it seems, Nibiruan policy and morals. Indra's daughter's were all androgynous and strove for power and disaster soon loomed. Whether it was Indra (Enki) or Enlil who tried to stop her, we may never know.


The reference to Inanna is not the daughter of Rama as she is often used in place of Indra's offspring; Inanna means "beloved of Anu":

"Come, my messenger, Isimud, give ear to my instructions,
A word I will say to thee, take my word.
The maid, all alone, has directed her step to the Abzu,
Inanna, all alone, has directed her step to the Abzu,
Have the maid enter the Abzu of Eridu,
Have Inanna enter the Abzu of Eridu.
Give her to eat barley cake with butter,
Pour for her cold water that freshens the heart,
Give her to drink date-wine in the face of the lion,'
... for her..., make for her...,
At the pure table, the table of heaven
Speak to Inanna words of greeting.

Whoever this was, Indra tried to stop her, for she possessed the staff which had deadly powers and would have been ruinous in the hands of someone so irrational:

"O name of my power, O name of my power,
To the Pure Inanna, my daughter, I shall present... ,
Lordship,... ship, godship, the tiara exalted and enduring,
the throne of kingship. "
Pure Inanna took them.
"O name of my power, 0 name of my power,
To the pure Inanna, my daughter, I shall present... ,
The exalted scepter, staff's, the exalted shrine, sheperdship,
Pure Inanna took them.
Enki then sees the great mistake lie made:
The prince calls his messenger Isimud,
Enki gives the word to the "good name of heaven":
"Oh my messenger Isimud. 'my good name of heaven'. "
"Oh my messenger Isimud, 'my good name of heaven'. "
"Oh my king Enki, here I stand, forever is praised. "
"The 'boat of heaven', where now has it arrived?"
"At the quay Idal it has arrived."
"Go, and let the sea monsters seize it from her."
"Oh my queen, thy father has sent me to thee.
Oh Inanna, thy father has sent me to thee.
Thy father, exalted in his speech,
Enki, exalted in his utterance,
His great words ore not to go unheeded. "
Holy Inanna answers him:
"My father, what has he spoken to thee, what has he said to thee?

His great words that are not to go unheeded, what pray are they?"
"My king has spoken to me,
Enki has said to me:
"Let Inanna go to Erech,
But thou, bring me back the "boat of heaven" to Eridu."

Holy Inanna says to the messenger Isimud:

"My father, why pray has he charged his word to me,

Why has he broken his righteous word to me.

Why has he defiled his great words to me?
My father has spoken to me falsehood, has spoken to me falsehood,
Falsely has he altered the name of his power, the name of the Abzu."
Barely had she uttered these words,
The sea monsters seized the "boat of heaven, "

Inanna says to her messenger Ninshubur:

"Come, my true messenger ofEanna,

My messenger of favorable words,

My carrier of true words,
Whose hand never falters, whose foot never falters,
Save the 'boat of heaven,' and Inanna's presented decrees."

I would have loved to have seen those "sea monsters" bringing down the "boat of heaven" wouldn't you?


However, Indra and his clan were very clever and devious and tried several maneuvers to ruin Enlil before the eyes of his fathers as Indra wanted his son, Siva, to be "Enlil." Indra knew the worst strike to go against one in a high position as Enlil-ship would be a moral offense for the Nibiru were not promiscuous.


Apparently, one of Indra's daughter's, at his instigation no doubt, put Enlil up the following:

In those days the mother, her begetter, gave advice to the maid,
Nunbarshegunu gave advice to Ninlil:
"At the pure river, O maid, ot the pure river wash thyself,
O Ninlil, walk along the bank of the Idunubirdu,
the bright-eyed, the lord, the bright-eyed,
The 'greot mountain,' father Enlil, the bright-eyed, will see thee,

The shepherd... who decrees the fates, the bright-eyed, will see thee,

He will... he will kiss thee." 34

Enlil, however was wise to her scheme:

Enlil... departed from the city,
Nunamnir (another name of Enlil A.N.)

... departed from the city,

Enlil walked, Ninlil followed,

Nunamnir walked, the maid followed,
Enlil says to the man of the gate:
"Man of the gate, man of the lock,
O man of the bolt, man of the pure lock,
Thy queen Ninlil is coming:
If she asks thee about me,
Tell her not where I am. "

According, though, to this Sumerian text the match was made.


Whether this was Sumerian deviant fantasies with a blending of fact, cannot be doubted. It seems of all the ancient literature, theirs by far, next to the Bible, is the best example of what biochemical malfunctions can do pertaining to libidinal problems. This tale actually parallels in the Veda the story of Visvarupa. He was the son of Tvastar Prajapati, "the best of the Gods," who had a son whom Indra feared as he "coveted Indra's rank."


Indra ordered some female accomplices, the Aparas, to seduce him:

"Go and hasten to addict Trisiras to the pleasures of the flesh and seduce him forthwith. In the raiment of love and with your full hips, seduce him with your ravishing allurements, bless you, and appease my fear. I fee! sick, beautiful women, quickly lake this terrible fear away front me!"


There the beautiful nymphs attempted to stir his lust with all manner of allurements, exhibited their dances, displayed their charms, pranced about; but the ascetic did not become excited and controlled his senses, imperturbable as the full ocean.


They put forth their best efforts and returned to Sakra. Folding their bonds they all said to the king of the Gods, "It is impossible to sway this unapproachable man from his self-control, my lord. Do whatever is next to be done, sir.

The first breach of the peace then occurred according to this, for Indra then tried to kill him with his "thunderbolt," but he managed to escape though it sounds as if his ship was struck down.


However, it is hard to believe he succumbed to Ninlil's charms for in other parts of Sumerian literature Enlil is beyond reproach and was often most upset with the carryings on of mankind.


Meanwhile, Ereshkigal, one of Indra's sisters, or another daughter, established herself as "Queen" of the Netherworld:

I will praise... queen of mankind... continually.
I will praise Ereshkigal, queen of mankind,... continually.
... favor.
... among all the goddesses... . thou art merciful.
Apparently, there was some dispute

between Anu and her and he sent an emissary

to her in her abode, forbidding her to come above

as he refused to deal with her face to face.

Anu opened his mouth to say something to Kako:

"I will send thee, Kaka, to the Lond of no Return,

To Ereshkigal... thou shalt say:
"Thou art not able to come up,
In thy year thou const not ascent to our presence,
And we cannot go down,
In our month we cannot descend to thy presence.

Therefore let thy messenger come,
Let him remove the dish from the table,

let him toke thy share

Whatever I give to him he will hand over all of it to thee."

Kaka then descends the "long staircase of the heavens" and reaches the gates of Ereshkigal passing through seven, which is reminiscent of those in the Egyptian and Hebrew histories:

He entered her wide courtyard,
He bowed down, he kissed the ground in front of her,
He straightened up and standing there said to her:
"Aim, thy father, has sent me
With these words: 'Thou are not able to come up,
In thy year thou canst not ascend to our presence,
And we cannot go down,

She then asked the health of Ann, Enlil and Ea. She then sent him back to see she got her share of everything:

"Remove the dish, from the table, take my share, whatever Anu gives to thee, bring it all to me."

When the emissary Namtar arrived Ea and his people bowed to him but one Nergal, as an Nibiruian, would not probably, because they had placed a woman in a leadership position.


His fears were right for she used erotism to gain power and had seduced, men to her side. It seems Ea then dared Nergal to go there himself if he were so" pure to resist her charms. If smart enough, he could bypass the traps she had to ensure males.


Thinking he was not smart enough, Ea, curtly asked him,

"O traveler, dost thou wish to go on thy errand wilh a sword in thy hand?"

Nergal then made a staff to protect him and this is rather interesting.


He cut down a "mesu-tree" and painted it of lapis lazuli and gold which are excellent electrical conductors. Ea warned him not to sit on a throne she might offer nor eat the bread, meat or beer, for if he does Ereshkigal will go into her act and get into something more comfortable, and he "must not... what is normal for man and woman."


Nonetheless, he made the journey:

Nergal turned his face toward the Land of no Return,
To the dark house, the abode of lrkalta,
To the house which none leave who have entered it,
To the road from which there is no way back,
To the house wherein the entrants are bereft of light,
Where dust is their fare and clay their food,
Where they are clothed like birds, with wings for garments,
Where they see no light, residing in darkness,
... moaning
... they moan like doves.

These passages tell us a great deal more of the condition of Ereshkigal and the Underworld.


Apparently, they were totally photophobic.


Their vitamin A and zinc blood serum levels must have been abominably low for their eyes could tolerate little light. We constantly encounter those who are of this morbid condition. It is interesting that they eat clay, this is not casual rhetoric. Clay is an excellent chelating substance to rid the body of toxins and is used with radiation poisoning and to use as a preventative.


I am wondering if these wings they speak of were some sort of air support systems. If they had lost zinc, their oxygen content in hemoglobin was very poor. The moaning may have been the sound of machinery generating the air. When he reached the gate he was seized.


Namtars face turned pale "like a cut down tamarisk." Namtar had rushed to Ereshkigal and told her of the episode of Nergal's disobedience and he feared, as one of the Gods, he was here to cause trouble.


Said Ereshkigal,

"Let him eat the bread of the Anunnaki, Let him drink the water of the Anunnaki. Go, bring this god into my presence!"

He was then led through the seven gates.


The text states he bowed and kissed the ground before her but he did not sit on the throne or eat bread, meat or drink beer. To make a long story short, the two then made contact when she revealed her body which went on for seven days, so it says.


However, it all comes out in the wash as they say, for he was under a spell as he stated,

"Release me, my sister, Do not raise the alarm."

The text is broken but he refers to "With regard to her,... turned dark." Something had happened, that either his or her skin turned dark, which would eventually happen to him.


He then tried to bribe the porter into helping him escape and who finally let him go:

"I will send thee to the heaven of Anu, our father,

Let me go that I might deliver the message!"

Nergal ascended the long staircase of the heavens,

When he reached the gate of Anu, Enlil, and Ea.

Anu, Enlil, and Ea looked at him and said:

"The son of Ishtar has come up to us... will seek him and...

Let Ea, his father, sprinkle him with spring water, so that he is bald,
Twitching and lame... let him sit in the assemble of all the gods!"

Well, the truth will out as they say. He had been hit with some manner of radiation.


There was either a mistranslation or the people did not understand, but the spring water was an attempt to keep him from going bald as it is an excellent medium to use in radiation poison to wash it off the skin. He had probably lost some of his hair from it. His skin has darkened, and his nervous system has been hit as well causing the trembling and loss of coordination, all classic symptoms of radiation poison.


The rest of the text states he returned to her which is dubious if he suffered all this. She demands he return and in the end he does and:

He went up to her and toughed. He seized her by her coiffure, He dragged her from the throne. He seized her by her locks,... love of his heart, they both embraced one another, Passionately they got into bed.

Again, it is hard to discern Sumerian fantasies with the real thing for in the beginning of the text he would have nothing to do with her. If anything, he knocked her down from her lofty throne of power. However, this was a theme oft repeated with the androgynous women.

Another one of Indra's daughter's or wives had been a rival for the intended rule of On and was involved with the death of one of her brother's, or perhaps one of the Nibiruians:

Answered the Kindly One El Benigh:
"I ween'd, daughter mine, thou wast gentle,
And goddesses free from contumely.
On, then, perverse daughter;
Thou 'It take whatsoever thou wilt.
Thou 'It compass whatever thou list:
Who hinders thee will be crushed."
The Maiden Analh rejoices.
There, she is of on her way
Towards, Aqhat the Youth,
O'er thousand fields, then thousand acres.
Now laughs the Maiden Analh,
And lifts up her voice and cries:
Oh, hearken but, Aqhat the Youth,
Thou'rt my brother, and ! thy sister..."

She tries to get Yatpa, an alcoholic soldier of the "vultures," to kill her brother, by striking him down from the air.


But, it seems to be more of a scheme to seize the airship of her brother's as "over him vultures will soar, a flock of swift fliers will coast," but the plan goes awry and the brother is killed.


It all comes out in the following as they had wanted to take his weaponry:

Analh, seeing his vigor extinguished - 

The vigor of Aqhat - doth weep.

'Woe! Would I could heal thy corpse!
"Twas but for thy bow I slew thee,
"Twas but for thy darts.
But thou, would thou didst live
... and perished..."
I smote him but for his bow,
I smote him for his darts.

So his bow has been given to me.

What was it they could heal, the dead body of the brother or the ship?


On the former there is quite a possibility as they are constantly stated in the Veda to have the power to resurrect the dead. But, they also state in places that the airships could heal themselves. Don't laugh. Such a metal was developed several years ago, based on the properties of crystal, which does heal itself when a fissure or hole develops.


Indra, or Baal, was most upset and Anath apparently let him assume a member of the 'vultures' was the culprit:

"Cursed be the slayer of my son
Lifting up his eyes he beholds:
... vultures . . .
He lifts up his voice and cries:
"The vultures" wings may Baal break,
May Baal break the pinions of them.
Let them fall down at my feet.
I'll split their bellies and gaze.
Qiru-mayim the king doth curse:
"woe to thee, O Qiru-mayim,
On which rests the blood-guilt of Aqhat the Youth!
... the dwellers of the house of El:
Now, tomorrow, and for evermore,
From now unto all generations!"
Again he waves the staff of his hand...

Indra then in his wrath does what we are accustomed to seeing him do, he used radiation as the curse upon the city of Abelim where the murderer.


Prince Yarikli, lived:

He lifts up his voice and cried:
"Woe to thee, city of Abelim,
On which rests the blood-guilt of Aqhat the Youth!
May Baal make thee blind
From now for evermore,
From now unto all generations!"
Again he waves the staff of his hand.

The staff, the blindness, how often we encounter this in these texts, and indicative of radiation.


Then, just what could be predicted, the sister vows to kill the prince despite the fact she had instigated the deed. What we see in her is typical androgynic reasoning. Her male side instigated the deed and then her female side cannot accept the death and the male side wants retribution.


Confusing? Pyschobiochemistry is a perplexing science!


She then donned her war paraphernalia; a 14kt. gynic she was not:

"With life breath shall be quickened Paghal,
She who observes the water.
Who studies the dew from the drip.
Who knows the courses of the stars.
With life-breath she is invigorated.
She '11 slay the slayer of her brother,
Destroy the destroyer of her sibling."
... in the sea she bathes.
And stains herself red with murex,
She emerges, dons a youth's raiment.
Puts a knife in her sheath,
A sword she puts in her scabbard.
And o 'er all dons woman's garb.
At the rising of Gods' Torch Shapsh,

At the selling of Gods' Torch Shapsh,

Paghal arrives at the tents.

Unfortunately, the text is broken and we never learn who wins! Sorry. But, what was the "Torch Shapsh?"

Ra was having his own problems as some factions tried to take the "Eye" as the disc was known in Egypt:

Thy flame maketh thine enemies to fall,

and thine Eye overthroweth the Sebau fiends,

and it driveth its spear through the sky into

the serpent-fiend Nak and maketh it

to vomit that which it hath swallowed.

And, in another:

"Get thee back. Fiend, before the darts of his beams. Ra hath overthrown thy words, the gods have turned thy face backwards, the Lynx Maftel, hath torn open thy breast, the Scorpion goddess, hath cast fetters upon thee, and Maat hath sent forth thy destruction. Those who are in the ways have overthrown thee; fall down and depart, O Apep, thou Enemy of Ra." 39




2. IBID.
3. IBID.
4. IBID.
5. IBID.
6. IBID.
7. IBID.
8. IBID.
9. BABYLONIAN GENESIS - Alexander Heidel - The University of Chicago Press - 1951
10. THE RIG VEDA - An Anthology - Edited by Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty -Penguin Classics - New York, N.Y. 1984
12. THE GODS OF THE EGYPTIANS - VOL. I - E. A. Wallis Budge -1904 - reprint 1969 - Dover Publishing Company, New York, N.Y. VOL. II
16. IBID.
18. IBID.
19. IBID.
23. IBID.
24. IBID.
27. IBID.
28. IBID.
29. IBID.
31. IBID.
34. IBID.
39. IBID. - VOL. I

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