Chapter 3

3.1 International Relations Policy Groups
3.2 Tax Exempt Foundations and Charity Funding
3.3 The IMF and World Bank
3.4 Control over Western Governments

There exists behind closed doors, a high command of policy groups which feed the argument for political globalization. Policies are passed down the chain of command into the public arena by lavish patronage of public institutions and key politicians. In discrete pursuit of financial globalization, they have also advanced the view that the future of mankind is best served by a transfusion of wealth from the West to lesser developed countries in the form of foreign aid and bank loans.


This chapter identifies the groups which constitute the Ministry of Truth for International Relations and the next three reveal how they have miraculously consolidated financial power in the hands of their members.




In 1870, John Ruskin, professor of Fine Arts at Oxford University, inspired a student named Cecil Rhodes with the dream of uniting the English speaking world under a federal government. Rhodes went on to become one of the richest men in the world. Besides the Rhodes Scholarships which provided for American students to study at Oxford, Rhodes' legacy was the formation of a secret society which professor Quigley called 'the Milner group'.(1)

Lord Rothschild loaned £750,000 to assist Rhodes in creating De Beers in 1888. As well as being the largest shareholder in De Beers, Rothschild was also amongst the 'circle of initiates' in the Milner group. This clique of British aristocrats invented the Round Table movement aimed at fostering international government.


Two important Round Table groups were set up after the end of World War I:

  • The Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, also known as The Chatham House Study Group founded in 1919

  • The Council on Foreign Relations in New York founded in 1921

The plans for these two groups were drawn up at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. The RIIA was largely funded by the Astor family, The Rhodes Trust and certain British banks whilst the CFR was a front for JP Morgan &Co.(2)

The financial elite have dominated the Round Table movement ever since. Lord Waldorf Astor was Chairman of RIIA 1935-1949 (3) and David Rockefeller was CFR director 1949-1985, Chairman of the board 1970-1985 and vice president 1950-1970. Despite being over 80 years old he is still the honary chairman of the CFR International Advisory Board.(4)


CFR members currently number around 4000 of the most influential people in the United States. All of the major American news anchors are members of the CFR including Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Barbara Walters and Tom Brokaw.(5) Both the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the CFR have offthe record meetings which observe the Chatham House Rule of secrecy. (6)


David Rockefeller founded another international relations policy making forum in 1973 called the Trilateral Commission. It is dedicated to fostering closer cooperation between North America, Europe and Japan.(7) Consisting of the top few hundred industrialists and policy makers, this semi-secretive organization is far more exclusive than the CFR.


Like Round Table and the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg's purpose is to coordinate American and European foreign policy. The annual Bilderberg meeting of the top 120 European-American movers and shakers is the world's most secretive and exclusive foreign policy making forum. There are no published minutes and only recently have the meetings been mentioned in the mainstream press.(8)


They normally take place a week or two before the publicized G8 inter-governmental conferences. Bilderberg was founded in 1954 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a card carrying member of the Nazi SS. Whilst membership appears to change year to year, David Rockefeller has been spotted several times over the last few years and Dutch Royalty are regular attendees. Kenneth Clarke, Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson are just some British Ministers who have attended Bilderberg in recent years.

On the 'official participants list' from Bilderberg published before the 2002 meeting in Chantilly Virginia, media personnel included: Kenneth Whyte, National Post (CDN), Tager Sidenfaden, Editor of Politiken (Germany); Andrea Mithcell, Foreign Affairs correspondent for NBC ; Charles Krauthammer, columnist Washington Post; Jim Hoagland, Associate Editor, Washington Post; Paul A Gitot, Wall Street Journal; Conrad Black, Chairman, Telegraph Group; Jean de Belot, Editor-in-Chief, Le Figaro (French).(9)

Bilderberg's control over the mainstream press is evidenced by the fact that on 20th July 1976, London Financial Times correspondent C. Gordon Tether was finally fired after several attempts to publish articles about Bilderberg in the Lombard Column (10)


Unlike Mr Tether, Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf has been a regular attendee of Bilderberg for years. Only this year did he publish the fact in the FT, writing an article on the conference in Versailles in May 2003. Since the meetings are strictly confidential, we can only assume that Mr Wolf 's suggestion of a rift in American and European foreign policy is the first ever official - and well timed -piece of Bilderberg propaganda.(11)


In addition to these secretive groups, the elite manage a high-level international think-tank on environmental issues - The Club of Rome. Its members are one hundred individuals, at present drawn from 52 countries and five continents.(12) It was founded in 1968 by Dr Aurelio Peccei on behalf of Fiat and Olivetti.(13)


With a particular focus on environmental issues, the group is charged with finding internationalist solutions to the world's problems. Members have included top businessmen, notably Canada's environmentalism ambassador and multi-billionaire, Maurice Strong. Honary members include European royalty and presidents such as Mikhail Gorbachev, the Red who mysteriously turned Green.



The high command launch their policies into the public arena on a wave of money that washes over schools, universities and charitable organizations. In the United States that wave has been directed at changing the bias of American education away from individualism towards socialism and internationalism.

The Ford Foundation was established in 1936 by Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company. In January 2002 its assets were valued at $13 billion and total grants since 1972 alone total $10.2 billion!(14) The major Rockefeller family foundations were established by John D. Rockefeller - the General Education Board in 1903 endowed with $129 million, and The Rockefeller Foundation in 1913 endowed with $50 million.


Total grants to date by the Rockefeller Foundation are estimated at $ 2 billion.(15) The Rockefeller Brothers Fund was founded in 1940 and by January 2003 it had given away $574,466,677. RBF merged with The Charles E. Culpepper Foundation in July 1999.(16) The Carnegie Endowment Fund was established in 1910 with a $10 million endowment from Andrew Carnegie(17) and became a key partner of the Rockefeller and Ford foundations in pursuit of a single aim.

That aim became apparent to The Congressional Special Committee to Investigate Tax-exempt Foundations, known as the 'Reece Committee', set up in 1952. To their concern, the Committee discovered that the Rockefeller and Carnegie group of foundations exercised a very significant degree of control over American schools and universities. In 1954 Norman Dodd was the staff director of the committee.


He recorded an interview with G. Edward Griffin shortly before he died in which he described how the Carnegie Endowment and the Rockefeller Foundation joined forces after the end of World War I to use the education system, and the teaching of American history in particular, to promote internationalism and collectivism.


And when Rowan Gaither, President of the Ford Foundation, met with Mr Dodd he made an astonishing admission:

Mr. Dodd, all of us who have a hand in the making of policies here have had experience operating under directives, the substance of which is that we shall use our grant-making power so to alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.(18)



The establishment of the United Nations in 1945, only a year after the IMF and The World Bank, is some evidence of the parity of political and financial globalization. Vladimir Bukovsky, possibly the most famous Soviet dissident after Alexander Solzhenitsyn, spent twelve years in Soviet prisons and psychiatric hospitals due to his opposition to communism.


He gave his opinion on the U.N. in a recent interview:

It was meant to serve the "progressive causes", such as advancement of socialism, "national liberation", unilateral disarmament of the West, redistribution of wealth from the "rich North" to the "poor South" or just plain anti-Western propaganda. (19)

Whilst the U.N. has pursued that goal through international aid and inter-governmental agencies, its sister financial organizations have been the key drivers for international socialism and the first world financial empire. In September 1963, President Kennedy addressed the annual conference of the IMF/World Bank and described the intent behind the creation of these institutions:

Twenty years ago, when the architects of these institutions met to design an international banking structure, the economic life of the world was polarized in overwhelming, and even alarming measure on the United States... Sixty percent of the gold reserves of the world were here... There was a need for redistribution of the financial resources of the world.. And there was an equal need to organize a flow of capital to the impoverished countries of the world. All this has come about. It did not come about by chance but by conscious and deliberate and responsible planning.(20)

Under the Bretton Woods agreements, The World Bank was to make loans to under-developed countries and the IMF was to promote monetary cooperation between nations by maintaining fixed exchange rates between their currencies. Under the IMF quota system, the majority of the donated capital to the IMF comes from Western governments, especially the U.S.. In 1970, the IMF came up with the "SDR " scheme for increasing quota capital. Special Drawing Rights, which are merely government promises to pay, increase the quota by 25%.(21)


The IMF now has reserves against which its sister organization the World Bank can obtain loans from western commercial banks for developing countries. These loans can be obtained at a very low rate of interest because western governments offer to bail out the World Bank with "callable capital" if it gets into trouble. The callable capital is about ten times as much as the quota capital. Over the last fifty years a torrent of Dollars, Pounds, Francs, Deutsche Marks and Yen gushed through the World Bank/IMF directly into the hands of foreign dictators and used to build the one system dictators knew how to build: Socialism and despotism.(22)

The following chapters show that what appeared here to be simple foreign investment, was actually laying down the gangplank for the captains of Western industry and finance to board the ship, loot it, and sail off into the sunset with most of the Third World's natural resources and industries. Financial globalization has been achieved through economic piracy masquerading as international credit.



Before the bankers could channel billions of dollars to foreign dictators and set up inter-governmental structures, they needed Western politicians who were amenable to their plan. By controlling policy-making groups, education and the media, the bankers have helped to make international socialism more politically acceptable than it otherwise would be. There have also been very significant instances where the financial elite have selected and sponsored witting servants for the top jobs in politics to further their globalist aims.


For example, Rothschild agent Colonel Mandell House personally chose Woodrow Wilson - the most unlikely of all political candidates - and secured his nomination for President on the Democratic ticket in 1912. It was House who convinced the Morgan group, and others with power in politics and the media, to throw their support to Wilson, allowing him to win the election and become the 28th President of the United States. Under Wilson, the United States got itself a central bank - the Federal Reserve system - and entered into a World War. Col. House moved into the Whitehouse with the President for six years and remained his most important adviser.


In his memoirs, President Wilson said,

Mr. House is my second personality. He is my independent self. His thoughts and mine are one.(23)

More recently, representing the most powerful money families in Europe, Helmut Kohl was the spearhead for European monetary and political union during his sixteen year tenure as German Chancellor 1982-1998. Between 1959 and 1969 Helmut Kohl worked for the 'Verband der Chemischen Industrie' (Association of the Chemical Industry), the largest lobby organization of the chemical-pharmaceutical industry - the Rockefeller / I.G. Farben cartel.(24)


These interests systematically promoted Helmut Kohl's political career in order to further their global expansion plans. Kohl's chancellorship ended in scandal when it was revealed that he had accepted millions of Deutsche Marks in bribes, the source of which he refused to disclose.(25)

On 19 September 2000, an article appeared in The Daily Telegraph by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard which pulled all this together in just a few paragraphs (26). It began:


American government documents show that the US intelligence
community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united
Europe. It funded and directed the European federalist movement.

The documents confirm suspicions voiced at the time that America was working
aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into a European state. One
memorandum, dated July 26, 1950, gives instructions for a campaign to promote a
fully fledged European parliament. It is signed by Gen William J Donovan, head of the
American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA.

The article went on to describe how the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations set up an organization called the American Committee for a United Europe in 1948 which was run by CIA chiefs on their behalf. The documents show that ACUE financed the European Movement, the most important federalist organization in the post-war years. In 1958, for example, it provided 53.5 per cent of the movement's funds.


Furthermore, the European Youth Campaign, an arm of the European Movement, was wholly funded and controlled by Washington. The Belgian director, Baron Boel, received monthly payments into a special account. The leaders of the European Movement - Retinger, the visionary Robert Schuman and the former Belgian prime minister Paul-Henri Spaak - were all treated as hired hands by their American sponsors.


A memo from the European section, dated June 11, 1965, advises the vice-president of the European Economic Community, Robert Marjolin, to pursue monetary union by stealth. It recommends suppressing debate until the point at which "adoption of such proposals would become virtually inescapable".

What the Telegraph article didn't mention was that all of the OSS-CIA-ACUE principals involved in the "European federalist movement" - Donovan, Smith, and Dulles - were also Council on Foreign Relations members (27)

More evidence of this nature was recently obtained from the secret archives of the Soviet Union. Prime Minister Yeltsin outlawed the Communist party in 1991 but when he was challenged in the courts, he needed evidence of its criminal past. He turned to Vladimir Bukovsky for assistance in finding the evidence in the secret archives of the Politburo.


In 1992, Mr Bukovsky was granted access to the archives for half a year, and copied as many documents as he could using a portable scanner and computer. Even the very small proportion of documents copied revealed much that was embarrassing to both Western and Soviet leaders. Consequently, these archives - including the documents which Mr Bukovsky still has on his computer - have been classified again!


His 44 page booklet entitled E.U.S.S.R., published in December 2004, reveal some truly astonishing facts about the collapse of the Soviet Union.(28)

By 1987, Gorbachev had decided that perestroika included the convergence of the U.S.S.R. and Europe into a "Common European Home". This idea was supported by Europe's social democrats whose political leaders went in secret to Moscow before the dissolution of the U.S.S.R. to confirm that the European Community would include most of the Soviet states. However, behind these political leaders were the financial elite, in particular the members of the Trilateral Commission.


One of the Politburo documents records a meeting which took place on 18th January 1989 between Gorbachev and key members of the Trilateral Commission - Rockefeller, Kissinger, Nakasone and Giscard d'Estaing. They encouraged the Soviets to integrate into the world's economic and financial institutions (GATT, IMF) and also into the European Community. Giscard announced that there would be a European state within twenty years and asked Gorbachev which East European countries would be allowed to join. Kissinger then asked what the Soviets thought of the concept of 'Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals'.

On 19 July 1990, Jacques Delors, President of The European Commission visited Moscow and confirmed in secret that he wanted the Soviet Union to be part of the future European state. However three months before, his close friend and European co-chairman of the Trilateral Commission, Georges Berthoin had met with Gorbachev's European advisor, Vadim Zagladin. Berthoin was the ambassador who set out Delors' views ahead of time.


One of the possibilities Delors asked him to discuss was whether the USA and Japan should also be integrated with Europe and the Soviet Union. This idea reflected the inter-continental membership of the Trilateral Commission.

As we near our final destination of one world government and the New World Order, it's very important to realize who planned the journey. Why have the richest and most powerful men in the world done everything possible to conceal what they have been doing? If we are on the road to utopia, why the need for secrecy?


Chapter 3 End Notes

  1. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo American Establishment, GSC and Associates,1981, ch's 3-5. See also G Edward Griffin, The Future Is Calling (Part Two) p.5 at

  2. Quigley op cit.,pp.5-7 and 190- 91; and Griffin, op cit., p.7

  3. Quigley, op cit., p.184. See also Spartacus Educational at

  4. The Council on Foreign Relations website. See

  5. Griffin, op cit.

  6. Royal Institute of International Affairs website  and CFR website

  7. The Trilateral Commission website

  8. Emma Jane Kirby, Elite Power Brokers Secret Meeting, BBC, London, 15 May 2003. See

  9. Official Bilderberg press release and participant list, Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A., 30 May -2 June 2002. See

  10. The Banned Articles of C. Gordon Tether, Goodhead News Press -Bicester - 1977 ISBN 0 905821 009. See

  11. Martin Wolf, A Partnership heading for a Destructive Separation, Financial Times, London, 21 May 2003. See

  12. The Club of Rome website. See

  13. Donella H. Meadows and Dennis L. Meadows, The Limits To Growth, 1972 Potomac Books, pp.9-10

  14. The Ford Foundation website. See

  15. The Rockefeller Foundation website. See

  16. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund website. See

  17. The Carnegie Endowment website. See

  18. The Hidden Agenda, An interview with Norman Dodd conducted by G Edward Griffin. Transcript at

  19. Jamie Glazov, A Conversation With Vladimir Bukovsky,, 30 May 2003. See

  20. G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island, American Media, Fourth Edition, 2002, pp.109-110

  21. What is the International Monetary Fund ?, IMF. See

  22. Griffin, op cit., pp.89-95.

  23. G. Edward Griffin, The Future is Calling, part 3. See

  24. Dr Matthias Rath, The Pharmaceutical Business with Disease, The Dr Rath HealthFoundation. See

  25., an on-line encyclopedia. See

  26. 26 Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Euro- Federalists financed by U.S. Spy Chiefs, The Daily Telegraph, 19 Septemeber 2000. See

  27. William F. Jasper, Global Tyranny.. Bloc by Bloc, The New American, 9 April 2001 See

  28. Vladimir Bukovsky and Pavel Stroilov, EUSSR, Sovereignty Publications, December 2004. ISBN 0-9540231-1-0

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