The Experts121

Many scientists, philosophers, psychologists, and military analysts have written on the possibilities of accumulating information directly from the human brain as well as controlling human beings for various governmental and militaristic purposes using the aforementioned technologies.


What follows are excerpts from recent interviews conducted by the authors with notable experts focusing on the capabilities of US EMF technologies and concerns about human rights and cognitive liberty.


We contacted twenty-two experts in the fields of EMF technologies, many would not comment. The following are quotes from four experts who were willing to publicly address the subject.


Vladimir Nikolaevich Lopatin
Director of The Republican Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property, Moscow, former Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the Vologda from 1995 to 1999, and Senior Assistant to the General Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation. During the 1990s Lopatin was active in the Russian Federation’s banning of EMF technologies for military purposes.122

121 Gaining interviews with DARPA scientists and officials at the Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks proved troublesome. For information about current projects, see DARPA Defense Science Program, specifically COL Geoffrey Ling, M.D., PhD’s program “Human-Assisted Neural Devices” and Amy Kruse’s Improving War fighter Information Intake Under Stress (AugCog) and Neurotechnology for Intelligence Analysts. At the Human Effectiveness Directorate see Andrei G. Pakhomov , Yahya Akyel , Olga N. Pakhomova , Bruce E. Stuck , Michael R. Murphy, “Current state and implications of research on biological effects of millimeter waves: A review of the literature”, in Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 19, Issue 7 , Pages 393 - 413.

122 The following are excerpts of an interview with Lopatin translated by U.C. Davis student, Tatiana Kanare.

The following are quotes from Lopatin:

“At the same time, the necessity of protection from information weapons, information terrorism and information war is being discussed more often during the last years.”

“…according to the Security Department of the Russian Federation, directors of Russian Special Services and the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Based on the data of special services, by the beginning of the 21st century expenses for purchasing means of information war increased within the last 15 years in the USA in four times and are ahead of all armament programs. Information confrontation during the times of a regular war began to change to a new, higher level – information war.”

“According to article 6 of the Federal Law “On weapons,” as of July 30, 2001, on the territory of the Russian Federation it is forbidden to circulate as means of civil and service weapons: ‘weapons and other objects, destructive ability of which is based on the use of electro-magnetic, light, heat, infrasound and ultrasound radiation and which have output parameters that exceed the amounts, set by state standards of the Russian Federation and norms of the federal body of executive power responsible for healthcare, and also mentioned above weapons and objects, manufactured outside of the territory of the Russian Federation’.”



Carol Smith

British psychoanalyst, private practice in London, member of The College of Psychoanalysts and the Institute for Psychotherapy and Social Studies and member of their Ethics Committee.

Asked if there are human rights concerns associated with these particular non-lethal weapons, Smith answered,

“Yes – it depends though by what is meant by ‘the wrong hands’. For people who are targeted for experimentation – all such devices need testing – all hands are the wrong hands, be they government, private commercial, or sadistic/commercial. Ionatron, a large company based in Arizona, developed plasma channel directed energy weapons and state in their website:

‘What are LIPC laser-guided directed-energy weapons? Laser-guided directed-energy weapons work like “man-made lightning” to disable people or things. LIPC technology is Ionatron’s proprietary type of laser-guided directed-energy weapon. LIPC stands for laser-induced plasma channel; the plasma channel is how the energy is directed through the air at the target. Extremely fast femto-second lasers cause light to break into filaments, which form a plasma channel that conducts the energy like a virtual wire. This technology can be adjusted for non-lethal or lethal use’.”

Discussing neurotechnology, Smith adds,

“Brain mapping indicated to us the pleasure centers of the brain. TMS is the accessing these with rapidly changing magnetic fields to produce electrical fields.

If the right hand rule is operative, the effect of inducing electrical fields by changing magnetic fields improves mood. (Lenz’s law, however, gives the direction of the induced electromotive force (EMF) resulting from electromagnetic induction, thus: The EMF induced in an electric circuit always acts in such a direction that the current it drives around a closed circuit produces a magnetic field which opposes the change in magnetic flux.)


In other words, it would be possible to create depression and a feeling of overwhelming hopelessness by the induction of a current into the electrical circuit of the brain, which opposed the change in magnetic flux.123

“In 2004, The US Air Force Directorate: Controlled Effects gives a clear picture of objectives:

“The Controlled Effects long-term challenge focuses technology developments in three primary areas Measured Global Force Projection looks at the exploitation of electromagnetic and other non-conventional force capabilities against facilities and equipment to achieve strategic, tactical, and lethal and non lethal force projection around the world. Controlled Personnel Effects investigates technologies to make selected adversaries think and act according to our needs.


Dominant Remote Control seeks to control, at a distance, an enemy’s vehicles, sensors, communications, and information systems and manipulate them for military purposes. The S&T Planning Review panel looked first at extending the applications of advanced military technologies currently under development and then at new, revolutionary technologies for their military significance.”

“For the Controlled Personnel Effects capability, the S&T panel explored the potential for targeting individuals with non lethal force, from a militarily useful range, to make selected adversaries think or act according to our needs. Through the application of non-lethal force, it is possible to physically influence or incapacitate personnel. Advanced technologies could enable the war fighter to remotely create physical sensations such as pressure or temperature changes. A current example of this technology is Active Denial, a non-lethal counter-personnel millimeter wave system that creates a skin heating sensation to repel an individual or group of people without harm.


By studying and modeling the human brain and nervous system, the ability to mentally influence or confuse personnel is also possible. Through sensory deception, it may be possible to create synthetic images, or holograms, to confuse an individual’s visual sense or, in a similar manner, confuse his senses of sound, taste, touch, or smell. Through cognitive engineering, scientists can develop a better understanding of how an individual’s cognitive processes (pattern recognition, visual conditioning, and difference detection) affect his decision-making processes. Once understood, scientists could use these cognitive models to predict a person’s behavior under a variety of conditions with the potential to affect an adversary’s mission accomplishment via a wide range of personnel effects.” 124

123 To access Lenz’s Law online, go to:’s.html  

124 For the complete briefing see the Air Force Research Lab website at



Dr. Dean Radin

Former positions at AT&T Bell Labs and GTE Labs on advanced telecommunications R&D, appointments at Princeton University, University of Edinburgh, University of Nevada, SRI International and Interval Research Corporation, co-founder of the Boundary Institute, Senior Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Adjunct appointment at Sonoma State University, Distinguished Consulting Faculty for Saybrook Graduate School.

“I have spoken with experts in this area (extremely low frequency) about health effects in general and the consensus seems to be that non-ionizing EM radiation definitely does have effects on living systems, from individual cells to human behavior. The principle health concern is childhood leukemia associated with proximity to high-tension lines. There the epidemiological evidence is fairly clear.


On other sources of EM, like cell phones and microwaves, the jury still seems to be out, although I strongly suspect that directed microwaves at non-ionizing strength can induce all sorts of behavioral changes through direct influence of the nervous system. This comes from my contacts in the non-lethal weapons arena, which is often lumped in with the hysteria over supposed psychic mind-control. All things being equal, I’d rather see development of non-lethal weapons than lethal ones. How such weapons are actually used is another matter, of course.”

“The question is, were there ever elements of the intel/military world engaged in experiments on human behavior (not mind) control? Yes, many decades ago, during the cold war. But is such work still taking place? I don’t know, because if it is it would be a black project and then by definition only those involved would know of it. I hope no such projects are underway, because I do believe that EMF, used in nefarious ways, can destabilize the brain, and potentially generate feelings of violence or apathy. But I very strongly doubt that specific thoughts or intentions or actions can be induced”



Dr. Nick Begich

He is the editor of Earthpulse Flashpoints, a new-science book series and published articles in science, politics and education and is a well known lecturer, having presented throughout the United States and in nineteen countries. Begich has served as an expert witness and speaker before the European Parliament and has spoken on various issues for groups representing citizen concerns, statesmen and elected officials, scientists and others.


He is the publisher and co-owner of Earthpulse Press and Executive Director of The Lay Institute of Technology, Inc. a Texas non-profit corporation.

“There are several ways that microwaves can affect humans. For instance, the Sheriff and weapons that can heat the skin for crowd control do what the military states but they are capable of much more. The thermal heating weapons act like a car radio; you can change the frequencies to get different effects. The electromagnetic weapons send an impulse through the nervous system. They can transfer sounds, like Woody Norris’ directed acoustic weapons, which is contracted to the US government.


It modulates a signal that is a radio frequency, which can be changed to affect certain organs. It can override an organ like the heart or the liver. So changing the perimeter is like changing the broadcast on the radio. These extremely low frequencies also have the capability to send messages directly into the head when only the receiver can hear it. (see the 1985 Radiofrequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook).”

“The handbook talks about electromagnetics and about the rapid healing of bones. The frequencies can also be used to manipulate the brain and create a disequilibrium. These frequencies can also imbed signals on radio broadcasts to create a feeling of fear or anxiety. The US military would embed these signals on the Muslim prayer broadcasts during the first Gulf War. This was called Project Solo.”

“During the 1990’s, in both presidential administrations, non-lethal weapons such as these and others received priority funding. The Secretary of Energy under Clinton, O’Leary, warned that over a 40 year period, 500,000 had been unwitting test subjects for military research on non-lethal weapons, including MKULTRA who claims among many victims, Ted Kaczinky, the Unabomber. There is no way to know who these people are or how to help them because there is paranoia in the military and no oversight in Congress. These black projects probably don’t even make it to the President.”

“The problem is that the military’s role is to be paranoid and think up scenarios where the worst can happen then prepare for this in order to protect the people from a hypothetical future event. But there is little to no oversight. The Senate Intelligence Committee is made up of people like Ted Stephens who thinks the internet is made up of pipes and tubes. These people do not have the required background knowledge to ask the right questions. According to the defense budget report, 40% of the budget is dedicated to black projects. There is no oversight and no public knowledge. In the European Union, things are much different.”

“In February 1998, I testified before the European Union parliament for an hour and a half and convinced them of the detrimental effects of non lethal weapons on humans, their behavior and their minds. The EU was convinced and passed a resolution banning the use of weapons that can manipulate a person (see Parliament Resolution A4-005/99 entitled “Resolution on the Environment, Security, and Foreign Policy” passed on January 29, 1999). During the hearings, the US representative and NATO representatives sat in the back and declined to participate when asked. In the US, there is no such resolution or anything remotely close to being considered by any member of Congress. There is no concern for it in the US because no one knows about them.”

“During the 1980’s and 1990’s, there were a lot of papers that came out of the Naval War College and from top military officials that advocated using weapons that would cut down on the carnage seen by the American public in order to maintain public support. There was another paper that discusses how people will give up their liberties if they lived in a climate of fear by an outside enemy. If the US public knew about these weapons and what they could potentially asked to give up, their minds, the public would resist. So now, these weapons are being developed by the companies that comprise the industrial military complex who are immune from FOIA requests.”

“Without oversight, these weapons will a government to have absolute control. These weapons are most certainly in the hands of most industrialized countries. China certainly has them as intelligence reports released by the CIA reveal claims about these new concept weapons. There needs to be a debate in the public sphere because while these weapons appear frightening, they have amazing therapeutic potentials. There is the possibility of quicker healing and curing disease and what is just as important about government transparency concerning weapons is the transparency of life saving science being kept from the public. If we have the ability to cure and the government or military hides this, we have just as big a problem.”



Summary Analysis of Expert Interviews

From the four interviews we were able to complete, there is a clear consensus of concern for the potentiality of human rights abuses with EMF weapons testing and use.


They collectively agree that the US is the leading global researcher in this area and spends increasingly more money building this technology.


It is also clear that we know very little about the actual levels of experimentation, research, and capabilities of EMF weapons technologies due to high levels of US government security.


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Department of Defense Military Contractors

Military contractors run our wars in concert with power elites.


The corporation also has the power to determine which studies will reach the public.125 To be certain, the military, in the interest of budgets, will allow negative or alarming studies to remain unreported or lost in a sea of classified documents.

The power of the military and DOD contractors is staggering. In the interest of national security and lessons learned from an open democracy during the 1970s and the 1990s, operations have become more black. In essence, no one can know with certainty what our military, government, or corporations have in store for the world, though, we have some clues.

Michael Vickers, senior adviser to the Secretary of Defense for the 2005 Quadrennial Defense Review and principal strategist for the largest covert action program in the CIA’s history, recently testified on the importance of black operations:

“US Special Operations Command’s (SOCOM) emphasis after 9/11 has been to make white Special Operations Forces (SOF) more gray and black SOF more black. It is imperative, however, that white and black SOF be integrated fully from a strategic perspective.”126

The money involved in the non-lethal weapons industry is growing and military contractors are reaping the profits. According to Defense Industry Daily,

  • Aaardvark Tactical, Inc. in Azusa, CA won a $50 million contract to develop non-lethal weapons, anti-terrorism capabilities, and riot gear127

  • Ionatron was awarded a $12 million contract to develop the Laser Induced Plasma Channel technology which produces man-made lightening bolts128

  • SAIC received a $49 million in November 2004 to develop High Power Microwave and other directed energy systems

  • Fiore Industries received a $16.35 million contract for similar technology

  • ITT received a $7.85 million contract for the same in 2000129

  • Fiore Industries received a $7.1 million for High Power Microwave Research and Experiment Program as early as 1994

  • the same year Hughes Missile Systems Company received a $6.6 million contract for High Power Microwave Suppression of Enemy Air Defense Technology130

  • Lockheed Martin secured a deal with DARPA in 2005 to continue the development of the Space Based Radar Antenna Technology in a $19.5 million contract131

  • According to the Lockheed press release, the technology, “could significantly increase global persistent surveillance coverage”

  • In May of 2006, the Air Force issued $24 million in contracts for “Electro Magnetic Effects Research and Development” to Northrup Gruman, Voss Scientific, Lockheed Martin, Electro Magnetic Applications, and SAIC among others.132

The DOD viewed electromagnetic research and development as a key component in future wars as early as the 1990s.


Emmett Paige Jr., Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence declared in 1996 that,

“Well over a decade ago, a Soviet general reportedly said something like ‘to prevail in the next conflict, one must control the electromagnetic spectrum.’ That statement proved true in the Bacca Valley and on deserts in Iraq. The Department of Defense is committed to ensuring that 'in the next conflict it is we who will control the spectrum. We know its value’.133 Increasingly, the value of non lethal weapons continues to rise as they produce fewer images of death in the media than traditional weapons.”

In addition to DOD contractors, the realm of non-lethal weapons extends into the universities with millions of dollars in scholarships and research fellowships.


Pennsylvania State University, sponsors the Institute for Non-Lethal Defense Technologies (INLDT), the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey has the Stress and Motivated Behavior Institute, University of New Hampshire houses the Non-lethal Technology Innovation Center, and many US military schools have classes directly related to non-lethal weapons technology.134 There are also numerous conferences each year hosted by the Department of Defense, contractors and universities.135


The business of non-lethal weapons is expanding and will continue to grow. In 2006, the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate received $43.9 million compared to $25.8 million in 2000.136

Ionatron’s website states that,

“…the market for new directed-energy applications will increase to $12.7 billion over the next ten years for the defense market alone.” 137


125 From Microwave News, July 2006, “Radiation Research and The Cult of Negative Results:” “When we investigated who sponsored the microwave-DNA papers published in Radiation Research, we discovered that four out of five were paid for by the wireless industry —notably Motorola— and/or the US Air Force, both of which have a long history of trying to control or suppress EMF research. Indeed, industry and the USAF paid for more than 75% of all the negative genotox studies, that is those published in all the various journals.”
126 According to Michael Vickers biography at the Center for Strategic Defense Budget Studies’ website, “The paramilitary operation that drove the Soviet army out of Afghanistan and played a major role in ending the Cold War.”

127 “$50M for USMC Riot Gear, Protection Items, and Non-Lethal Weapons”, Defense Industry Daily, July 27, 2005.
128 “Ionatron Facing Scrutiny Over Laser Projects”, Defense Industry Daily, May 24, 2006.

129 “USAF Detachment 8 Continues US Research Into EMP-Microwave Weapons”, Defense Industry Daily, March 7,2006.
130 ibid.
131 Lockheed Martin news release, May 23, 2005, “Lockheed Martin Selected for Continued Development of the Innovative Space Based Radar Antenna Technology (ISAT)”.
132 US Department of Defense Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs), No. 169-06 March 01, 2006.
133 United States Department of Defense Speech, Volume 11, Number 83, “Electromagnetic Spectrum: Key to Success in Future Conflicts”,
134 See Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Naval War College, and the US Army War College course offerings on their websites.
135 Bunker, Robert J., “Non-Lethal Weapons Conferences”, Military Review, vol. 80, no. 2, Mar./Apr. 2000, pp. 103-109.
136 Pappalardo, Joe, “Homeland Defense Plan Favors Non-Lethal Technology”, National Defense Magazine, June 2005.
137 Direct quote from the Ionatron website:, accessed August 2006.

Despite Clinton’s reforms on human testing, the government, military and the corporation will undoubtedly want to test these weapons on humans whenever possible.


Easiest to test would be prisoners in undisclosed CIA detention centers, civilians in war torn regions, and even US citizens in protest crowds or civilian jails. In addition to the rubber bullets and pepper spray, which are common in many police forces, new concept weapons are also in use. Perhaps soon Americans will learn firsthand, the effects of the new human control technologies.

However, hundreds of people continue to assert that a person or persons, whom they do not know, have been targeting them with electromagnetic weapons in a widespread campaign of either illegal experimentation or outright persecution.

These experiences involved a number of discrete phenomena:

  • Hearing voices when no one was present.

  • Feeling sensations of burning, itching, tickling, or pressure with no apparent physical cause.

  • Sleeplessness and anxiety as a result of “humming” or “buzzing”.

  • Loss of bodily control, such as twitching or jerking of an arm or leg suddenly and without control.

  • Unexpected emotional states, such as a sudden overwhelming feeling of dread, rage, lust or sorrow that passes as quickly as it arises.138


138 This list of symptoms was compiled from material available on the website of Californians Against Human Rights Abuses (CAHRA) and can be found at In addition the authors conducted interviews with seven individuals who wish to have their identities protected and who presented anecdotal and physical evidence to support their assertions. There is, however, little in the public domain that conclusively states the existence of direct human manipulation by governments, militaries or private companies/researchers in the current day, MKULTRA and other historic programs notwithstanding. However, there are many organizations that seek to help these people including concerned scientists, Russian Duma members and EU parliamentarians, psychologists and academics. A list of organizations follows in Appendix A.



The levels of research on directed energy is now large enough to support a Directed Energy (DE) Professional Society made up of private contractors and Department of Defense officials with security clearances. They have been holding high security symposiums since spring 2001 including a planned meeting set for March 2007.


The following is from the Directed Energy Professional Society’s website.

“The Directed Energy (DE) Systems Symposium (March 2007) will focus on systems aspects of DE in a limited-attendance environment. The Systems Symposium consists of co-located technical sessions organized by five separate conferences, with joint technical and plenary sessions to encourage discussion outside narrow technical limits. Attendance at all sessions is limited to US citizens with classified visit requests on file.


Symposium Highlights

  • Beam Control Conference

  • Directed Energy Modeling and Simulation Conference

  • Employment of Directed Energy Weapons Conference

  • High Energy Laser Lethality Conference

  • High Power Microwave Systems and Effects Conference” 139


139 Directed Energy Professional Society, Monterey, CA, 19-23 March 2007, Directed Energy Modeling and Simulation Conference 2007, 


The following are three course descriptions from the October Directed Energy Conference:


Course 9

Military Utility Analysis for DE (Direct Energy) Systems

Classification: Secret
Course Description: This course will provide an overview of military worth analysis for DE weapon systems. The course will include a description of four areas of systems engineering assessment that are brought together to form military worth analysis.


These are:

1) weapon system concept performance trade studies

2) target vulnerability assessment

3) engagement-level system operational effectiveness assessment

4) war gaming and mission/campaign level analysis

Each of these areas will be covered during the short course, with emphasis on the elements that are drawn from each of these areas to support military worth analysis. The course will particularly emphasize methods for assessing system level effectiveness in the context of traditional weapon effectiveness tools such as the Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manuals (JMEMs) and for providing data on DE weapons effectiveness to mission and campaign level analysis tools and to models and simulations used to support war gaming.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Definition of military worth analysis

  • Elements of DE weapon system performance trade studies and how they feed military worth analysis

  • Target vulnerability assessment and its use to support weapon effectiveness

  • Adapting standard weapon “kill” criteria to measure benefit of DE effects

  • Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manuals (JMEMs) weapon effectiveness models

  • Military utility studies

  • Modeling and simulation to support war games and war fighter exercises

  • Mission and campaign level modeling


Course 10

Laser Lethality

Classification: Secret

Course Description: This course reviews laser material interactions over parameter ranges of interest for weapons applications. Fundamental considerations of the optical coupling of the laser energy into the material will be presented. This will be followed by physics-based treatments of the response of metals, organic-based materials, and ceramics to the laser irradiation.

Metals: Simple cw, one-dimensional treatments will be utilized to illustrate the general principles of the response of metals to laser radiation, but two-dimensional cases, phase changes, and pulsed effects will be discussed as well.

Organic Based Materials: The effects of high-energy laser (HEL) radiation on organic based materials, including fiber reinforced composites, plastics and coatings will be reviewed. Materials will range from char formers and charring ablators to clean ablators. The relationship between the pyrolysis processes taking place in various materials during HEL radiation will be reviewed as a function of material composition, form and structure.

Ceramic Materials: Considerations of the response of ceramic shapes when laser loading is added to in-service stresses will be presented. An understanding of these responses from models, which are based on a combination of the thermo-mechanical stress calculations and statistically based fracture initiation, will be presented.


Course 11

Directed Energy Bioeffects

Classification: Secret
Course Description and Topics: This course will introduce the basics of the biological effects of Directed Energy on cells, tissues, organisms, and humans, with particular emphasis on the influence of such effects on the development of use of Directed-Energy-Emitting technologies.

The student will learn about the mechanisms, resulting damage, and mission impact of laser-tissue interaction. The student will learn what tissues are most susceptible to laser damage based on wavelength, exposure duration, and irradiance. The potential mission-impact of sub-threshold, threshold, and supra-threshold exposures will be discussed.

Student will understand the nature of RF bioeffects research, including human/animal studies, modeling and simulation, and biotechnology approaches. Students will become familiar with current state of knowledge on potential health effects RF, such as cancer, memory loss, and birth defects. Students will become familiar with basis and structure of current RF safety standards, comparison between competing standards, and how RF safety standards are applied. Students will be instructed on common RF measurement equipment and important factors for investigating potential RF overexposures.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Laser damage of the eye (retina and cornea)

  • Laser damage to the skin

  • Laser safety standards

  • Laser damage as a function of energy, pulse duration, wavelength, and spot size

  • RF bioeffects research and the current scientific consensus on RF hazards

  • RF safety standards

  • RF measurement basics

  • Investigating RF overexposures”140

The US Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate released a paper in 2004 which presents “Crowd Control Modeling and Simulation.”


This report discusses behavioral changes human populations.141 That the Department of Defense calls for new weapons systems designed to work on the psychological underpinnings of a population should give human rights activists great cause for alarm.


The use of electromagnetic weapons to alter the emotional state, hamper the ability of an enemy or US citizens, to think clearly, and result in chaos and pain are morally problematic for a number of reasons:

  1. Creating fear, anxiety confusion and irrational behavior within an individual or a population is counterproductive to the operations of a free society and to the execution of warfare. Chaos only breeds the need for greater and greater means of physical repression; irrational behavior is by definition unpredictable and as such provides significant difficulty when the task is to secure an area.

  2. These weapons leave no tell tale clues. There are no bullet holes or gross damage (with the exception of those designed to maim, burn or explode targets).

  3. They are operated from a great distance, meaning that the operator has no feedback as to the effects of his or her actions. This provides us with a very dangerous circumstance very similar to Millgram’s experiment where we can predict with certainty gross abuses of power.

  4. Any device that invades a persons mind, either through induction of “evoked potentials” through electromagnetic means or through the various “crazy-making” tactics employed in both information warfare and psychological operations is a violation of human rights and cognitive liberty.

In terms of authorizing and administering tests of radioactive substances and other tests on unsuspecting members of the public, history shows that people without ethical standards can rise to positions of great responsibility and once ensconced in such positions of trust, produce the most horrifying abuses without fear of reprisal.


When layers of secrecy overlay the activities of otherwise rational and intelligent men, the failings of their hearts more readily show.


In the case of actually attempting to control human behavior through both overt and covert means our departments of defense and intelligence agencies, both subordinate to the executive branch of government have historically proven incapable of protecting the public and undeserving of the trust given them to perform their functions for the public good.



140 Directed Energy Professional Society, 2006 Directed Energy Symposium Short Courses, 30 October 2006 Albuquerque, New Mexico:

141 Louis Slesin, “Radiation Research and The Cult of Negative Results”, Microwave News, July 31, 2006.

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Total Surveillance - Cognitive Liberties vs. National Security

Today the US and the U.K. are becoming total surveillance societies in the name of national security.


London, like cities across the US, is equipped with cameras citywide. Daily human actions are recorded with video and voice recognition device, while our email and computer usage is monitored. Increased demand for resources, the erosion of middle classes, war, poverty, and environmental disasters are historically factors leading to social uprisings and infiltration of political borders. As governments reinforce the threat of terror, people increasingly turn to their governments for protection.

The US has a long history of human rights violations through harassment, telephone tapping, video surveillance, behavior manipulation, torture, drug-induced states of conscience and psychological control. Congress’s passage of the Military Commission Act of 2006 put universal human rights outside the scope of US policy.


Today, the US government is using the most technologically advanced forms of surveillance and control, along with the propaganda of fear and intimidation
against its citizens. The US engages in covert torture, covert imprisonment, increased censorship and the massive secret classification of government documents.

A prominent neuroscientist, Francis Crick stated in 1994, that,

“your joys and your sorrows, your memories and your ambitions, your sense of personal identity and free will, are in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules.”143

Is it possible that today’s scientists in the employ of the US neo-conservative global-dominance policy elites believe the same? According to Steven Rose, there are, “bad hats” in neuroscience:

“There are always opportunists. The current affairs of our country have produced many.”144

The abundance of neuro-research has led to the development of several products by private business in the name of national security, including brain fingerprinting.145


142 For verification of US torturing people to death see, “US Operatives Torture Detainees to Death in Afghanistan and Iraq”, Project Censored Top 10 Uncensored Stories of 2006:

143 Michael Shermer, “Astonishing Mind: Francis Crick 1916–2004 recollections on the life of a scientist”.
144 Steven Rose, The 21st Century Brain: Explaining, Mending and Manipulating the Mind, Jonathan Cape Publishing, March 31, 2005.
145 The official explanation of Brain Fingerprinting from Dr. Lawrence Farwell: “Brain Fingerprinting testing is a scientific technique to determine whether or not specific information is stored in an individual’s brain. We do this by measuring brain-wave responses to words, phrases, sounds or pictures presented by a computer. We present details about a crime, training or other types of specific knowledge, mixed in a sequence with other, irrelevant items. We use details that the person being tested would have encountered in the course of committing a crime, but that an innocent person would have no way of knowing. We can tell by the brainwave response if a person recognizes the stimulus or not. If the suspect recognizes the details of the crime, this indicates that he has a record of the crime stored in his brain.” For more research, see the Brain Wave Science site, the official internet identity of Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories at

John Norseen, a neuroscientist interested in Biofusion, the relationship between humans and computers, says,

“If this research pans out you can begin to manipulate what someone is thinking even before they know it.”

Norseen says he is agnostic on the moral ramifications of this research. He feels that he is not a “mad” scientist - just a dedicated one.

“The ethics don’t concern me,” he says, “but they should concern someone else.”146

We, the authors of this report, contend that human ethics should concern every person who believes in human rights and desires control over their own mind and body.


Our brains control our bodies, actions, and thought processes. If the government and the scientists they employ perceive that the human mind as simply a collection of neurons, it then becomes possible to justify the surveillance of the human mind and body for national security purposes.

The control and manipulation of a human brain is a terrifying possibility. Lieutenant Colonel Timothy L. Thomas, US Army (ret), published an article in the military journal Parameters which likens the mind as a new battlefield.


He quotes a Russian army major in relation to mind wars,

“It is completely clear that the state which is first to create such weapons will achieve incomparable superiority.”

Thomas expresses concern about “information dominance” though he stops short on the moral implications.147

Under the cover of secrecy provided by claims of national security, researchers in service to higher circle policy elites have implanted electrodes into human subjects to control minds and tortured prisoners and the mentally ill in efforts to find better “brainwashing” techniques. They have poisoned thousands with atomic testing, experimented on young children using drugs, trauma and hypnosis, sprayed major cities with biological agents to prepare for a future attack, overthrown governments, instituted mass killings, and engaged in every form of information distortion.

The current “War on Terror” has revealed to the public some of the tools that the military has been developing for decades.


High profile weapons systems flash across the nightly reports of the major news networks, including,

  • highflying Stealth bombers on grainy green tinted video from the noses of “smart” bombs

  • on occasion glimpses are given through the media of what one article dubbed “Wonder Weapons” 148

  • weapons that fall under the military category of “Non-Lethal Weapons”


146 Douglas Pasternak, “John Norseen Reading your mind - and injecting smart thoughts”, US News and World Report, January 3-10, 2000.
147 Timothy L. Thomas, The Mind Has No Firewall, Parameters, Spring 1998, pp. 84-92.
148 Douglas Pasternak, “Wonder Weapons”, Newsweek August 22, 1994 p. 57.

149 H. Pollack, “Epidemiologic data on American personnel in the Moscow embassy”, Bull N Y Acad Med., 1979 Dec;55(11):1182-6.


In fact the general position of the agencies who do comment on weapons that exploit the lower end of the electromagnetic spectrum is that they have no biological effect at all, except for what are dubbed “thermal effects,” in essence heating of human cells.149


Research into this subject has shown that this position is inaccurate, and that the effects of electromagnetic radiation weapons on human beings are in fact both chilling and dramatic.


As reported in 2001, the statement of Dr. Eldon Byrd should be considered with great weight:

“A medical engineer, Eldon Byrd, reported a case that illustrates this point. After working on the Polaris submarine, which carried long-range nuclear weapons, Byrd developed non-lethal weapons with reversible effects. He regarded this as a humanitarian alternative to ‘punching holes in people and having their blood leak out’ in battle. His inventions used magnetic fields at biologically active wave frequencies to affect brain function. Byrd could put animals to sleep at a distance and influence their movements.


When the success of his research became evident, suddenly he was pulled off the project and it went “black.” He believes that the electromagnetic resonance weapons he developed have been used for psychological control of civilians rather than for exigencies in battle. That is, to ensure his participation, he was uninformed about the true nature of the project. Byrd’s case also illustrates how morally tolerable operations may transition to morally intolerable operations, or at least rise above the atrocity line” 150


150 Military and Civilian Perspectives on the Ethics of Intelligence— Report on a Workshop at the Department of Philosophy Claremont Graduate University, September 29, 2000, Jean Maria Arrigo, Ph.D. Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and Public Policy Paper presented to The Joint Services Conference on Professional Ethics Springfield, Virginia January 25-26, 2001



Power elites who fund and support efforts at supplanting the will of the people do so from on high.


Their ability to redirect public attention to ward external threats and away from their own motivations in effect silences opposition to their programs. By controlling the flow of information in society, the power elites provide the public with a limited choice in all matters that pertain to machinations of government and corporate control.


Given more advanced technologies for the control of information unscrupulous individuals who ascribe to a “might makes right” philosophy may will find the ways and means of employing these technologies against those who would oppose their plans. The dangers here are great, in that the individual who would direct the torture and killing of innocents is usually removed from the actual fact. It is left up to lesser authorities to administer the beatings, bullets, and mind/body bending technologies.

For the US Government to unilaterally declare that our country will not comply with international human rights laws, nor uphold the core values of our nation’s foundation is an indication of extremism that supersedes the values and beliefs of the American people.


When such extremism exists we need to take seriously the founders’ declaration that,

“to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

(Declaration of Independence 1776)

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Appendix A


Angelic Harp Foundation
2219 Lexford LN.
Houston, Texas 77080-5216
Fax: 713-461-0091 

Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics
P.O. Box 73481
Davis, CA 95617-3481 USA
Fax: 205. 449. 3119

Committee on the Public Understanding of Science

The Royal Society
6-9 Carlton House Terrace
United Kingdom
Fax +44 (0)20 7839 5561 

Federation of American Scientists
1717 K St., NW Suite 209
Washington, DC 20036
Voice: (202)546-3300
Fax: (202)675-1010 

The Lay Institute
Nick Begich, Executive Director
Dallas, Texas 

Mind Justice
Cheryl Welsh, Executive Director

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

Signalistgatan 9 SE-169 70
Solna Sweden
Phone: +46-8-655 97 00
Fax: +46-8-655 97 33

Sunshine Project Germany
The Sunshine Project
Scheplerstrasse 78
22767 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 431 88 001
Fax: +49 40 67 50 39 88

Sunshine Project USA
PO Box 41987
Austin TX 78704
Phone/Fax: +1 512 494 0545 

World Transhumanist Association
PO Box 128
Willington CT 06279 USA 

Additional References

Acoustic Weapons - A Perspective
Jurgen Altmann
Science and Global Security, Vol. 9, pp. 165-234
Taylor and Francis, 2001

The Body Electric
Robert Becker, Gary Selden
Harper Paperbacks; 1st Quill edition (August 5, 1998)

Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project
Research Report # 8
Neil Davison, Nick Lewer, March 2006 

Controlling the Human Mind
Nick Begich
Earthpulse Press, 2006

Human Network Attacks
Timothy L. Thomas
Military Review, September-October 1999
Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, KS.

Epidemiologic data on American personnel in the Moscow Embassy
Pollack H.
Bull N Y Acad Med.
1979 Dec;55(11):1182-6.

High Power Microwaves: Strategic and Operational Implications for Warfare
Eileen M. Walling, Col, USAF, Feb 2000, Occasional Paper NO 11
Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL

Hypno Politics and Hyper State Control Law Entrainment and the Symbolic Order
Konrad Becker, May 1997

Introducing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and its Property of Causal Inference in Investigation Brain-Function Relationships
Dennis J. L. G. Schutter, Jack Van Honk and Jaak Panksepp
Journal of Cognitive Liberties
Center for Cognitive Liberties and Ethics

"The Mind Has No Firewall
Parameters, spring 1998, pp. 84-92.
Timothy L. Thomas

The Politics and Costs of Postmodern War in the Age of Bush II
Douglas Kellner, UCLA

“Quiet Transformation: The Role of the Office of Net Assessment”
The National Security Strategy Process, May 2, 2003
National Defense University
National War College, CDR Debra O’Maddrell

Therapeutic Application of repetitive Tran cranial magnetic stimulation: A Review
Eric M. Wasserman and Sarah H. Lasanby
Elsevier, April 27, 2001

Magnetic Stimulation: An Introduction
by Grant Balfour
v1.0 - May 6, 2002

A Validation Methodology for Human Behavior Representation Models
Authors: Simon R. Goerger; Michael L. McGinnis; Rudolph P. Darken
Military Academy West Point, NY, Dept. of System Engineering
by Robert J. Bunker

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