The Religious Conspiracy

“We’ve been lied to by every institution. What makes you think for one minute that the religious institution is the only one that’s never been touched? The religious institutions of this world are at the bottom of the dirt. The religious institutions in this world were put there by the same people who gave you your government, your corrupt education, who set up your international banking cartels.”
Jordan Maxwell, “Zeitgeist

“Investigations into the beginnings of religion have accumulated steadily throughout the past half century. It is only by great efforts of censorship, by sectarian education of an elaborately protected sort, and the like, that ignorance about them is maintained.”

H. G. Wells, “The Fate of Homo Sapiens”

“The most heinous and the cruelest crimes of which history has record have been committed under the cover of religion or equally noble motives.”


The literal MANipulation of HIStory which took us away from our HERitage, began with the Christian churches promotion of Father/Son worship, and their suppression of Mother Nature’s religions. The Brotherhood (notice it’s not the “Sisterhood”) was well aware of the patriarchal/fraternal reverence in the Bible and has always used it to suppress the feminine.


The Bible follows primarily male figures, allows only male priests, calls God a “He,” and defines Him as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There is little room for worship of the feminine Moon energy in a religion devoted entirely to the Son/Sun.


As you will see, the fact that all major religions in the world today (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism) are focused on the male aspect and suppress the feminine, is not a coincidence.

“The sixth century Christian philosopher, Boethius, wrote in The Consolation of Philosophy, ‘Woman is a temple built upon a sewer.’ Bishops at the sixth century Council of Macon voted as to whether women had souls. In the tenth century Odo of Cluny declared, ‘To embrace a woman is to embrace a sack of manure...’


The thirteenth century St. Thomas Aquinas suggested that God had made a mistake in creating woman: ‘nothing [deficient] or defective should have been produced in the first establishment of things; so woman ought not to have been produced then.’ And Lutherans at Wittenberg debated whether women were really human beings at all. Orthodox Christians held women responsible for all sin. As the Bible's Apocrypha states, ‘Of woman came the beginning of sin. And thanks to her, we all must die.’”
Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (115)

In 312 AD Brotherhood psychopath Constantine, a man who murdered his son and boiled his wife alive, was made Emperor of the Roman Empire. He spent the rest of his life using Christianity as a tool to achieve political domination. One day during a battle at Milvian Bridge, Constantine claimed to have seen a vision that converted him to Christianity.


He said he saw in the sky a picture of the cross and the words "In this sign thou shalt conquer."


In reality he worshipped the Greek god Apollo and Sol Invictus, never converted to Christianity, and remained Pontifex Maximus of the Pagan Church until the day he died! He did, however, use Christianity and the sign of the cross to conquer his enemies, just as his alleged vision suggested.


In a book called, “The Heretics,” Walter Nigg wrote:

“Constantine, who treated religious questions solely from a political point of view, assured unanimity by banishing all the bishops who would not sign the new profession of faith. In this way unity was achieved … Not a single bishop said a single word against this monstrous thing.”

“Anyway, as one persecution ended another was soon to begin, as the Roman Church persecuted, burned and tortured anyone who refused to believe in the Christian faith, or even their version of the faith. Tens of millions of people have died in the name of the so-called ‘Prince of Peace’. Appropriately, Constantine murdered his wife and elder son before making the journey in 325 AD to his palace at Nicaea (now Iznik in Turkey) to decide what Christians to this day must believe.”

David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (111)

After Constantine, Emperor Theodosius continued in his footsteps. In 380 he passed laws making it illegal for anyone to disagree with the Church. In 388 he made a prohibition forbidding any public discussion of religious topics. Then in 391 Christians burned down the great library of Alexandria effectively destroying the entire history of the preChristian world.


700,000 papyrus rolls of ancient knowledge/history including Porphyry’s 36 volumes, rolls from 27 Mystery Schools, and all the Gnostic Basilides were lost in a day (Ellerbe 46).

“To get rid of the damning fact that there is no historical basis for their theological fictions, the Christian priesthood have been guilty of the heinous crime of destroying nearly all traces of the concurrent history of the first two centuries of the Christian era.


What little of it they have permitted to come down to us, they have so altered and changed, as to destroy its historical value …In the third to sixth centuries, whole libraries were burned, schools and universities destroyed and citizens’ books confiscated throughout the Roman world, on the pretext of defending the church against paganism.


Under the early Christian emperors, people were framed by ecclesiastical investigators who planted ‘magical writings’ in their houses, then legally confiscated all possessions. After the Council of Nicea, per the murderous Constantine’s orders, the Christians turned up the heat on censorship, leading to the centuries long orgy that obliterated millions of texts.


One of the greatest crimes in human history was the destruction in 391 of the library at Alexandria perpetrated by Christian fanatics under Theophilus bent on hiding the truth about their religion and its alleged founder. Because of this villainy, we have lost priceless information as to the true state of the ancient world, with such desolation also setting back civilization at least 1,000 years…


At some point, a death penalty was enacted for reading unapproved books …Pope after pope continued the assault on books and learning …With all important documents assembled in the monasteries, and the lay public rendered illiterate, Christian history could be forged with impunity.”

Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (2501) quoting Graham and Walker

“The Fourth Council of Carthage in 398 forbade bishops to even read the books of gentiles. Jerome, a Church Father and early monastic in the fourth century, rejoiced that the classical authors were being forgotten. And his younger monastic contemporaries were known to boast of their ignorance of everything except Christian literature.


After Christians had spent years destroying books and libraries, St. John Chrysostom, the preeminent Greek Father of the Church, proudly declared, ‘Every trace of the old philosophy and literature of the ancient world has vanished from the face of the earth.’ Monastic libraries, the only libraries left, were composed of books of devotion. Even the most significant monastic libraries carried little aside from books about Christian theology.”

Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (48)

The year after Alexandria burned, in 392 the Roman Empire began prohibition of all “Pagan” worship. Note that “Pagan” is a Christian word meaning any and all religions other than Christianity. So in 392, all other religions were officially decreed against the law.


In 410 Emperor Honorius continued the policy decreeing:

“Let all who act contrary to the sacred laws know that their creeping in their heretical superstition to worship at the most remote oracle is punishable by exile and blood, should they again be tempted to assemble at such places for criminal activities.”

For decades, Pagan temples within the Empire were burned and destroyed. A 386 written protest to the Roman government of Christian pillaging remains, stating:

“If they [the Christians] hear of a place with something worth raping away, they immediately claim that someone is making sacrifices there and committing abominations, and pay the place a visit—you can see them scurrying there, these guardians of good order (for that is what they call themselves), these brigands, if brigands is not too mild a word; for brigands at least try to conceal what they have done: if you call them brigands, they are outraged, but these people, on the contrary, show pride in their exploits ... they believe they deserve rewards!”

Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (28)

Even after the destruction of most temples, Rome’s nonChristians continued to practice their pagan religions and hold strong to their beliefs.


In response to this the Emperor outlawed the practice of all religions other than Judaism/Christianity and decreed noncompliance punishable by death.

“By 435 a law threatened any heretic in the Roman Empire with death. Judaism remained the only other legally recognized religion. Yet, Jews were isolated as much as possible, with intermarriage between Jew and Christian carrying the same penalty as adultery: the woman would be executed. The Church had triumphed.


The belief in but one face of God had led to the legal enforcement of but one religion. Orthodox Christians acted on their belief about God. As they perceived God to control in an authoritarian manner, so they set about finding a way in which they, in God's name, could exercise similar authoritarian control. To that end, they built an organization that appealed to the government of the Roman Empire by promoting uniformity and obedience.”

Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (29)

Constantine and proceeding emperors used Christianity as an ideological and political unifying/centralizing force to assimilate or destroy everyone into their ever-expanding empire.


The death penalty was delivered dictatorially and indiscriminately. The Roman Empire was gaining power and influence when in 540AD the worst plague in known history hit killing an incredible 100 million people. Over 10,000 people a day died in Byzantium alone. Compare this to the infamous 14th century “Black Death” which killed (only) 27 million.


Needless to say the plague spelled disaster for the Roman Empire, but not for Christian imperialism.

“The plague had quite different impact upon Christianity. People flocked to the Church in terror. The Church explained that the plague was an act of God, and disease a punishment for the sin of not obeying Church authority. The Church branded Justinian a heretic. It declared the field of Greek and Roman medicine, useless in fighting the plague, to be heresy. While the plague assured the downfall of the Roman Empire, it strengthened the Christian church.


After the plague, the Church dominated the formal discipline of medicine. The most common medical practice between the sixth and sixteenth centuries used for every malady became ‘bleeding.’ Christian monks taught that bleeding a person would prevent toxic imbalances, prevent sexual desire, and restore the humors. By the sixteenth century this practice would kill tens of thousands each year. Yet, when a person died during bloodletting, it was only lamented that treatment had not been started sooner and performed more aggressively.”

Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (42)

Following the wake of the plague and the fall of the Roman Empire was the rise of the Christian Church.


Following the rise of the Christian Church was the decline of most every other facet of society.

“The Church had devastating impact upon society. As the Church assumed leadership, activity in the fields of medicine, technology, science, education, history, art and commerce all but collapsed. Europe entered the Dark Ages. Although the Church amassed immense wealth during these centuries, most of what defines civilization disappeared … Technology disappeared as the Church became the most cohesive power in Western society. The extensive aqueduct and plumbing systems vanished. Orthodox Christians taught that all aspects of the flesh should be reviled and therefore discouraged washing as much as possible.


Toilets and indoor plumbing disappeared. Disease became commonplace as sanitation and hygiene deteriorated. For hundreds of years, towns and villages were decimated by epidemics. Roman central heating systems were also abandoned. As one historian writes:

‘From about A.D. 500 onward, it was thought no hardship to lie on the floor at night, or on a hard bench above low drafts, damp earth and rats. To be indoors was luxury enough. Nor was it distasteful to sleep huddled closely together in company, for warmth was valued above privacy.’

The vast network of roads that had enabled transportation and communication also fell into neglect and would remain so until almost the nineteenth century. The losses in science were monumental. In some cases the Christian church's burning of books and repression of intellectual pursuit set humanity back as much as two millennia in its scientific understanding … History was rewritten to become a verification of Christian beliefs. Orthodox Christians thought history necessary only in order to place the events of the past into Biblical context.”

Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (4145)

During the Dark Ages the Church continued gaining wealth and power rapidly becoming a safehaven for “legalized” corruption and criminality. During this most bleak period of human history at least 40 different Popes are known to have bought their way into the papacy. Leadership was constantly changed as allegations of high crimes were perpetually surfacing.


In the period from 891903AD alone, the papacy was changed over 10 times.

“The Church amassed inordinate wealth during the Dark Ages. Patrimonial properties, the Church held lands that were free and clear of taxes or military obligation to the king, made up between one quarter and one third of western Europe. In addition to patrimony, bishops often held territories in feudal tenure, obliging them like any count or baron to provide the king with soldiers when called. The Church made money by collecting revenues from imperial rulers, by confiscating property as the result of court judgments, by selling the remission of sins (called ‘indulgences’), by selling ecclesiastical offices (called ‘simony’), and sometimes by simply taking land by force…


The Church, now enormously wealthy, interested itself more in collecting money than in relating to its members. The medieval Church's preoccupation with riches was such that its ten commandments were said to have been reduced to one: ‘Bring hither the money.’ Priests were selected more on the basis of their money than upon any other virtue. A huge disparity developed not only between the clergy and the laity but also between ranks of the clergy.”

Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (5157)

From 10951291 the seven Christian Crusades were a series of religious/military conflicts fought against Muslims, Pagans, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites any and all political enemies of the Popes.


The Crusades recaptured Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim rule and the furthered the Christian churches dominance in Europe.

Following the Crusades came the Church Inquisition which lasted from the 13th all the way up to the 19th century, killing countless millions in its path. The driving ideology behind the Christian Inquisition was simple: convert or die.


Pope Gregory IX in 1231 declared that all heretics be burned to death, citing the Gospel of John 15:6 as justification for the Inquisition’s brutal ideology:

"If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned."

“In 1231 Pope Gregory IX established the Inquisition as a separate tribunal, independent of bishops and prelates. Its administrators, the inquisitors, were to be answerable only to the Pope. Its inquisitional law replaced the common law tradition of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ with ‘guilty until proven innocent.’


Despite an ostensible trial, inquisitional procedure left no possibility for the suspected to prove his or her innocence; the process resulted in the condemnation of anyone even suspected of heresy. The accused was denied the right of counsel. No particulars were given as to the time or place of the suspected heresies, or to what kind of heresies were suspected. A suspected friendship with a convicted heretic was also a crime, yet no information was given as to which heretic the accused was to have ‘adored.’


The names of the accusing witnesses were kept secret. One's only recourse was an appeal to the Pope in Rome which was so futile as to be farcical. The friar Bernard Delicieux declared that: if St. Peter and St. Paul were accused of 'adoring' heretics and were prosecuted after the fashion of the Inquisition, there would be no defense open for them.”

Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (78)

Inquisitors were chosen primarily based on how vigorously they prosecuted heretics.


They were prosecutor, judge, and sometimes executioner rolled into one with no checks or balances from any other power. Inquisitors had their own spies, messengers, and assistants who answered only to them, and they answered only to the Pope. In 1244 the Council of Narbonne decreed that no heretic’s wife be spared because of her husband (and vice versa), no sentence mitigated due to sickness, young or old age, and that every sentence include flagellation.


Through sanction from Pope Innocent IV, from 1252 all the way until 1917, using torture to extract confessions was a legal option for the church.


Inquisitors dressed in black robes with black cowls over their heads and used many gruesome machines/methods to coerce confessions like the rack, water boarding, and slow roasting while covered in lard.

“Inquisitors grew very rich. They received bribes and annual fines from the wealthy who paid to escape accusation. The Inquisition would claim all the money and property of alleged heretics. As there was little chance of the accused being proven innocent, there was no need to wait for conviction to confiscate his or her property. Unlike Roman law that reserved a portion of property for the convicted nearest heirs, canon and inquisitional law left nothing.


Pope Innocent III had explained that God punished children for the sins of their parents. So unless children had come forth spontaneously to denounce their parents, they were left penniless. Inquisitors even accused the dead of heresy, sometimes as much as seventy years after their death. They exhumed and burned the alleged heretic's bones and then confiscated all property from the heirs. Inquisitors rarely shared the money collected with the Episcopal courts, the civil government, or spent it building churches as planned.


One historian writes how the inquisitor was often able to ‘seize everything for himself, not even sending a share to the officials of the Inquisition at Rome.’ Inquisitors were reluctant to pay for even the cost of feeding their victims, encouraging the families or the community to pay such costs.”

Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (80)

Countless millions in Europe were tortured and killed for believing or practicing a religion other than Christianity. As soon as Columbus and the colonizers came to America the Inquisition continued all the way down to Mexico and Peru. Christianity’s ideology of a vengeful, controlling, Father-like, singular God provided the perfect spiritual propaganda to militarily conquer those who refused to convert.


After the St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre killing 10,000 in 1572, Pope Gregory XIII wrote to Charles IX,

“We rejoice with you that with the help of God you have relieved the world of these wretched heretics.”

The Inquisitor Francisco Pena said in 1578,

“We must remember that the main purpose of the trial and execution is not to save the soul of the accused but to achieve the public good and put fear into others.”

The Inquisition was still active in some places as late as 1834.

During and after the Inquisition, the Reformation Wars resulted in thousands of Christians killing Christians and the witch hunts condemned many innocent Pagan women to death. This is why the “Holy” Vatican stood by and the Pope did nothing to pacify World Wars I and II. This is why the Vatican helped give Nazi scientists American passports after the war.


Beneath a veil of benevolence, the Vatican is not only complicit but one of the driving forces behind the global conspiracy.

“The dark side of Christian history has been and continues to be about the domination and control of spirituality and human freedom. Orthodox Christians built an organization that from its inception encouraged not freedom and self-determination, but obedience and conformity. To that end, any means were justified. Grounded in the belief in a singular, authoritarian and punishing God, orthodox Christians created a church that demanded singular authority and punished those who disobeyed.


During the Dark Ages, civilization collapsed as the Church took control of education, science, medicine, technology and the arts. Crusaders marched into the Middle East killing and destroying in the name of the one Christian God. The Inquisition established a precedent in the Middle Ages for the systematic policing and terrorization of society. The Protestant and Catholic Counter Reformation sparked wars where Christians slaughtered other Christians, each convinced that theirs was the one and only true path. And the holocaust of the witch hunts plumbed the depths of horror as it eradicated countless women and men as well as the belief in earth based divinity.”

Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (1856)

“From the very beginning of our quest to unravel the Christ conspiracy, we encounter suspicious territory, as we look back in time and discover that the real foundation of Christianity appears nothing like the image provided by the clergy and mainstream authorities. Indeed, far more rosy and cheerful than the reality is the picture painted by the vested interests as to the origins of the Christian religion: To wit, a miracle making founder and pious, inspired apostles who faithfully and infallibly recorded his words and deeds shortly after his advent, and then went about promulgating the faith with great gusto and success in ‘saving souls.’


Contrary to this popular delusion, the reality is that, in addition to the enormous amount of bloodshed which accompanied its foundation, Christianity’s history is rife with forgery and fraud. So rampant is this treachery and chicanery that any serious researcher must immediately begin to wonder about the story itself. In truth, the Christian tale has always been as difficult to swallow as the myths and fables of other cultures; yet countless people have been able to overlook the rational mind and to willingly believe it, even though they may equally as easily dismiss the nearly identical stories of these other cultures.”

Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (21)

“The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving the world and adulterated by artificial constructions into a contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves… these clergy, in fact, constitute the real AntiChrist.”

Thomas Jefferson

“The Christian church is an encyclopedia of prehistoric cults.”

Fredrick Nietzsche

The beginnings of Christian history were almost nothing like the picture propagated by the priesthood. Christianity actually began as an amalgamation of many ancient beliefs and originally branched off from Gnosticism.

Gnosticism was and is a school of religious existentialism that seeks intuitive understanding of God through attaining Gnosis, or “knowledge of the Divine within.”

“The Gnostics claimed to have an intuitive understanding of the mysteries of God and Earth. It was an understanding that resulted from rigorous training, initiation, and intuitive experiences, not simply intellectual study. The church found Gnostics particularly dangerous, for they disdained the need for a hierarchy of priestly officials to interpret the word of God.


Far from dangerous heretics, these passive Christians claimed to be the keepers of secret knowledge as indicated by the Gnostic papyrus books discovered at Nag Hammadi in 1945. It was this discovery which first afforded any view of Gnosticism other than the damning rhetoric of the church …Gnostics seek to know the ‘secrets’ of God, looking for answers within the sacred texts of whatever religion they accept.


They seek the understanding of existence through interpretation of what they perceive as deeper meaning within the symbology of religious literature … Gnosticism flourished until declared a heresy by a council of bishops of the Roman church in A.D. 325. Gnosticism was an integral part of the Ancient Mysteries since both involved the belief that only personal inner enlightenment could bring understanding.”

Jim Marrs, “Rule by Secrecy” (3467)

Constantine publicly outlawed Gnosticism in 325AD and since then the Brotherhood has privately kept its secrets only for the initiated few. In Freemasonry, Gnosticism is the third “G” after God and Geometry represented by their symbolic “G” within the compass/square.


According to the Masonic philosopher Manly P. Hall,

"This knowledge of how man's manifold constitution could be most quickly and most completely regenerated to the point of spiritual illumination constituted the secret, or esoteric, doctrine of antiquity."

The Gnostics were the original Christians and they were fervently antimaterial, believing in “Christ Consciousness” and the Kingdom of God within. The Gnostics focused on attaining “gnosis” or spiritual knowledge.

They refuted claims of blasphemy from the orthodoxy, stating they were the blasphemers. They said the orthodoxy did “not know who Christ is” and read the Bible, especially Genesis too literally, missing the deeper meaning. Orthodox Christians insisted that Jesus Christ was an historical personage who came in the flesh, had 12 apostles, performed miracles, died on the cross, and was resurrected.


The Gnostics insisted that their Christ could never take human form.

“Christianity began as Gnosticism, refaced with falsehoods concerning a series of facts alleged to have been historical, but which are demonstrably mythical. By which I do not mean mythical as exaggerations or perversions of historic truth, but belonging to the pre-extant Mythos … It is obvious that the Roman Church remained Gnostic at the beginning of the second century, and for some time afterwards. Marcion, the great Gnostic, did not separate from it until about the year 136 A.D. Tatian did not break with it until long after that. In each case the cause of quarrel was the same. They left the Church that was setting up the fraud of Historic Christianity.”

Gerald Massey, “Gnostic and Historic Christianity”

“So Gnosticism was around long before so-called Orthodox Christianity. The conspirators used the word ‘Docetism’ to refer to those who refused to believe in the incarnation of Jesus. The earliest GnosticChristians were not even aware of claims that the Christ incarnated in Jesus.”

Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (48)

Unbeknownst to the Gnostics (the original Christians), so-called Orthodox Christians like Pliny, the Roman Piso family and others began to propagate the idea that Jesus Christ was a real person. Soon under Roman law the greatest heresy became the unacceptance of Jesus as being a historical figure.


Bishop and patriarch of Alexandria, St. Athanasius wrote,

“should we understand sacred writ according to the letter, we should fall into the most enormous blasphemies.”

In other words, it is a most enormous sin to read the Bible literally!

“The Docetae sects, for example, are supposed to have held that the transactions of the gospel narrative did occur, but in a phantasmagoria of unreality. This, however, is but a false mode of describing the position of those who denied that the Christ could be incarnated and become human to suffer and die upon the cross. The Christians who report the beliefs of the Gnostics, Docetae, and others, always assume the actual history and then try to explain the nonhuman interpretation as an heretical denial of the alleged facts. But the docetic interpretation was first, was prehistorical.”

Gerald Massey, “Gnostic and Historic Christianity”

Exactly what “phantasmagoria of unreality” these Docetae were referring to will be further explored in the Magic Mushroom chapter.


The Brotherhood created the term “Docetism” to pigeonhole Gnostics and Pagan practitioners inside the kingdom. The Old Testament stories had long existed all over the ancient world but were understood to be metaphorical.


For instance the Bible’s first man was “Adam,” while in Egypt “Atum” was the first man, in Babylon he was “Adamu,” in India he was “Adima” and he was always warned against eating the fruit of immortality from the Tree of Life. Like the Bible’s “Eve,” in Tahiti, the first woman “Ivi,” was made from the first man’s bones.


Like the Bible’s Cain and Abel, the Tonga creation story says “the son of the first man killed his brother.”

“The Hindu version of the first couple was of Adima and Heva, hundreds if not thousands of years before the Hebraic version, as has been firmly pointed out by Hindus to Christian missionaries for centuries.”

Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (131)

Just like the Tower of Babel, there is a site in Fiji where Fijians claim to have built a tower to the moon to see if it was inhabited. Other versions of the Tower of Babel story are found the world over from Mexico to India.


The creation myth as known to the Marquesans in Polynesia mirrors the Biblical version with a serpent, Tree of Life, the fall, and everything.

The Polynesians have been cut off from the rest of the world for over 12,000 years, yet their story is almost identical.

In the Hindu Somadeva Bhatta, Saktideva was swallowed by a huge fish, and eventually came out unhurt. In the Grecian myth, Hercules is said to have been swallowed by a whale and laid for three days in his entrails before emerging. Do these remind you of Jonah and the whale? Did you know Sumerian tablets speak of E.DIN as “The Abode of the Righteous Ones” just as the Bible’s Garden of Eden? King Sargon of Sumeria was said to have been set adrift in a basket down a river by his mother 4500 years ago.


This is the same story the Bible tells about Moses, but unbeknownst to most Christians, the same goes for Mises in Syria, Minos in Crete, Manou in India, and many more.

“‘Mises’ is found in Syria, where he was pulled out of a basket floating in a which he did miracles, including parting waters and leading his army across the sea. In addition, ‘Manes the lawgiver’ took the stage in Egypt, and ‘Minos’ was the Cretan reformer.


Jacolliot traces the original Moses to the Indian Manou:

‘This name of Manou, or Manes . . . is not a substantive, applying to an individual man; its Sanskrit signification is the man, par excellence, the legislator. It is a title aspired to by all the leaders of men in antiquity.’”

Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (169)

“There is no historical evidence for the existence of a man called Moses except in the texts produced by the Levites and other writings and opinions stimulated by those texts … the official background to ‘Moses’ and his name have no historical basis. Nothing was known about the ‘Moses’ story, or the ‘plagues’ inflicted upon the Egyptians, until the Levites of Babylon wrote Exodus centuries after it was supposed to have happened. All the animals of Egypt were killed three times according to the story! What did they do, die and immediately remanifest?


There was no murder of the first born of Egypt and so the Feast of the Passover has no historical basis, it was created as a result of a story invented by the Levites. Their references to the lamb’s blood on the doors is code for the ancient symbolism of the lamb. There is no official book in Hebrew which makes any mention of the Pentateuch (the laws of Moses) before the Levites went to Babylon. As for the Israelites being captive in Egypt, even Deuteronomy describes them as ‘strangers’, not slaves, in this period.


So where did the name Moses come from? Every initiated person who attained the highest rank in the Egyptian mystery schools was called a Muse, Mose or ... Moses. Manetho, the Egyptian historian of the third century BC, quoted by the Jewish historian, Josephus, says that he was a priest at Heliopolis or ON (Place of the Sun), and that afterwards he took the name of Mosheh or Moses.


The word Moses means: he who has been taken away, he who has been put out from the waters, who has been made a missionary, an ambassador, an apostle. The Chief Priest in the Egyptian temples was called EOVE or EOVA, hence the emergence of the name Jehovah, and the Hebrew language is really the sacred language of the Egyptian mystery schools.”

David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (834)

Long before the Christian era the Greek god Dionysus was said to turn water into wine as well. The Scandinavian god Odin and Marsyas of Mindanao were said to be hung on a tree and stabbed with a spear just as Jesus was said to be crucified and stabbed by Longinus’ spear.


Vishnu, Wittoba, and Adonis were all crucified saviors stabbed in the side as well. Christ, meaning “the anointed one” was a term applied to Attis, Adonis, Tammuz, Osiris, Krishna and many other preChristian gods.


Even the name “Christ” is a variation on KRST (Horus, The Anointed One) or Krishna (commonly spelt “Christna” or “Christos” in Bengali) thousands of years before Jesus supposedly walked the Earth.

“The word Kristo and its derivations, Krst, Krist, Kristo, Khyst, and Krishna, all appeared in every ancient religious system and showed the original Kristo concept was believed to be the personal and invisible mediator and guide between God and everything spiritual in man. The Krist concept has been an ancient religious tradition continually suppressed by the Catholic church through the centuries.”

Tony Bushby, “The Bible Fraud

“At the Council of Nicea were not only Christian leaders from Alexandria, Antioch, Athens, Jerusalem and Rome but also the leaders of the many other cults, sects and religions, including those of Apollo, Demeter/Ceres, Dionysus/Bacchus/Iasios, Janus, Jupiter/Zeus, Oannes/Dagon, Osiris and Isis, and ‘Sol Invictus,’ the Invincible Sun, the object of Constantine’s devotion. The purpose of this council was to unify the various competing cults under one universal or ‘catholic’ church, which, of course, would be controlled by Constantine and Rome.


As noted, Rome claimed the ultimate authority because it purported to be founded upon the ‘rock of Peter.’ Thus, the statue of Jupiter in Rome was converted into ‘St. Peter,’ whose phony bones were subsequently installed in the Vatican. In a typical religionmaking move, the gods of these other cults were subjugated under the new god and changed into ‘apostles’ and ‘saints’ …


As stated, it is maintained that during the Nicene Council the names Jesus and Christ were put together for the first time in the phrase ‘Jesus Christ’ or ‘Christ Jesus,’ uniting two of the major factions, with Jesus representing the Hesus of the Druids, Joshua/Jesus of the Israelites, Horus/Iusa of the Egyptians and IES/Iesios of the Dionysians/Samothracians, and Christ representing the Krishna/Christos of India, the Anointed of the Jews and KRST of Egypt, among others. It is thus alleged that the phrase ‘Jesus Christ,’ which had never been a name, does not appear in Greek or Latin authors prior to the first Council of Nicea.”

Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (2367)

There were dozens of historians who lived in the Mediterranean throughout the supposed life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph: Aulus Perseus, Columella, Justus of Tiberius, Livy, Lucarus, Luctus Florus, Petronius, Phaedrus, Philo Judaeus, Phlegon, Plutarch, Pomponius Mela, Rufus Curtius, Quintillan, Quintus Curtius, Seneca, Silus Italicus, Theon of Smyrna, Valerius Flaccus, Valerius Maximus. None of them so much as mentioned Jesus, his family or his followers.


Wouldn’t you think someone who was immaculately conceived, who performed miracles, was revered by thousands and hated by thousands more, someone who was crucified for all our sins then resurrected from death, wouldn’t he be mentioned at least once outside the bible?

“There is no credible evidence whatsoever for the existence of Jesus. No archaeological evidence, no written evidence, nothing. So it is with Solomon, Moses, David, Abraham, Samson and countless other biblical ‘stars’. All we have are the Levite texts and the Gospel stories in their various versions. So desperate did the religious manipulators become to cross reference ‘Jesus’ that they inserted a pathetically obvious addition into the works of the ‘Jewish’ historian, Josephus, to support the unsupportable.


More than 40 writers are known to have chronicled the events of these lands during the alleged time of Jesus, but they don’t mention him. A guy who did all the things that he was supposed to have done and no one records it? Philo lived throughout the supposed life of Jesus and wrote a history of the Judeans which covered the whole of this period. He even lived in or near Jerusalem when Jesus was said to have been born and Herod was supposed to have killed the children, yet he doesn’t record any of this.


He was there when Jesus is said to have made his triumphant arrival in Jerusalem and when he was crucified and rose from the dead on the third day. What does Philo say about these fantastic events? Nothing.”

David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (100)

“We don’t want to be unkind, but we want to be factual. We don’t want to cause hurt feelings, but we want to be academically correct in what we understand and know to be true. Christianity just is not based on truth. We find that Christianity was nothing more than a Roman story developed politically.”

Jordan Maxwell, “Zeitgeist

“No scholar believes that Osiris or Jupiter or Dionysus was an historical person promoted to the rank of a god, but exception is made only in favor of Jesus.”

Edouard Dujardin, “Ancient History of the God Jesus

Justin Martyr (100–165AD) was the first and most distinguished Roman Catholic “apologist” of Christianity. The doctrines of the new religion were so disliked and resisted at its conception, apologists tried to smooth the waves.


In “The First Apology of Justin,” he argues that Christianity should be accepted because it is already so similar to existing religions.

“When we say that he, Jesus Christ, our teacher, was produced without sexual union, was crucified and died, and rose again, and ascended into heaven, we propound nothing different from what you believe regarding the sons of Jupiter.”

Justin Martyr, “The First Apology of Justin”

Entire volumes have been written by Christians comparing Christianity with other Pagan religions. Here Justin Martyr admits the metaphorical (not literal) story of Jesus Christ is precisely analogous to preexisting beliefs regarding Jupiter.

“And if we even affirm that He was born of a virgin, accept this in common with what you accept of Perseus. And in that we say that He made whole the lame, the paralytic, and those born blind, we seem to say what is very similar to the deeds said to have been done by Aesculapius.” Justin Martyr, “The First Apology of Justin”

Through the course of the book, Justin Martyr admits that Jesus is analogous to the sons of Jupiter, Mercury, Aesculapius, Bacchus, Hercules, Dioscuri, Perseus, and Bellerophon. He admits their immaculate conceptions, miracles, untimely deaths, and ascents into heaven as symbolically purporting the same thing. He also admits Christianity teaches the same things as poets and philosophers citing Plato, Menander, Sibyl, Hystaspes, and Stoics.


Since its inception Christianity never claimed to be historical, biographical, or even original.

“The doctrine of the divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity.”

US President John Adams

“It has served us well, this myth of Christ.”
Pope Leo X

“This whole affair of which we speak and preach, and which is called Gospel, has no reference at all to any person that ever existed, or events that ever occurred upon earth”

Rev. Robert Taylor, “The Devil’s Pulpit”

“The traditional history of Christianity is hopelessly inadequate to the facts. From our research into ancient spirituality it has become obvious that we must fundamentally revise our understanding of Christian origins in the most shocking of ways.


Our conclusion, supported by a considerable body of evidence in our book, The Jesus Mysteries, is that Christianity was not a new revelation. It was a continuation of Paganism by another name. The gospel story of Jesus is not the biography of an historical Messiah.


It is a Jewish reworking of ancient Pagan myths of the dying and resurrecting Godman Osiris-Dionysus, which had been popular for centuries throughout the ancient Mediterranean.”

Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy, “The Original Jesus

Characters are often interchangeable within the Bible itself.


Joseph in the Old Testament is analogous to Jesus in the New Testament. Joseph was born of a miracle birth, had 12 brothers, one of whom, Judah, suggests the sale of Joseph for 20 gold pieces. Jesus was born of a miracle birth, had 12 disciples, one of whom, Judas, who suggests the sale of Jesus for 30 gold pieces.


They both began their work at 30. Are we to believe these are literal people living remarkable, coincidental, analogous existences? Or are they personifications, symbols, metaphors representing the ancients’ wealth of astrological knowledge?

“Jews do not accept Jesus as the Christ or the Messiah. They were the ones in the Middle East; it was their country, their language and their book. If they don't accept the story, there must be a reason why.”

Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power”

“Nay, not only are there no proofs of the twelve tribes of Israel having ever existed, but Herodotus, the most accurate of historians, who was in Assyria when Ezra flourished, never mentions the Israelites at all…How is this possible?”

Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, vol. 3

“It is quite exciting, incidentally, to know that the Genesis account of the creation of mankind through its first parentage in Adam and Eve bears the marks of derivation from the primary Egyptian symbolic depiction.”

–Alvin Boyd Kuhn, “Ultimate Canon of Knowledge”

Genesis was an ancient sidereal myth taught to Nile temple initiates The very word Genesis means “Genes of Isis,” Isis being the Egyptian version of Mary. The word “Bible” comes from “Buka” reeds used to make papyrus (paper) which grew on the banks of the Nile in Egypt. Another name for Buka was Biblos and this is where we get Book and Bible.


The similarities between the Christian and Egyptian religions are practically endless:

The incarnate trinity of Osiris, Horus and Ra, are the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of Christianity. The carnate trinity Seb, IsisMeri, and Horus are analogous to Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. Isis and Mary were both virgin mothers commanded to take their sons to Egypt for safety. Seb and Joseph were both carpenters. Seb was the custodian of the mummified dead and Joseph of Arimathea was the keeper of the Corpus Christi. Horus was born in Annu, the place of bread; Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the house of bread.

Horus is the gracious child, one of five brethren, brother of Set the betrayer; Jesus is the child full of grace, one of five brothers including Judas the betrayer. Anna came with S’men who held Horus in his arms; Anna the prophetess came with Simeon who held Jesus in his arms. Anup the baptizer was the precursor of Horus, John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus. Horus and Jesus were both baptized at age 30; both called the good Shepard, walked on water and cured the blind.


Seven Hathors minister to Horus; seven women minister to Jesus. Horus ascends to heaven from Bakhu, the Mount of the olive tree; Jesus ascends to heaven from Mount Olivet. Horus was the word-made-flesh who giveth light by means of his own body and Jesus the word-made-flesh was the light of the world.

Set and Horus were enemies like Satan and Jesus. Set and Horus contended in the desert on the BenBen Pyramidion; Jesus and Satan contended in the wilderness on the pinnacle. Horus was carried off by Set to the summit of Mount Hetep and Jesus was spirited away by Satan into high mountains.

Osiris, whom Horus loved, prays he may be buried speedily, sleeps in and is raised from the tomb in Annu; Lazarus, whom Jesus loved, begs his death be effected quickly, sleeps in and is raised from the tomb in Bethany. Then the mummy Osiris is bidden to come forth by Horus like the mummy Lazarus is bidden forth by Jesus. Petar or Petra was the Egyptian revealer to Horus; Peter was the revealer to Christ.


There’s Hermes the scribe and Hermas the scribe, Mati, the registrar and Matthew, the clerk, Herrut the slayer of younglings and Herod the murderer of the innocents. Both religions symbolize the dove as the bird of the Holy Spirit. The Egyptian Mysteries are the miracles. The ritual book of resurrection is the book of Revelation.


On and on it goes; the similarities between the Egyptian and Christian religions are endless: Baptism, afterlife, judgment, virgin birth, resurrection, crucifixion, ark of the covenant, circumcision, saviors, communion, flood, Easter, Christmas, Passover.


“Egyptian culture was highly influential in the creation of Judaism and Christianity, both of which carnalized and historicized much of the mythos and ritual in their scriptures. Indeed, many scholars have insisted that the Bible is entirely Egyptian …The entire Christian bible, creation legend, descent into and exodus from Egypt, ark and flood allegory, Israelite history, Hebrew prophecy and poetry, Gospels, Epistles and Revelation imagery, all are now proven to have been the transmission of ancient Egypt’s scrolls and papyri into the hands of later generations.”

Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (266)

“In reality, Christianity was the product of a multinational cabal composed of members of a variety of brotherhoods, secret societies and mystery schools, and was designed to empower and enrich such individuals and to unify their empire. To do so, these conspirators took myriad myths and rituals of virtually all the known cultures and combined them into one, producing a godman to beat them all.”

Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (28990)

Christianity, like almost every known religion before it, originally maintained the doctrine of an immortal soul that reincarnates through many lifetimes and bodies. The entire Egyptian religion was based on the consciousnesses journey after death and between material existences.


However, over time the idea of reincarnation has been purposely omitted and suppressed by the leaders of modern religions (i.e. the Brotherhood).

“In 553 AD, the belief in reincarnation was outlawed at the Second Synod Council of Constantinople under the influence of the Emperor Justinian. The council decided, without the attendance of the Pope, that:

‘If anyone assert the fabulous preexistence of souls and shall submit to the monstrous doctrine that follows from it, let him be... excommunicated’.

The ‘monstrous doctrine’ was that we live forever on an eternal journey of evolution through experience and we are all responsible for our actions in this physical life or a future one. An acceptance of reincarnation took away the power of the heaven or hell mob to frighten people into doing as they, sorry, ‘God’, said. The knowledge continued to be sucked from the public domain. After Constantine the Great, came other emperors who influenced the course of the fast emerging Christian creed …


Anyone who strayed even marginally from the official beliefs was brutally executed and their documents destroyed – exactly the Nimrod doctrine of Babylon. This is not just a bunch of power crazed psychopaths, adlibbing their way through this grotesque slaughter, it was a coldly calculated plan to rule by terror … they wanted to create a mental and emotional prison cell, outside of which it was fatal to tread.”

David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (117)

“Orthodox Christians also thought the theory of reincarnation minimized the role of Jesus Christ, downplayed the necessity for salvation in this lifetime, and diminished the unique nature of Christ's resurrection. A person's salvation, in orthodox eyes, depends not upon self-determination and free will, as Origen's theories suggest, but only upon embracing Jesus Christ.


Furthermore, if a person could choose to reunite with God in any one of many lifetimes, then there would be little fear of eternal damnation and fear was deemed essential by the orthodox.


Origen's idea that the soul is separable from the body also seemed to diminish the extraordinary nature of Christ's resurrection. The miracle of Christ's resurrection was understood to offer the possibility of overcoming physical death. If, however, each soul periodically overcomes death by separating from one body and entering into another, then Jesus' feat would not have been unique …


Although Origen died in 284, debate over his theories continued until 553 when he was officially anathematized, or cursed, by the Second Council of Constantinople. In condemning Origen, the Church indirectly dealt with the issue of reincarnation. Christians were not to believe in the preexistence of souls, the existence of discarnate consciousness, or that a person has any more than this one lifetime to turn to the Christian God without being subject to eternal damnation.”

Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (3537)

In other words, it took nearly 300 years of disinformation, propaganda, and legislation, but eventually the Church was able to take reincarnation completely out of Christianity. Priests replaced your immortal soul’s journey with the notion of heaven/hell and an omniscient decider God who judges your life’s merit.


If and only if you accept Jesus as your personal savior may you ascend to heaven.

Otherwise you will be damned to hell’s eternal pits of fire with all the other heathens and heretics.

“And what goes for Christianity goes for the rest of them, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and all the rest. These religions were created by the same force to achieve the same effect and, therefore, the savior god myths throughout the ancient world have an identical game plan:

1 - You are born with original sin and so you are an unworthy piece of shit from the day you arrive on the planet.

2 - You can only be saved by believing in the ‘Savior’ and that means doing what the priesthood tell you to do.

3 - If you don’t do that, you will be condemned to the bowels of hell forever …

The whole thing was a set up to create yet another religion to entrap the human mind, and the hierarchy of the Christian Church today know all this! The Church elite have always known this because they are part of the secret society stream which created the myth called Christianity.”

David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (1036)

“We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.”

Gene Roddenberry

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam were all created and remain controlled by the Brotherhood.


Jews read the Old Testament but not the New, Christians read the whole Bible but not the Koran, and Muslims read all of the above. Muslims accept Jesus but they believe Mohammed was the last prophet and thus his message the most valid. Christians accept Jesus but they believe Mohammed was a false prophet. Jews reject both Jesus and Mohammed, but are still waiting for their prophet.


Throughout these three religions the Brotherhood has promoted the idea that a divine messiah will one day come to be King of the world and bring lasting peace to Earth.

“Muslims see Islam as an updated continuation of the Judeo-Christian stream and they, too, trace their ancestry back to our old mate, Abraham, who is said to have emerged from the Sumerian city of Ur and headed for Egypt. They believe that Abraham built the Kaaba, the sacred shrine at Mecca, and the focus of pilgrimage for Muslims all over the world. But it was in fact originally a Pagan temple of goddess (Semiramis) worship featuring the famous Black Stone …


Muslims have bought the idea that Moses, King David and Jesus were divine prophets sent by the one All Mighty God, when in fact all three are Brotherhood inventions. Their holy book, the Koran, which was supposed to be inspired by God, mentions Jesus in 93 verses and treats him as a living person. Islam was created by the same Brotherhood networks as the Christian religions, to further imprison, divide and rule. Mohammed was the last prophet and therefore, the Muslims reckon, the most valid.


As such, all Christians and Jews should convert to Islam, the orthodox Muslims demand. The term, Jihad, is the ‘Holy War’ that Muslims are urged to wage against all who do not accept the creed of Mohammed. How fitting that Islam means ‘to submit or surrender’ and Muslim means ‘one who submits’. Some of the bloodiest conflict in history has resulted from the desire of Islam, Christianity and Judaism to impose their creed on each other, when they all come from the same source and the same manipulation! Excuse me, did I come in late and miss something? Beam me up Scotty, get me out of here...


The Islamic god Allah is the same ‘god’, the Muslims say, as the Judeo-Christian, Jehovah. The Koran is the Islamic holy book, but Muslims also give credence to the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament attributed to Moses. In truth they were written by the Levites after Babylon and not by ‘Moses’, which was a title in the Egyptian mystery schools. Is it really a coincidence that these three massive prisons of the mind, suppressors of the female, and creators of bloody conflict, should all come from the same part of the world?


Islam is not the opposite of Christianity and Judaism, they are all ‘opposames’: the same state of mind with a different name, ultimately controlled by the same people … Today, part of the Brotherhood Agenda is to stimulate conflict with the Islamic nations by causing division between the Muslim and Christian-Jewish world.”

David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (1179)

“In order to determine the framework upon which the Christian conspirators hung their myths, in fact, we will need to turn to that ancient body of knowledge which in almost every culture has been considered sacred and which the priests have wished to keep to themselves: the science of astrology. The Christian masses, of course, are repeatedly taught to reject all forms of ‘astrology’ or ‘stargazing’ as the ‘work of the Devil,’ and any number of biblical texts are held up to assert that astrology is an ‘evil’ to be avoided at all costs.


This animosity towards studying the heavenly bodies and their interrelationships is in reality propaganda designed to prevent people from finding out the truth about the Bible. Despite its outward vilification by the clergy, astrology has also been used by countless kings and heads of state privy to the astrological, as opposed to literal, nature of the Bible.


Not being thus privy, biblical literalists claim that everything in the Bible occurred literally and factually upon the earth, including the talking snake, Noah’s ark, the parting of the Red Sea, the raising of the dead and numerous other incredible miracles that apparently occurred only to the biblical people at that time in that part of the world.


The miraculous and implausible exploits of other cultures, however, are to be tossed aside as being unhistorical, mythological and downright ridiculous.”

Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (923)

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