Absolute numbers in billions)

            |      |                           |U.S. Proposed Goal for World
            |Actual|    U.N. Medium Variant    | Population Plan of Action
            |      |                           |
            |      |       Projections for:    |      Projections for:
            | 1970 | --- 2000 ---  --- 2075 ---| --- 2000 --- --- 2075 ---
            |      | No. Multiple No. Multiple | No. Multiple No. Multiple
            |      |     of 1970      of 1970  |     of 1970      of 1970
WORLD TOTAL | 3.6  | 6.4  x 1.8   12.0  x 3.3  |  5.9  x 1.6  8.4  x 2.3
            |      |                           |
More        |      |                           |
Developed   | 1.1  | 1.4  x 1.3    1.6  x 1.45 |  1.4  x 1.2  1.6  x 1.4
Regions     |      |                           |        
            |      |                           |        
Less        |      |                           |        
Developed   | 2.5  | 5.0  x 2.0   10.5  x 4.1  |  4.5  x 1.8  6.7  x 2.65
Regions     |      |                           |        
            |      |                           |        
Africa      | 0.4  | 0.8  x 2.4    2.3  x 6.65 |  0.6  x 1.8  0.9  x 2.7
            |      |                           |        
East Asia   | 0.8  | 1.2* x 1.5    1.6* x 2.0  |  1.4* x 1.6  1.9* x 2.3
            |      |                           |        
South &     |      |                           |        
South East  | 1.1  | 2.4  x 2.1    5.3  x 4.7  |  2.1  x 1.9  3.2  x 2.85
Asia        |      |                           |        
            |      |                           |        
Latin       |      |                           |        
America     | 0.2  | 0.6  x 2.3    1.2  x 5.0  |  0.5  x 2.0  0.7  x 3.0
More Developed Regions:  Europe, North America, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Temperate South America.

Less Developed Regions:  All other regions

* The seeming inconsistency in growth trends between the UN medium and the US-proposed projection variants 
for East Asia is due to a lack of reliable information on China's total population, its age structure, and 
the achievements of the country's birth control program.