Nikola Tesla also planned a very special use for his endothermic scalar interferometer. He planned to produce what he called his "big eye to see at a distance."

This is accomplished as shown on the diagram. First, the system is only weakly endothermic, so that only a small amount of energy is extracted from the distant target. Also, the beams are "scanned" by an open receiver, timewise, from side to side and top to bottom. By scanning yet another single beam through the intersection zone and phasing its pulses, an even better representation can be obtained. Thus the receiver produces a representation of the energy extracted from various locations within the distant endothermic zone. By displaying the received signals on an appropriately scanned screen, a representation of the distant scene in the intersection zone can be created. Indeed this is a special kind of "microwave interferometry," and - with modern techniques - the imagery obtained might be surprisingly good. With development, it might even become as good as the image presently obtained by side-looking acquisition radars.

Interestingly enough, since scalar EM beams will easily penetrate the earth or the ocean, one can also look beneath the earth or beneath the ocean with this type of scanning scalar interferometer.

The importance of this capability to strategic and tactical reconnaissance is obvious. Camouflage, cover, and concealment have no effect on such a system. One can easily look inside buildings and into underground facilities. With a small system such as this, the U.S. Marines at Khe Sahn would have had little difficulty locating the tunnels continually dug under the perimeter by the Viet Cong. And targets under jungle canopies are directly visible.

It requires little imagination to see that this system is easily adapted to produce an "underwater radar." With such devices, the problem posed by the underwater nuclear submarine is solved. For example, an entire area can be continually searched, much like acquisition radar systems do now. A submarine can be detected and tracked, and none of its ordinary detectors will detect anything out of the ordinary. By using a separate pair of beams in the exothermic mode, powerful scalar pulses can be fired at the distant sub, intersecting at the submarine in a violent EMP throughout the sub and its armament. Thus the sub and all its missiles are destroyed instantly.

Or, continuous exothermic transmission can be used by the targeting weapon at lesser power, gradually interfering with the sub’s electrical systems and causing it to lose control. The sub then sinks to crush depth and implodes.

Precisely that scenario seems to be what happened on April 10, 1963 to the U.S.S. Thresher nuclear submarine. It left a signature: the sub’s surface companion, the nearby U.S.S. Skylark, was in the "splatter zone" of the underwater scalar interference. That is, spurious EM noise was being generated in all the Skylark’s electrical systems, some of which were actually disabled. So intense was the "electronic jamming" that it required over an hour and a half for the Skylark to transmit an emergency message back to its headquarters that the Thresher was in serious trouble and contact with it had been lost. Some of the Skylark’s communication systems actually failed, but later resumed operation inexplicably, once the jamming was gone. That type of "jamming" of multiple bands and multiple electronic equipments, of course, together with the anomalous failure of electronic equipment and its later mysterious recovery, were direct signatures of the use of the exothermic scalar interferometer against the undersea target area in the vicinity of the Skylark.

The very next day, Apr. 11, 1963, the same Soviet scalar EM howitzer system was tested in the "destroy submarine" pulse mode. A huge underwater EM blast occurred off the coast of Puerto Rico, about 100 miles north of the island. The underwater explosion caused a huge boiling of the surface of the ocean, followed by the rising up of a giant mushroom of water about a third of a mile high. The mushroom of water then fell back into the ocean, completing the signature.

Fortunately the entire incident was seen by the startled crew of a passing U.S. jetliner which was just passing its checkpoint in that area. (See Robert J. Durant, "An Underwater Explosion -- or What?", Pursuit, 5(2), April 1972, p. 30-31.)

These two incidents were full-up operational tests of Khrushchev’s newly-deployed superweapons. He probably staged this dramatic one-two punch in a desperate effort to recover face with the Communist Party after his disastrous facedown by Kennedy in the Cuban Missile Crisis a few short months previously. Apparently the attempt was successful, since he remained in power another year before being deposed.