March 14, 2011

from UrbanSurvival Website

Spanish version



This would be the week to be in the business of selling either the special ink, or the highly specialized high rag content paper to governments around the world, with which to print money.

Already, the Bank of Japan has printed nearly $200 billion to inject into the markets in order to bolster the Nikkei and other Japanese indices, which seemingly didn't care and dropped more than six percent overnight, anyway.

One could logically ask,

"Why would they do that?"

And the answer is similar to the macroeconomic answer to "Why 9/11?"


In both cases, there was a direct systemic threat existing to the continuation of orderly global markets. If the run on Japanese stocks had not been slowed, then a much larger decline, perhaps 10 percent, or more, might have been possible and that wouldn't have been good since it would have nearly instantly propagated Japan's pain globally and potentially have resulted in global economic collapse.

The reason for this is something called the Herstett effect, which I've told you about before. Most people don't appreciate how close the failure of Germany's Bank Herstatt in 1974 came to ending financial life on earth, although it's well-described in this Wikipedia article.

Much gnawing and gnashing of teeth followed and a system of "simultaneous settlements
" was developed to avoid systemic risk. The idea, which has been described as a kind of "financial firewalling" is what's going on with Japan.

Of course, as with any good set of hackers and computers, financial hackers do - over time - find ways to break any firewall, since at some level all markets are now linked. It's perhaps the "hacking the financial firewalls" which could lead to the fractal ugliness.

Or not.

The possibility which stares at us from Clif High's predictive linguistics work, is that we are now only 11-days away from major release language associated with March 25th.

The main items concerning Clif at the moment are:

  1. How do we communicate to the general population that the term "earthquake" is not a singular phenomena and that there's a much broader context which is not being communicated to the public, specifically, the tearing of the planet's crust which may be drive by a little-discussed mechanism of Earth's plasmas core expanding in response to energies from the Sun.

    We've talked about this a bit and the limitations of human thought come into focus by observing that not all earth movement events are necessarily simple tectonic in nature.

    One has only to observe that Vancouver Island, which in antiquity was connected both to the lower British Columbia Mainland to the east, and the Northern Washington on the south, was showed away from both to the extent that on the East, the inside passage to the north end of now Vancouver Island was formed and to the south, the Strait of Juan de Fuca was created.

    Not to pick a fight with tectonic simplists, but conceptually, plasma expansion accounts for the widely evident north-south lay of many mountain ranges, and we don't need to accept tectonics are eon's long simple bank shots, to use a pub & billiards term.

    Tearing is a big deal because the conceptual framework is much larger and accounts for things like Japan moving laterally 8-feet and the long rip/tear on the ocean floor. Or, don't they like to talk about such things?


  2. The other thing Clif's worried about is how to communicate the alternative radiation treatments which are available in the event convention supplies of KI (potassium Iodide) run out.

    For example, there are references to reduced mortality of guinea pigs fed chlorophyll-rich diets (wheatgrass smoothie, anyone?).


    Other claims of moderating impacts of radiation from eating fresh chlorophyll may be found here.

Back to center stage, we continue to watch the work pair count around the two words "radioactive" and "volcano" which should arise as a temporal marker just before we get the major US quake (likely West Coast) which arises in model-space as an expectation along with the arrival of the "ill winds" in the USA and the word pairing "radioactive volcano" showing up.

Not to get right freaked-out about stuff, but in Sunday's report (where we reported on the risks of MOX/metal oxide reactors of the Fukushima 3 type which use a mix of plutonium some number of hours before the global press) we explained the word pairing and expectations of a huge (as in bigger than Japan quake by some good measure) and urged subscribers to get the one month or more of food and water as soon as possible.

At the time we posted that Peoplenomics report, Google's news engine showed only nine hits. As of 06:10 CDT, that count was up to 44, and going nonlinear as the 'new language" grabs hold, just as the predictive linguistics outlook would have us expect.

This leaves the huge & ugly problem of what else is in that part of the model-space. The US mega quake is part of that set.


Worse: The "hot date" of March 25th looms, which is very, very, ugly close to the March 19 Super Moon.

Astrologer Richard Nolte has been studying this Super Moon occurrence at his site, but in linguistics, the window of concern is March 25 for release language.

By the way, release language is the kind where when you tell your friends on the phone what you see happening, it's marked by the use of an expletive like,

"Oh f**k dude, did you just see California is now an Island?"

That's release - emotionally.

So we go into this week expecting what airline pilots would refer to as somewhere between "light chop" of,

"return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts, and return your tray tables to the upright and lock position. We're expecting a few bumps up ahead..."

Yeah... a few... my foot.