Let us make man

in our image, after our likeness'
God: Genesis 1:26

For those people who call themselves creationists, the Bible is the word of God.


But which Bible is the authentic one? There are countless versions of the books contained in both the Old and New Testaments and the oldest versions have been carefully dissected to reveal the different styles of authorship woven into the fabric of the stories.


Two of the three main traditions - the Yahwist and the Elohim (a word meaning gods in the plural) - talk of a specific sequence of creation. This deals with the arrival of plants, then good and evil, then animals and next women.

The third, priestly tradition has a sequence of creation that is rather more in line with modern theories about evolution.


First comes light followed by heaven, the Earth (land and then sea), vegetation, then the Sun, Moon and stars. Next come birds and fishes and finally man and women together.

An interesting fact is that the first two traditions use the Hebrew yasar for the creative act of making man, which has a simplistic or crude implication of being shaped, as a potter models clay objects. Both also use the word demut for likeness, which implies similarity or looking the same.


However, in the Priestly tradition, (the version that has God talking to his wider council about making man in their image), he uses a very different word.


In this case the word bara is used for the creation of m an and this is a word that carries a more complex, creative value. Next we find selem as the chosen word for the use of the creator's image, which means something m ore like a precise duplicate.


Selem is a term directly related to the Canaanite word for Venus that is associated with resurrection and therefore rebirth of the individual.39

We find it strange that a supposedly singular God is talking to others around him, even before humans have been created. He has already made the Sun, Moon and Earth and supplied the oceans along with plant and animal life - but to whom is he talking?


And why do they all, whoever 'they' are (including God himself) apparently have heads with noses, ears and eyes, bodies with arms and legs and presumably even genitalia?

Why is God, along with his undisclosed team, human in appearance?

It is not our place here to try and make sense of Judeo-Christian myth, but we came to find the idea fascinating and surprisingly plausible. The Bible has been edited, changed and added to by a succession of people who wanted it to support whatever they deemed to be true.


Early Christians even accused the Jews of having incorrect versions of their own scriptures when they were found to differ from the texts the early Christians had doctored. In terms of Christianity, it seem s unlikely that a passage that involves God talking to others before he created humanity would have survived, had it not been for an important aspect of the new Christian faith.


This was the 'new' concept of the trinity where God is said to comprise three separate entities including his living human mode as Jesus.

We are not attempting to claim that the Bible provides us with any evidence for the authorship of the message we had discovered, but a close look at the situation did lead us to a tantalizing thought.

Could the only known intelligent life force in the Universe be responsible for the message? To be blunt: Could modern humans have built the Moon?

There is obviously one very substantial issue of logic to address here, which is obviously the time gap of 4.6 billion years between the creation of the Moon and the present era. Clearly, if humanity created the Moon, this would have to be explained. In reality, this may not be the obstacle it appears to be, because leading scientists are currently debating the possibility of travelling backwards in time.


Virtually everyone speculating about time travel is agreed that the associated mathematics indicates it should be possible.


We will come to the problem of travelling in time shortly, but for the moment let us put the issue of the time gap aside and consider the reasons why the Moon's message might be from closer to home than we ever dreamed could be possible.

The hypothesis we originally laid down was:

  1. The Moon was engineered by an unknown agency circa 4.6 billion years ago to act as an incubator to promote intelligent life on Earth.

  2. The unknown agency knew that humanoids would be the result of the evolutionary chain.


  3. That unknown agency wanted the resulting humanoids to know what had been done and they left a message indicated by the dynamics of the Moon and its relationship with the Earth.

Firstly, it has to be acknowledged that there are no other possible candidates that we know of anywhere in the Universe.


God exists by faith and not as a result of evidence, and aliens m ay or may not exist. It is entirely possible that we are totally alone, either in our part of space or in the whole of the Universe. In any case, who would have m ore to gain from a life-producing planet than the very intelligent creature that has most benefited from its existence, namely humanity?

The question of how the UCA (Unknown Creative Agency) could have known that the intelligent species on Earth would evolve with ten fingers and therefore adopt base-ten arithmetic, at a time when the Moon was exactly where it is today, is answered instantly if humanity is the agency we are seeking.


The mystery simply dissolves if we are that unknown creative agency.

Another difficult issue to explain has been how the UCA could possibly have used Megalithic and metric units as part of the message. Once again, this scenario resolves the problem. Indeed, it adds to the message because it makes it very clear that the UCA 'has to be' humans from our future, travelling back in time to manufacture the Moon.

The motive for the message becomes obvious and absolutely necessary. If humans do not become alerted to the need to manufacture the Moon as an incubator for life - we would not be here.

However, there is the problem we can't avoid. Humanity might be described as having been reasonably technologically advanced for around 100 years. The Moon came into being some 4,600,000,000,000 years ago. We have to admit that this does represent a bit of a gap.

The answer can only be time travel.



Tomorrow's yesterday

Time is perceived as flowing like a river from the past into the future and we are all riding the wave in one direction.


But what if it were possible to head back upstream? Not necessarily for humans themselves, though that cannot be ruled out, but for pre-programmed super-machines; equipment so sophisticated that it could engineer planetary-sized objects.


After all, most spacecraft today are unmanned units that carry out all kinds of experiments, take photographs and even analyze samples of alien rock. It would not therefore be hard to imagine a project team from our relatively near future designing and deploying 'chronobots'40 to construct key elements of the past.

But is time travel a dream or a possible reality?

For most people such thoughts cause headaches. The question that anyone will reasonably focus upon is: If humans went back in time to build the Moon so that there would be humans - where did humans com e from?

It seems like an impossible loop - but is it stranger than the age-old conundrum about the chicken and the egg? Logically, it is necessary to have a chicken to lay an egg, yet one needs an egg for that chicken to have sprung from.


A creationist would have no problem as their God manufactured the first chicken with an ability to lay eggs. The evolutionists would be a little sneakier and say that a creature that was not quite a chicken laid an egg that produced a mutation that was the first proper chicken. So, the egg came first.

It really is not worth losing sleep about such problems, as the only way to deal with any paradox is to simply accept it.

Today, we are programmed with a need for neat, predictable Newtonian- style logic. Simple cause and effect - so that if 'A' happens 'B' will result. People everywhere seem willing to accept the idea that we were either created by God, or that we exist due to a mega-series of flabbergastingly beneficial accidents.


Look at these two possibilities again and then ask yourself if it is any more farfetched or unreasonable to suggest that, as a species, we went back to create our own life-giving planet system and ultimately ourselves?


(For some reason, to the religiously-minded, the insurmountable question of 'Who made God?' can be safely ignored, as can the ridiculous improbability of an infinitely flowing stream of beneficial serendipity to non- believers).

Humans throughout history have generally had a psychological need for a higher authority, whether it be a supreme deity or the laws of physics. Thankfully, that is not necessarily the whole story at all.

The debate about time travel goes on amongst the experts as it has done for m any decades. Generally speaking, philosophers don't care for the idea, for a whole host of logical or illogical reasons, though some of them are coming round in the face of the latest evidence. Meanwhile physicists are becoming increasingly certain that time travel is possible, and they have the mathematics to back up what is far from being a simple hunch.

Whilst the idea of travelling into the past is so counterintuitive for most people that they just cannot get their heads around it, a physics heavyweight and a philosophy heavyweight from Oxford University have another view.


They once teamed up to confront the apparent paradox that seems to forbid the highly fluid present penetrating the apparently frozen structure of the past.


David Deutsch and Michael Lockwood have the problem in context; saying about the quantum physics of time travel:

'Common sense may rule out such excursions - but the laws of physics do not.' 41

Most people have a real problem with the idea of time travel, and the so- called 'grandfather paradox' encapsulates why the idea appears to assault common sense so strongly.


The idea is that if a young m an was able to travel back from the present time to, say, 1950, he might kill, or cause his grandfather to be killed before his own father was born. If this were to happen, it would mean that he could not exist and therefore could not have killed his grandfather. The problem just goes around in apparently impossible circles.


The only solution appears, at first view, to be to consider all such journeys as utterly impossible - if for no other reason than to save us from terminal confusion!

However, Deutsch and Lockwood are not so easily fazed and they remain unconvinced about the need to protect our sensibilities from issues of reality just because laypeople tend to become confused. In an article published in Scientific American they discuss another apparent time paradox that deals with the possibility that even knowledge does not seem to require a beginning.

They refer to the grandfather-killing scenario as being an 'inconsistency paradox' and then they discuss another type of apparent time-traveler violation of logic that they call a 'knowledge paradox'.


This is an apparent violation of the principle that knowledge can only come into existence as a result of problem-solving processes, such as biological evolution or human thought. In the example, they talk about a hypothetical art critic who goes back in time to visit a famous artist from the previous century who, the critic realizes, is only producing very mediocre work.


The time traveler shows the painter a book containing reproductions of his later and greater works, which he then proceeds to carefully copy in every detail with oil paints onto canvas.


This means that the reproductions in the book exist because they are copied from the paintings and the paintings exist because they were copied from the reproductions.


So, where did the inspiration come from?

'This kind of puzzling paradox,' say Deutsch and Lockwood, 'once caused physicists to invoke a chronology principle that, by fiat alone, ruled out travel into the past.'

But they believe that travelling into the past does not violate any principle of physics, however much it seem s counterintuitive to the average person.


Furthermore, the Oxford duo state that quantum - mechanical effects actually facilitate time travel rather than prevent it, as some scientists once argued.

They explain the basics of the concept of time by pointing to Einstein's special and general theories of relativity where three-dimensional space is combined with time to form four- dimensional space-time. Within this, everyone's life forms a kind of four-dimensional 'worm' in space-time, with the tip of the worm's tail corresponding to their birth and the top of the head to the person's death.


The line along which the 'worm' lies is called the person's (or object's) 'world-line' and each moment of time is a cross section of that world-line.

Einstein's general theory of relativity predicts that massive bodies, such as stars and black holes, distort space-time and bend world-lines. This is believed to be the origin of gravity - and, for example, the Earth's world-line spirals around that of the Sun, which in turn spirals around that of the centre of our galaxy.


Deutsch and Lockwood propose that if space- time becomes really distorted by gravity some world-lines would become closed loops where they would continue to conform to all the familiar properties of space and time in their own locality, yet they would become corridors to the past.


They state:

'If we tried to follow such a Closed Time-like Curve (or CTC) exactly, all the way around, we would bump into our former selves and get pushed aside.


But by following part of a CTC, we could return to the past and participate in events there. We could shake hands with our younger selves or, if the loop were large enough, visit our ancestors. To do this, we should either have to harness naturally occurring CTCs or create CTCs by distorting and tearing the fabric of space-time.


So a time machine, rather than being a special kind of vehicle, would provide a route to the past, along which an ordinary vehicle, such as a spacecraft, could travel.'42

So, world-class physicists like Professor Deutsch can conceive of potentially giant spacecraft voyaging backwards in time.


Perhaps such craft could be filled with chronobots that could even self- replicate to take on a task that might take hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of years. Building an object the size of the Moon with pre-programmed orbital requirements is unlikely to be a quick exercise. But time would literally be on their side.

There are various ideas about how these time-travel enabling CTCs might be formed.


The mathematician Kurt Godel found a solution to Einstein's equations that describes CTCs within a rotating Universe and they also appear in solutions of Einstein's equations describing rotating black holes.


But there are many practical problems including the evidence that naturally occurring black holes are not spinning fast enough. Maybe a technique will one day be found to increase their rotation rate until safe CTCs appear.

The physicist John A Wheeler from Princeton University has famously suggested shortcuts through space-time that he calls 'wormholes', and other scientists have shown how two ends of a worm hole could be moved, so as to form a CTC.

Professor Deutsch has become a champion of the many-Universes theory, first put forward by Hugh Everett III in 1957, where everything that can happen does happen.


For this reason, the supposed paradoxes of time travel simply do not exist. In the scenario where the m an kills his grandfather, he does not exist in the one single Universe where the murder is committed, but he does in the ones where he fails to assassinate his forebear.

Deutsch and Lockwood conclude that there is no scientific objection to time travel, saying in their article:

'The idea that time travel paradoxes could be resolved by "parallel Universes" has been anticipated in science fiction and by some philosophers. What we have presented here is not so much a new resolution as a new way of arriving at it, by deducing it from existing physical theory...


These calculations definitively dispose of the inconsistency paradoxes, which turn out to be merely artifacts of an obsolete, classical worldview.'

They appear to be suggesting a loop in time that has a twist in it so that contact is made with a near identical parallel existence, through which the time traveler can arrive at a time and place that always has them present.

Their thought-provoking article concludes with the authors pointing out that science says time travel is theoretically possible.


As a result, the onus is on those who wish to argue otherwise to prove their case:

'We conclude that if time travel is impossible, then the reason has yet to be discovered. We may or may not one day locate or create navigable CT Cs.


But if anything like the many-Universes picture is true - and in quantum cosmology and the quantum theory of computation no viable alternative is known - then all the standard objections to time travel depend on false models of physical reality.


So it is incumbent on anyone who still wants to reject the idea of time travel to come up with some new scientific or philosophical argument.'

And many experts agree.


Physicist, Matt Visser of Victoria University of Wellington, has compiled a short list of the time travel opportunities that have turned up since Einstein showed us how to warp space-time. He has said that Einstein's general theory of relativity not only allows time machines to exist, it is 'completely infested with them '.

Others fear the concept of time travel, even though they have not been able to demonstrate that it cannot be done.

'I think most of us would like to get rid of time machines if we possibly could,' says Amanda Peet of the University of Toronto. 'They offend our fundamental sensibilities.'

The only argument that has been made against time travel comes from the famous Cambridge physicist, Stephen Hawking, in the form of his 'chronology protection conjecture'.


This suggestion boils down to the notion that the Universe might have a built-in time cop, so whenever anyone is on the verge of constructing a working time machine the time cop turns up and shuts the operation down before it has a chance to damage the past.


However, there are no time cops evident in the laws of physics, so, at the moment, the chronology protection conjecture is simply wishful thinking.

As far as our scenario is concerned, humans exist because, at some future point, we will return to the time when our planet was a young lump of unstratified matter and then we shall make the Moon.

Once complete, our Moon worked its magic and life began, evolving eventually into an intelligent, ten-fingered species that uses Megalithic and metric units. The message had to be built into the very nature of the structure or else we would miss the cue to understand what we need to do.

But how can we do it and when will we do it?

Ronald Mallett, a Professor of Theoretical Physics at Connecticut University, already believes he has found a way to create a CTC or time machine using light. He has identified that a circulating beam of light, slowed right down to a snail's pace, may well be the key to the door of time travel because, although light has no m ass it does bend space.


The realization that time, as well as space, might be twisted by circulating light beams caused Mallett to team up with other scientists at Connecticut University in 2001, with the intention of building a prototype, saying,

'With this device time travel may become a practical possibility.'

Mallett decided that if he added a second light beam, circulating in the opposite direction to the first, it would increase the intensity of the light enough to cause space and time to swap roles.


Inside the circulating light beam, time runs round and round, and, what to an outsider appears to be time becomes like an ordinary dimension of space. A person walking along in the right direction could actually be walking backwards in time - as measured outside the circle. So after walking for a while, you could leave the circle and meet yourself before you have entered it.

However, it turns out that the energy needed to twist time into a loop is enormous, and when Mallett reviewed his progress he realized that the effect of circulating light depends on its velocity: the slower the light, the stronger the distortion in space-time.

By strange good fortune, Lene Hau, a physicist at Harvard University, has slowed light from the usual 300,000km per second to just a few metres per second, and almost frozen its progress completely.


Mallett was ecstatic saying,

'The slow light opens up a domain we just haven't had before. All you need is to have the light circulate in one of these media.'

Maybe current scientists will crack the problem of time travel but it seems logical to expect the necessary instructions to be contained in the deeper layer of the Moon's message.


However, it seems likely that black holes m ay be at the root of the technology required.

The black holes of deep space are the gravitational remains of dead stars. They are super- dense, bottomless pits in both space and time that are capable of sucking in almost infinite amounts of material, including light.


Everything a black hole swallows gets compressed into an unimaginably tiny central region called a 'singularity' in which the atoms are crushed into an unmoving whole. If the Earth were to become as dense as a black hole, it would be smaller than a golf ball. (And they say you can't compress water!)

There seems to be no way to get any information about what is happening inside a black hole, as even light is trapped inside. However, Cambridge physicist Stephen Hawking proposed a way in which black holes do radiate matter and slowly dissipate until they eventually disappear in a final mega-burst of radiation.

Amazingly, scientists are becoming increasingly confident that they will be able to create black holes on demand using the new atom-smashers due to come on line in 2007.


It is believed that the new Large Hadron Collider (LHC) being built astride the Franco-Swiss border west of Geneva by the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN) will be able to create black holes at the rate of one per second.


The LHC is an accelerator which will bombard protons and antiprotons together, with such a force that the collision will create temperatures and energy densities not seen since the first trillionth of a second after the big bang. This should be enough to pop off numerous tiny black holes, with masses of just a few hundred protons. Black holes of this size will evaporate almost instantly, their existence detectable only by dying bursts of Hawking radiation.

This work is at an early stage but it m ay well prove to be the beginnings of a platform that could drive the search for the technology to enable time travel.

If humans from our future did travel to the distant past to create the incubator that would produce our own species, it does make complete sense of the message left to us. We have to imagine that our ability to complete such an awesome task must be hundreds or even thousands of years ahead of our current level of capabilities.


However, what if the instructions of how to proceed were contained inside the message itself? If this was the case, the development time might be cut to a minimum.

Maybe a question we should be asking ourselves is why the message was so carefully timed to reveal itself at this particular time. Could it be that we have so far only seen what is little m ore than a 'waving flag' to alert us to a greater message that tells us exactly what must be done in order to fulfill our own destiny?


Maybe the central pattern revealed by the mutual orbits of the Earth and its Moon and, quite separately, by the relative sizes of 366.3 x 27.3 = 10,000 is the most fundamental key of all.

At this stage there are two entirely separate questions that need to be answered:

  1. To what are we to apply the cipher?

  2. If humans created the Moon as an incubator for life, where did the seeds for germination come from?

The answer to both final elements of this ultimate riddle may well rest in the same place: DNA.


The secrets of the Genome

The Human Genome Project, completed in 2003, was a thirteen-year mission to unravel the secrets of the minute data store that carries all the information needed to make a hum an being, what we call DNA.


The key goals of the project were to:

  1. Identify all the genes in human DNA, of which there are believed to be approximately 20,000-25,000

  2. Determine the sequences of the three billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA

Professor Paul Davies has published an idea that strikes a real chord with the findings laid out in this book.


He does not criticize the people from SETI for constantly sweeping the skies with radio telescopes, in the hope of stumbling across a signal from deep space, but he is realistic about the chances of success.


He points out that it is inconceivable that aliens would beam signals at our planet continuously for untold eons, merely in the hope that one day intelligent beings might evolve and decide to turn a radio telescope in their direction. And if the aliens only transmit messages sporadically, the chances of us tuning in at just the right time are infinitesimal.

However, he does not write off the idea of contact:

'But what if the truth isn't out there at all? What if it lies somewhere else? Now may be the time to try a radically different approach.'43

Davies uses the idea we have already reported of a 'set-and-forget' technique of communication, whereby the information content of the message m ay have to survive for

hundreds of millions of years. He acknowledges that a conventional artifact placed on the Earth's surface would be almost certainly overlooked, even if it did somehow survive.


He then suggests that an altogether better solution would be:

'a legion of small, cheap, self-repairing and self- replicating machines that can keep editing and copying information and perpetuate themselves over immense durations in the face of unforeseen environmental hazards.'

This sounds like pure science fiction but he continues by saying:

'Fortunately, such machines already exist. They are called living cells.'

What a brilliantly simple idea.


We have already established that large sections of the scientific community are openly saying that DNA absolutely could not have spontaneously arrived - it must have been designed.



  • Why would the manufacturer not use it to contain a message?

  • Is it possible?

  • Is there spare space in there for a message?

As Paul Davies confirms, the cells in our bodies, and anything else that lives for that matter, contain messages set out billions of years ago.


He also says that the idea that aliens have deliberately hidden messages inside DNA has been 'swirling around' for a few years, and has been championed in recent times by the Apollo astronaut Rusty Schweickart.


But, says Davies, on the face of it, there is a serious problem.

Living cells are not completely immune to change, and mutations introduce random errors that become stored as information, and, over a long enough time span, they would turn the original message into 'molecular gobbledygook'.


Davies then reminds us that there is so-called 'junk' DNA: sections of the genome that seem to serve no useful purpose. These areas could be loaded with messages without affecting the performance of the cells and some parts of that junk DNA are in highly conserved regions that are therefore relatively safe from degradation.

When a team of genomic researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California presented their own findings in June 2004, the audience gasped in unison.


Those listening, simply could not believe what they were hearing from Edward Rubin and team who were reporting that they had deleted huge sections of the genome of m ice without it making any discernable difference to the animals.


The result was truly amazing because the deleted sequences included what is known as 'conserved regions', which were previously assumed to have been protected because they contained vital information about functions.

To find out the function of some of these highly conserved non-protein- coding regions in mammals, Rubin's team deleted two huge regions of DNA from mice, containing nearly 1,000 highly conserved sequences shared between humans and mice. One of the removed chunks was 1.6 million DNA-bases long and the other was over 800,000 bases long - which should have caused the mice to have serious problems.

All DNA can acquire random mutations, but if a mutation occurs in a region that has a key function, the individual will die before they are able to reproduce and therefore the damage to the information will be removed from the species.


This protection mechanism means that the most vital sequences of DNA remain virtually unchanged - even between species. So by comparing the genomes of mice and men, geneticists had hoped to pick out those with the most important functions by studying the conserved regions.

The geneticists were utterly perplexed because the regions they removed made no difference to the mice in question, so there seemed to be no reason why these non-coding sequences, apparently functionless parts of the DNA, should be protected from change.


Why should they matter? It is like having the world's finest encrypted security system built into your waste bin.

Any burglar who observed that your rubbish had so much apparently unnecessary protection would immediately suspect that you were hiding something of great value in an unexpected place. And that is the thought that occurred to Paul Davies. He believes there could be a message from extra terrestrials in what has been referred to as junk DNA.

We suspect he might be right about the message but not about the author.


He says:

'Looking for messages in living cells has the virtue that DNA is being sequenced anyway. All it needs is a computer to search for suspicious-looking patterns.

Long strings of the same nucleotides are an obvious attention-grabber.


Peculiar numerical sequences like prime numbers would be a clincher and patterns that stand out even when partially degraded by mutational noise would make the most sense, if a sequence of junk DNA bases were displayed as an array of pixels on a screen (with the color depending on the base: blue for A, green for G, and so on...)'

He then asks what the message could contain and notes that one segment of DNA, chopped out by Rubin and his team, contained more than a million base pairs - enough, he says,

'for a decent- sized novel or a potted history of the rise and fall of an alien civilization.'

And this would be from just one part of the junk DNA.

As we digested Davies' suggestion about number sequences making a screen we were immediately reminded of how the numbers that we have identified as the lead key of the message produce 10,000 - or if the decimal point is removed from the values we get the following:

3663 x 273 = 999,999

As close to a million as makes no difference.

These are the PIN numbers of the Earth and Moon doubly cross-referenced by their orbital periods and relative masses. Without the decimal point, they describe a screen (possibly a computer monitor) that has a million pixels with sides of 3663 and 273.

One of the 'high security' sections of apparently empty genome removed by Rubin's team had just over a million elements. It would be more than interesting to apply the 3663 x 273 matrix to this data.


What will it tell us?

It m ay well give us vital information about building equipment that moves matter backwards in time and it will tell us where to start the process of planning to build a Moon!


It is likely that it will also instruct us where to look for further information.

If we are correct, we are all carrying this 'treasure map' in our hearts, our brains and even our hair. But so too is every living creature on God's Earth.

'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness,' said God.

Could it really be true that a team of humans will control the creation of our world and seed it with DNA so that humans will evolve in our own image?


Will a future president of the United States of America, or perhaps a Director General of the United Nations sanction the launch of a mission to create these mammoth, but necessary, changes to the past, whilst quoting the words from verse 26 of the first chapter of the Book of Genesis?

This is not a blasphemous thought.


Some Christians and indeed people of other religions might find this idea offensive because it appears to suggest that we humans are God. But this is not the case. It merely suggests that we acted and will act on creative information that was originated somewhere else by some elemental force that transcends all Universes - all parallel realities.

The awe and mystery of existence remains intact and for those that want to call that essence 'God', He remains unchallenged.

However, the account we describe here does sit well with the scriptures of the great religions. Genesis is remarkably accurate and, as it turns out, the creationists m ay not be entirely wrong about a grand design in which humans were existent from the start. They will have to adjust their dating assumptions, which do not come from the Bible anyway. And they will have to accept that evolution was just a mechanism within the grand design.

The Hindu perception of the way the Universe works also remains intact, and the only adjustment they might adopt would be to accept that the cycle of rebirth has twisted into reverse as well as going forwards. We doubt the intellectuals within Buddhism will have a problem with this.

We see this process of self-conception as something akin to a Mobius strip, named after August Ferdinand Mobius, the nineteenth-century German mathematician and astronomer.


Mobius was a pioneer in the field of topology. Along with his contemporaries, Riemann, Lobachevsky and Bolyai, Mobius created a non-Euclidean revolution in geometry.

The simple construct that is a Mobius strip can be made with a strip of paper by joining the image ends with a 180° twist.


It then only has one surface and one edge that goes around forever. Without the half- twist it would have been impossible to move from one side to the other without crossing an edge - but suddenly the barrier does not exist. If one travelled in a straight line on a Mobius surface one would return to the starting point.

The world's most famous graphic artist Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972) was fascinated by the imagery of the Mobius surface. We see an analogy with humankind who evolved from DNA, seeded on Earth some 3.5 billion years ago by ourselves, just a little in our future.


When we reach the point of being able to travel back in time we will have completed a circuit of the single-sided loop and then move off into a new trajectory.


Figure 13

Once the idea of time travel is accepted as a scientific possibility, there is no problem with the idea that humans in the future engineered both DNA and the life-nurturing Earth-Moon system billions of years ago.


We exist because the right circumstances were present for life to develop - and so why does it matter whether a super-entity (God), extraterrestrials or humans arranged it to be so? Why should it be wrong to arrange for our own arrival?

Each of them is extremely unlikely, but nothing like as unlikely as the notion of random chance - the endless mega-string of beneficial good luck.

The idea of the Mobius principle is that it is a loop that twists back in time and returns forward again. Imagine a situation whereby an artifact (say a black monolith) was manufactured in the year 2010 and was taken back in time by four billion years in 2011, where it was buried in a location of long-term stability on the Moon.


The artifact could be recovered from the Moon before it was manufactured and the atomic matter from which it was made would exist in two places at the same time, until it was transported back to the early Moon.

This seems impossible. But just about everything about quantum physics sounds implausible. Quantum physics tells us that everything from light to matter is made up of tiny, indivisible packets called quanta that do not work as we norm ally see the world.

Niels Bohr, one of the pioneers of the subject said:

'Anyone who can contemplate quantum mechanics without getting dizzy hasn't properly understood it.'

One of the features of this branch of science is the recognition that particles (or wave functions) briefly exist in several different places simultaneously.


The monolith that had two concurrent realities would be a quantum effect on a worldly scale instead of at a sub atomic level.

Once the 2010 artifact goes back in time, the duality will be resolved and the world will continue as normal. Equally, we could consider all of the time, from the building of the Moon through to the point of time travel, as a Mobius loop where we end up back where we started.


Thereafter we break out of the loop and move forward in the normal way.


Time and again

We have speculated that chronobots were sent back to engineer the Moon and they must have returned again nearly a billion years later to seed the ploughed Earth with DNA, to begin the process of evolution that would result in the arrival of humans.

But it appears that there must have been other interventions at specific times in the past to bring about certain events.

We have always agreed with archaeologists who say that the existence of the Megalithic Yard is inconsistent with the technology otherwise known to have been present amongst the people of western Europe over five millennia ago. But we heartily disagreed with them when most chose to ignore Professor Thom's findings rather than attempt to reconcile them.


Such people are obstacles to knowledge.

When we discovered that the Megalithic system extended to the Moon, our credulity was stretched to the limit but our curiosity carried us forward to try and make sense of that which looked impossible to reconcile. When we found that the metric system had been in place almost perfectly, four-and-a-half thousand years before a team of French scientists reinvented it, we were amazed.


Then we discovered that metric units were perfect integers for the most crucial aspects of the Moon as well as the Earth.

We have noted that through ancient history different civilizations have recorded that people with super powers arrived from nowhere to teach humanity about the sciences. Then we noted how all the parallel developments that occurred around the world in unconnected locations happened at the same time.

We have to conclude that people will travel back to points in history, such as the era around 3100 BC, when several civilizations, from South America to North Africa to Asia to Europe, were suddenly emerging and building similar structures. It seems probable that the Megalithic structures that have lunar alignments, and use the unit that describes the dimensions of the Moon, were deliberately designed and left to point the way forward.

We do not yet know whether the detailed message is indeed inside the protected sections of DNA, but wherever it is, the initial message was only recognized because of all those Megalithic structures extending their weathered and ancient stone fingers into the night sky.

The fact that the imperial pound and the pint are mathematically derivable from the Megalithic Yard was puzzling and when we found that the same Stone-Age unit describes metric spheres we were dumbfounded. How could such surprising consequences com e about so accurately by chance alone?

It now seems that the past has been modeled by the future. A strange Mobian twist for reality.

Of course this all sounds so improbable that some people will refuse to believe it. They will reject the fact that everything we have put forward is real and testable and the elements of unavoidable speculation are scientifically sound.


But many creationists will still shout that black is white and many so-called scientists will return to their deeply flawed paradigms as though they were real.

But when the message is actually found, what then?

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