Nibiru’s Imperial Cat-Fight

by Robertino Solàrion


After the Nibiruans got themselves firmly established in this solar system, established their spaceport operation in the Sinai, and so on, Emperor Anu and Empress Antu were blessed with the arrival of a new great-granddaughter, who was named Princess Inanna. She grew up to be the most beautiful Nibiruan female ever to grace that planet. She is revered worldwide as the Goddess of Beauty and Sensuality -- Hathor, Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus, Lakshmi, Chasca, Frija and Brigit are some of her "mythological" designations.

When Inanna matured, she became the favorite of Emperor Anu. He built her a lavish palace in the Himalaya Mountains near Kashmir, her Shangri-La, and gave her dominion over the whole Asian subcontinent. Not only was Inanna beautiful, but she was a schemer par excellence. She wanted Emperor Anu to appoint her to membership on the governing Council of Twelve. She seduced the Emperor and made him fall under her seductive spell. She became his mistress.

It should be emphasized here that among the Nibiruans, incest is quite commonplace. Thus, a love affair between a man and his great-granddaughter would raise no eyebrows (if they have any), even to Emperor Anu’s consort, Empress Antu. These consortial pairings have less to do with "matrimonial" links than with links to power levels on the Council.

On the Council at that time were King Nergal and Queen Ereshkigal, elderly Nibiruans who were in charge of the South African gold-mining operations. King Nergal was the brother of Emperor Anu and Queen Ninkhursag. Eventually Princess Inanna found a way to "frame" King Nergal for some treacherous act. Chaos broke out on the Council. Emperor Anu and Empress Antu had no other choice but to remove King Nergal and Queen Ereshkigal and demote them in rank to Duke and Duchess. Inanna was elevated to Princess-Royal and joined the Council of Twelve. Because the Nibiruans always rule in pairs of males and females, Inanna had to have an official consort. Space Commander Prince Utu was elevated to the Council and paired with the Princess-Royal.

Needless to say, the new Duke and Duchess were pretty steamed about this because only they knew for certain how Inanna had "framed" them. They couldn’t prove a thing, and Inanna knew they couldn’t. When they tried to explain the situation to Emperor Anu, Princess-Royal Inanna called them liars; and not to risk losing his object of beauty, Anu chose to believe Inanna. Nergal and Ereshkigal were sent back to the mines with the admonition to get back in line or be replaced as mine supervisors by someone else.

Eons passed. Eventually Emperor Anu grew bored with Princess-Royal Inanna, and the feeling was mutual, although they have always remained the closest of friends and confidants. Inanna took up with a man her age, the Duke Dumuzi, the most handsome male on Planet Nibiru, the Adonis of mythology. They struck up a sizzling love affair that was the talk of two planets. They couldn’t bear to be out of each other’s company.

Meanwhile, a young upstart called Baron Marduk came on the royal scene. He was the consort of Baroness Sarpanit. These two started scheming about how they could oust Emperor Anu and Empress Antu and claim the throne for themselves. They devised an elaborate plan of action; and in an unguarded moment by Anu and Antu, Baron Marduk actually succeeded in his coup d’etat. The rest of the Council were outraged; but because Baron Marduk had stolen a certain talisman, referred to as a "ME," he could not be deposed unless someone else retrieved this talisman.

Total war broke out amongst the Nibiruans, but this "Pyramid War" was fought here on Tiamat, when "the gods hurled thunderbolts across the heavens," absolutely terrifying ancient Cro-Magnon humans. Nibiru chose sides : Anu or Marduk. Princess-Royal Inanna and Duke Dumuzi immediately sided with Anu and Antu. Because of their hatred for Inanna, Duke Nergal and Duchess Ereshkigal sided with Baron Marduk. On Nibiru one can do almost anything one wants to do to trick or deceive another, but resorting to murder is a total taboo. Well, during this war, Baron Marduk inadvertently murdered Duke Dumuzi, under circumstances that he could have prevented if he’d really wanted to. Complete outrage resulted, because even after this taboo act, Baron Marduk continued to retain the talisman and seat of power. This crisis almost destroyed their civilization.

Princess-Royal Inanna flew to South Africa to confer with Duchess Ereshkigal, who reluctantly granted her an audience. She begged the Duchess to change her allegiance, because as long as he had the help of Duke Nergal’s forces, Baron Marduk seemed unstoppable. She pled and pled and pled, but the angry Duchess just stared coldly at her and refused. Inanna even slept with Duke Nergal to influence him, and it worked. He was ready to change his allegiance, but his consort Ereshkigal totally wouldn’t alter her stance.

Inanna returned to Anu’s palace and reported her failure. Marduk remained in control, and no justice had prevailed in the death of Dumuzi. Eventually, the logic of the situation sank in on Duke Nergal, who forced Duchess Ereshkigal to side with Anu and Antu. Marduk was captured and deposed, and the previously prevailing Council arrangement was restored.

What to do to punish a murderer -- that was the dilemma of the moment for the ruling Council. They refused to execute him, lest they be guilty of the same crime of murder. So they decided simply to lock him up inside The Great Pyramid of Egypt and let him starve to death. They would wash their hands of this sticky situation. That’s what they did, and Baron Marduk almost died; yet the Council relented at the last minute and freed him, but only on the condition that he and Baroness Sarpanit cause no more trouble at all, either here or on Planet Nibiru.

And then life finally got back to normal for them.