by Michael E.Salla, PhD

July - 2003

from Exopolitics Website






 -  Abstract



 -  Introduction



 -  Nazi Germany’s Pre-War Programs to Develop ET Inspired Technology


 -  The Second World War the Nazi-ET Connection and the Covert Nazi Exodus


 -  The Nazi Retreat to Antarctica ‘Operation High Jump’, and ET Assistance


 -  Foundations for Global Management of Extraterrestrial Affairs


 -  Conclusion


 -  Endnotes


Return to Antarctica Rediscovered


Return to Germany's ET Contacts?


Return to Temas / Exopolitica



Return to Salla




















There is compelling evidence that in the early 1930’s, the technology and presence of one or more extraterrestrial (ET) races became known to the leaders of Nazi Germany who embarked on an ambitious effort to communicate with these races for the purpose of acquiring their advanced technology.


Using communication techniques that would be widely dismissed today as ‘psychic channeling’, there is evidence that the Nazi sponsorship of occult societies that specialized in this form of communication with these ET races, was successful in gaining information that produced rapid technological breakthroughs that eventually came to the attention of the intelligence services of Britain, France, USSR and the USA.


While predictably dismissive of such esoteric practices by the Nazi regime, each of the intelligence services of these major states initiated efforts to attain whatever intelligence information they could gain on the purported Nazi communication methods with an ET race(s) while monitoring the ‘ET inspired’ technology being developed by Nazi Germany.


In this paper I analyze how global management of what can be defined as ‘Extraterrestrial Affairs’ – government policies dealing with the existence of ET races and ET inspired technology - has as its foundations events that occurred during the 1930’s when ET’s first began to communicate with the leadership of a major world government. The fact that this government was that of Nazi Germany who soon began a campaign aiming to establish military dominance in Europe, was significant in terms of how the ET presence would later be globally managed by the victorious Allied powers who emerged from the carnage of the Second World War.


I begin by analyzing Nazi Germany’s ‘success’ in communicating with ET races and gaining information for the development of ET inspired technology that would be used to build offensive weapons for the Nazi war effort.


I will argue that the ‘successful’ conclusion of the Second World War led to a rude awakening on the part of the Allied powers of the full ramifications of the Nazi successes in developing ET technology. Not only had Nazi Germany successfully developed and/or reverse engineered ET technology through questionable psychic channeling methods, discovery of ET artifacts and retrieval of ET craft, but a significant number of the Nazi elite had escaped with the most advanced of their ET inspired technology to hidden locations in Antarctica and South America.


This meant that contrary to public perceptions of a successful conclusion to the Second World War, a significant portion of Nazi Germany’s most advanced technological assets and military-scientific elite was outside the reach of the victorious Allied powers.






Introduction [1]


There is compelling evidence that in the early 1930’s, the technology and presence of one or more extraterrestrial (ET) races became known to the leaders of Nazi Germany who embarked on an ambitious effort to communicate with these races for the purpose of acquiring their advanced technology.


Using communication techniques that would be widely dismissed today as ‘psychic channeling’, there is evidence that the Nazi sponsorship of occult societies that specialized in this form of communication with these ET races, was successful in gaining information that produced rapid technological breakthroughs that eventually came to the attention of the intelligence services of Britain, France, USSR and the USA.


While predictably dismissive of such esoteric practices by the Nazi regime, each of the intelligence services of these major states initiated efforts to attain whatever intelligence information they could gain on the purported Nazi communication methods with an ET race(s) while monitoring the ‘ET inspired’ technology being developed by Nazi Germany.


At a time of growing international tension where another major European war (World War 2) loomed on the horizon, major global powers would have been concerned about the ramifications of Nazi Germany seeking to acquire advanced technology through esoteric forms of communication with ET races. While sightings of ET/UFO craft were relatively rare in the 1930’s, historically there had been sufficient sightings to raise the possibility of an ET presence on the planet for political leaders. [2]  


Not only was Nazi Germany actively developing technology that was inspired through such communication, but it had also learned of remote locations around the planet where it could retrieve ET artifacts. The Nazis sponsored numerous expeditions to remote locations the results of which were largely unknown to Western intelligence services. [3] There is also evidence that Nazi Germany was able to eventually retrieve an operational ‘ET craft’, which suggested the Nazis were being assisted by one or more ET races. [4]


In this paper I analyze how global management of what can be defined as ‘Extraterrestrial Affairs’ – government policies dealing with the existence of ET races and ET inspired technology - has as its foundations events that occurred during the 1930’s when ET’s first began to communicate with the leadership of a major world government. The fact that this government was that of Nazi Germany who soon began a campaign aiming to establish military dominance in Europe, was significant in terms of how the ET presence would later be globally managed by the victorious Allied powers who emerged from the carnage of the Second World War.


I begin by analyzing Nazi Germany’s ‘success’ in communicating with ET races and gaining information for the development of ET inspired technology that would be used to build offensive weapons for the Nazi war effort. I will argue that the ‘successful’ conclusion of the Second World War led to a rude awakening on the part of the Allied powers of the full ramifications of the Nazi successes in developing ET technology.


Not only had Nazi Germany successfully developed and/or reverse engineered ET technology through questionable psychic channeling methods, discovery of ET artifacts and retrieval of ET craft, but a significant number of the Nazi elite had escaped with the most advanced of their ET inspired technology to hidden locations in Antarctica and South America.


This meant that contrary to public perceptions of a successful conclusion to the Second World War, a significant portion of Nazi Germany’s most advanced technological assets and military-scientific elite was outside the reach of the victorious Allied powers.


What compounded the serious policy dilemma confronting the Allied Powers with the continuation of remnants of the Nazi regime in Antarctica and South America was the physical intervention of ET races that seriously impacted on the need to manage the ET presence globally. Even more disturbing was the possibility that the elite remnants of the Nazi regime was being assisted by one or more ET races thereby making it impossible for a complete eradication of the Nazi presence.


What follows is an effort to identify the main policies used by major states to globally manage the acquisition and development of ET technology, respond to the ET presence, and deal with the policy consequences of Nazi elites hidden in secret bases in the Antarctic and South America.






Nazi Germany’s Pre-War Programs to Develop ET Inspired Technology


Adolph Hitler’s fascination with Occult Sciences, Esoteric philosophies and exotic technologies led him to exploiting whatever avenues he had in gaining access to and developing weapons technologies that would allow Nazi Germany to gain its rightful place, in Hitler’s view, as a leading global power. [5]  


As a student of occult sciences, Hitler was well aware of the possibility of communicating with extraterrestrial races through methods such as ‘psychic channeling’ whereby an individual could establish communication with non-physical and/or distant life forms and transmit information. Such communication was well known among the Occult societies scattered throughout Northern Europe who studied the work of mystics such as Helena Blavatsky, who wrote extensively of her esoteric communications with other ‘life forms’ and how to develop these communication abilities. [6]


While such a phenomenon in the contemporary era struggles to be taken seriously by the general public, there is compelling evidence that not only did Hitler take it seriously, but devoted considerable resources of the Nazi state into converting information gained from such efforts into technology development and weapons production. [7]  Much of the information gained in such ‘psychic communications’ led to Nazi expeditions in the period before the Second World War to remote locations such as Tibet, Antarctica, South America, Iraq and elsewhere in search of buried ET artifacts from earlier civilizations.


One of the principal Nazi Occult societies that were supported by Hitler was the Vril Society that,

“was allegedly ‘channeling’ messages from an alien civilization in the Aldebaran solar system and planned to develop a craft that could make physical contact with the civilization there."[8]  

Another significant Occult Group was the Thule Society that was similarly claiming to be in communication with an advanced race; rather than an off-world ET race, however, this was an advanced human race with Nordic features from an ancient Earth civilization that inhabited subterranean territories that were accessible from the polar regions and other secluded areas around the planet. [9]


The seriousness and support given by Hitler to such communications is evidenced by the material support given to these Occult societies in terms of scientific resources for developing their ‘ET inspired’ technologies. By 1934, for example, “the Vril Society had apparently developed its first UFO shaped aircraft, known as the Vril 1, which was propelled by an anti-gravity effect. [10]  While there was predictable skepticism by more traditional branches of the German military of the viability of such ‘channeled’ information, the Nazi SS were at the forefront of efforts to develop this technology.  Later in the Second World War, the Nazi SS would take over complete control of Hitler’s ‘scientific-military-occult complex’ ensuring the highest level of secrecy in developing and operationalising ET inspired technology.


An important insight into Hitler was that he viewed such technologies as part of a ‘natural order’ he wished to establish as revealed in an interview he had in 1934 with the son of a German scientist, Viktor Schauberger who, was a pioneer in aviation technology based on anti-gravity propulsion: 


In June of 1934 my father was invited by the Reich’s Chancellor Adolph Hitler to discuss his work. Hitler wanted to know about his discoveries and talk about the various possibilities and what his great plan was. And he said ‘yes, I’m looking for a new technology that must once again harmonize with the natural order of things and that is my real program. [11]

Hitler gave powerful material support to Schauberger suggesting the pattern by which technologies, which harmonized with Hitler’s occult/naturalistic worldviews, would be supported:


Schauberger was given a team of scientists to help him with his work … they perfected the ‘flying disc’ powered by Schauberger’s turbine which rotated air into a twisting type of oscillation resulting in the build-up of immense power causing levitation [anti-gravity propulsion]. Schauberger’s prototype was then developed into a vehicle known as the Belluzzo-Schriever-Miethe Diskus, a machine built up to 22ft in diameter. These craft traveled at over 2000 km/hr and were planned to go over 4,000 km/hr. By 1945 they could reach 1300 mph and gain an altitude of 40,000 feet in less than three minutes. The craft was also noted to glow blue-green as it rose and left a silvery glow.[12]

A number of US intelligence sources testified that Nazi Germany had indeed developed technology that resembled modern day UFO’s. According to Virgil Armstrong, a former CIA agent:


We know that in the early parts of the war there were certain factions of the Allied forces that did not believe he [Hitler] had a secret weapon and it wasn’t until the Americans made much emphasis of this that they began to look at it seriously and indeed did discover that Hitler not only had a secret weapon, he had what we would call today a UFO or spacecraft [13]

Another prominent US military official who testified about the Nazi supported technologies was Captain Ed Ruppelt, who was the initial Chief Investigator for US Air Force Project Bluebook:

"When WWII ended, the Germans had several radical types of aircraft and guided missiles under development. The majority were in the most preliminary stages, but they were the only known craft that could even approach the performance of objects reported to UFO observers…" [14]  

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell also confirmed in 1991 that much of the ET cover up dated from the Second World War. [15]


There have also been reports that Nazi Germany had retrieved a ‘crashed’ ET craft. [16]  Colonel Phillip Corso, who was a senior officer in charge of reverse engineering ET technology during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations, gave support to such an event in an interview:


There were crashes elsewhere, and they [the Germans] gathered material too. The Germans were working on it. They didn’t solve the propulsion system. They did a lot of experiments on flying saucers. They had one that went up to 12,000 feet. But where all, we and they, missed out was on the guidance system. In R&D we began to realize that this being [an ET] was part of the guidance system, part of the apparatus himself, or itself, as it had no sexual organs." [17]

The scientific cultural traditions of both the Western democracies, based on ‘scientific rationalism’ developed in the European Age of Enlightenment; and of the Soviet Union where a Marxist Historical Materialism was dominant, would have led to the military intelligence communities of the Western democracies and the Soviet Union, dismissing the relevance of Hitler’s occult communications. Nevertheless, the fact that Hitler was actively supporting such communications with the scientific assets of the Nazi state would have warranted close monitoring of the situation. As more information on the UFO presence emerged in the later 1930’s, there would predictably have concern by Western and Soviet intelligence services that Hitler’s occult communications with ET’s might give Nazi Germany an important military advantage in any future war. (for more info see HERE)


More disturbing from the perspective of Western intelligence sources was the possibility that Nazi Germany was tacitly being given assistance from an ET race in these communications despite Hitler’s militaristic policies in Europe. That Nazi Germany received assistance from ET’s was suggested by the father of modern rocketry, Hermann Oberth who confirmed a Nazi-ET connection when he stated,

"we cannot take credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone. We have been helped."

When asked by whom, he replied, "the peoples of other worlds." [18]  The likelihood that Nazi Germany had come into possession of a ‘crashed’ ET craft may have been evidence of some form of tacit assistance given to Nazi Germany by one or more ET races.


From the perspective of an ET race communicating and even visiting the Earth in the 1930’s, Nazi Germany would have been a logical choice for such ‘assistance’. Hitler’s receptiveness to esoteric practices and technologies meant that such an ET race had a means of communicating with a major world power at a time when other governments would have been suspicious of the policies of visiting ET races and of opening up unfamiliar channels of communication with one or more of them.


The idea of establishing communication through esoteric practices such as ‘psychic channeling’, would have been dismissed as ludicrous or even dangerous by Western and Soviet policy makers who were still attempting to discover as much as they could about the ET presence through more conventional military intelligence sources and scientific methods. Much later, the US and other Allied states developed their own protocols and standards for establishing communication with ET nations through similar psychic channeling techniques pioneered by the Nazi Occult societies. Former Air force Sergeant, Dan Sherman, revealed his own training in telepathic/psychic communication by the National Security Agency, which is the premier US organization for communicating with ET races. [19]


In giving whatever limited assistance it could to Nazi Germany, assuming protocols exist for advanced races communicating with the governments of worlds not yet possessing a unified global government, ET races in communication with Nazi authorities possibly received benefits in return that would have been a cause for concern by the future Allied powers. The possibilities of a tacit alliance between Nazi Germany and an ET race, even if this only went as far Nazis using psychics to communicate with such a race, would certainly have given rise to an important question by the future Allied powers. Would Hitler risk the best interest of global humanity in exchange for what would facilitate Germany’s re-emergence as a major world power? [20]  They most likely answered yes and played for time in deciding how to deal with Hitler aggressive nationalist policies; the technology developed by Hitler’s ‘military-scientific-occult’ complex; and to the nature of the ‘threat’, if any, posed by the ET presence to human sovereignty on the planet.


The possibility of Nazi success in developing some form of communication with an ET race and even having direct access to ET technology would have contributed to the eagerness of Britain to accommodate Germany’s concerns in redressing inequities from the Versailles Peace Agreement. Any political and diplomatic dialogue to address these, even if these upset Britain’s main European ally, France, would give Britain much needed time to gauge the security threat posed by Hitler’s regime and his exotic weapons acquisition programs. The Munich agreement struck between the British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, and Hitler in resolving the 1938 crisis over German populated areas of Czechoslovakia, meant Czechoslovakia lost territory and its important defense assets. From the perspective of Britain and France, such a strategic gamble was necessary if indeed Nazi Germany’s were to be persuaded that it could benefit greatly if it choose to cooperate with the West in responsibly dealing with the ET presence and technology. 


Cooperation with the West in terms of financial support and investment from Western corporations had already provided the bulk of Nazi Germany’s re-industrialization efforts. Major US and British corporations invested heavily in Nazi German industries and established important relationships with senior Nazi leaders. [21]  Rather than merely being a temporary phenomenon made possibly by the brief period when major Western states such as Britain and the US had considerable sympathy for the Nazi’s efforts for removing the inequities of the Versailles Peace Treaty, [22] there is compelling evidence that such relationships continued even during the war period itself. The Rockefeller controlled Standard Oil Co., for example, had extensive dealings with the German petrochemical giant I.G. Farben in oil and chemical sectors, and their relationship continued even after the US entered the war in December 1941. In May 1942, criminal charges were initially brought against Standard Oil executives and later dropped, but its deals with I.G. Farben became subject to a Senate Special Committee Investigating the National Defense Program chaired by Harry Truman. [23]






The Second World War, the Nazi-ET Connection and the Covert Nazi Exodus


The 1939 deal struck between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to divide Poland between them was the action that triggered the Second World War. For Britain and France, it meant that Nazi Germany was fixed on a campaign of European domination regardless of any political concessions made by the former for the sake of peace in Europe. If it were true that Germany had indeed received tacit assistance from an ET race and/or had acquired ET inspired technology, Germany’s invasion of Poland had profound implications.


This meant that Germany would have to be quickly defeated before it could fully operationalize whatever ET inspired technology or information it had in its possession for offensive weaponry. Nothing was spared in the main war objective of defeating the Axis powers who constituted a long term threat not only for European democracies, but for the sovereignty of global humanity vis-à-vis one or more ET races tacitly assisting Nazi Germany. Winston Churchill, the British Conservative Prime Minister, rebuffed all efforts to strike a peace deal with Nazi Germany despite the generous terms offered by Hitler. [24]


After the rapid military defeat of France in 1940, this meant that Britain was desperate in ensuring that the US entered the war as soon as possible to assist in the defeat of Germany.


While this would undoubtedly have been a logical policy for Britain or any nation engaged in a desperate military struggle with a formidable military opponent, the nature of Germany’s technological programs and the likely ET connection required immediate action by major non-belligerents such as the US. In the early stages of the War, President Roosevelt, was informed of the ET presence and the likelihood that Nazi Germany was rapidly developing offensive weapons based on ET technology and assistance. According to Dr Michael Wolf, who claims to have been a member of the secret National Security Council body that oversees ET affairs in the US, "The first UFO came down in 1941 into the ocean west of San Diego, and was retrieved by the Navy." [25]  


Another date for this discovery given by the now deceased Colonel William Brophy was Feb 25, 1942. [26]   None of these justifications for entering the war, however, could be revealed to the general public or the US Congress. This made necessary an alternative course of action by US policy makers. It is very likely that President Roosevelt and the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, contrived political events in the Pacific so that it would be inevitable that Imperial Japan would attack the American Pacific Fleet based at Pearl Harbor. [27]  


Such a contrivance would have been necessary given that Hitler had taken all the steps he could in ensuring that the US would not enter the war on the side of Britain. [28]  Essentially, there was no way of persuading the American public of the need to side with Britain when Nazi Germany was clearly avoiding its error from the First World War when its unrestricted submarine warfare brought the US into the war. 


Evidence of the US recovering a downed ET craft in 1941/42, may have been a means of ET’s leveling the playing field in terms of providing similar ET technologies to the respective sides in the World War. Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 was testimony to Hitler’s confidence that his secret weapons technology programs would be successful in producing the offensive weapons required for Nazi victories in Europe.


At the end of the war, the superiority of Nazi Germany’s technology was starkly revealed by correspondence between Major General Hugh Knerr, Deputy Commanding General for Administration of US Strategic Forces in Europe, and Lieutenant General Carl Spatz in March 1945:

Occupation of German scientific and industrial establishments has revealed the fact that we have been alarmingly backward in many fields of research, if we do not take this opportunity to seize apparatus and the brains that developed it and put this combination back to work promptly, we will remain several years behind while we attempt to cover a field already exploited. [29]

This suggests that the years Nazi Germany had in developing ET inspired technologies while the Allied powers were skeptical of the communication techniques used by the Nazi’s sponsorship of occult societies were crucial. After it became known that Nazi Germany’s offensive weapons capabilities were derived from its communications with ET races and likely recovery of ET technology; Britain, the US and even the Soviet Union, were already far behind the technological discoveries made by the Nazis.


Even the discovery and retrieval of ET craft by the US in 1941/42, would not have enabled the Allies to bridge the technological gap with Nazi Germany.






The Nazi Retreat to Antarctica, ‘Operation High Jump’, and ET Assistance


The ‘official’ defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in 1945 was in fact a ‘tactical victory’ that masked a major strategic defeat for the ‘victorious Allies’ that was kept from the general public. A significant proportion of Nazi Germany’s political elite, their most advanced ET technology and fully operational ‘saucer ships’ had escaped from Allied occupation forces. [30]  What remained of Nazi Germany’s advanced weapons programs was disturbing enough in terms of the overall technological advances achieved by the Nazis in many fields of weapons production. [31]  


The fact that the Nazis had removed their most advanced secrets, technology and personnel during the run up to the final defeat of Germany would have been a huge shock to Allied leaders once it became clear what had occurred. [32]


Rather than the final months of the Second World War being a last desperate gamble by a megalomaniac Nazi leadership that could not accept inevitable defeat, it was in fact a holding action for a methodically well planned extraction of the Nazi’s most valuable resources and personnel to well prepared remote locations in the Antarctic and South America. This allowed the Nazis to continue their unique social system, and plan to eventually play an important, if not dominant, role in global affairs.


The Nazis had sufficient time and resources to prepare for such an exodus given their extensive business links, front companies, and connections with South American governments and companies. The well equipped and led Nazi expeditions to the Antarctic in the pre-war period allowed the Nazi’s to familiarize themselves with the Antarctic terrain and lay the foundations for any post-war role to be played by these territories. The most ambitious Nazi expedition occurred in 1938 when extensive portions of the Antarctic were claimed by Captain Alfred Ritscher on behalf of the Nazi government. The aircraft carrier, Schwabenland, sent planes to perform extensive aerial surveillance of the region claimed by Nazi Germany, which was called Neuschwabenland. [33]


During the war itself, extensive submarine activity in the region of Antarctica suggested that Nazis could have been building bases. Such a possibility was fueled by a comment made by the commander of Nazi Germany’s submarine fleet, Admiral Karl Donitz in 1943, when he claimed that his fleet had built

in another part of the world a Shangri-La land – an impregnable fortress. [34]  

After Germany’s unconditional surrender on May 8, 1945, Nazi submarine activity in the Antarctic region continued as evidenced by the following report by the Agence France Press on September 25, 1946:

 “the continuous rumors about German U-boat activity in the region of Tierra del Fuego [‘Feuerland’ in German] between the southernmost tip of Latin America and the continent of Antarctica are based on true happenings.” [35]

What compounded this realization of a Nazi elite exodus to Antarctica for the Allies was the now irrefutable evidence that ET races were indeed visiting the Earth. The ET presence would now be a factor in the Allies pursuing and eradicating the remnants of Nazi Germany that had relocated to Antarctica and South America, and who were now using their fully operational ‘saucer ships’ to move around the planet and to even fly into deep space. Many of the UFOs witnessed in the immediate post war era were according to reports from a number of military officials aware of the advanced nature of the Nazi’s technology, were fully operational Nazi space craft. [36]  


A little known effort to once and for all end the Nazi threat occurred with a Naval military expedition led by Admiral Richard Byrd to the Antarctic in 1946/47. Byrd’s military expedition was named “Operation High Jump,” and comprised “4700 military personnel, six helicopters, six Martin PBM flying boats, two seaplane tenders, fifteen other aircraft, thirteen US Navy support ships and one aircraft carrier; the USS Philippine Sea (left).” [37]  


Among the commands issued to Admiral Byrd from the Commander of the US Navy, Admiral Chester Nimitz were:

(b) to consolidate and extend American sovereignty over the largest practical area of the Antarctic continent; (c) to determine the feasibility of establishing and maintaining bases in the Antarctic and to investigate possible base sites [38]  

Ironically, it was Admiral Byrd who had earlier addressed Captain Ritscher’s Nazi expedition before it departed for Antarctica back in 1938/39. Now Admiral Byrd was leading a US Naval Expedition to seek out and eliminate the Nazi elite who escaped to bases created or ‘discovered’ during the Schwabenland expedition.


The Antarctic summer of 1946/47 was the first opportunity to mount such a large military expedition to the frigid regions of Antarctica. Coming so soon after the end of the Second World War, it was a puzzle why such a large armada would travel to Antarctica at a time of increasing Cold War tension and decommissioning of Naval personnel, unless the expedition was sent to militarily deal with some unresolved issues from the War itself – remnants of the Nazi elite hidden in an underground base or bases established or ‘discovered’ in the pre-war era.


Hitler had authorized a number of military missions to the Antarctic in the pre-war era making it possible that one or more underground bases had been established or discovered. [39]  


The Byrd mission was scheduled to last up to six months but ended in a mere eight weeks because it had, according to Chilean Press reports, “run into trouble" and that there had been "many fatalities". [40]  If the true goal of the mission was to locate and eradicate any Nazi bases, the press reports and early end to the mission indicated dismal failure and a rude awakening for the US Navy.


A March 5, 1947 Chilean press interview of Admiral Byrd, after the premature end of Operation High Jump, suggested that there had indeed been a military failure and there was a new threat located at the South Pole:

Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. The Admiral further stated that he didn’t want to frighten anyone unduly but it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds. [41]

It was clear that the best the US Navy could muster was no match for the small but well armed Nazi elite that survived the war in their remote Antarctic location. Again, the possibility that the Nazi’s were receiving ET assistance in fending off the US attack could not be discounted. The Nazis efforts through occult groups such as the Thule Society to communicate with an advanced subterranean humanoid civilization, ‘Thule’, may have resulted in the elite Nazis being assisted in relocating to the hidden Antarctic base and possibly receiving significant ET support from any attack by the US and its allies.


A little known expedition of Admiral Byrd to the North Pole at the same time of Operation High Jump where he supposedly came into contact with an advanced subterranean race with Nordic physical characteristics suggests that the Thule Society had indeed been correct in its assessment of the existence of such a race.


Admiral Byrd disclosed the circumstances of this encounter in a posthumously published entry in his diary where the leader of this advanced subterranean race greeted him:

'We have let you enter here because you are of noble character and well-known on the Surface World, Admiral' … you are in the domain of the Arianni, the Inner World of the Earth…. Admiral, I shall tell you why you have been summoned here. Our interest rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that alarming time we sent our flying machines, the "Flugelrads", to your surface world to investigate what your race had done….


You see, we have never interfered before in your race's wars, and barbarity, but now we must, for you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for man, namely, that of atomic energy. Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do not heed. Now you have been chosen to be witness here that our world does exist. You see, our Culture and Science is many thousands of years beyond your race, Admiral.' [42]

The veracity of Byrd’s dairy continues to be debated but Byrd’s comments to the Chilean Press suggests he was sufficiently unnerved by events related to his polar expedition(s) in 1946/47 for such an encounter to have occurred.


Subsequent reports of extensive UFO activity in the Antarctic region were confirmation that Antarctic was being used as a base of operations for the new enemy that so unnerved Admiral Byrd – either Nazi Germany and/or one or more ET races. [43]