- Columns II,11 to III,26/27 -

The following is a hieroglyphic transcription and translation into English of the Turin Kinglist from column II, line 11 to column III, line 26 or 27. This section corresponds to the Dynasties 1 to 5. Except for the use of rubra for Netjerikhet (Djoser), there is no further internal division of this group of kings. The summation in the end makes the toal of all kings listed in this section. This may indicate that at the time this kinglist was composed, all kings from the first 5 dynasties were considered as belonging to one coherent group.

Please note that you need to have the transliteration font installed on your computer to view this page properly.

II,11 : Menes (Narmer)


[nsw] bi.tj (mni) anx wDA snb ir.n ///

The King of [Upper and] Lower Egypt Menes, may he live, prosper and be healthy, has functioned /// 

II,12 : Iteti (Aha)

[nsw] bi.tj (it///) ///

The King of [Upper and Lo]wer Egypt It/// 

II,13 : Iti (Djer)

[nsw bi.tj] ///

[The King of Upper and Lower Egypt]  ///

II,14  (continuation of previous line?)


/// 10 hrw 28 ///

10 [+ X], 28 days /// 

II,15 : Itiui (Djet)

[nsw] bi.tj (/// tjwi) ///

The King of [Upper and] Lower Egypt [I]tiui /// 

II,16 : Semti (Den)

[nsw] bi.tj (sm.tj)

The King of [Upper and] Lower Egypt Semti /// 

II,17 : Merbiapen (Anedjib)


[nsw] bi.tj (mr-biA-pn) /// rnp.t 74

The King of [Upper and] Lower Egypt Merbiapen /// 74 years /// 

II,18 : Semsem (Semerkhet) 


[nsw] bi.tj (smsm) /// [rnp.t] 72

The King of [Upper and] Lower Egypt Semsem /// 72 [years] /// 

II,19 : Kebehu (Qa'a)

[nsw] bi.tj [(q]bH) /// 63

The King of [Up]per and Lower Egypt [Ke]behu /// 63 years ///

II,20 : Baw-netjer (Hotepsekhemwi)

nsw bi.tj /// [(] bA.w [nTr )] /// 95

The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Baw-[netjer] /// 95 years 

II,21 : Kakaw (Reneb)

nsw bi.tj [(kA] kA[.w )]///

The King of Upper and Lower Egypt [Ka]ka[w] /// 

II,22 : Banetjer (Ninetjer)

[nsw bi.tj (bA] nTr ) /// 95

[The King of Upper and] Lo[wer Egypt Ba]netjer /// 95 [years] /// 

II,23 : Unknown name

/// 54

/// 54 [years]

II,24 : Sened (?)

nsw bi.tj (snD /// [)] /// 70

The King of [Up]per and Lo[wer] Egypt Sened /// 70 (?) [years] ///

II,25 : Aaka (?)

nsw bi.tj aA-kA) ///

The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Aaka ///

III,1 : Neferkasokar (?)

[nsw bi].tj (nfr kA skr) rnp.t 8, ibd 3, hrw ///

[The King of Upper and] Lower Egypt Neferkasokar, 8 years, 3 (months) ///

III,2 : "Erased" (?)

nsw bi.tj (H(w)-DfA) rnp.t 1, ibd 8, hrw 4, (aHa=f m anx) 34

The King of Upper and Lower Egypt "Erased", 1 year, 8 months and 4 days, (his lifetime being) 34

III,3 : Bebti (Khasekhemwi)

nsw [bi.tj (b]btj [)] /// rnp.t 27, ibd 2, hrw 1, (aha=f m anx) 40

The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Bebti ///, 27 years, 2 months and 1 day, (his lifetime being) 40+X ///

III,4 : Nebka

[nsw bi.tj (nb kA)] /// 19

The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Nebka /// 19 [years] 

III,5 : Djoser-It (Netjerikhet)


[nsw bi.tj (] Dsr-it) ir.n=f [m nsj.t]

rnp.t 19 ibd 1 aHa=f m anx ///

The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Djoser-It has functioned [in the kingship for]

19 years and 1 month, his lifetime being ///

III,6 : Djoser-Ti (Sekhemkhet)


nsw bi.tj (Dsr-tj) rnp.t 6

The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Djoser-Ti, 6 years /// 

III,7 : "Erased" (Khaba ?)

nsw bi.tj [(Hw-DfA]) rnp.t 6

[The King of Up]per and [Low]er Egypt "[Eras]ed", 6 years /// 

III,8 : Huni


[nsw] bi.tj (Hwnj ///) anx wDA snb rnp.t 24 ///

pA qd sSm

[The King of Upper and] Lower Egypt Hu[ni], may he live, prosper and be healthy, 24 years ///

the one who has built Seshem-///

III,9 : Snofru 


[nsw] bi.tj snfr) rnp.t 24

[The King of Upper and Lo]wer Egypt Snofr(u), 24 years /// 

 III,10 : Kheops

/// rnp.t 24

[The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Kheops], 23 years ///

III,11 : Djedefre

/// rnp.t 8

[The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Djedefre], 8 years ///

III,12 : Khefren

nsw bi.tj (/// xa /// )

The King of Upper and [Low]er Egypt Khe[fren], /// years /// 

 III,13 : Bakare (?)

nsw bi.tj [(///)] rnp.t

The King of Upper and Lower Egypt [Bakare], /// years /// 

III,14 : Mykerinos

nsw bi.tj /// rnp.t 18

The King of [Up]per and [Low]er Egypt [Mykerinos], 18 years ///

III,15 : Shepseskaf

/// rnp.t 4

[The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Shepseskaf], 4 years /// 

 III,16 : Thamphthis (?)

/// rnp.t 2

[The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Thamphthis], 2 years /// 

III,17 : Userkaf

/// kA/// rnp.t 7

[The King of Upper and Lower Egypt User]ka[f], 7 years /// 

III,18 : Sahure

/// rnp.t 12

[The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Sahure], 12 years /// 

III,19 : Neferirkare

/// ir.n=f m ns(j.t) ///

[The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Neferirkare] has functioned in the kingship /// 

III,20 : Shepseskare

/// rnp.t 7

[The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Shepseskare], 7 years /// 

III,21 : Neferefre

/// rnp.t ///

[The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Neferefre], /// years /// 

III,22 : Niuserre

/// rnp.t 10 ///

[The King of Upper and Lower Egypt Niuserre] 10 + X years /// 

III,23 : Menkauhor

[nsw] bi.tj (mn kA Hr) rnp.t 8

[The King of Upper and Lo]wer Egypt Menkauhor, 8 years /// 

III,24 : Djed

[nsw] bi.tj (Dd) rnp.t 28

[The King of Upper and Lo]wer Egypt Djed, 28 years ///

III,25 : Unas

[nsw] bi.tj (wnis] rnp.t 30

[The King of Upper and] Lower Egypt Unas, 30 years /// 

III,26-27 : (summation)

dmD nsj.wt SA mni r-mn ///

Total of the kings beginning with Menes down to [Unas, their years] /// 

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