by Enrico Trigoso
September 21, 2022

from TheEpochTimes Website





SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) image

from vaccine vials.

(Courtesy of Dr. Daniel Nagase)



Dr. Daniel Nagase has been using a scanning electron microscope to analyze both Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines that were exposed to room temperature for weeks or months, and has found odd objects that according to several doctors who talked to us, should not be in the vials - even after degradation...

Nagase took photos of crystals, spheres, fibers, and most strikingly:

"rectangles and inverted pyramids."

One of the images shows a,

"hexagonal crystalline structure, on top of which there is a 4-sided rectangular structure with regularly spaced dots in the form of a grid."

"4-sided structures on top of 6-sided structures do not occur naturally," Nagase told us, "neither do grid markings."

A molecular biologist/virologist who reviewed Nagase's findings told us under the condition of anonymity that the results of the scanning electron microscopy "revealed unexpected content."

"Most notable is a distinct rectangular shape consisting primarily of carbon and oxygen," the scientist told us.


SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope)

image from Pfizer vial, March batch.

(Courtesy of Dr. Daniel Nagase)


"This shape is inconsistent with known morphological characteristics of vaccine components and biological matter.


Further investigation of vaccine composition is pertinent and independent verification in controlled conditions is urgently needed."



No Nitrogen, No Phosphorous in First Batch

Nagase's main concern is that they are composed of "just carbon and oxygen."

He maintains that biologics such as RNA would show signs of nitrogen and phosphorous, but his first batch (from March) of microscopic scans of Pfizer and Moderna vials did not show either of these elements on his machine.

The August batch did detect phosphorous,

"indicating there is either DNA or RNA in the sample."

The scanning electron microscope he uses is able to - and has detected - nitrogen in other different scans which he showed to us.

He did not want to reveal the brand of the apparatus because,

"that might identify the machine."

Nagase is an ER Doctor from Canada who has been practicing since 2008.


He studied Physiology and Cell Biology at McGill University and also went to Dalhousie University Medical School.

The type of microscope Nagase is using is able to shoot an electron beam through electromagnetic fields and lenses and concentrates the beam toward the object that is being analyzed, then the beam bounces outward with electrons and X-rays, and shows what chemical elements the object was composed of.

He has done two series of analyses on the mRNA vaccines.


The last one was done around four months ago, and the new one was done in August. He has sent us a new image (the inverted pyramid from the featured image of this article) from his recent analysis, and is currently in the process of going through many gigabytes of data from the new batch of scans.

Nagase said that he got both batches from "different cities" in Western Canada.

The new images are "very similar" to the first analysis, he asserts.

Nagase told us that he found,

"Carbon/Oxygen structures in the shapes of crystals, spheres, fibers, rectangles, and inverted pyramids" in his first analysis.

Nagase "didn't see any carbon spheres or fibers," on the second analysis.

SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) image

from Pfizer vial, August batch.

(Courtesy of Dr. Daniel Nagase)

The Pfizer vials he got for the March analysis were kept at room temperature for around 2 months, and the Moderna vials for about 1 month, he says.

The vials for the August analysis were kept at room temperature for about two weeks.




Elements, Temperature, and Time

Dr. Lisa Morici, told in December 2020 that the,

"mRNA rapidly degrades. There are also enzymes in the environment and all around us that break down mRNA," explaining why the vaccines need to be frozen so deeply.

Dr. Michael Palmer, a microbiologist, told us that since the vaccine samples were,

"left to rot for about 2 months in a liquid state... we don't know whether any of the strange shapes that were observed in those samples were actually present in the native material."

"A lot can happen in that time, and we don't know whether any of the strange shapes that were observed in those samples were actually present in the native material," Palmer said.

However, he acknowledged that the complete lack of phosphorus and of nitrogen in the X-ray spectra is "potentially important."

"Both the mRNA and the lipid nanoparticles should contain both of these elements; and whatever chemical degradation might have happened to the chemical compounds contained during those two months, the chemical elements those compounds had consisted of would have been preserved," Palmer continued.

SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) image

from Pfizer vial, March batch

(Courtesy of Dr. Daniel Nagase)

"We would need to know, however, exactly what steps were taken in the preparation of those samples for electron microscopy.


Could it be that the lipids and the mRNA, or their degradation products, were washed off, and only the strange shapes remained?


Also, all the spectra were acquired from the strange shapes, and none from the background between them.


Thus, based on the limited information contained in the video, I don't consider the absence of mRNA and of lipid nanoparticles to have been proven conclusively," Palmer concluded.

Another microbiologist, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (retired), "partly but not wholly" agreed with Palmer's point of view.

"The fact is the 'monopoly' of carbon and oxygen in all analyses," Bhakdi pointed out.

"This ties in with the news of 'empty' batches," he said.

The "bad batch" or "empty batch" idea refers to the allegations that different batches of vaccine vials contain different substances.


SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) image

from Moderna vial, March batch

(Courtesy of Dr.Daniel Nagase)

Palmer and Bhakdi recently published a study about spike protein expression detection even after 9 months, as well as inflammation of different organs due to auto-immune response.

"While Dr. Nagase did not have fresh samples, what he found is consistent with what everyone else found when they did have fresh samples.


So while we can't say what those things are, we know they show at a minimum crap production process," said Sasha Latypova, a former pharma executive who was on Palmer and Bhakdi's email exchange thread.

About the temperature issue, Nagase stated his idea:

"The point of examining unrefrigerated vials is to see what the vaccine does in conditions more in line with the human body."

He thinks that,

"the refrigeration temperature does not make any sense."

"Negative 40 [degrees celsius] is not a biological temperature. Storage of DNA/RNA for several months only requires -20. The expiry dates for the mRNA vaccines are all 6 months or less (from what I've seen estimating [based on] the date of manufacture)," Nagase said.



Scientific Debate

A recently retired Yale electron microscopist/researcher who talked to us dismissed Nagase's findings, saying that since the vaccines were stored in suboptimal conditions, there was "no protocol" for the research.

"There are no valid scientific protocols to analyze the contents of vaccines using these methods.


Furthermore, the preparation of samples for electron microscopy unfortunately lends itself to the introduction of artifacts (damage to the integrity of the sample caused by poor preparation techniques) which are often misinterpreted under very high magnification," the scientist said under the condition of anonymity.

Nagase responded with this rebuttal:

"The whole point of a PhD is to write a research paper to prove that you have the analytical thought process to approach and answer an unknown.


So a proper PhD committee would evaluate a student's ability to create a protocol to answer a question where there is no established protocol.


The critical factor in determining whether a student has a 'Doctorate' is the ability for synthesis of knowledge. Creating knowledge where there was none before."

SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) image

from Pfizer vial, March batch.

(Courtesy of Dr. Daniel Nagase)

The former electron microscopist further questioned Nagase's work:

"For example, Dr. Nagase sees something which seems like a microchip - if you blow something up hundreds of thousands of times it's hard to interpret what you're looking at.


It's kind of analogous to looking at an ink blot because many people have different interpretations. Some people see a bird or some people see a tree."

To which Nagase responded:

"The chip photos are 1,000 to 2,000 x magnification. It says so on the photo. A scanning electron microscope can't do 'hundreds of thousands.'


That's transmission electron microscope territory, and if he actually has any experience with electron microscopy he'd be able to tell from the nature of the image whether or not it was a scanning or transmission electron microscope."

The scientist also questioned Nagase's chain of custody, saying that the images are not from the vaccines since they have no biological contents.

"I have the chain of custody, from the provincial health department source of the samples," Nagase answered.



Other Doctors

Dr. Sherri Tenpeny is a doctor who has been warning about vaccine dangers for about 30 years.

"Dr. Nagase is one more in a series of investigators who have discovered unusual contents inside of a vaccine vial this is supposed to be manufactured under sterile conditions," Tenpenny told us.

in Spain, UK, Germany, Japan, and Brazil who have viewed multiple vaccine solutions under a microscope of various magnifications have all found particulate matter that should not be in any shot," Tenpenny said.

SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) image

from Moderna vial, March batch.

(Courtesy of Dr. Daniel Nagase)

Tenpenny said that there are many articles that refute their findings.

"Which of course means they are right over the target," she said.

"No matter what its identification, it should not be injected into the body and particulates such as this are quite possibly leading to many of the side effects attributed to the injections."



'Sine Qua Non for a Biological Origin'

Dr. James Thorp finds these inclusions in the vials to be "bizarre" and cannot be "definitively defined."

"I do find it very peculiar that electron microscopy documents in all of the areas examined that none of the contents appear to be of biological origin.


There were no elements of nitrogen or phosphorus as sampled by electron microscopic interrogation. Both nitrogen & phosphorus are a sine qua non for a biological origin," Thorp told us.

"I would not expect the vaccination sample remaining at room temperature for multiple weeks to test negative for these two elements that would define a biological source.


Of course, DNA or RNA would decompose but as a chemistry major, I would not expect the complete elimination of nitrogen and phosphorus from these old samples," he said.

"Dr. Nagase's work should not be taken in isolation.


We should consider that others have found similar 'contaminating' items within the vials and this should prompt immediate action to investigate what the 'contamination' is," Dr. Janci Lindsay, a toxicologist and molecular biologist, told us.

"In the meantime, the inoculation program should be halted. This would be the logical response if the governments of the world were truly interested in the health and safety of their citizens.


The failure to do that speaks volumes as to the true intent of this program," she said.


SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) image

 from Moderna vial, March batch.

(Courtesy of Dr. Daniel Nagase)


SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) image

 from Moderna vial, March batch.

(Courtesy of Dr. Daniel Nagase)

Pfizer and Moderna did not respond to a request for comment...