Master Tournament

"Exactly. It is obvious, of course, that this ultimate proposition of the Negative does not nakedly represent the negative effort in densities below mid-6th. The lower-density negatives ply a moderate version of this venture that serves to effectually mask or downplay its deepest implications; the mind/body vehicular condition of 5th and 4th density negative beings necessarily determines the mode, degree and specific ratio-of-balance that will apply in the general prosecution of the negative game-plan. Therefore those 'lesser' levels attempt to secure a delicate compromise between wholesale destruction, as with an annihilating nuclear holocaust, and preservation of a vital minimum of captured resources so as to possess an ongoing supply of nutriment within the energy-contexts requiring maintenance of 'vehicular housing'—i.e. structurally persistent mind/body 'loci', and therefore formally-configured fields of nucleus/envelope interchange. These are still scenarios played out with planets and spaceships, stars and bases.

"Therefore the negative minions may be characterized at these 4th and even 5th density levels as being interested in freezing the rate of destruction and disintegration for a given target environment, at a certain manageable level of devitalization technically conserving the intelligent life-form as genre yet so depleting it of all but animal labor-power as to render it a tractable unit fit solely for slave-service, effectually amenable to wholesale control in the form of an enervated tissue-mass.

"To this general level of negative enterprise, there is no percentage in total destruction; profit passes beyond the exploitable halfway-mark of diminishing returns in the face of unbridled Thanatos. And this of course is why the full Project of the negative enterprise as conceived at mid-6th density, is screened or functionally hid from the immediate concern of the lower densities. Though the lesser levels of negative function feel it, sense its looming presence as the planes are mounted, the immediate sanguinary pleasures of their respective styles of feeding-frenzy keep them pleasantly preoccupied—reinforcing that background 'discouragement' atmospherically hovering 'round the prospect of looking any more deeply into the Heart of that Particular Darkness which, in itself, harbors no qualms over making food out of the very homogenized mist of their own dematerialized carcasses—nuked-to-oblivion by the 'chance misfortune' of their very, negative momentum having got out of hand..."

"Wait, then. Why doesn't the Luciferian Overlord just nuke it all, blow it up in the first place? Why the cat-and-mouse game of territorial chess, interdimensional and transdimensional conquest with armadas of buccaneer space conquerors who aren't yet completely 'in focus' relative to the ultimate, self-vetoing Object of their own ongoing activities?"

"You can't forget, this 'game' isn't played in a vacuum! There's the positive hierarchy and the basic Logoic pattern to consider. There are always formidable forces actively working to sustain the Creative fields toward achievement of the positive or Logoic purpose, i.e. the realization of Absolute Consciousness under all conditions including the apparent, compromise conditions of created limit. That positive goal, in which the value of Love is necessarily honored and conserved as the median term or indispensable quality reconciling Consciousness with its own creative field, commands an even-more powerful allegiance of unified conscious resolve and collective intent so that the 'Luciferian project' is met with resistance at every turn—a resistance which is, moreover, a great deal more in intrinsic harmony and alignment with the total thrust of the Logoic pattern so that it possesses the sum value of the Creative as Its enforcement—whereas the Luciferian project, born as we've seen of the creative proposition so that it remains an inextricable if adversarial part of it, necessarily has to 'borrow' the creative extensions and waking toots-of-being as much as anything or anyone else while being in basic in harmony with them."

"I see. So the Luciferian power can't just influence some somnambulant 3rd-stage consciousness entrusted to guard the 'red button', to go ahead regardless of all other factors and push it."

"That's right—even though the Luciferian Overlord, in-and-of-Itself a veritable Realm of Negative Light sweeping through— rather than inhabiting—the vehicular fields, could directly profit by the immediate destruction of every possible territory in the cosmos even at the expense of Its own underlings and lower-density minions, It is effectively checked from so direct a gain by all the specific factors serving to support the Logoic pattern. Its successes can't be arbitrary or random. When, as it occasionally does, it succeeds in vanquishing a whole planet, or even a galaxy, it has accomplished this by a long cerebral tournament of checks and countermoves, plays of the most subtle and surreptitious type in which the idea is always to draw on the given, positive elements and attributes of the gameboard and progressively co-opt them, slyly compromise their positive effectiveness and gradually integrate their characteristic moves to deviant patterns secretly optimizing the negative potential—either neutralizing their positive effectiveness, or actually 'taking-them-over" by progressive, imperceptible distortions of the straight-and-true alignment till they add their own dimension of deliberate or conscious negativity to the overall strategic setup.

"Very often, in fact, the ultimate Luciferian Overlord shows remarkable, far-sighted restraint; where for example a resource has been captured or effectually compromised to the point where it could be completely annihilated without adequate positive resistance, taking everything good and bad, positive-and-negative up in one fell swoop of atomized broth for a hearty negative supper, instead the gameboard will be preserved with its negative conquerors holding their positions intact and poised to parlay such gains into even greater negative glory of 'galactic conquest'—as you can tell, this is just superior strategy, seeing how much can be included at once within the effective reach of Negative domination and control so that comparatively larger portions of the multidimensional cosmos can be wiped out in the twinkling of an Eye.

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Marduk and Tiamat

"Wait a minute; there's something I don't seem to be getting here."

"What's that?"

"Well, it's all abstractly plausible, it sounds like an account that takes all the various elements and contrary factors of experience into consideration... but there's one thing that bothers me. This 'Lucifer', this prototypal Negative Consciousness, is nonetheless an expression of the Creative field, right? It's the Anti-logos, and of course that reactive 'attitude' implies the Logoic reality already"

"Quite right."

"Then this 'Lucifer' must have some sort of '000/, some sort of Vehicle'—you even mentioned that It wishes to absorb all the light that's gone out into the creative fabric back into the juncture of its Vertical axis'—so this seems to be a kind of Consciousness reflective in one sense of the standard pattern—the mind/body form or cerebrospinal Line that, according to your description, takes place through the dimensions and states-of-being as the common denominator of their fields. And if that's the case, even conceding the differences in organization that must obtain between the so-called 'positive' and 'negative' polarization-alignments, how is it possible for there to exist a vehicle or formal pattern of Conscious functioning no matter how comprehensive, which serves the integrity and amplified whole-value of Being best by feeding itself on disintegrative values of energy? Isn't that just a flat contradiction? How could such an Entity function at all, and especially in such an apparently coherent manner, when the materials that necessarily compose the substance of its functional form are maximum expressions of Chaos, virtual anti-patterns themselves?"

"That's a very good question, one which involves a principal 'secret' of reality altogether, and the 'secret' simply shows an implicit bias of reality toward the Creative, the inherent validity of the Logoic project.

"Chaos is, like the Luciferian 'attitude', proposition within the creative field-of-being; and as such, it may have more or less internal self-consistency and justification, just like any other proposition. The term of Chaos, as it happens, embodies an implicit contradiction. It's one of those 'proposals' that attempts to negate the very thing underwriting its being.

"Chaos' for example implies a maximum state of meaningless-ness, random turbulence and so forth. Well, just as chaos-theorists are now finding that the term 'chaos' represents a state or condition hiding a type of order within it and that 'randomness' itself sorts out forms of organization which may underlie the elusive presence of 'negative entropy', at an even more primary level it's possible to recognize Chaos as a proposition proceeding from the inescapable Medium of coherence, intelligibility and innate value—i.e. it's a proposition of the unitive/integral presence of Consciousness, with respect to the potential of its creative field. Since that field is an expression of Consciousness, borrows against and incorporates that integrity through all the variables of its seething, interchanging patterns, the irreducible presence of meaning and coherence emerges out of the fact of cognition itself.

"Any theoretical denial or negation of 'meaning', is itself a meaning imparted to the creative processes of consciousness; any such denial is a secondary reflex, a function of the essential void-being of all variably-patterning processes whereby any, integral complex or provisionally-fixed form of 'intelligible unity' may be cancelled, vetoed or cognitively negated... while never in fact being able to 'lose' the clinging essence of overall meaning and renewable significance at all, since that operative void-term is the very agency through which the (infinitely integral and self-coherent) value of Consciousness readjusts the interpretive focus of the creative field."

"So if I understand you correctly, Chaos has an innate coherence of its own."

"Exactly. If for example we understand the term 'chaos' in its less radical and absolute sense, i.e. as chaos-theorists understand it, it's the necessary spirit of indeterminacy imparting maximum creative variance and elastic novelty for the continuous invigoration or refreshment of patterns; it's the factor of surprise, the informing state-of-things that allows the introduction of unexpected degrees of freedom in the combination or coordinate integration of elements. And, if we stretch it to its most-prodigious potential, allow it its maximum 'menace' as real 'tohu V bohu', the primordial Chaos of Dark-and-Void from which the howls of the half-created and yet-unrealized proceed, we find there too that it constitutes the Creation-Mound, the Isle of Incipience in the midst of Infinity about which coils the great Sea-serpent of the primeval Deep."

"Yes, I recognize these ambiguous images of 'chaos' from various creation myths and tribal rites-of-passage, but how does this reconcile with...''

"The optimum body-of-coherence through which to sustain and exalt the form of Luciferian consciousness? Just that: this Chaos is itself a term of the Creative, in effect the state of saturation-potential prior to the reductive factoring-out of subdivided 'islets' in the Creative Ocean; 'Lucifer', if you'll recall, was incapable of escaping the fact of being basically a product and expression of Creation, despite the conceit of presiding as a Conscious 'take' on it; so the 'body' or vehicle of Lucifer, primordial chaos itself, constitutes its own 'meaning' and coherence—or organizational Intelligibility—even as it presumes to Apotheosize created meaninglessness.

"By denying essential 'meaning' or validity to the creation, you see, it automatically affirms an 'alternative' meaning; it implicitly posits the validity of Void-consciousness in itself, so that vehicularly it presents itself as the patterning typology loaning order and organizational support to that basic 'philosophical' premise of Consciousness. Since chaos necessarily posits meaning and affirms a particular orientation with respect to the Creative pattern-of-being, or Logos, it functions spontaneously as the order and intelligible 'unity' most congruent with that meaning, most compatible with the value it affirms. 'Chaos', then, necessarily has an order, meaning, value and organizational significance within its own framework, within the terms of the Proposition it presents to being; thus it betrays itself, after all, as an expression and potential of Consciousness, like everything else; in that sense, even being the Vessel of the Anti-logos, it is not so unique or special. Its most central and preemptive Denial, can only serve to affirm the priority of the Creative Premise. It carries the unitive self-conformance and integral coherence of Consciousness forward with it, only it frames it in terms of alleged opposition to the creative pattern or Logos.

"Even here, however, it has to borrow from the Creative menu, being itself an expression and product of Consciousness coinvolted already in Its Creative premise. It has to adapt its characteristic, enforcing factor from the Creative terms spontaneously pouring from the Logoic premise of Consciousness."

"Let me see if I can guess what that factor is. It can only be the destructive or catabolic term of function within the creative field— right?"

"On the mark. Having no independent power of creativity, having no resource whatsoever on its own even while it comprises the lone, proud premise of Conscious Self-sufficiency in featureless Void, the Luciferian factor has to filch from features already 'fashioned' beforehand in the very womb of the Creative. Even here, it can't snatch them out of context and—at least—employ them in an independent manner; as we previously noted, the Luciferian outlook isn't free to arbitrarily affect complete destruction without reference to the contextual terms of the 'created pieces' on the Chessboard. All that Luciferian consciousness can hope to do is intensify one isolated polarity of the creative process and progressively accelerate the whole to a resultant state of critical imbalance; it can only hope to aggravate the inherent, catabolic factor in the texture of creation, excite it beyond its proper mean toward voluminous amplification for its own sake till it achieves a state of such functional disproportion that a key of inbuilt-regulatory balance completely snaps, and the given system goes careening into unrecoverable chaos in terms of the local scale of adjustments normally sustaining it."

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Like a Diamond Between the Eyes

"You know, there's something terribly ironic in this picture after all"

"What's that?"

"It just seems to me that the wholesale horror and universal destruction such a basic Orientation consistently promotes, contributes to the tangible production of just those potentials—perceived within Creation at the initial borderland of Cosmic Sleep—that caused the Luciferian 'light' to recoil from the Divining Pool of the Dream-mind in the first place, and reject the Logoic proposition as anathema to begin with!"

"That's quite true. Out of the initial profound fear of the Potential it perceives there, this 'inflection' of consciousness moves to allay that fear by summoning the worst elements of that Potential, driving them pell mell to the forefront where they can work their mischief the more rapidly and thoroughly so as to shorten the sum of 'suffering' It believes must otherwise take place on an indeterminately lengthy scale."

"So it becomes, in effect, what it most loathes and fears! And on top of that, it serves as the efficient agent in actualizing what was only unrealized potential previously."

"You' could say it's the 'Colonel Kurtz' syndrome, on a cosmic scale. You know, the protagonist of 'Apocalypse Now' whose sensibilities were such that he was profoundly shaken and appalled by the atrocities he discovered the adversary capable of inflicting on his own kind, in order to forestall a greater defeat; so disturbed to his soul was he in fact, that a revolution of adaptive necessity was fomented in his being to the degree that a certain, fascinated admiration for the wisdom of negative reversals became his spiritual Advisor. His 'solution' to the irresolvable anguish-of-being, was to become all that which was most feared so as to constitute its efficient authorship and foundation; he proposed to be all that in existence which was aligned, threateningly, over-against him—and, in so being (in this sense of spiritual paternity) he would in effect install himself as the Supreme Cause, work a subtle 'end-run' on existence whereby he would antecedently underwrite and therefore 'create' what eternality preceded him in fact as the guarantor of his created vulnerability and contingency."

"Sounds like Colonel Kurtz is sort of the seminal philosopher of 'You Create Your Own Reality'!"

"Exactly - in fact, the Creator finds that such a tendency-of-orientation arises as the 'occupational hazard' of virtually every 'being' and form of consciousness which initially springs from the Creation—but, that's another story; suffice to say that Lucifer serves as the prototype."

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The Sad Cafe

"You know I'm beginning to feel a little HI... I think I might be feeling"—nervous laughter—"a little sickness of Soul."

"Ah. Something has occurred to you out of all this.."


"Uh huh. I'm beginning to feel... hasn't it ever seemed to you, Michael, as if maybe the 'creation', existence altogether, is a rigged game, a game that's fixed eternally against your favor?"


"Yes, certainly. I know just what you're getting at."


"You know, the superficial characterization of existence is that it's a process of interacting polarities; at first glance it seems to be an even 'tension' between constructive and destructive factors, the life-impulse and the death-impulse."

"Eros and Thanatos, hmmm?"

"Yes; and of course it seems that those Principals are forever coinvolved, mutually supportive, equally essential, almost like inextricably intertwined Lovers, the flower blooming beneath a life-giving sun and the grinning skull-apparition in the bone-garden of the dead."

"I believe most people would be satisfied with the prospect of an eternal 'draw' obtaining between these standard Opposites."

"Right," the Colonel pondered with a long stare into space. "But is it a draw? On the surface it looks like just a cosmic 'Mexican standoff', a sort of compromise 'stalemate' that at least lets us come out 'even', with no basic losses after everything's added up and cancelled to zero. But is that really the case?

"I get a sudden queasy feeling that the 'death-shead' grinning on the bottom of the pile of Life's itemized inventory, has a much more secretly central significance, and that things don't just come out evenly in the end like balanced and neutralized opposites. Somehow I feel that the 'death-shead' carries much more proportional 'weight' than would be suggested by its standard inclusion in a recitation of the pain of opposites."

"And why's that, Colonel?" MT seemed to possess a vague grin himself at this point. "Surely death doesn't have the kind of decisive finality that comes at the end of a sentence like an exclamation-point, since it only yields again like a dangling clause to the promise of a complementary fulfillment coming from any, random cry-of-birth issuing through the nursery window."

"Ah, that's just it! They seem so innocently equal, those two continuous Lovers, Life-and-Death; they seem to form an unbreakable circle through eternity where neither can be distinguished as terminal or 'final'; but the spiritual, the psychic and emotional facts of that circular continuum are always telling us differently—it's just that, out of self-protection, we seldom listen!"

"How so?"

"Emotionally and as an immediate function of our identity, we know that the two terms aren't equal Death always has the final word, the upper hand—even though 'life' comes bawling back around like clockwork through the back door, it is forever too late—the specific subject of our love, our life, our existence, is gone forever, and it's never any real consolation prize to know that life-goes-on abstractly. The whole thing, looked at from the viewpoint of the mind and heart that really lives it, is - the Sad Cafe!"

"Then maybe.-Lucifer's right? Better to be off with it? better to let it tip from the scales of balance into some definitive termination and so bring the grinding wheels of inexorable soul-torture to a halt?"

"Well, uh, what's the 'out'? I just don't see it."

"I think the best way to see our way dear of this apparent impasse—that definitely seems on its own terms to secure the negative premise—is to go back and take a good look at that one factor which the Negative necessarily tries to leave out of its calculations."

"You mean—Love?"

"Exactly. In order to come to Its final bleak conclusion, we find that Luciferian consciousness had first of all to subtract the inseparable Value of Love from the fundamental qualities of Godhead. It was only by that subtractive suppression that all the various premises and conclusions came tumbling forward under the negative light. After all, Love is specifically the intimate function of Identity belonging to Absolute, with respect to the Creative premise of delimitation belonging to the Logos.

"Love expresses the eternal condition that, within the un-qualified Identity-of-Absolute, all qualifications characterizing the creative patterns-of-being are innately allowed by largesse of its own unlimited potential. Love is the power of Absolute that makes It absolute-and-unqualified, by permitting even the apparent antithesis of that all-inclusive Value thereby underwriting and justifying its Absolute 'claim'. Love is therefore the Matrona, the value of Godhead as Mother, the primordial relation between the Creator power of Absolute-potential and Its offspring."

"It seems then that 'Lucifer' is one of those 'things' that are permitted by the unqualified Love of Absolute for its qualifying Potential!"

"Exactly. The Luciferian premise is itself a quintessential term of qualification, exclusionary exception and so forth; the Luciferian premise is the very 'version' of Consciousness which attempts to make Absolute-being exclusive, which hypothesizes an absolute sufficiency of Consciousness-in-itself as undifferentiated, infinite Void-self... and so categorically negates the permitted 'Self-negation' of creative limit.

"The 'problem' with the Luciferian premise is that it's version of Infinite self-sufficiency becomes immediately an arbitrary subjective enclosure or featureless circumscription. It's instantly surpassed as any candidate for all-encompassing Absolute in the moment of its upsurge; for the upsurge of that Negative premise takes place with respect to (and because of) a proliferating potential of creative process toward which the Whole-being value of Attention is already drawn.

"Thus Reality in its fullness already outstrips the 'dimension' of Being that Luciferian mind is ready to allow. The 'absoluteness' of that Mind already escapes it in the instant it's born, and it does so on the strength of the Love-quality of Godhead which generously pairs Attention (as indiscriminate value of Absolute) with the indeterminately-proliferating properties of all patterning potentials logically contained within It.

"It's for this reason that the Luciferian premise is 'bitter' toward Love; for Love has already drawn the exclusivity of Attention away from it, forced it to 'share' in the creative bounty along-side which it's indeed been born. Love moves out on the multiplying streams of unitive or whole-value attention, into the fields of its creation; and it expects that the indivisible wholeness and unity of Attention will prove sufficient, eternally satisfactory for that portion of Creative potential which prefers to retain the term of Awareness at the starting-gate, at the border of the manvantara or yawning dawn-state of the worlds—since no matter how many times the whole-value of Attention is subdivided or multiplied it remains intact, merely focused down upon provisionally-delimiting attributes with which it may become temporarily identified on a one-to-one basis (and so apparently—but not really—diminished)."

"But the Luciferian intelligence doesn't like that anyway."


"No; it doesn't like Love to look in another direction, not even temporarily; it detests even the innocent flirtation of Whole-being attention with the polarized patterns of the worlds.

"Although it detests Love for Love's 'wanton' ways. It is nonetheless born of Love; it's the very product of Love, the Mother, because it comes to expression as a premise-of-being only in relation to the creative potential of Logos. Even as anti-Logos, it is forever expression of that Logoic potential.

"Thus the factor of Love can't really be subtracted from It; it seeks instead to displace Love from its proper 'position' at the Heart (i.e. the causative locus of the creative worlds and all patterning coordinates) and remove it like a kidnapped Princess to the turreted towers and patrolled bastions of the Head—i.e. Void-mind in itself. In other words, Luciferian Intelligence co-opts and interprets the inevitable hangover term of Love as the value of Self-love; its only legitimate function, its only allowable breath-of-existence as far as Luciferian consciousness is concerned, takes form as the supreme and exclusive valuation of Void/Self—the narcissistic conferring of Love's approbation upon those absolute-qualities independent of the loving acceptance that would necessarily flow from indiscriminate Void-being and all-embracing, absolute-Selfness with respect to the created potential implied in those permissive terms."

"So 'Lucifer' is constituted as a project that intends to capture the Mother."

"Exactly. The Luciferian void-mind feels the requirement of arresting the indiscriminate proliferation and freedom-granting bounty of Love (for it feared that freedom and the potential it implied, from the beginning). It wishes to dominate the Mother, keep her under lock-and-key, utilize her power in the manner of a demi-god or cosmocrator i.e. by appropriating her means, mimicking their actions and functions while strategically altering them and incorporating them into a restricted simulacrum suited to Its own ends.

"Luciferian consciousness, remember, has no power of creativity itself; it imitates, but it can't generate; it needs the Mother's power to do that—which is why, when it captures her, it keeps her half-alive so as to maintain a minimal continuity of creative interaction and the suitable production of form—for it's through tailored regulation of Love's forms that Luciferian intelligence derives the very means of coercing soul-energy into converting abstract-conscious capital to specific psychic and emotional coinage; and it's through the cumulative interest on that psychic and emotional coinage that such Intelligence proceeds to purchase the precious energy-keys to timelocks and spatial corridors of even richer and still-virgin terrains, portions of the cosmos intact with creative life and superfetation ripe for plunder and privileged profit.

"And all, as we've seen, toward the ultimate orientation of those teeming fields of Deific attention back into conformal service of a single, pyramidally apiculate Power preening Itself as an arbitrarily exclusive and self-sufficient Subject.


"Thus the implicit 'units' of attention subtending all productive fields (from the very Source of creative Godhead), are forced to obeisance and functional servitude of the Negative Overlord.

"You see, Lucifer wishes to reclaim all the attention that's gone out into the Creation; the Luciferian premise, as we've noted, is that its own preferred Selfness and Void-state is eternally sufficient, but at the same time It can't practically support that premise since the Whole-being value of Attention spontaneously surpasses, flows over-around-and-through that subjective assertion. The Vessel of the Sleep-state of Consciousness immediately springs leaks. It would like to exalt itself as the sole worthy repository of Attention, thus being suspended in (undivided) Divine acknowledgment across the glorious planes of Eternity; but its preferred state no longer accounts for all of Attention. There is an infinite 'otherness' to attention, that takes its vagrant Being from an unseemly displacement through the created patterns-of-being. The Creator's attention is extended, through Love, as the Mother of all the worlds. And of this, then, Lucifer is supremely jealous."

"Ah. The theme of jealousy, back around again."

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It's Only That, After All

"Yes," AAA continued, "and now it may be seen what Luciferian consciousness is jealous over. This is why It rages through the worlds, and sends up such a big fuss of atomic debris and destructive winds of wanton waste to the very threshold of Heaven. It seeks the Creator's attention; it implicitly admits that, even being a function of Whole-being attention It is not, nor can it ever be, the whole of Attention. So, like a spoiled infant, It does everything in its Power to distract the Awareness of Godhead and attract It 'back' into conformal agreement with Its bare Voidness, Its sole Self-premise.


"It does not understand the Creative, the Logoic proposition; it does not understand that the resolution of the 'problem' within Godhead of which It is the chief postulate, is accomplished in the intimate and inextricable identity, the infinite mutuality of the God-qualities of Self, Love and Void—and so it doesn't understand that such a resolution arises through the loving dispensation of attention, the optimum organization, integration and coordinate adjustment of attention in consonance with the Key of the Logoic pattern, rather than in the aggrandizement and monopolization of Attention (e.g. by coercing all worlds of intelligent energy and awareness to align in observational service of Its sovereign subjectivity, as continuous supportive testimony and corroboration of all potential otherness-of-being with respect to the solitary validity of its Self)."

"Then the Luciferian project is just the ego-game."


"Yes, it's only that, after all. It can be identified even at the confused and admixed level of 3rd density ego-consciousness; It's just the ultimate implication of the type of consciousness to which we have recourse here any time, blown up and writ large in Cosmic Letters as the bluster and infant bawling of the 'Anti-logos'—the 'disgruntled one' in the nursery of the Manvantara.

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