The John Titor Project
Page 12 of 19

02/19/01 16:01 (about the future) 443
((10.) Was China your enemy' ))
Not my enemy' I never fought any Chinese but their ability to hit Western cities with missiles made a lot of people unhappy.

02/19/01 16:01 (about the future) 444
((11.) Do they have Pac Man or Donkey Kong in 2036' ))
I am aware they are video games but I have not come across them.

02/19/01 16:01 (about the future) 445
((12.) Does China have a manned space program between 2001 and 2036' ))
I believe they are pretty close to putting a man in orbit. It shouldn't surprise you if they do that soon.

02/19/01 16:01 (about time travel) 446
((14.) If the worldlines are changed by everyone's choices, this means we are all maneuvering through timelines as we make these choices. Since everyone is making different choices, why do we still meet people that coincide with our previous worldline' ))
Your worldline takes form as the choices unfold. People do not disappear because you must follow the same physical laws that hold you here. (i.e. Information cannot travel faster than light on a worldline.)

02/19/01 16:01 (about time travel) 447
((15.) In your opinion, would timelines be better represented as an inflated balloon, or a layered Rubix cube with interchanging and overlapping interactions' ))
Balloon in balloon in balloon. A Rubix cube as in the toy, right'

02/19/01 16:01 (about the future) 448
((17.) Does your group have a flashlight in 2036' If so, what type of batteries does it use' ))
Yes, we have flashlights and we use similar batteries for most things. We do recharge a great deal. Have you ever seen those wind-up radios' They're pretty interesting I think.

02/19/01 16:01 (about the future) 449
((18.) How is electricity generated in 2036' ))
'Most' publicly generated power is through very efficient solar cells. On a local or household level, there is steam, hydro and inversion generation. There is a debate on using a singularity to generate power.

02/19/01 16:01 (about the future) 450
((19.) Does the sun look any different in 2036 than it does now' ))
When you can see it through the high level smoke and haze, not that I'm aware of.

02/19/01 16:01 (about the future) 451
((20.) What sort of clothing do you wear in 2036' Is there strong attention paid to what people wear in the group' ))
Clothing is much more functional. I'm not sure what group you're talking about.

02/19/01 16:01 (about the future) 452
Seems a bit obscure to have a discussion about. Do we wear radiation suits' No. Do we use pockets a lot, Yes.

02/19/01 16:01 (about the future) 453
((How does this smoke and haze allow for solar cells to be efficient'))
Do you have any idea how efficient solar cells are today' Sometimes it's sunny and sometimes it rains. Sometimes large dust clouds high in the atmosphere pass overhead. I don't understand the point you want to make. The sun looks the same.

02/19/01 16:01 (about the future) 454
((Where did you learn to write and how old were you' How long did it take you' Did you learn before, during, or after the fighting. What do you attribute to your learning to type fast'))
I was home schooled and I spend a lot of time typing.

02/19/01 13:14 (safety, suggestions, assorted philosophy) 455
I used a shotgun in the war. Yes, I think it's prudent to be prepared for anything.

02/19/01 19:25 (right now) 456
((What state do you live in now in 2001')) I am in Florida.

02/19/01 19:25 (right now) 457
((Is John Titor your real name'))
Yes, John Titor is a real name.

02/19/01 19:25 (right now) 458
((Does your younger self realize what you are'))
Yes, he is aware that I exist but he doesn't know who I am.

02/19/01 19:25 (about the future) 459
((What rank were you in the Army'))
It is the equivalent of Major.

02/19/01 19:25 (about the future) 460
((Where did you go to BCT'))
I wasn't fortunate enough to go to basic. We were fighting a war at the time.

02/19/01 19:25 (about the future) 461
((What company were you with, and what year did you graduate from BCT'))
The organization of the fighting unit I was in fell under the militia. We fought against the organized army.

02/19/01 19:25 (about the future) 462
((In your "world time" have things like "Saquatch" , "Loch Ness monster", and other reported unusual animals been seen, or captured or explained away. ))
We have our swamp monsters too. In fact, I think it's interesting that we all respond to the unknown the same way regardless of our cultural experiences.

02/19/01 19:25 (about the future) 463
((Is remote viewing used to gather military intelligence'))
I am only aware of it from this worldline. I don't know otherwise.

02/19/01 19:25 (about the future) 464
((Are psychics still common' are they used by the government'))
Yes, psychics exist but I don't have any knowledge of their use by the military.

02/19/01 19:25 (about the future) 465
((Is there a Police Dept as we know it. Have any of your top leaders or politicians been jailed or impeached'))
Yes, we have police but they are organized in smaller groups. Yes, we still have political and religious leaders who find it difficult to obey the law. I would submit to you that the law is only as good as the people's willingness to apply it evenly and swiftly.

02/19/01 19:25 (about the future) 466
((One final question' Is there a Global Superpower state and what nation is it.))
Being a superpower only makes you a target. There is an uneasy balance in the world now that everyone 'probably' has nukes, chems or bios. We don't just bomb people for the hell of it anymore. Military power is based on the number of autonomous fighting men who are actually willing to fight.

02/19/01 19:25 (about time travel) 467
((I guess you are held accountable, in some way, for changes that occur in your time period..))
You're pretty much correct about your statement but actually, nothing I do here will affect my home. I hold myself accountable for any damage I do.

02/19/01 19:25 (safety, suggestions, assorted philosophy) 468
((It seems to me that with the cities under such stresses, people would flock in large numbers to remote areas like Winnipeg (sorry guys) or some other region with plenty of clean water, air and soil. Why is this such a neglected fix' I would also imagine that the network of Intentional Communities (communes') that took root over the years, would provide infrastructural support to a nation needing to find its "FOXFIRE" roots.))
In my opinion, people 'now' take clean water, electricity and their feeling of safety for granted. If they leave the city in search of fresh water they first have to make the realization that fresh water is a problem. It's much easier to demand someone else owes you fresh water than it is to leave the lifestyle that made it bad in the first place.

02/19/01 19:25 (right now) 469
(If I was transposed to the 1920's or 30's, you would have a hard time keeping me off the streets, out of public places, shops, concert halls, etc. just trying to take it all in. Ditto with just about any other time and place.))
I agree with you. The first time I walked into a 'superstore' I cried. I'd never seen so much excess in one place at one time.

02/19/01 19:25 (about time travel) 470
((John - in looking closely at this device, I see there is a hand control unit - with some sort of screen on it. I assume this is the computer interface through which the device is programmed (or time settings are made). Is that an accurate assumption' What does the display show you (for instance, does it simply show things like time/date calculations, or radiation [probably wrong word] of the fields from the device'))
Yes, that is a remote unit. The unit itself gets hot and 'unapproachable' during long travel and you're usually subjected to about 2 G's. It gets a little difficult to move around and the hand held unit sits next to you. The unit displays many things but time in transit, time to destination, VGL variance and unit temperature are the most common during travel.

02/19/01 19:25 (about time travel) 471
((Also, there are 16 apparent buttons. I have to assume further that these are multifunction keys (that is you press one for an alt/control function and other buttons have names or labels and perhaps even numerical meanings). Is that also accurate'))
Yes, the menus are screen driven.


02/20/01 05:06 (about time travel) 472
(........My only concern is how it might affect the 'me' on this worldline.)
Actually, this is a good question. If the 'me' here goes on to have the same type of life and future work that I did, it may not look good on his resume that another 'him' has left a videotape behind of his future mission to 1975


02/21/01 06:33 (right now) 473
Perhaps it goes without saying but I would urge everyone to listen to Art's show tonight.

02/21/2001 08:45 am (about time travel) 473
((1) would you be able to internationally travel by: traveling to the year 2001, fly a plane to the desired destination, and then go to the future from there' ))

02/21/2001 08:45 am (about time travel) 474
((2) If each world line is separate from the others, then wouldn't the consequences of your actions now have no effect on your original world line'))
Yes, that's correct.

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