Chapter 3

In Quest Of the Past


Back to the Holy Grail and Language

As noted by Fulcanelli, when one begins to study the subject with an eye for subtle “clues”, one begins to understand that the very words chosen in the numerous tales are designed to either lead to, or away from, the central issue. In other words, not only are the incidents clues in themselves, but the very names are as well. They are installed as helpers or hindrances! Sometimes this may even be a function of the individual reading the clue, as we now understand from our little study of ligands.


An individual who is “jumping to assumptions”, or who has accepted as truth things which are not, in fact, true - and may have done so habitually - has a reduced ability for discernment. The individual who has taken great care, who has been patient and thorough and cautious, may be led to a proper understanding by the very same clue that leads another on a wild goose chase!


The clues are in the languages and the words, but hidden like little genes coiled up in DNA, waiting for the right ligand or charge of electricity to enable them to uncoil and make themselves known. And this brings us to the fact that there seems to be a deep connection between language and DNA.


Abraham Abehsera writes in his Babel: The Language of the 21st Century:

Matter, Life and Language are three instances where infinite wealth has been achieved with very little. The variety of matter is the product of the combinations of about twenty-six atoms. The innumerable life forms of our planet stem from the permutations of only twenty amino acids. Third and last, the millions of words that make up human language are nothing but the combinations of about twenty consonants modified by some five vowels.

In the past fifty years, man has made considerable progress in discovering and deciphering the physical and genetic forces that organize inert and organic matter. No comparable advances have been made in the field of language. Why did English-speaking people use the letters L and V to express their LoVe? (and LiVe) What compelled them to designate the opposite feeling by inverting the same two root-letters to form ViLe? (and eViL) Finally why were totally different letters used to express these feelings in the six thousand other languages the earth has known? Our thoughts and our words are thus made of chains of letters, the logic of which escapes us totally.

Man, the author of speech, is himself made of chains of molecules and proteins the laws of which are well known to us. We may well suppose a strict continuity between these biological rules and those that organize his highest faculty, language.


In other words, we may assume that the laws that rule his flesh also rule his speech. Such a biology of word formation, valid for all of man’s languages, situated at the crossroads of not only all of this earth’s tongues, but also all forms of expression, such as art, science [and] children’s stories. (Myths) One of its fundamental rules is that words strictly adhere to the objects, situations or beings they designate. Far from being merely convenient tools of communication, words are thick, multidimensional, densely interrelated structures, which contain limitless information.

During at least one-third of our life, we revert to using words in such a universal language. In our dreams we may be called on by a stone or dialogue with a flower, a bird or a water spring. Dreams are pieces of a whole language in which words are still connected to the objects they designate. Night is thus the time when man recovers his full faculty of speech. 40

40 Abehsera, Abraham A., Babel: The Language of the 21st Century (Jerusalem: EQEV Publishing House 1991) pp. 1-2.

In Dreams and Myths, man uses the universal language and it is in understanding this “green language” of the alchemists that we come to some understanding of our reality and how it is shaped by the actions of higher level beings (“Gods”) who are hyperdimensional and therefore, outside of time. It is through this that we come to an understanding of what the Holy Grail really is and what it can really do. It can really do all that is recorded in myth and legend - literally - and even more!

What we are seeing is that many “esoteric” interpretations of ancient knowledge may be mere wishful thinking. We are advocating the idea that science should shine the light of reason and the scientific method upon them. But, we also can see that science, as it is generally done in our world, is woefully inadequate to the task.

Very early in the Cassiopaean contact, “myself in the future” began to use quote marks in a rather unusual way; that is, a manner that did not strictly follow the accepted rules of grammar and punctuation. I became curious about this and asked:

Q: (L) I have been poring over this material and it occurs to me that certain words have been put in quotes for a reason, yes?

A: We put in quotes what we want further examined.

I didn’t realize then that I was going to be teaching myself this “universal language”.


I began to keep a notebook of these quoted words and my studies in their interpretations. I began with simply looking them up in the dictionary and discovering the fullest possible meaning or varieties of meanings. This then led to tracking the words back to their roots and discovering other words that “grew” from the same roots, and often this involved working in other languages.


It was utterly amazing how connections became clear in this way. For example: consider the term “Emerald Tablets”. Emerald: variety of Beryl - ME + OF - Emeralde - VL + L - smaraldus/ smaragdus - Gr - amaragdos meaning “of oriental origin”.


So, we go to “orient”. Oriental - L orientalis - Eastern. Then we look at “eastern” and find: Eastern - IE base “aues” - to shine - whence Aurora - dawn/east - and aurum - gold.


Moving on to “gold”, we find: Gold - IE base “ghel” - to shine, to gleam, symbol Au - Aurora, lover of Orion. And then, finally, we look at “green”. Green - IE base “ghro” - to become.


So, what we have found is that a great many ideas come into play in considering the “Emerald Tablets”, and this will later become very important.

At the same time, I noticed that, very often, a word that began with a specific meaning became reversed over time. I also noted that the various alphabets in use by human beings had certain relationships that were either similar or antagonistic. I also discovered that, at a certain point, letters were added to several 22 letter alphabets to make them 24 letter alphabets, and at about the same time, the zodiac was tinkered with, a sign was added and another one split in two.


And, this very period of time was related to all of the issues that lead us to the problem of the Grail. It became clear that someone or some force or tendency was at work here that resulted in the “Babel Syndrome”, as I came to call it. I could see the “tracks” of some influence that was determined to make the solution of the mystery as difficult as possible by tossing extra puzzle pieces into the pile; pieces that would lead generations of searchers astray.


I knew that I needed to find some sort of “standard” by which to evaluate these clues, so, I inquired about this:

Q: I am tracking the clues through the various languages and alphabets. I would like to know which of these alphabets, Runic, Greek, or Etruscan, preceded the others, and from which the others are derived?

A: Etruscan.

Q: Well, who were the Etruscans?

A: Templar carriers.

Q: What does that mean?

A: Seek and ye shall find.

Q: Well, how am I supposed to do that? I can’t find anything else on the Etruscans! What are Templar carriers?

A: Penitent Avian Lords.

Q: What does that mean?

A: For your search. All is drawn from some more ancient form. […]

Q: Well, I think that a HUGE key is in the tracking of the languages...

A: The roots of all languages are identical...

Q: What do you mean?

A: Your origin.

Q: You mean Orion?

A: Interesting the word root similarity, yes?

Q: Well, the word root similarities of a LOT of things are VERY interesting! It is AMAZING the things I have discovered by tracking word roots...

A: The architects of your languages left clues aplenty.


Richard Rudgley tells us in The Lost Civilizations of the Stone Age that there are between 5,000 and 10,000 different languages in the world today. This fact echoes the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel. The question is, of course, was there ever a single language in our remote past that would suggest a global antediluvian civilization? As a matter of fact, there is.

One noted linguist, Hans Pederson, has expressed the opinion that there is a definite relationship between the supposedly distinct and independent language families of Indo-European, Semitic, Uralic, Altaic and even Eskimo-Aleut. He posits that all these language groups were in fact descended from a remote language ancestral to them all which he called Nostratic, from the Latin noster, meaning ‘our’. In this language, there are many words associated with agriculture and husbandry, which suggests a farming economy. However, among the 2,000 roots of the Proto-Nostratic lexical stock, we do not find words suggesting acquaintance with agriculture or husbandry, but we do find many terms associated with hunting and food gathering.

In other words, it could be suggested that Proto-Nostratic belongs to the postdiluvian world which is designated by mainstream science as the ‘Neolithic revolution’, while most of its descendent languages belong to the Neolithic epoch of food-producing economy.

As it happens, the most ancient center of Neolithic economy in western Eurasia was situated in southwest Asia, which leads to a preliminary hypothesis that Proto-Nostratic was spoken in southwest Asia at a period prior to the ‘Neolithic revolution’. Most of its daughter - languages belong to the Neolithic epoch, and their spread over large territories of Eurasia and Africa was connected with the demographic explosion caused by the ‘Neolithic revolution’.

Now, pay careful attention here: The implications of the Nostratic hypothesis are mind-boggling. The theory proposes that most of the peoples of Europe and those in a large part of western Asia and parts of Africa were speaking Nostratic languages way back in prehistory, before the advent of agriculture.

The project of reconstructing the vocabulary of the Nostratic language takes us deep into the Upper Paleolithic period, the latter part of the Old Stone Age! If the Nostratic language hypothesis is right, then it must be more than 10,000 years old and is likely to be nearer 15,000 years old.

The linguists are actually getting quite daring because there is another even more controversial hypothesis, which is that of a Dene-Sino-Caucasian language that includes languages as diverse as Basque, Chinese, Sumerian, and Haida. If this is shown to be a genuine language group, then it must, like Nostratic and Eurasiatic, be of Upper Paleolithic age.

Some linguists even propose that they can reconstruct the primordial ancestor of all the world’s languages, a language called either Proto-Global or Proto-World. Some of them have assembled etymologies which they believe indicate a connection between all of the world’s language families showing a correlation in respect not only to the meaning of the words, but also to their sound.

Many “mainstream” scientists are amazed and troubled by the fact that these correspondences exist across time and space and that languages found as far field as the deserts of southern Africa, the Amazon rain forest, the Arctic and the cities of Europe still retain links from a remote time when they must have all been closely connected. But they cannot deny what is being proposed.


Repeated accidental resemblance of both meaning and sound on a global scale is too unlikely to contemplate. That such parallels exist between language groups in distant parts of the world is striking and is hard to dismiss simply as mere coincidence. In fact, this hypothesis takes us back over 20,000 years to some time before these two macro-families must have split to go their separate ways.

This is why word studies are so important. If we hypothesize an ancient high technology, and that myths and legends are disjecta membra of this civilization, coming as close to the original meaning of words is of crucial importance.

The conclusion is that the various proto-languages that are said to belong to the Nostratic group could have dispersed from the zone in which agriculture seems to have first developed, namely the Near East and Anatolia.


In this scenario the expansion of these languages beyond the region would be directly associated with the spread of farming. The parent language, Proto-Nostratic would thus be located somewhere in the core region and obviously to a time preceding the origins of agriculture.

Farmers vs. Shepherds. Cain and Abel. As I was reading through all the myths, I was struck by this conflict and also how an older “shepherd” myth was often transformed into an “agriculture” myth with concomitant reversal of imagery and meaning.


I asked the Cassiopaeans - myself in the future - about this:

Q: One thing I do want to understand, since it is involved in all of this, is the idea of the ‘Shepherd’. All of the ancient legends and stories and myths lead, ultimately, to something about the ‘shepherd’, or the ‘Shepherd King’.

A: Shepherd is most likely to be struck by lightning, due to staff, and thus “enlightened”, or “illumined”!!

Q: Funny spelling! But, what is the contrast between the concept of the shepherd and the agriculturalist? This goes back to the very roots of everything - there is Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Isaac and Ishmael... and others that are even older from other cultures....

A: Are not you “abel” to figure this out? Have you not learned to explore your ideas without prejudice?

Indeed, this is one of the great keys to tracking the Grail. This transition from “hunter-gatherer” to “agriculturalist” is considered to be one of the great “revolutions” or evolutionary steps of mankind. But is it necessarily so?


Richard Rudgley noted in passing:

The study of the sample of skeletal remains from South Asia showed that there was a decline in body stature, body size and life expectancy with the adoption of farming. ...Of the 13 studies, 10 showed that the average life expectancy declined with the adoption of farming. 41

41 Rudgley, Richard, The Lost Civilizations of the Stone Age (New York: The Free Press, 1999) p. 8.


But there is a much deeper implication to this, and it is reflected in the inverting of certain words in our languages as well as inversion of concepts as expressed in our myths. The understanding of this inversion could be the single most important concept to be grasped by man in all of his existence, and it is this understanding that the Cassiopaean transmissions enabled me to grasp.


It was clear that, in order to “become myself in the future”, I had to do the research to acquire the same level of knowledge as the Cassiopaeans, as my future self, exemplified. And so, I went to work to “balance” my current effort with “my” input from the future.

Before we even begin, I want to address this factor that the Cassiopaeans speak of: Knowledge = Energy.


There is a general tendency among both Christians and many “New Age” devotees of this or that “source of information” that a “Loving God” simply gives all to those who ask in faith. It is this fundamental perspective that we will be examining, so I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but I will offer the following remarks for the reader to keep in mind as we progress with our revelation of the Meaning of the Holy Grail.

In the beginning, I was frustrated with the Cassiopaeans - myself in the future - because they would not just simply answer all my questions. Instead, they would give me “clues” and send me out to do research.


So, I complained numerous times:

Q: (L) How come I am always the one who gets assigned the job of figuring everything out?

A: Because you have asked for the “power” to figure out the most important issues in all of reality. And, we have been assisting you in your empowerment. Learning is necessary for progress of soul. Remember, we are not here to lead by the hand. This is how you are building your power center. All there is, is lessons and learning is fun. Knowledge is power. If we give it to you like Halloween candy, it is diffused. Why don’t you trust your incredible abilities? If we answer for you now, you will be helpless when it becomes necessary for you to perform this function on a regular basis, as it will be!!!! Learning now increases your power tenfold, when you use some initiative, rather than asking us for all the answers directly!!! 42

The thing I had not yet grasped at that point was the fact that in order to “become” the myself in the future - assuming that I could achieve that level of knowledge - I had to do the work that they were encouraging me to do.


So, I set about gaining and gathering knowledge based on the clues placed before me by the Cassiopaeans and now I share them with you, the reader.

“You know my method. It is founded upon the observance of trifles.” 43

42 The answers to the same question, given in several sessions, are assembled together.
43 Sherlock Holmes in The BoscombeValley Mystery, Doyle.


At this point, I want to bring up two of the concepts upon which my “study method” is based. The first is articulated in an essay by the renowned Italian historian Carlo Ginzburg: Clues: Roots of an Evidential Paradigm.


In this essay he describes a crucial aspect of investigations of the “unknown”, which can range from criminal investigations to para-physical to physical investigations, including history. This approach is, in a nutshell, the “close and careful study of seemingly trivial or unimportant details which actually turn out to be of great importance”. It is what he describes as the “Sherlock Holmes School of Knowledge”.


Ginzburg points out that in the stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Dr. Watson, an intelligent but pedestrian thinker, is contrasted to Holmes, who pursues unusual and “inspired” analyses of seemingly irrelevant details such as cigarette ash. He suggests that the most striking thing about Sherlock Holmes was his unparalleled guile. His success was based more on his ability to think like his quarry than the tiny clues themselves. The clues were meaningless without context, and the context was in the mind of Sherlock Holmes.


He KNEW his quarry. Based on this, Holmes could hypothetically reconstruct the activities using only tiny traces left as clues. Having reconstructed a particular action or event based on these small clues, he was then able to “predict” the next move, or where to look for the next tiny trace.

In terms of the Grail Quest, it is paramount to understand the conditions of the quest.


The allegories of a “haunted forest” and “fire breathing dragon” and “beautiful temptress” are not placed in the context for no reason! There IS an opponent; one who tricks by terror, by frontal assault, and by unparalleled deceit! Make no mistake about it: there are forces that do NOT want anyone to discover the secret!


And they are so unbelievably ancient, deeply cunning, and even consciously evil, that the human mind cannot plumb the depths of this guile. Those who think they can, or that they have, will never achieve the “Stone”. They have already leaped to an assumption that is equivalent to being connected to an IV drip of heroin. And it is pure hubris.

Tracking is not simply an “intellectual” practice; it involves considerable, often great, learning and inspired insight. The “reader of signs” must KNOW HIS QUARRY because rarely does he have a simple set of complete tracks. He has to identify the action based on partial signs that most likely have been deliberately obscured.

In historical and metaphysical research ,one must systematically collect data. Unfortunately, the conditions are the worst possible for the quest for truth due to the fact that not only is the trail “cold”, but, in addition to the deliberate attempts to conceal the trail, there are many “Dr. Watsons” out there bumbling along and destroying information in their well-meaning, but misguided attempts to find the answer in data that has clearly been left to deliberately lead AWAY from the truth.

In this sense, religion and myth are as important as actual material clues, but not in the sense that they are generally understood.


At one point I asked the Cassiopaeans about the Grail Legends that include the stories of Joseph of Arimathea and Mary Magdalene traveling to Europe with “the grail” as both an artifact as well as a “holy bloodline”.

Q: Who created the legends of the Holy Grail and Joseph of Arimathea bringing it to a) France, or b) England? Who was behind the creating of this group of legends?
A: Not a group of legends.

Q: Why was the 12th century the focal point for the propagation of the grail legends, the troubadours, the whole thing?
A: Beginning of “Renaissance”.

Q: The story is, and there are even some very old legends in France itself, that there are caves or places where Joseph and Mary Magdalene spent the night, or lived, or whatever. Did Joseph of Arimathea actually travel to France and then to England later, with Mary Magdalene or other followers of Jesus?
A: No.

Q: Did he travel to France alone?
A: No.

Q: What is the source of these stories? What is the point of these stories?
A: Deflection.

Q Deflection of what to what or from what?
A: Truth from recipient.

And so, right away we understand that there was something significant being promulgated at that period of time, and that the stories of the Holy Grail - as they are constituted - were actually written to divert attention from something else.


But there is a deeper issue here that I would like to try to outline.


Our world is generally explained in reductionist terms which amounts to the outlook of mainstream science which has lost its truly “scientific” approach and has been converted to what we like to call the “religion of science”, or the “Thought Police”.


Science has “explained away” everything by reducing it to its component parts which are mechanistic and lacking some essential thing that gives “life” to our lives. Mainstream Science explains religion as “wishful-thinking” and love as nothing more than chemistry between the cells of the body. Progressive “scientism” is equated with reason, and reason is supposed to make man a “Godlike” being, at least in terms of his ethics. But, it isn’t working. You can look around you and see that it is not working. We live in a horror house of technological doom, feeling powerless to do anything about our state of existence.


The plain, hard fact is: science, as it is practiced today, can’t lead us to the explanation of the order of the universe.


In the face of our present reality, it is only with REAL science, combined with the current level of scientific-technological knowledge, that we have any chance of being able to reassemble and understand the scientific knowledge of the past. And so, the only rational thing we can do is challenge this most fundamental of mainstream scientific ideas: that scientific progress is as “evolutionary”, as is claimed; that mankind has evolved from naked savages to his modern state of technological prowess; and that we are moving from a lower state of ignorance to a higher state of advancement. Yes, we know that progress has occurred in many ways at many times, but the history of man seems to be one of degeneration alternating with recovery and technological advancement which is not balanced by ethical or spiritual development.


Science and religion have run amok into narrow and distorted views of the universe. Something is wrong with this picture, and just what it is we need to discover.

We are proposing that the theme of the Quest for the Grail has several variations on a singular idea: that far back in the ancient past, there was knowledge, True Wisdom Technology. Further, we are proposing that this knowledge was widely known and applied in a Golden Age. The Ancient Technology is further thought to have survived, though perhaps broken up and obscured in “magical doctrines”, myths and religious rituals that have long ago lost their meaning. It is also thought that the Ancient Technology has survived in part in esoteric schools, nurtured in secret, and given out to the world in measured doses from time to time via an elect few who respond to the dedicated seeker of the solutions to the sufferings of humanity.

Do we have any evidence that this Ancient Technology ever really existed?


I think we do. Not only that, I believe that we can track it and analyze it with the tools of science and uncover the scientific concepts couched in religious doctrines and myths. This knowledge may have been carried in different forms or contexts or levels of proficiency by different social groups, which then applied it in various ways. Some of these groups made progress; some did not. Some forgot everything and just tell the stories.


But the one thing they all seem to agree on is that Time is not what we think it is.



The Terror of History

Time, of course, is what we talk about when we discuss history. The history of mankind, when considered objectively, is a terrible thing. Many people defend themselves from this terror by erecting elaborate defenses - “personal myths”, so to speak - so that they can go on with the prosaic business of their lives without being paralyzed by the burden of the “cold hard facts of life”. Time is a “haunted forest” of thorns and wild beasts, and it is only after facing such a “test” of strength and incorruptibility that one will be granted the gift of a glimpse of the Grail.

Man, as a rule and in general, is powerless against Time and History, cosmic catastrophes, military onslaughts, social injustice, personal and familial misfortunes, and a host of assaults against his existence too numerous to list. Death and destruction come to all, both rich and poor, free and slave, young and old, good and evil, with an arbitrariness and insouciance that, when contemplated even momentarily, can destroy the most carefully constructed “personal myth”.


This is a FACT, and, to quote Castaneda’s Don Juan, “a damn scary one”!


Over and over again, man has seen his fields and cattle laid waste by drought and disease, his loved ones tormented and decimated by illness or human cruelty, his life’s work reduced to nothing in an instant by events over which he has no control at all. The study of history through its various disciplines offers a view of mankind that is almost insupportable.


The rapacious movements of hungry tribes, invading and conquering and destroying in the darkness of prehistory; barbarian invaders; the bloodbaths of the crusades of Catholic Europe against the “infidels” of the Middle East; the stalking “noonday terror” of the Inquisition where martyrs quenched the flames with their blood; the raging holocaust of modern genocide; wars, famine, and pestilence. All produce an intolerable sense of indefensibility against what the great historian of religion, Mircea Eliade, calls the Terror of History.

There are those who will say that now this is all past; mankind has entered a new phase; and science and technology have brought us to the brink of ending all this suffering. Many people believe in the myth of Science, which postulates that man is evolving, society is evolving, and that we now have control over the arbitrary evil of our environment. That which does not support this idea is reinterpreted or ignored.

It is assumed that not only have we evolved as human beings from some primate ancestor, but that we are evolving as a culture as well. Science has given us the space program, laser, television, penicillin, sulfa drugs, and a host of other useful developments, which would seem to make our lives more tolerable and fruitful. However, we can easily see that this is not the case. After three centuries of domination by science, it could be said that never before has man been so precariously poised on the brink of such total destruction.

Our lives, as individuals and groups and cultures, are steadily deteriorating. The air we breathe and the water we drink is polluted almost beyond endurance. Our foods are loaded with substances which contribute very little to nourishment, and that may, in fact, be injurious to our health. Stress and tension have become an accepted part of life and can be shown to have killed millions. Hatred, envy, greed and strife multiply exponentially. Crime increases nine times faster than the population. We swallow endless quantities of pills to wake up, go to sleep, get the job done, calm our nerves and make us feel good. The inhabitants of the earth spend more money on recreational drugs than they spend on housing, clothing, food, education or any other product or service.

The ancient evils are still with us for those who emerge from their “personal myth” long enough to be in touch with reality. Drought, famine, plague and natural disasters still take an annual toll in lives and suffering. Combined with wars, insurrections, and political purges, this means that not only are great numbers of people killed each year for political reasons, but also multiplied millions of people across the globe are without adequate food or shelter or health care. Over one hundred million children starved to death in the last decade of the 20th century.

When man contemplates history, AS IT IS, he is forced to realize that he is in the iron grip of an existence that seems to have no real care or concern for his pain and suffering. Over and over again, the same sufferings fall upon mankind multiplied millions upon millions of times over millennia. The totality of human suffering is a dreadful thing. I could write until the end of the world using oceans of ink and forests of paper and never fully convey this Terror.

The beast of arbitrary calamity has always been with us. For as long as human hearts have pumped hot blood through their too-fragile bodies and glowed with the inexpressible sweetness of life and yearning for all that is good and right and loving, the sneering, stalking, drooling and scheming beast of what seems to be unconscious evil has licked its lips in anticipation of its next feast of terror and suffering.

Since the beginning of time, this mystery of the estate of man, this Curse of Cain, has existed, and, since the most Ancient of Days, the cry has been:

“My punishment is greater than I can bear”!

Eliade and other scholars of myth and religion have conjectured that, in ancient times, when man perceived this intolerable and incomprehensible condition in which he found his existence, that he created cosmogonies to justify all the “cruelties, aberrations, and tragedies of history”. Yet, when we study these myths and legends, we find that, at the deepest level, these defenses against history have to do with Time. The religious myths are numerous and varied, but, when all the trappings are stripped away, the chief point of argument is this: which conception of Time is being utilized as the foundation of the myth, cyclical or linear?


There are those who say that the mythical/religious formulas and images through which the “primitives” expressed their reality seem childish and absurd. Eliade, however, sees in religious myths a “desperate effort not to lose contact with being” (justification of existence in the face of the cruel world) and to find meaning - an archaic ontology.

Again, I would like to suggest that this archaic ontology is a remnant of the high and different science and technology of man “before the fall”. Again we hypothesize that the myths, rituals and ceremonies of the ancient religions are but surviving fragments of a technology from which the true significance has vanished. Further, we might think that it is in discovering the secrets of this “technology” that mankind has a chance to become free of the Terror of History. What is the secret technology? It is nothing less than the Holy Grail the Ark of Noë, and the Philosopher’s Stone.

In the present time there is a lot of talk about time because we are rumored to be heading toward the End of Time - and the World itself.

  • Can this be true?

  • And, if so, what implication does such an idea suggest regarding the nature of our universe?

  • If this is not true, then where did such an idea originate, and why is it so popular?

In working with, and testing, our hypothesis that there was a “former time”, a Golden Age from which man “Fell”, we need to examine carefully this issue of time.
Time: The framework in which we live and move and have our being.

There is the question of BEing and DOing - Free Will - which implies the context of Time. Yes, it is possible to conceive of BEing outside of Time, but in order to DO, one must have a context.


This may be an assumption, but let’s work with it for the “time being”.



A Few Words About Radiometric Dating

If we are going to investigate time, we will be confronted with the issue of dates, those markers of time, and of how these dates are established.

The most widely used method for determining the age of fossils is to date them by the “known age” of the rock strata in which they are found. At the same time, the most widely used method for determining the age of the rock strata is to date them by the “known age” of the fossils they contain. In this “circular dating” method, all ages are based on uniformitarian assumptions about the date and order in which fossilized plants and animals are believed to have evolved. Most people are surprised to learn that there is, in fact, no way to directly determine the age of any fossil or rock.


The so called “absolute” methods of dating (radiometric methods) actually only measure the present ratios of radioactive isotopes and their decay products in suitable specimens - not their age. These measured ratios are then extrapolated to an “age” determination.

The problem with all radiometric “clocks” is that their accuracy critically depends on several starting assumptions, which are largely unknowable. To date a specimen by radiometric means, one must,

  • First know the starting amount of the parent isotope at the beginning of the specimen’s existence.

  • Second, one must be certain that there were no daughter isotopes in the beginning.

  • Third, one must be certain that neither parent nor daughter isotopes have ever been added or removed from the specimen.

  • Fourth, one must be certain that the decay rate of parent isotope to daughter isotope has always been the same.

That one or more of these assumptions are often invalid is obvious from the published radiometric “dates” (to say nothing of “rejected” dates) found in the literature.

One of the most obvious problems is that several samples from the same location often give widely divergent ages. Apollo moon samples, for example, were dated by both uranium-thorium-lead and potassium-argon methods, giving results, which varied from 2 million to 28 billion years. Lava flows from volcanoes on the north rim of the Grand Canyon (which erupted after its formation) show potassium-argon dates a billion years “older” than the most ancient basement rocks at the bottom of the canyon.


Lava from underwater volcanoes near Hawaii (that are known to have erupted in 1801 AD) has been “dated” by the potassium-argon method with results varying from 160 million to nearly 3 billion years. It’s really no wonder that all of the laboratories that “date” rocks insist on knowing in advance the “evolutionary age“ of the strata from which the samples were taken - this way, they know which dates to accept as “reasonable” and which to ignore.

More precisely, it is based on the assumption that nothing “really exceptional” happened in the meantime. What I mean by “really exceptional” is this: an event theoretically possible, but whose mechanism is not yet understood in terms of the established paradigms.


To give an example: a crossing of two different universes.


This is theoretically possible, taking into account modern physical theories, but it is too speculative to discuss its “probability” and possible consequences. Could such an event change radioactive decay data? Could it change the values of some fundamental physical constants? Yes, it could.
Is it possible that similar events have happened in the past? Yes, it is possible. How possible it is? We do not know. We do not know, in fact, what would be an exact meaning of the “crossing of two different universes”.

In addition to considering the idea of cataclysms that could have destroyed ancient civilizations more than once, there is another matter to consider in special relationship to radioactive decay: that ancient civilizations may have destroyed themselves with nuclear war.

Radiocarbon dates for Pleistocene remains in northeastern North America, according to scientists Richard Firestone of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and William Topping, are younger-as much as 10,000 years younger-than for those in the western part of the country.


Dating by other methods like thermo-luminescence (TL), geoarchaeology, and sedimentation suggests that many radiocarbon dates are grossly in error. For example, materials from the Gainey Paleoindian site in Michigan, radiocarbon dated at 2880 yr BC, are given an age by TL dating of 12,400 BC. It seems that there are so many anomalies reported in the upper US and in Canada of this type, that they cannot be explained by ancient aberrations in the atmosphere or other radiocarbon reservoirs, or by contamination of data samples (a common source of error in radiocarbon dating).


Assuming correct methods of radiocarbon dating are used, organic remains associated with an artifact will give a radiocarbon age younger than they actually are only if they contain an artificially high radiocarbon keel.

Our research indicates that the entire Great Lakes region (and beyond) was subjected to particle bombardment and a catastrophic nuclear irradiation that produced secondary thermal neutrons from cosmic ray interactions. The neutrons produced unusually large quantities of Pu239 and substantially altered the natural uranium abundance ratios in artifacts and in other exposed materials including cherts44, sediments, and the entire landscape. These neutrons necessarily transmuted residual nitrogen in the dated charcoals to radiocarbon, thus explaining anomalous dates. […]

The C14 level in the fossil record would reset to a higher value. The excess global radiocarbon would then decay with a half-life of 5730 years, which should be seen in the radiocarbon analysis of varied systems. […]

Sharp increases in C14 are apparent in the marine data at 4,000, 32,000-34,000, and 12,500 BC. These increases are coincident with geomagnetic excursions. […] The enormous energy released by the catastrophe at 12,500 BC could have heated the atmosphere to over 1000 C over Michigan, and the neutron flux at more northern locations would have melted considerable glacial ice. Radiation effects on plants and animals exposed to the cosmic rays would have been lethal, comparable to being irradiated in a 5 megawatt reactor more than 100 seconds. The overall pattern of the catastrophe matches the pattern of mass extinction before Holocene times.


The Western Hemisphere was more affected than the Eastern, North America more than South America, and eastern North America more than western North America. Extinction in the Great lakes area was more rapid and pronounced than elsewhere. Larger animals were more affected than smaller ones, a pattern that conforms to the expectation that radiation exposure affects large bodies more than smaller ones.45

The evidence that Firestone and Topping discovered is puzzling for a lot of reasons.


But, the fact is, there are reports of similar evidence from such widely spread regions as India, Ireland, Scotland, France, and Turkey; ancient cities whose brick and stone walls have literally been vitrified, that is, fused together like glass. There is also evidence of vitrification of stone forts and cities. It seems that the only explanation for such anomalies is either an atomic blast or something that could produce similar effects, which we will get to soon enough. 44


45 Firestone, Richard B., Topping, William, Terrestrial Evidence of a Nuclear Catastrophe in Paleoindian Times, dissertation research, 1990-2001.


A chert is basically bits of glass. It is silica that has been heated until it fuses into tiny shards of glass.


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