THE UNIFIED EQUATIONS TELL US THAT THE WHOLE Universe is manifested by the harmonic geometric matrix of light itself. The whole of reality is light. Therefore, it follows, that we as human beings must consist of nothing more than a geometric collection of the harmonic wave-forms of light — guided by intelligence.

What we must look for is some proof of this in the evidence available to us. There are, in fact, several clues which indicate that the human form is in harmony with the Universe we live in. The first clue is the gestation period of a human being. Nine months, or an average of 270 days. There is a great scattering of birth times which are either side of this 270 day average, but if we argue for perfect harmony then there must be an optimum time between conception and birth which would help to guarantee the production of a perfect human.

As each day forms a part of our geometric time cycle it seems reasonable to assume that perfection would be more likely to result from a gestation period of: 269.44 days.

This would tune the body directly with the harmonic value derived from the unified equation: 26944.

Note: Slight variations of the unified value are manifested due to changes in the light speed as the distance from the Earth’s centre increases. This is fully explained in my book, “The Bridge to Infinity”. Values of 2695, 26944 and 2693645 have been calculated using the small variations in light speed. For this exercise I have used the average value of 26944.

The second clue is indicated by the temperature at which the human body functions most efficiently. Like any machine the human body will start to deteriorate physically if the temperature becomes too low or too high.

The Dictionary of Medicine (the Marshall Cavendish) states:

“The average temperature of a human being is taken to be 98.4°F in threat Britain, but American doctors prefer to take it as 98.6°F. Readings between 97°F and 99°F are completely normal. Temperatures much below 97°F are usually only found either in under-activity of the thyroid, or after exposure to cold. Temperatures between 99°F and 100°F may not be of much importance, especially in children, but readings of over 100(0)F are almost invariably indicative of some infection (or sometimes some other form of inflammation).”

I would predict that the temperature at which the human body performs most efficiently, both physically and mentally, is 98.80412°F 98.80412° Fahrenheit = 37.1134° centigrade The harmonic reciprocal of 371134 = 269444.

If the unified harmonic is built into the body at birth then the temperature at which it functions appears to be at a level which would set up the harmonic reciprocal, causing a reaction, and life. A third clue is evident in the nodal points in the human body where bio-energetic processes are most prevalent. These are the major points used in the science of acupuncture. The following is an extract from the book, “The New Soviet Psychic Discoveries”, by Henry Gris and William Dick. Page 418. (Sphere Books Ltd.)

At Alma-Ata, the Leningrad surgeon, Dr. M. K. Geykin, was experimenting with Kirlian photography. He had spent some time in China, where he worked on acupuncture. Fascinated by Kirlian method, he decided to visit him in Krasnodar and induce him to build a gadget that could help physicians find the points of acupuncture on the human body. Kirlian listened to him with great interest He had already discovered long before that the 695 points on the human body considered to be the points for acupuncture coincided with the points of intense luminosity brought out by Kirlian Photography.

“Kirlian was the first, with his photography, to come up with a machine to determine the points of acupuncture.”

It was a joint effort between Kirlian, Dr. Geykin, and electronics engineer I. V. Mikhalevsky. Later Soviet physicist Viktor Adamenko constructed his own instrument, which had a very original and stable electronic circuit. Adamenko’s device not only determines the points of acupuncture but observes the bio-energetic processes in the human organism.

The number of acupuncture points: 695

The reciprocal harmonic of the speed of light at the Earth’s surface. Again it appears that the body’s bio-energy system is tuned to react to the harmonic of light.

The fourth clue was published in an Australian magazine called, “Simply Living” several years ago. The following is an extract from long article regarding the mathematics of the world grid system.


Using three main harmonics, Cathie was able to initiate a basic equation. The harmonics he chose were:

1703 — The Earth Mass Harmonic
1439 — The Speed of Light Harmonic
264 — A harmonic that recurs within the polar squares.

Initially, these correlated as:

1439 + 264 = 1703 but extending the accuracy to five figure harmonics this became:
14389 + 2636 = 17025 This could be interpreted as:
Light + 2636 = Mass Formation

So, what does the harmonic 2636 represent? Surprisingly, this is the harmonic square root of 695, the reciprocal of the speed of light, which allows the incredible conclusion that:

Mass = Speed of Light + square root of the reciprocal of the Speed of Light.
• In equations, the speed of light is referred to by the symbol, C.

Suddenly, we have an expression in terms of light energy for the value of Mass in Einstein’s famous equation, E = MC2. Einstein, himself, stated that the answer to space travel would be found if we could replace the value for mass in his equation with a value in pure energy terms.

But let us return to the original equation

1439 + 264 = 1703

before we progress further with Einstein’s equation. I imagine most readers are probably gasping for breath at this stage, so let us see if we can find any evidence to support Cathie’s equation from outside his own research. This equation seems to be attempting to relate the manifestation of mass from pure light energy, so it could be said that when the harmonic of 264 is applied to pure light energy, matter-formation is kicked into action. Let us look at one of nature’s most amazing processes, the DNA behavior, so basic to the preservation of life on this planet and the building block of organic matter. Science knows how it happens but not really why.


If we look at it geometrically we can see not only the key to the answer, but strong support for Cathie’s Equation as well.



The geometry of the DNA molecule

Buckminster Fuller’s geometric analysis of the DNA molecule (which is basically in accord with the WatsonCrick model) found that helical columns of tetrahedra (tetrahelix) nestle together in local clusters of five tetrahedra (ten make a helix cycle) around a transverse axis in a tetrahelix nestling column.* But five tetrahedra, triplebonded to one another around a common edge axis fall short of 360 degrees by 7 degrees, 20 minutes. This gap is called the birth unzipping angle of the DNA/RNA behaviors. The unzipping occurring as the birth dichotomy, the new life breaking off from the old pattern with the perfect imprint and repeating the other’s growth pattern.


*Although Watson and Crick did not identify the tetra helix columns themselves, the numbers of increments they measured are the same.

Can we assume that this angle is arbitrary within the geometry? If Cathie is right then harmonics should be clearly evident in this natural process.

7° 20’ = 26400 seconds of arc.

If it is shared by each of the faces then each angle becomes 44 minutes which equals 2640 seconds. We can therefore see that 264 has clearly emerged as a primary harmonic associated with the formation of organic matter. I believe that the combination of all these factors shows without much doubt the human form is unique. We are at one with our environment.

There would be very few, if any, people on Earth who would have the perfect harmonic combination, but those with the factors which are closest to the ultimate would be, in theory, the healthiest and most intelligent of us all. It would be interesting to check a small group of these people and see if they meet the criteria.

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THERE ARE MEN AMONG US WHO UNDERSTAND THE mathematical secrets which govern the universe. Now they are frantically, but clandestinely, trying to find ways of put-ting them into practical use.

One cause for both the haste and the secrecy has been the inevitable realization that we are not alone in the universe. There ample evidence that intelligent beings visited this planet thousands of years ago: traces of long-past civilizations in many respects far more advanced than our own can be found in ancient structures. The evidence of superiority — in every sense — of the ancients has shaken those who have rediscovered their legacies; an analogy would be the sudden discovery by life-long inmates of a mental hospital that there was a world of “superior intelligence” just beyond their locked gates.

We have been visited and watched for possibly thousands of years. While our twentieth-century sciences have opened up the doors of space for us, it is also reasonable to assume that the ancients had knowledge far in advance of our own, and that space travel was to them a natural adjunct to their civilization. Yet, in spite of their great intelligence and frightening control over sources of power and energy, they were unable to prevent whatever the catastrophes were that visited the planet and eradicated many signs of their life here.


With the state of the world as it is at present, our modern scientists must speculate many times a day on our chances of survival.

  • Were there survivors of the ancient civilizations — and if so, what became of them?

  • Did they escape into space, to build still other, greater civilizations?

  • Or were they people from space in the first place, who looked upon Earth only as a small colony in a galactic empire?

  • Are we descendants of these people — or are we a new race carefully created and cultivated by the space people as organisms adapted to life here, to be custodian of the planet until they require it once more?

  • Are we a prize herd, owned by someone Out There?

  • Do they care-fully watch us, even now, coaxing and guiding us, teaching and punishing us, molding and remolding our future according to out own progress and with regard to how we handle our own problems?

These are but a few of the many questions that have been put forward by nonconformist thinkers in recent decades. Whatever we choose to imagine, there is always the hard fact: in historical times there were races on this planet with an intelligence far superior to our own; there is evidence, literally, by the ton that says so. There is evidence too, I suggest, to show that there are similar “intelligences” among us today — and that their presence on our globe is a fact known to our own scientists.

The evidence of the ancient civilizations has been uncovered in many parts of the world in the form of stone ruins. After studying these massive stone edifices, archaeologists have usually produced profound theories as to their purpose, finally to class them as temples erected in honor of some sun god or other, built in order to house pagan rituals, or for even darker purposes — such as human sacrifice.

As we all know, a number of inexplicable stone ruins have been found as remnants of past cultures — including those of the Mayas, Incas, Aztecs, and Egyptians. In many cases the ruins indicate patterns that were originally geometric in their design. Reconstruction and measurements have proved beyond doubt that in many instances the buildings and structures had inherent in them mathematical concepts which had direct connection with light, gravity and mass. The buildings were not simple monuments or places of worship to dark gods; nor were they designed the way they were for purely aesthetic reasons.


They had a definite scientific function. The function, I believe, was connected with power production, communication, transportation, celestial computation, healing, and possibly many other purposes which may still be obscure to us. I believe that there are unquestionable geometric links between the Great Pyramid in Egypt and Stonehenge, the fascinating arrangement of monoliths on Salisbury Plain, England. I have uncovered evidence to substantiate my claims, and I sincerely hope that Stonehenge experts will have the grace to take a closer look at some of their own conclusions.

Some readers have come to feel that I am always ready to condemn all scientists out of hand. I have no doubt at all that the majority of scientists are men and women of integrity who carry out honest research in their chosen fields; unfortunately, the society in which we live is such that many of these dedicated people are unable to inform the public at large of their findings. There is a communication gap, partly a result of the lack of a common vocabulary or terminology that might put the people on the same wavelength as the scientists, and partly deliberately imposed.


Money rules the world; the boat of vested interests cannot readily be rocked. The number of scientists, dedicated or otherwise, who have dared to speak out of turn, in defiance of the monied establishment is very small indeed. The solution to this particular problem is education — the bridge that will close the gap between the laity and the scientists, the ecclesiastics of the 1980s. In time that bridge will be built.


Meanwhile, I am sure, there are scientists who must be suffering the pains of hell for having placed the means for destroying great portions of humanity in the hands of politicians and military rulers. / appeal to these intellectuals, if they have a shred of honesty left, to tell the truth about the atomic bomb, about the preparations for germ warfare, about all the scientific marvels that the world would enjoy today if a sane and reasonable control could be placed upon the knowledge which is theirs.

There are scientists who agree with me; I know this, for they have spoken to me about the problem. I can pry into their secrets and pass them on as I uncover them — because I am not one of them. Is it right that they should have a layman for their spokesman? It is a position which I fill uneasily. “It is not for the public to know these things; it is not good for them,” one scientist assured me. I’ll let you be the judge of that.

As I dug in closer to the truth of the UFOs and the power sources which they use, I was twice approached by a “middle-man” who was interested only in finding whether or not I would stop my research for a price. When he found that I was prepared to go on with my research and publish at all costs, I was warned that unspecified “strange things” would happen to me if I persisted. This is not a delusion of someone suffering from a persecution complex; it is perfectly true. A noted lawyer has the name, and a record of the veiled threat and who made it.

I was able to give the middle-man his answer during a television interview; I let it be known that I had taken a number of precautions — such as having a number of copies of manuscripts, charts, calculations, maps and other research data — placed in several safe spots, so that if anything untoward happened to me the work would be carried on and eventually published anyway. I said that I was not afraid.

A little later I was again approached, offered a position working with a small band of scientists with the hint of a very healthy salary. My answer was the same; and on this occasion I gave a full report to the New Zealand Government of the offer. Power groups today all have this in common: they are unable to understand a person who refuses to be bought. Frankly, I would like nothing better than to be able to carry out full-time research on all the matters that interest me for the rest of my life; but I would also have to be completely free to disseminate whatever knowledge I might gain, whatever conclusions to which I might be drawn. With that off my chest, I would like to quote from a newspaper story carried by the Aukland Star on 23 September 1969.


It was filed from the London office of NZPA-Reuter, and it was headed:


A group of amateur archaeologists has come up with a startling answer to one of the world’s oldest and puzzling mysteries — the origin and purpose of stone-age monuments, such as Stonehenge.

Evidence assembled over seventeen years could alter current thinking on the mysterious circles of stone. The suggestion is that the stones form a gigantic power network.

Mr. John Williams, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, thinks all such monuments in Britain may be aligned in a single geometrical pattern.
Mr. Williams, a solicitor, has compared the positions on ordnance survey maps of more that 3000 prehistoric stone circles and single standing stones.

He says every one is aligned to neighbors up to twenty miles away at an angle of 23 ½ degrees, or a multiple of that angle. Over the years he has taken thousands of photographs of standing stones and believes he has found a significant clue to their use. A surprising number of photographs appeared spoilt, as if “fogged.”

“I thought nothing of it for years and put it down to bad camera work,” Mr. Williams said today, “but in 1959 a friend and I photographed the same stone in Brecon together. Both pictures came out with a fogged band across them in the same place. My picture was taken in color and the fog-band was dark blue. This led me to surmise that something in the stone was spoiling the pictures, a kind of ultra-violet light.

“Since then I’ve had many more examples of the same phenomenon,” Mr. Williams continued. “Most, if not all, standing stones contain quartz, a crystal similar to that used with the cat’s whisker in early wireless receivers. I believe most stones would show the fog effect if systematically photographed. I now think the stones form a gigantic power network, though I cannot guess for what purpose.”

Mr. Williams offers two further clues. More than 200 of the stone sites are in north-south alignment and are named after King Arthur. “But Arthur,” says Mr. Williams, “does not signify a Celtic warrior king. In Welsh the name means Great Bear, and this may be a clue that the power system was based on polar magnetism.” Said Mr. Williams: “Radio waves and X-rays have always been there, although modern man only recently discovered them. Is it possible that prehistoric man discovered something analogous which is still unknown to us?”


Dolmens, groups of stones with a roofing stone, often delicately balanced, are usually thought to be sepulchers. But Mr. Williams says human remains have been found on only 2 percent of such sites. He believes the roofing stones were placed as rocking stones to operate the power system.

Naturally I was very interested in this report, as it backed up a good deal of my own theories. The fact that the stones as described by Mr. Williams are lined up at angles of 23 ½° or multiples of that figure is most significant, as this is the angle of inclination of the earth’s axis. Mr. Williams undoubtedly was aware of this when he was interviewed, though the point is not brought out in the article.

It will be worth while to pay a quick visit to Stonehenge: it comprises two circles of upright stone blocks, with two other series of standing stones inside, each of which is in the shape of a horseshoe.

The outermost circle evidently contained originally thirty stones, each 13 ½ feet high; the arrangement is known as the Sarsen Circle. The diameter of this circle is 97 feet, 4 inches, according to measurements published in the book Stonehenge Decoded, by American astronomer Gerald S. Hawkins. The author carried out a scientific survey of Stonehenge and of all known data and references to it, and then with the aid of a computer was able to show that the geometric arrangement of the massive stones formed a highly accurate astronomical clock. This study also demonstrated that the architects of that time had an extremely advanced knowledge of astronomy and mathematics.


The measurements I give here are those published by Hawkins in his fascinating book. Of the thirty stones which once stood in the Sarsen Circle, only twenty-four are today in their original positions. The thirty upright stones were once topped by thirty lintels, mortised at each end; only five of the lintels remain in place. The stones were not quarried locally, but were brought from a position near Newbury, some forty miles away.

Outside the Sarsen Circle there was yet another circle, the Aubrey Circle, named after its discoverer. What remains of this is a series of fifty-six evenly-spaced holes which vary in depth from two feet to four. The diameter of this fairly accurate circle was measured at 288 feet, with a distance of 16 feet from one hole to the next. While the circle was not a perfect one, the greatest error radial-wise was found to be 19 inches; and around the circumference, in the spacing of the holes, 21 inches.

Between the Aubrey holes and the Sarsen Circle two other circular patterns of holes — now named the Y holes and the Z holes — have been discovered. There are thirty holes in the Y series, forming a circle roughly 35 feet outside the Sarsen Circle, and in the Z series twenty-nine holes, from 5 to 15 feet beyond the Sarsen Circle. The holes are not regularly spaced. Excavation of each hole brought to light a single blue-stone fragment of the rhyolite variety.

Further descriptions and measurements of the Stonehenge complex would fill a volume; but the above information was of vital interest to me. Coupled with the discovery by Mr. Williams of what seemed to be a form of radiation issuing from the large stones, Hawkin’s work helps one to form a clearer picture of the possible purpose of the geometric pattern of the quartz stones.

The diameter of the Aubrey circle is of significance. The average diameter is given as 288 feet. I feel sure that if a precise check were to be made, the true measurement would be found to be 287.8 grid feet; a grid foot being a fraction larger than a standard foot. As is shown elsewhere in this book, the value of 2878 is equal to 2C, that is twice the speed of light harmonic of 1439.

Next, we note that the Sarsen Circle had thirty standing stones; thirty is also the basic spacing of the UFO grid system. The diameter of the circle is given as 97 feet 4 inches. It is not indicated whether the measurement is taken from the edge or from the centre of the stone uprights. Again I have a hunch that if the measurement is again checked and translated into grid feet it will come to 96.6 feet, which would give a radius for the Sarsen Circle of 48.3 grid feet. As shown elsewhere, the square of the speed of light reciprocal harmonic of 695 is equal to 483.

It appears as though Stonehenge was constructed to the universal geometric harmonics of light itself. The radius of the Aubrey Circle is that of the speed of light; the radius of the Sarsen Circle corresponds to the square of the reciprocal of the speed of light. And what of the fact that the large stones appear to be of a crystalline structure, and apparently emit a form of radiation, as shown by the fogging effect on the photographs taken by Williams? He himself suggests that the quartz crystal is similar to that used in the early crystal type of radio much revered by small boys in years gone by — myself included. I believe he is very close to the truth.


The small chips of blue-stone found in the Y and Z holes could also have a crystalline structure and be caused to resonate to harmonic fields set up by the inner and outer circles based on the harmonics of the angular velocity of light itself. Could Stonehenge have been designed as a gigantic crystal set? A massive geometric device constructed in ancient times to serve as a transmitter and receiver of signals from the heavens? This I believe to be a probability, not just a possibility. There is still further evidence pointing towards this.


When men build a modern radar station on a flat ground level site it is necessary to surround the central radar scanner with a circular earthen wall in order to create an artificial horizon. This low barrier cuts out all random clutter from the radar screen, and provides the operator with a positive horizon from which to calculate angular altitude. Stonehenge, too, is surrounded by a similar wall although it is formed of the ubiquitous chalk that is found in abundance in this part of England. The chalk mound forms the rim of a circle some 320 feet in diameter. This white wall, when it was first built, must have been some 20 feet wide and 6 feet high, according to measurements of its remains.

The fifty-six Aubrey holes were also filled with chalk rubble, so perhaps there is some kind of electromagnetic affinity between the molecules of chalk and the quartz crystal in the stones of the Sarsen Circle, and the stone chips placed in the Y and Z holes.

Another type of modern electronic equipment is a navigation device used for aircraft, and known as VOR, standing for Very High Frequency Omni-directional Range Station. The equipment consists of a ground station, and special apparatus in an aircraft which analyses signals transmitted from the station. By constant variation of the phasing of the signals transmitted from the ground station, the equipment in the aircraft can lock on to individual, one-degree radials from the station. By this means an aircraft can either fly away from or towards the ground station on definite, set magnetic headings.

It is perfectly possible that Stonehenge was an ancient equivalent of the modern VOR station. The Sarsen Circle’s thirty quartz upright stones may be likened to thirty radial high-frequency transmitters. The fifty-six Aubrey holes may have set up certain interference patterns, with signals being emitted from the tuned crystals in the Sarsen stones. Many permutations would result when the radiating patterns of the signals from the Aubrey holes and the thirty Sarsen stones were combined, which could have set up a very great number of electromagnetic radials for navigational purposes. Such signals would travel far out into space, as they would have been tuned to the harmonic of light itself, Something else of great significance to me was revealed in the Hawkins book. He refers to a certain line-up of stones, revealed by computer analysis, at equinox sunset.

When positions designated by Hawkins at “94” and “C” are lined up with the sun, the displacement in azimuth clockwise from north, in degrees, is given as 269.5! Here we have the harmonic of 2695 showing up again: better still, it is the result of a computer programme. Could this be merely chance, as scientists insist? How many chances am I allowed before someone in authority will admit publicly that perhaps — even a qualified perhaps — I just may have discovered something — something that may turn out to be of immense value to mankind.

Stonehenge could have been both a cosmic clock and a navigational ground station. To produce the harmonic resonance required to cause radiation from the stones, the geometric pattern must be aligned astronomically with certain key positions related to the sun and moon; thus a two-fold purpose can be attributed to the Stonehenge system.

More evidence of what I have suggested here is sure to come to light in the future, but I believe enough has already been presented to suggest that a closer examination of the inherent mathematics of Stonehenge will uncover a veritable goldmine of information. I admit the possibility that in fact scientists have already done exactly this; the fact that we, the public, have heard nothing from them would be nothing unusual.

Another line of research which would be equally rewarding would be a mathematical probing of the Great Pyramid, of course carried out using the harmonic measurements inherent in the UFO grid. May I remind you that the word “pyramid” has the literal meaning “measure of light.”

One day, hopefully in my own lifetime, an academy will be established of scientists whose only allegiance will be to the truth, and to the reporting of the truth to the public, and whose principal functions will be to undertake research on the ancient monuments whose secrets we have never been able to properly plumb. Any true man of science would already have taken recognition of the facts and figures I have pointed out in this chapter. He would already have undertaken research along these exciting paths. The monuments of ancient times bulk large; they stare us in the face; their secrets defy us.

The human response is to shrug them off.

“Merely temples and places of worship, erected by slave labor,” is the “explanation” that we generally get.

Somewhere there may be surviving masters of the ancient world, enjoying a quiet chuckle at our obstinate blindness.


NOTE: Since the publication of this book I have carried out a further probe into the mathematical structure of Stonehenge with the aid of a calculator. I have found that the values, as shown, although only to four-figure accuracy, are indeed built into the complex. A complete mathematical breakdown of the concentric circular patterns the spacing of the standing stones and the Aubrey Holes, has been accomplished, and the findings show that the values are in accord with those demonstrated in the harmonic unified equations. There is now no doubt in my mind that this structure is of immense scientific importance, and that the understanding of the mathematical message, inherent within the geometric pattern of the stones will one day enable man to conquer the universe. It is my intention to publish this data in a later book.

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ALPHA CENTAURI, THAT CURIOUS STAR MILLIONS of light-years from earth which has excited scientists because of radio signals that apparently originate at its surface, may well be one of the goals of the space age. One of the scientific crutches that will help our first space travelers to limp to that destination may well be Omega.

For well over a year controversy raged in New Zealand as to whether the aerials of an Omega navigational station should be permitted to decorate one of the picturesque South Island valleys, like a gigantic web spun by some psychotic spider (see diagram). Reports and comments have been thrown about, words have been distorted and quoted out of context to support one or another partisan cause, and evasions at Government level have done nothing to help clarify the Omega story. Mainly the controversy has centered around this point: would an Omega station assist Polaris submarines?


If so, would not such a station become a primary target in the event of a major war, even if New Zealand were neutral? Eight of these so-called navigational radio stations are to be positioned in various localities around the world; the South Island of New Zealand was selected as the location for one of them. Already there are four stations in operation — in Norway, Trinidad, Hawaii and near New York.

Supposedly, the full system of eight stations is to be set up for the sole purpose of providing a global navigational network for shipping, submarines and aircraft. No doubt the Omega stations will fulfill this purpose at maximum efficiency, as the concept is certainly far in advance of the wartime system known as LORAN, or long-range navigation.

Simultaneous readings from these or additional stations will give a position on any point of the earth’s surface within a half-mile accuracy.

However, a very large number of New Zealanders, including scientists, university professors and the general public, have expressed a fear that the installation of such a station in New Zealand would immediately make this country vulnerable to nuclear attack in the event of World War III. The fear comes from the belief, erroneous or not, that the hidden purpose of Omega is to enable nuclear submarines to obtain accurate fixes of position while still submerged, in order to carry out an attack.


If this were true, then any country with such a station would obviously become a priority — A target for the enemy.



A - The aerial transmitter 10 kw.
B - Carrier wires improve efficiency of aerial A but do not transmit.
C - Small control hut.

The wrist-thick wire aerial is the only part transmitting. If a station is built on flat land a 1000 ft. high aerial is set up with an umbrella-shaped web of supporting wires around it, and the cost is much more than that of the mountain-slung aerial shown.


But is this the real purpose of Omega, in fact?

Possibly, but not probably. Nuclear submarines do not need this type of system. Inertial navigation systems already in use are far more accurate and reliable, and cannot be tampered with by any hostile nation or its agents. The official voice on Omega is speaking accurately when it declares that Omega is not essential for military forces of any nation.

Then why should the Americans be so very anxious to establish Omega stations in other countries, and against the popular wishes of the people of those countries? There is certainly a widespread belief that something is being concealed about the Omega plan, and that all the facts are not being revealed. Already the press has informed us that persons involved with the operations of these stations will be covered by the Official Secrets Act (New Zealand Herald, 2 July 1968). Would this be reasonable if Omega were not of a military nature? I for one do not believe so. Then can there be some other reason besides the officially stated one for building a particular station at a particular position?

As might be expected, a rather large shoal of red herrings has confused the whole Omega issue even further — deliberately, I suspect. Three different “likely” sites for New Zealand’s Omega were selected for assessment in the South Island, and a couple more were suggested for localities in South Australia for good measure. When the normally easy-going New Zealand public began to show signs of uneasiness about the project, inferences were given by way of the daily press that the Omega project would be handed over to Australia, with the station to be built in New South Wales or Tasmania.


This possible switch in plans may have been designed to have a psychological appeal to the New Zealand public; the implication was that New Zealand was being so difficult over the whole affair that this peaceful little dominion didn’t jolly well deserve an Omega station, so Uncle Sam would give it to Australia instead. If this indeed was the ruse, it was not altogether a howling success: the public tended to breathe a little more easily at the thought that after all their country would not become a potential target; but still there were loud demands that the Government should turn down any offer for Omega, even if the station were to be presented as a gift. Let the Aussies have it, by all means; who wants a wooden horse sitting in their back yard?

There were months of this argument and counter-argument. Everyone got into the act, including university students who paraded carrying anti-Omega placards. Eventually some decision had been to be made. It was announced that a site close to Lake Pearson in New Zealand’s South Island had been chosen for Omega. This locality happened to be the “cheapest” one “assessed” right from the beginning.

The decision came as no surprise. Back in 1968 I had been approached by a group of university students who asked me to plot the proposed positions assessed for the station, to see if there was any connection with the UFO grid which I had discovered, of if there were any other geometric evidence to explain Omega as anything other than a sophisticated civilian navigational system.

I informed the students that I was not particularly interested in their battle over the Omega issue, as I had more than enough evidence of my own to check into regarding UFO activity without getting mixed up in what had all the earmarks of becoming a political free-for-all.

All the same, I did make a rough check of the geometric positions of the sites that had been mentioned, and I found that the Lake Pearson area was the only one that showed any connection with grid harmonics. I left it at that, after telling the students that I had no further interest in the matter. If this was indeed the area which was eventually to be selected, then, at that time, I might become a little more interested.

In April 1969 the decision was announced: Lake Pearson was to be the site of the Omega station. The scientists had sifted through all the pros and cons for this site and that and, they said, Lake Pearson was the one — the most magnificent and suitable location upon which to place the box of tricks reverently called Omega. Sonow I was most definitely interested. Out came my worn maps and log tables.

The latitude and longitude of the lake were checked once more, and a recalculation made of the harmonic probabilities of the area. I was convinced that the scientists were up to something that they had no intentions of revealing to the public at large. I calculated a position just north-north-west of the lake which I thought to be a likely site for the station, and forwarded the information to the air attaché at the American Embassy in Wellington, in the hope of sparking some sort of comment from somebody in authority there. I was not sure what harmonic principle the station would be built to incorporate so I had to work by hunch alone. However, I was certain that when the exact sight was known a mathematical connection with the grid system would be evident. A direct answer was not forthcoming, but a few weeks later I met the air attaché by chance in Auckland and he told me that the calculations I had sent to Wellington were “not too bad.” I felt that at least I was getting close.

Some months later I received further information and found that the position I had chosen was evidently an error. Canta, the newspaper published by the Students’ Association of Canterbury University, published a lengthy article on the Omega issue, and their illustration of a rough map (see map) showed the actual position to be at the south-eastern end of the lake.

The area where the aerial was to be suspended was enclosed by four mountains. At the northern end, Purple Hill (5505 ft) and Mt. St. Bernard (5119 ft); and at the southern end, Constitution Hill (4409 ft) and Broken Hill.



Photocopy of article in University of Canterbury newspaper Canta.


Local residents believe that the two-mile aerial will be slung somewhere between Purple Hill and Constitution Hill. The properties at either end of the aerial were said to be leased from the University of Canterbury itself (Educational Reserve 1577). It seemed to me that it was quite a coincidence that the land to be used was university owned. In any event, the Canta report spelled out for me a very small area which I would easily be able to check in order to find any interesting mathematical harmonics.


My original calculations, as published in my earlier work, Harmonic 695, indicated that the most likely position of the aerial would be: 43° 08’ 09.6” south / 171° 48’ 43.9” east. The associated geometric harmonics were found to be closely related to reciprocal values of the speed of light and time, according to the accuracy of my work at that period.

I have extended my research considerably since then and now have access to computers which help to simplify the work and allow a wider coverage of all the geometric parameters discovered so far in the search for harmonic relationships. The best theoretical position, according to present knowledge, calculated by computer, would be:

43° 08’ 37.61” south / 171° 48’ 20.653” east.

Recent research has indicated that the latitudes of several scientific stations have been calculated in such a way that the relative displacements from the Equator and the North, or South Pole, will create a geometric harmonic.

So, the latitude of 43° 08’ 37.61”, or, 43.14378 degrees would have a displacement as follows:

Distance from the South Pole = 46.85622 degrees Distance from the Equator = 43.14378 degrees Difference = 3.712440 degrees

The harmonic 371244 is the mathematical reciprocal of the geometric value derived from the Unified Equation: 2693645. The position, because of the latitude, would allow a tuned electromagnetic wave transmission to resonate in harmony with the Unified Fields. (These values are explained more fully in my later book. “The Bridge to Infinity, Harmonic 371244”.)


The longitude position also created an interesting harmonic. As all calculations are related to each section of 90 degrees we process the longitude as follows:

171.805737 degrees
minus 90.000000 degrees
81.805737 degrees
The Tangent of this angle is :

The harmonic 694444 is the reciprocal value of the speed of light in free space, 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second, relative to the Earth’s surface.
A further harmonic is evident in the relationship of the transmitter to the North Grid Pole at:

78° 25’ 33.33” north / 105° 00’ 00” west.

The great circle distance between the two points (accurate to within 0.45 minutes on the computer) is 7844.6296 minutes of arc, or nautical miles.

If this value is multiplied by 6, three times, in order to raise the harmonic, a value of 1694440 is found. Recent research indicates a direct association of this harmonic with mass, gravity and communication.

The communication harmonic would also, in theory, be built into the aerial system itself and a further exercise on the computer suggests the following:

Height of aerial given as:
1,000 feet
A theoretical value of:
996.72393 feet would be equal to:
0.1639348 minutes of arc, relative.
Multiply by six twice to raise the harmonic:
Which is the reciprocal harmonic of:
0.169444 (communication).

During March 1971 it was announced in a New Zealand newspaper; that the Americans had finally decided that the Omega Station would not be established in New Zealand.

On Friday, August 11, 1978, an Australian Newspaper published an article which stated in part:

“Federal Government will call tenders tomorrow for an Omega Navigation Station to be built at Darriman, in Gippsland----------The building is expected to be ready in mid 1980 and the station is scheduled to be operational before the end of 1980.

It will have a 427 meter high steel lattice tower to carry the antenna system.

The antenna system comprises 16 cables supported from the top and extending to the ground about 730 meters from the base in an evenly spaced array”.
I will leave my readers to hunt out the exact location of this one calculate the appropriate harmonics. I would be interested in any results which look promising.
Once I had taken a good hard look at my theoretical calculations and felt some satisfaction with the results, I thought the next steps would be to put the station into my original grid map to see just how it fitted into the system.

The various positions I have calculated over the years have all been within a few hundred feet of each other so the relationship to the World Grid System remains the same on the large scale map. It at once became obvious that the position was an ideal one. The station fitted on to the grid as though one had been tailor-made for the other (see map). I produced the grid map years before Omega was ever heard of, and I have no claims to being clairvoyant. It can be no accident that the site fits in so neatly with the grid system; I’m certain that the station was planned years ago by those in charge of the earth-bound project to explore the grid system. From Alpha to Omega — from the beginning to the end; from earth to the stars.

There are some on this planet who already have possession of all the necessary knowledge to make citizens of space of us all. When will they let us in on the secret?



Section of original grid map published in Harmonic 33 (1968)

Calculated position of Omega station plotted into map in August 1970 shows possible correlation with UFO grid.


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ON SATURDAY 7 DECEMBER 1969, the Brammall family were settling in to watch their favorite TV programme, High Chaparral. Just before it was due to start, at around 8:25 p.m., all power in the district was suddenly cut off. A violent lightning storm was lighting up the sky to the south-east, with bright, long-drawn-out flashes following one another in a spectacular sequence.

Ted Brammall went outside to watch the storm and immediately saw a brilliant object which he later described as resembling a “large fluorescent light.” Jennifer Brammall came out of the house to join him, and they watched it for five minutes. When the power came on again, Ted telephoned to the Power Board, and was informed that the entire district had been blacked out, probably as a result of a violent electrical storm in the vicinity of Rotorua. The object the Brammalls watched was large, and very bright. It hung in the air, with a backdrop of dark clouds; stars, showing through breaks in the clouds, which Ted glanced at from time to time, gave him an idea of its great size.

After hovering motionless the object moved “slowly and deliberately,” tilting over so that cone-like projections on its bottom surface, covering a great deal of the area and looking like “oval dark areas,” could be clearly seen. To the further astonishment of the watchers, the light emanating from the object pulsated to match the brilliance of the lightning flashes. Spine-like projections of colored light — blue, green and red — radiated sideways and downwards. Apart from this single, slow-motion roll, the object remained stationary. Later, in a statement to an investigator (Sam Rix), the Brammalls declared that the object gave the impression that it was constructed, a machine of some kind. They later made independent drawings of what they had seen; their statement and their sketches are in my files — along with many other eye-witness reports and sketches from different parts of the country. Sightings like this are now a very frequent occurrence, but since officially UFOs don’t exist, the news media are inclined to leave them alone.

But the Brammalls know they saw something — an object that conforms in all respects to typical descriptions of UFOs. At least they know that they are not alone. Here’s another detailed report again accompanied by sketches made soon after the sighting, and signed as a truthful record by Y. R. Plant, E. F. Plant, S. Plant, B. R. Plant, and M. C. Clapp, all of Auckland. The sighting took p lace at Te Kaha, East Coast.

At about 9:00 p.m. on the evening of 22 January 1969, we noticed a bright flashing light that appeared to be traveling behind the ridge of the hills opposite. It became stationary, and brilliant flashing continued as it appeared to revolve.

At the same time, at intervals of approximately two minutes, a lightning-like flash from a point slightly further south lit up the sky. It came from behind a small black cloud above the mountains, and the flashes were directed at the revolving light. A similar occasional flash was seen much further south.

There were five of us, my wife and I, my two teenage sons and their friend, watching this phenomenon for about an hour, when we realized that there was much activity going on in the sky. What appeared to be a small star would suddenly fall at exceptional speed, and then hover in the sky. At one time there were about six of these falling lights, one of which disappeared towards the south in a hopping motion.

In the eastern sky there was a large bright light with rays emanating from it, and below this a small “star” hovered up and down. As we watched, a long, dark cloud formed above the mountain range.

After observing this continual activity for three hours, two lights were seen to rise from behind the hills. One light was red and the other a bluish-green rotating light, and they gave the impression of being attached to one object, as they moved in conjunction with each other. This remained stationary for thirty minutes before moving slowly up behind the long cloud. At this time the flashing on the ground ceased. Twenty minutes later, five red lights, evenly spaced, rose above the mountain range, hovered for about five minutes then traveled back and forth above the hills. This was still occurring when we eventually retired, four and a half hours after first sighting the flashing light.

Group observations are obviously of much greater interest to any investigator than casual, individual sightings. Stories and data can be checked from one observer to the other, and greater faith can be placed in such reports when they are found to match in important aspects. New Zealand’s most fascinating group sighting came in December 1968, when a number of primary school pupils at Te Muta School, Havelock North — the centre of a region which has yielded sighting after sighting in the past four years — reported seeing a flying saucer at close range. All six children agreed on the object’s size and shape — and on having been “scared” by it.


They reported that they saw both a hatch and an antenna as the saucer-shaped object hovered at low altitude over some poplar trees, that it made a clicking noise, and that it was about half the size of the school’s swimming-pool — which they were attending at the time as a non-swimming class. They drew the attention of their teacher to the object; suddenly it shot upwards, and traveled off in the direction of the nearby town of Hastings, leaving a vapor trail behind. A teacher reported that he watched the same object for about ten minutes as it moved backward and forward across Hastings. The nearby aerodrome and the Civil Aviation Department at Napier confirmed that there were no aircraft in the area at the time of the sighting.

Gavin King, aged ten, described it like this for the Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune, which ran the story on 20 December: “It was round, with three things on top ... there were lights all round the bottom and here was a sort of hatch on the side ...It made a clicking noise, like a clock.” 1


Graham Hebden, aged ten:

 “At first the object looked like a bird, but it grew to the size of about half the school’s swimming-pool as it finally hovered over the trees.”

Peter Taylor, aged nine:

“It had ‘things’ hanging from it. They had ‘round things’ attached to them.”

Gavin King and other pupils later made sketches of what they had seen. Meanwhile, a Havelock North woman said she had seen something, evidently the same object, for about five minutes. Mrs. M. Berg, of Lipscombe Crescent, said she stood at her door and watched the object approach from the south-east. “It was the noise it made that caused me to look up,” she said. ‘It was a funny noise — something different.” She watched the object until it was straight above her house.

1 Similar clicking noise was associated with UFOs, as described in Harmonic 33.

She said that the bottom of the object was like the bottom of boat, and that it had square wings. These reports were made just four months after some other odd occurrences nearby, at Taradale.

John Dow, aged 19, apprentice joiner, and his friend Paul Franklin, were out at the Taradale dump one September evening, looking for rats to shoot. It was around 9:30. Suddenly the two youths heard something they were later to describe as “sounding like thunder.” The ground beneath their feet shook; looking up into the sky they saw some thirty moving lights, at intervals disappearing from view. They watched the spectacle for about half an hour, and finally, mystified and excited, they went home. Lights had been seen in the sky over this area many times during the past few months: just one year before, verified sightings of UFOs were reported from the nearby Hastings area. At that time I plotted these on the grid map of New Zealand and found, not too much to my surprise, that the verified positions all fell neatly on parallel latitudinal lines of the grid.

So strange objects in the sky were not too unusual in this area. The following night the two boys returned to the dump; it was a Saturday, and they planned to keep a vigil. They saw nothing of interest and went home slightly deflated. On Sunday night they were driving in John Dow’s car; Paul, looking back, spotted a bright white light, but there was nothing of particular note to record. Two nights later they were driving near the Waiohiki golf course when they saw a green light in the sky; the colour changed to red, and soon they saw a “pencil of light” flash across the sky. The following statements were given in evidence at the Napier Magistrate’s Court, when John Dow, charged with dangerous driving, pleaded not guilty.


In court he said:

“As we were passing the Taradale motor camp, Paul, who was staring out the back, suddenly let out a scream that this (the pencil of light) was coming at us. I saw it in the mirror. Paul dived out of his side; his feet kicked mine.”

Dow was pitched half out of the car: “I started to get up,” he went on, “and Franklin said: Tor God’s sake stay down! They are after us!’”

Now out of control the car plunged on for about two hundred yards along Taradale’s Gloucester Street, and finally crashed through the plate glass window of a fruit shop. It was this sudden end to the chase that brought the two youngsters first to hospital, and later to the Magistrate’s Court in Napier.

Prosecuting was Sergeant W. T. Pender. After Dow described the light which chased the car as being about two and a half feet across, Sergeant Pender asked him what he thought it was. “A flying saucer,” Dow answered.

The prosecutor asked whether the colored lights could have originated from an explosion in the dump. No, Dow asserted, they had watched the lights in the sky for about half an hour. Mr. W. K I. Dougall dismissed the dangerous driving case against Dow. However, before sending Dow on his way, the magistrate had something to add.

“Most of these lights people see have a natural cause,” he declared, “and the ‘flying saucer in hot pursuit’ might have been the lights of a car coming around the corner ...The sooner he (Dow) talks to a sensible adult about the matter, the better.” However, two pertinent facts remain: the story given by the two youths in explanation for their car crashing through a shop window was accepted by the police; the magistrate admitted that Dow had got into such a state of mind that he had acted involuntarily when “something had distracted him.”

The second point is that the insurance company concerned with damages to the car also accepted Dow’s story. This at least was something new in New Zealand. A statement I have on file from Paul Franklin shows that other people in the district, including at least two policemen, had witnessed the lights in the sky over Taradale.

There have been countless other sightings, not only of objects in the sky — but of evidence showing that strange objects have landed.

Pouraua South Road stretches for a mile across a gravel surface on the Hauraki Plains. It heads into an uninviting scrubland where manuka bushes predominate. Here a fifty-acre block of land is owned by a former dairy farmer, Bert O’Neil, who on 4 September 1969 made a startling discovery. Something, it appeared, had landed on his property leaving a bleached circle of manuka about fifty feet across, there were three V-shaped grooves of disturbed peat soil in the centre of the circle, each about two or three inches deep and spaced precisely nine feet apart. Nowhere had the manuka been crushed, leading Mr. O’Neil to theorize that “three legs had been slid into the ground and then splayed outward.”


A reporter for one of Auckland’s weekend newspapers wrote:

“The manuka, which is extremely healthy elsewhere, seems to have been bleached grey-white and dry by heat inside the clearly defined circle. The scrub has definitely not been burned.”

The Ngatea circle caused considerable excitement — more than any previously reported UFO sighting in New Zealand, in fact, for here at least was something tangible. Hordes of people came by car for days after, trampling about the area in search of heaven knows what.

As usual, official investigators were among the late arrivals, and before long the explanations were coming at rapid-fire pace. The area had been hit by a “blight,” thus the grey-white manuka; the marks in the ground had been made by pigs, rooting for feed; and so on. A fungus was found to be growing on the manuka, and this was acclaimed as the cause of the condition of the scrub — although no one was able to state why only a near-perfect circle had been attacked. Then it was found by scientific examination of the manuka, that the branches and trunks were dry of sap and had been “cooked” from the inside out — rather as if they had been exposed to extreme radiation.

A TV garden-show host, Reg Chibnall, made independent tests on the soils from inside the circle and from outside; he found that seed grew normally in the latter soils, but produced miserable, diseased-looking plants in pots containing soil from inside the circle. The then Minister of Science favored the fungus-and-pigs version and dismissed the whole affair. Meanwhile, scientists at Auckland University concluded that dead spiders in the bleached manuka area had been killed from radiation. Mr. Don Lockwood, of Waihi, made another interesting discovery: twenty-two feet out from the centre-line position of the ground marks, the manuka showed signs of where the radiation had ended and the rest of the tree had died. This point of demarcation was just above ground level, but increased in height up the trees the further to the south the checks were made.

Tree and other samples were collected by Mr. H.L. Cooke, of Tauranga, and these were examined by a horticulturist in the same city. Mr. Stuart-Menzies, who gave the following report:

“The scrub is radioactive and has been cooked instantaneously from the inside outward. I know of no earthly source of energy which could produce this effect. The manuka was bleached dry but showed no visible signs of burning. Every ounce of moisture in the plant had been instantaneously vaporized, and it was bone-dry and brittle.


This is most unusual in manuka, which normally takes a long time to dry out. Some kind of high-frequency radiation cooked the material from the inside outward. The energy received reduced the pith to black carbon, without the outside showing any sign of burning. The cells in the medullary rays were burnt by the sudden vaporization of cell sap. A meteorite or lightning could not do this, and it was too sudden for combustion.”

Mr. Stuart-Menzies added that the process appeared to have been similar to that employed in infra-red-cooking, “but on an enormous scale.”

So the Ngatea circle remains a mystery. Mr. O’Neil wishes he had never found the area where something out of this world landed — he is tired of the neighborly ribbing he has been exposed to ever since.

It is well known to me that radar operators at various airfields throughout New Zealand are constantly picking up unidentified objects in the sky on their screens. Official reports are filed, but these men seldom speak of what they have seen — more than ridicule, they fear losing their jobs; such is the official wall of silence. On numerous occasions airfield authorities have become so excited over radar blips of unknown flying objects that incoming aircraft have been diverted in order to allow control to have a close look at the intruders.

Other airfield workers frequently see objects in the sky that are certainly not aircraft — or birds, or marsh gas, or Venus in descent. In front, of me now are two independent reports made by workers at Auckland International Airport concerning something that attracted their attention on 3 December 1967. To protect the two workers concerned, I shall not give their names; their signed reports are in my possession, and are available to bona fide investigators:

“While working at the airport, I saw two silvery-to-pale lemon lights cross the sky from south-south-west to a north-north-east direction. They were convex on both sides and on the upper side was a small dome. They flew together for a short time until the lower one began to make sharp alterations in its altitude, zigzagging up and down. They were in sight for about four to seven seconds...They finally disappeared from sight in a bank of clouds to the north.”

The second report is confirmatory:

“Two saucer-shaped objects, silver in color, traversed the sky from SSW to NNE. They flew in formation for a little while; the lower saucer then moved jerkily about the other saucer until they both disappeared behind a big bank of clouds on the horizon to they north. Both objects travelled at an extremely high speed, in excess of a thousand miles an hour.”

Both reports include drawing of saucer shaped craft featuring a prominent dome. So much for a mere sampling of sightings and more dramatic events close to home; in every other country of the world there have been reports of a similar nature — strange objects in the air, on the ground, in the sea; the sudden appearance of alien beings; the discovery of peculiar artifacts, constructions.

One of the most irritating kinds of report is the incomplete account. South American newspapers abound with half stories about UFOs — sudden appearances of saucers, their disappearance in the jungle, the setting forth of posses to track them down; and then silence. In October 1968, a group of climbers searched the Andes for a flying saucer base; they reported that they had found, but as a by-product so to speak, a “fortress” of a previously unknown civilization. This was in a region of Chile known as Talca, 150 miles south of Santiago.


There had been repeated accounts of UFOs in the area, cars stopping and starting without explanation, out-of-season flowers blooming. The “fortress” comprised two platforms, each about seven hundred square yards, and made from 233 blocks of volcanic rock, each block with an average weight of ten tons. February, the following year: on the assumption that the Andes platform might in fact have been a kind of launching area for UFOs (“cosmodrome” was the word seized upon by the wire services), an expedition led by Humberto Sarnataro Bounaud, a thirty-two-year old businessman and painter, prepared to explore the giant blocks, as well as a cave said to be located beneath the platform. Many peasants and villagers in the area claimed they had seen flying saucers apparently taking off and landing in the mountain near the platform.

Unhappily, the press has never informed us what became of Bounaud’s expedition. Did it ever set off? What did they find? What was the secret of the cave?
Meanwhile, around the same time, doctors in Colombia were reported to be baffled by the case of a man who died from a mysterious sickness after he reported seeing a flying saucer. The man was Arcesi Bermudez, fifty, who became ill after he said he saw a blue and orange UFO with flashing lights in his back garden in Anolaima, southwest of Bogota. He claimed to have approached to within ten feet of the craft, and then turned back to get a flashlight. As was returning the UFO flew off.

A week later Bermudez was dying, suffering from attacks of vomiting and diarrhea; gastro-enteritis was the diagnosis, but Bermudez’s low temperature puzzled the doctors. Until the moment of death he maintained his story of approaching close to a landed UFO. If there was an inquest, the findings were never published in the papers I read; the dead man’s symptoms sound suspiciously like radiation poisoning.

Closer to home, on 28 December 1968, a man in Goulburn, New South Wales, saw and spoke to a being from Saturn; at least that was the story being investigated by the late Dr. Miran Lindtner, president of the Unidentified Flying Objects Investigation Centre in Sydeny, and Dr. D. Herbison-Evans, an astronomer from the physics department of Sydney University.

The man had the encounter with the alien, he said, while on a hunting trip near Goulburn; ten years before he had a near-identical experience in exactly the same spot, while hunting for foxes.


According to Dr. Lindtner:

“He says he shot at and hit something, which let out a terrific noise. Then there was a flash of light and something — we don’t know what — burnt through the arm of his coat and left a small mark on his arm. The mark took a year to heal, but before it healed it grew in size and now measures three inches by two and a half inches. It is exactly the same shape as the planet Saturn — a globe with a ring around it.”

On his more recent trip into the area, the man saw a craft of about forty feet in diameter and some ten feet in height. As he approached the craft, a being walked around from the other side of it a humanoid, about five and a half feet tall, with long hair and youthful features; it wore silver-colored shoes. There was a conversation — in English — for about three minutes, during which the bring revealed that it was from Saturn. With that, the being hurried back to the craft, which rose fifteen feet above the ground, hovered, and then moved off. Before it disappeared from view, the man look four photographs of it.

The year 1969 was an eventful one for UFO researchers. An Argentine researcher, Dr. Pedro Romaniuk, when the private John Kennedy University opened its biopsycho-synthesis summer term of lectures at Buenos Aires, declared that both the Soviet Union and the United States possessed damaged flying saucers. The American prize, he said, had been taken when it fell at Alamogordo, New Mexico. According to Dr. Romaniuk, this fact had been brought to the notice of the US Air Intelligence Centre by the director of the North-Western Observatory, Dr. Silas Newton.


Quoting Dr. Newton, Romaniuk said that the extraterrestrial craft had small exit traps instead of doors, allowing the passage of small-sized beings only. Inside the seamless, hard metal craft were found six small dead bodies, said to be morphologically similar to man, and probably dead from atmospheric decomposition following the failure of one of the doors to work properly. According to Dr. Newton, the ship was propelled by cosmic energy; the bodies were covered by a metallic transparent blue suit, resistant to scissors and blow torches.

After Harmonic 33 was published I began to receive correspondence from people in many parts of the world, anxious to pass on clippings, photographs, information, theories. Much of the material received in this way has been of doubtful value, and some of it has been far-out “crank” work; there is one letter that I keep coming back to, though, and I’d like to check its contents. I hope to for myself— some day. The letter is from a Scandinavian “new Australian,” and it has, in my opinion, a ring of veracity. I hope to meet its writer in person one day — and hunt both the dingo and the UFO he mentions. Here is his story — in his own words:

On my arrival in Australia in January 1958, I set out for the far north-west of Queensland and the Northern Territory in search of the dingo. It was during one of my first explorations into the nearly inaccessible wilderness that I found the canyon, with its “saucer.”

I had walked into the canyon for about four hours, and believe I had covered between ten and twelve miles, when I noticed “something” under an overhanging shelf, making the place partly a cave. I use the word “something” be cause it was rather hard to make out what it was exactly, due to its coloring.

The object was kind of grey. It could be greyish-green, greyish-blue or greyish-red; one could easily walk past it from a distance without seeing it.

I watched it for some time before I continued into the canyon, which became deeper, and I never reached the end. On my return I looked for the object, but could not see it. Being a good bushman, I knew I was at the exact spot where I had seen it before, but there just wasn’t anything there. I satisfied myself that it must have been something created by the light, but realized that the sun didn’t reach down to the bottom of the canyon. To make sure, I picked up a pebble, and threw it to where I supposed the object to be. The result was the stone was stopped in mid-air, or when it hit the object. It then slid down to the ground, and on impact with the rocky ground the stone made a noise; although there had been no noise when it stopped in mid-air.

I decided that whatever it was, it must have a shell or be a solid mass, but soft enough not to make a noise when hit by a stone. I then decided that whatever the object was, it was still there, but not visible to the eye. I left it at that and returned to my camp deciding to take a closer look the next day.

The next day I returned and found the object was again visible. I had brought with me a long piece of fencing wire and my transistor radio. I started to yell and to make my presence known to whatever it was, and I admit I felt an idiot doing so, but nothing happened. Then I switched my transistor radio on, and when music came from it, the object started to react. I watched it closely. The object gradually faded away, but the process was so slow that it was hard to say exactly when it became invisible.


I had brought the fencing wire with me to find out if the object were an electric phenomenon. I tied this long wire to a stick and reached into the nothingness. Then with a match soaked in saliva and wiped, I touch the wire. Had the object been electrical, I should have felt a slight tingle in my fingers, but I did not. Gaining confidence I took hold of the wire with my hands, but still I could feel nothing. When I clamped my teeth on the end of the wire and touched it with my tongue, I could feel some rhythmical vibration coming through the wire.

The vibration seemed to change in rhythm when one yelled, played music or threw a stone towards the invisible object. But even without any noise, a vibration kept coining from it.

I’ve later seen the object change from visible to invisible, and again it was hard to follow the gradual changes from one state to the other.

I first encountered the object late in 1958, and during my stay in the area for about eight years I’ve visited the canyon approximately thirteen or fourteen times, and each time it has been there, either visible or invisible. At first I believed that my presence made it fade away, but since the first experience with it I’ve been able to yell, play music and throw stones at it without it fading away. I’ve looked at it by night, and it doesn’t give off any light, and it’s only harder to see. I’m sure that whatever it is, it’s harmless. I admit I tried not to interfere too much with it in case it was capable of retaliating. What I could see of it, it had no windows, doors, or any other parts such as holes, etc.

The underside of the overhanging shelf seemed to sweat; it is moist whereas the whole area including the canyon is bone dry.

There have been years between some of my visits, and at times only months, but it has always been there. Whatever this object is, it’s nothing like anything we’ve ever heard of originating from this planet. Could it be — a craft cunningly hidden in an isolated canyon, protected by a force field until its crew comes back to claim it? And where are the crew? Blending with the crowds on Bondi Beach, mingling with captains of industry in Sydney, staked out somewhere handy to the vast and top-secret American space research station in the Australian desert — a space station so secret that even Australia’s prime minister has admitted he knows little of what is going on there?

One of the most recent records of a visit by an extraterrestrial space craft consists of the Alberton photographs. Ellis E. Matthews, of Alberton, South Australia, had some unused movie film left, in his Paillard Bolex camera when he stepped on to the veranda of his home one evening in 1967. From where he stood he saw about one mile distant and between 15 and 20 degrees above the horizon a UFO. Using a 1.9 aperture and with full zoom, he shot off his remaining film, focused on the object — a total of some fifty frames.

It was some eight months later that he had the film developed — by Ilford Australia, Oakleigh, Victoria. Both Mr. Matthews and his wife have provided notarised statements as to what they saw in the sky.

The film was subsequently sent to me by Mr. Matthews, and with his permission I forwarded a section of it to International UFO Research and Analytic Network in New York for intensive analysis. After detailed microscopic study Major Colman Vonkeviczky, Project Director of ICUFON, forwarded a full report from which is quoted the following conclusions:

  1. The object is unidentifiable as any earthly commercial or military vehicle. The self-illumination and light streaks cannot be identified as position lights as demanded by international aviation regulations.

  2. A meteor or a satellite could not be stationary for 10/18 of a second, and could not present a clear-cut image of its form and shape.

  3. The filmed aerial vehicle is in its form and type fully identifiable with what are popularly termed “flying saucers.” Mr. Matthew’s film was shot in color; the flying object on the crucial frames, when seen projected on a screen, shows a disc with a “cabin” beneath it. There are lights around the periphery of the disc, and there is light streaming out from what appears to be a “port” on the “cabin.”

Most interesting of all: silhouetted in this “port” light is a figure, vaguely humanoid in shape. By comparing the first frames of the sequences with the last, it is observed that the figure is in movement.

This is one of the best UFO series of photographs ever made. Experts have declared it to be genuine, and Mr. Matthew’s integrity has never been in question. He has never made any attempt to seek commercial gain from his remarkable film, and has sought no publicity whatsoever. What we have on this film strip is undoubtedly a genuine series of pictures of a UFO, complete with a being who might be its “pilot.”

This chapter has been a mélange of seemingly unrelated and unsolved mysteries; a flying object of small size pursues a pair of teenagers driving around a small country town — investigators follow up UFO reports in the Chilean countryside and discover a “cosmodrome” — something lands in the bleak outbacks of the Haurake Plains and leaves a wide circle of dying scrub, its woody parts cooked from the inside outward by radiation of an unknown kind — schoolchildren, their teacher and an independent housewife see a UFO is the skies of Napier, the children observing it at sufficiently close quarters to be able to draw the object in detail — radar equipment at airfields pick up UFO blips as a matter of routine. But stop! UFOs don’t exist!


The Condon reports says so. One is reminded of the story of the bumble-bee. This clumsy-looking creature, with its vast bulky body and its fragile wings, is patently, and according to all the laws and rules of aero-dynamics, incapable of flight.

But in its blissful ignorance of the situation, the bumble-bee flies anyway. Until it should develop a sound grasp of aero-dynamics, and then realizes it is breaking the law, it will continue to fly. UFOs don’t exist. They couldn’t possibly exist. They don’t fit into any branch of earth knowledge. Therefore, they are not. Meanwhile, as each month goes by, reports of UFOs all over the world continue to mount up. Thousands of people every year see them, approach them, are made nauseous by them; some even die from exposure to them.

Is the official denial of UFOs based on sincere disbelief? Or is there a vast snow-job, a monumental cover-up, in operation? If Senor Bermudez of Bogota left a widow and bereaved children, they might be the ones to answer these questions.

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IN 1961 ARCHAEOLOGISTS DIGGING AT THE PALATINE Hill, Rome, uncovered a previously unknown room. In a niche of this room there was a painting, the subject of which was so startling that no explanation satisfactory to all shades of belief has yet been offered.

The painting?

In the centre ground stands what appears to be a modern spacecraft, a rocket in fact. It stands on a launching pad, and from it runs cables or guys; in the background there is a tall wall—for all the world resembling a counterblast wall. Asks Ivan T. Sanderson, former British naval intelligence officer and a distinguished biologist:

What was it that the Roman artist painted? Was it imagination? Reality? A forecast of the future?’ A reproduction of the painting appears in his book, Uninvited Visitors.


It deserves careful scrutiny. Why a painting of a rocket ship should appear on the wall of a hidden room dating from ancient times — how it could possibly be there (yet it is!) — could be anyone’s guess. Yet, curiously enough, there may be many more links between places of worship and space travel than one might first dare to think.

This is not intended as an irreverent statement; there need be no offence taken by anything written in this chapter by readers of devout Christian or other beliefs. But we would like to present some facts and some theories that might tend to open up fascinating lines of investigation for serious research work.

Consider, first of all, a typical place of worship in any country of the world today; and reflect that religious architecture has virtually followed a specific pattern from ages past. Mathematically speaking architecture of the kind displayed by the great cathedrals of Europe, for example, would present the greatest possible challenge to the designers and the builders of the time, with the great naves, the lowering structures, the superb arches. Chartres, dating from the twelfth century, said by some to represent the finest flowering of religious architecture, is believed to have been designed on principles of Platonic mathematics, in which the harmonies of the entire universe were to be expressed.


Gaze upon the faces of the finely sculptured kings and queens at Chartres, unidentified and unknown representations; with expressions of supreme nobility they look down upon the thousands of tourists who come each year. Look at the twin spires of the mighty cathedral — and mentally compare their shape and proportions with those of Apollo 12.


Look at any Christian church with new eyes, and see the resemblance between the typical church spire and a typical rocket ship. Study pictures of Islamic mosques, oriental pagodas, Buddhist temples; places of worship in India, Thailand, the Middle East: see how their towers soar upward, towards where most people believe “heaven” to be located. Allowing for differences between Occident and Orient in the interpretation of detail, attempt to get a mental X-ray picture of the basic tower structures — and see how alike they really are beneath the superficial additions of various forms of buttresses, decorations of gargoyles or carved relief.

Moscow’s Ivan the Great bell tower in the Kremlin, seen with newly-opened eyes, is a three-stage rocket topped with a semi-spherical capsule; the multi-stage rockets disguised as towers surrounding St. Sophia’s, Constantinople, are suddenly obvious; the beautiful gothic arches inside Cologne Cathedral repeat the rocket shape; Chinese pagodas, Indian temples and stupas, Armenian bell towers, and simple country churches anywhere in the Christian world — all suddenly appear to have been built expressly in imitation of spaceships.

But granted the coincidence of shape — why? That is a question that Vyacheslav Zaitsev, philologist at the Byelorrussian Academy of Sciences, has sought to answer in a number of works (Cosmic Reminiscences in Written Relics of the Past; The Evolution of the Universe and Intelligent Beings; plus many magazine articles, condensations of some of these appearing from time to time in the magazine Sputnik). But this field of research was not opened up by Zaitsev; he gives credit to Nikolai Rynin, a friend and pupil of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, the Russian scientist who at the beginning of this century established principles for the building of space rockets.

More than forty years ago Rynin was drawing attention to the correspondences in the myths of various peoples in regard to earth visits by beings from other worlds. In 1959 another Russian scientist, Modest Agrest, considered that many events described in the Bible were in fact references to visits made to this planet by astronauts from other worlds. Three years later the American astrophysicist, Carl Sagan, published a similar hypothesis.

Let us be clear about this, there is no scientific backing for the theory that has been put forward and which we now draw attention to that the resemblance between religious architecture and machines designed for space travel is no mere coincidence. For a recently published version and up-dated account of evidence drawn from ancient rock inscriptions, Biblical sources and other writings and artifacts, see Erich von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods. This Swiss archaeologist also puts forward the provocative theory that the origins of man are linked with visits to earth by beings from other planets in ancient times.

Returning to church architecture: where did the archetype come from — the archetype that has been perpetuated with slight variation from ancient times up to the present day? And what are the reasons for the particular form of that archetype? When David ascended to heaven, the Apocrypha relates, the angels showed him the “church image” that was to become the archetype of the Temple of Jerusalem. Returning to earth David built a model of this from memory, and ordered his son Solomon to erect a House of the Lord along the same lines. So, it is believed, the Temple of Jerusalem, built in the tenth century BC, came to be conceived.

This is Zaitsev’s question it is, of course, a rhetorical one:

“Perhaps the ‘church image’ was the image of a space-ship? Perhaps some human being was induced by the astronauts to go aboard the ‘celestial machine,’ where he saw the abode of God? Such an interpretation of this ancient Judaic legend about the origin of Solomon’s Temple would appear still more believable in the light of other texts, notably the Apocrypha.”

Hindus believed their temples were built in the image of those of other worlds, again the design being revealed by a deity. The classical work, Ramayana, tells of a “celestial chariot,” a two-storeyed vehicle with “many rooms and windows” which “roared like a lion” at launching, “issued a single-toned sound” and “blazed like red flames” as it raced through the air until finally it looked like ‘a comet in the sky’.1 Another source, the Mahabharata, says the vehicle was “activated by winged lightning.” the Sanskrit work, Samarangana Sutradhara, contains a long description of the vehicle which in Veda works is referred to as vimana.

1 VyscheslavZaitsev, “Temples and Spaceships”, in Sputnik, Sept., 1968.

As Zaitsev points out:

“Christian and Judaic, like Buddhist and Brahmanist, architecture go back to one source, a certain ‘celestial temple,’ the look of which on earth was best imitated by domed churches.”

Supposing space-ships from other planets landed on earth long ago, to primitive man would not the effect have been closely similar to that of “cargo cults” by modern aircraft landing in such places as New Guinea and New Britain in recent times? In those latter cases the arrival of aircraft led to a worship of the creatures who arrived by the craft, and various religious practices were adopted as a means of trying to induce the aircraft and their magical cargoes to return. A word or two about the “cargo cults,” as anthropologists have dubbed them.


Believed to have sprung up first in Fiji in the 1880s, the pattern has always been repeated; a prophet appears from among the people and proclaims the coming of salvation, possibly in the form of a ship or an aircraft loaded down with a host of goods ranging from refrigerators to canned food. He orders certain rituals, and even such activities as the building of a storehouse, an imitation landing strip or a wharf.


Basically all such cults are probably primitive attempts to set in motion the necessary social changes required for coping with a situation of cultural conflict the impinging of the modern and the “civilised” upon the ancient and “barbaric” — all in the guise of a new religion. In ancient times, one might conjecture, ships came to this planet from another world (other worlds?), bringing strange beings and strange — but vastly useful — goods.


Perhaps the ships left, perhaps some remained; perhaps some remained in orbit, and some men of this planet, recognized for their superior intelligence or powers of leadership compared to others in their group, were ferried to the space vehicles and presented with gifts — and given instruction in simple technology, such as the invention of the wheel, irrigation canals, better techniques of working with stone or metal, and so on.

Certainly there is reason to believe that something of the sort may have happened, possibly some 15,000 years ago. For it was about that time that man began a massive break-through in the handling of himself and his environment, a fact that has never been satisfactorily explained. In that long ago man suddenly, for no apparent reason, began to develop new techniques in such matters as splitting bones to create tools, although existing techniques had been in vogue for nearly a million years.

Man is a puzzle to biologists, so tremendously different from his nearest relatives, the giant apes, if we are to accept the Darwinian theory of evolution. Among the primates, recent studies have shown, man has 312 unique and exclusive characteristics that no other primate possesses. For some reason he has evolved at a pace which, compared with that of the evolution of other creatures on this planet, can only be described as fantastically rapid. The evolutionary process is known to be very slow, imperceptible over the course of even hundreds of generations.


Man’s greatest evolutionary achievement was to develop a brain which from a capacity of 400 cubic centimeters (established from very early skulls of ape-like men) evolved to a capacity of 1300 cc, in the space of a million years — a mere tick of the evolutionary clock. Yet it took some thirty million years, on the other hand, for primates to evolve a hand with an opposable thumb which, according to the evolutionists, is what gave man his advantage in the race.

Two American writers, Otto Binder and Max Flindt, have recently put forward a theory postulating that the answer can only lie with a visit to this planet in ancient times of another intelligence from another world, and a conscious effort on the part of the visitors to breed a race of men on earth, either from motives of altruism or in a spirit of biological experimentation. If the spacemen were here, did they ever really leave? Did their presence give rise to the almost universal myth of racial origin, a descent by superior beings from “the stars” or “the sky?” And did those feet in ancient times walk upon England’s mountains green?

The question of biological experiments we leave to the biologists. But dig into evidence for yourselves — and start an avalanche. We suggest the following areas for fruitful investigation: Myths and legends.

The ancient classical religious works from all countries inhabited since long, long ago — particularly India, China, Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt.

A fresh examination of “secret” systems of knowledge, religious and scientific, including works on alchemy, astronomy, the secret books of the Masonic orders and the Rosicrucians, and the system taught in modern times by Gurdjieff. Religious architecture.

The “inexplicable” presence of what Ivan Sanderson calls OOPARTS (for Out Of Place Artifacts) and OOPTHS (Out Of Place Things).

For the remainder of this chapter let’s have a look at some of the more outstanding “out-of-place objects:” In 1965 a Chinese archaeologist published a report which speculated that space beings may have visited this planet some 12,000 years ago. His principal items of evidence came from caves in the Bayan-Kara-Ula Mountains, on the China-Tibet border. Here have been found some 700 stone discs covered with mysterious designs and writings. Each disc has a hole in the centre, from which spirals a double groove out to the circumference.


The caves are inhabited to this day by people of the Ham and Dropa tribes — frail people, only some four feet in height; they defy ethnic classification. The discs have been dated to several thousand years ago. When finally deciphered, one of the hieroglyphs, possibly set down by an ancient member of the Ham tribe, reads:

The Dropas came down from the clouds in their gliders. Our men, women and children hid in the caves ten times before the sunrise. When at last they understood the sign language of the Dropas, they realized that the newcomers had peaceful intentions...”

The discs were scraped free of adhering rock particles and sent to Moscow for study. There scientists made two startling discoveries: the discs contained a large amount of cobalt and other metals; and they were found to vibrate in an odd rhythm, as though they carried an electric charge or were part of an electric circuit. Primitive art — cave drawings, clay figurines — provide an abundance of material for the serious researcher into the possibility of space visitors having been here long ago.


A rock picture found near the town of Fergana, Uzbekistan, is of what looks like astronaut; an artist in the Swiss Alps 4000 years ago drew a picture of a man in a space helmet; the wall painting of a rocket ship in a niche of a secret room beneath an old Roman church has already been mentioned: a fresco in the Dechany Monastery, Yugoslavia, depicts angels flying inside machines that closely resemble present-day spacecraft; something very like a spaceship is seen on a seventeenth-century icon. The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Moscow Theological Academy, as representing the House of the Lord.

Japanese archaeologists have found at several excavations dogu-clay figurines — of humanoids clad in peculiar spacesuits, with helmets entirely covering their heads. On the helmets are representations of something akin to slit-type glasses, breath-filters, antennae, hearing aids and even night-sight devices.

Rock pictures of “spacemen” have been found in the Sahara, in Australia, in Soviet Central Asia and in other parts of the Old and New Worlds. There are so many known drawings and carvings of this kind, in fact, that they have become known as “the visiting cards of space travelers.”

When we come to look at OOPARTS, as opposed to representations on rock walls and in figurines, the former are “undeniably manufactured or artificial objects said to have been found inside solid, undisturbed rock strata, just as fossil animals and plants are found.” 1


Some of the more startling OOPARTS that have come to light include,

  • flat-headed steel nails discovered deep in a sandstone quarry in Scotland

  • fine gold threads inside a large quarried block of limestone from northern England

  • a bell-shaped, metallic vessel blasted from rock in Dorchester, England, the metal containing a large proportion of silver

  • a variety of objects found inside lumps of coal (which would date them back to at least twelve million years ago), including a beautiful gold chain of intricate workmanship, a prize for a Mrs. Culp of Illinois who found it when a lump of coal she was putting into her stove, in 1891, broke in two

An object in the Salzburg Museum, Austria, is another mystery — a perfect cube of meteoritic nickel-iron, about two inches square, which is encircled by a precisely turned deep groove, understood to have been machined, found in a block of coal that would have to have been between twelve and twenty-six million years old. A German engineer, engaged to construct sewers for the city of Baghdad, discovered on a dusty shelf in the local museum among objects labeled as “ritual objects” some “stones” dating back a thousand years. Only one thing was known for certain about these “stones” — they came from the Sassanid period. The engineer added another piece of knowledge: the “stones” were in fact batteries.

Other out-of-place items include a remarkable model of the solar system dating from olden times and recovered from a sea-bed, in which the movements of both planets and their satellites around the sun are accurately effected by the turning of a crank; the workmanship and materials preclude the construction of this incredible device in recent times. Where did the detailed astronomical knowledge come from? And where did the technology for the making of the model come from?

1 Ivan T. Sanderson, Uninvited Visitors, Cowles, 1967.


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