by Carolyn Williams Palit
from Rense Website


Below is an article by Carolyn Palit that explains how chemtrails facilitates the creation of a suitable medium for Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) to be used against missiles, satellites, as well as for various uses against civilian populations.


It's clear that chemtrails would make it viable for the creation of a planetary shield in the form of ground and space based DEW that could be used against extraterrestrial visitors, and this may in fact be secretly occurring.

Michael Salla, Ph.D.


Mas abajo - Version en Español

"The United States does not torture."

--President George W. Bush

We are dealing with Star Wars. It involves the combination of chemtrails for creating an atmosphere that will support electromagnetic waves, ground-based, electromagnetic field oscillators called gyrotrons, and ionospheric heaters. Particulates make directed energy weapons work better. It has to do with "steady state" and particle density for plasma beam propagation.

They spray barium powders and let it photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the sun. Then, they make an aluminum-plasma generated by "zapping" the metal cations (positively-charged ions, which have fewer electrons than protons) that are in the spray with either electromagnetics from HAARP, the gyrotron system on the ground [Ground Wave Emergency Network], or space-based lasers. The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. This means they can make a denser plasma than they normally could from just ionizing the atmosphere or the air.

More density [more particles] means that these particles which are colliding into each other will become more charged because there are more of them present to collide. What are they ultimately trying to do up there - is create charged-particle, plasma beam weapons.

Chemtrails are the medium - GWEN pulse radars, the various HAARPs, and space-based lasers are the method, or more simply:

Chemtrails are the medium - directed energy is the method.

Spray and Zap...

This system appears to be in Russia, Canada, the United States, and all of Europe. Exotic weapons can be mobile, stationary, land-based, aerial, or satellite.

It is an offensive and defensive system against EM attacks and missiles. It uses ionospheric particle shells as defense mechanisms [like a bug-zapper shell] * against missiles and EM attacks. That means they spray and then pump up the spray with electromagnetics. When these shells are created using the oscillating, electromagnetic, gyrotron stations, it "excludes" and displaces the background magnetic field.


These shells can be layered one above another in a canopy fashion for extra protection from missiles. The chemtrail sprays have various elements in them like carbon which can used to absorb microwaves. Some of these sprays have metal flakes in them that make aerial craft invisible to radar. Spoofer sprays. Sprays like these can be used to create colorful, magnetized plasmas to cloak fighter jets.

There are satellite weapons involved. Activists are using meters and are getting readings of microwaves, x-rays, and some other kind of emission that they are not sure of, maybe a low-intensity laser.

They are also photographing gas plasma generation due to the heating of chemtrails by electromagnetics. The technical names for vertical and horizontal plasma columns are columnar focal lenses and horizontal drift plasma antennas. Various size of gas plasma orbs are associated with this technology. These orbs can be used as transmitters and receivers because they have great, refractory and optical properties. They also are capable of transmitting digital or analog sound. Barium, in fact, is very refractive - more refractive than glass.

What does that mean?


Someone or someones are very involved in unconstitutional, domestic spying and the entrained plasma orbs carried on electromagnetic beams can be used for mind control programming. The satellites can be programmed to track and monitor various frequencies on different parts of your body. These electromagnetic beams carrying the gas plasma orbs stick due magnetic polarity and frequency mapping and tracking to people's eyes, ears, temples, and private parts.


A beam with entrained orbs carries pictures in each orb just like the different frames in a movie. It is a particle beam that is also a frequency weapon.

The satellites download holographic mind control movies, pictures, sounds, and sensations to people through this technology. The Air Force has stated in "Air Force 2025" that their goal is to develop virtual and augmented reality mind control. Depending on the how the computer is programmed or depending on the mood or intent of the person interfacing with the technology, you can be probed, bothered, gaslighted, frightened, manipulated, electronically raped, or tortured. It scans your brain frequencies and deciphers your thoughts.


The satellites track you by mapping your bioenergetic signature [body biometrics] and constantly scanning an area to find you.

We are the lab rats for this technology and something is very wrong in the military or intelligence branches somewhere. Because developmental projects in government and military are often so compartmentalized, I suppose someone could be using and developing this technology secretly and without authorization. Then again, behavioral and mind control programs were an authorized policy under MKULTRA.


Our country has a history of experimenting on its citizens. We are talking about satellite charged-particle frequency weapons attacking a person 24 hours a day. Psychotronic weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction by the U.N.

"HAARPs" can create earthquakes and can also x-ray the earth to find underground military bases, gold, or oil reserves. These ionospheric heaters can also operate as an over-the-horizon or under-the-ocean communications system. This system can control the weather or create disasters.


Taken together with the: constitutes one, big global and space control grid.

These weapons involve beams. Two beams overlapped will couple into a particle-ion beam that will bounce off of a remote target and send a holographic image back to the satellite for remote spying operations. When you cross two strong beams, you can supposedly* create scalar energies. These energies can be used as untraceable weapons for nuclear size explosions or for defense.


These crossed-energies can be used to cause a person's physical electrical system to fail or with a lower frequency, administer a kind of remote electro-shock. Visualize touching a positive and negative electric cable to each other on top of your head. Scalar energies can be utilized in hand-held military guns and on tanks. They can dud-out electronics or cause large, electrical blackouts. Scalar energies are practically impossible to shield against. You need lead, ceramics, and a deep underground facility to not be affected by these weapons. Or, you need to be up and above the field of battle.

People who are working on these issues hear tones and hums. If you hear persistent tones and static; have body vibrations, burning sensations, "bangs" to the head, neurological damage, or immune system damage; are hearing electronic voices or hearing the sound of a plasma; suffering from pains deep in your organs or constant headaches; or experiencing other anomalous activity then you may be being targeted by directed energy, mind control weapons. These weapons could be on helicopters, jets, stealth fighters, or on satellites.


Directed energy beams and electromagnetic waves can be sent to you via hand-held devices or piggy-backed in on cell phone and satellite towers.

Is it possible that someone(s) are very afraid of coming famines and riots due to the ongoing, man-induced failure of the ecological system, and they are saturating the earth with chemtrails for large-scale, gas plasma mind control? Is this the last grasp for the world's resources? Or, are they just control freaks and money mongers?


Someone would like to get to that oil under the melting [due to chemtrail-trapped EM heat] Artic. And, I guess the Third World is not a part of this system. I don't think that the developed nations are going to let them in on this either.

Any country that joins this NATO system will become mind-controlled and diseased due to the associated, intense, oscillating, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic soup, and the poisonous, toxic chemtrails. Our DNA will break. We risk the earth's spin and tilt becoming messed up due to mucking around with the magnetic fields through this military technology. Maybe, it is already messed up.

It constitutes U.S. global domination via NATO and the erosion of civil rights. According to Charlotte Iserbyt and Al Martin, there are ex-KGB and ex-STASI advising our new Office of Total Information Awareness. They are the ones creating our new internal passports [national ID]. And under "The Treaty on Open Skies," we have overflights by Russian and German military.


Who exactly is flying those plasma-cloaked craft that are seen all over this country and mistaken for UFOs by people who do not know about this aerial deception technology?


Obviously, we have another "Project Paperclip" in the making. We can add the new thugs to the 2,000 Iraqi brought into country by Daddy Bush who are now living in Nebraska.

The elitist corporate government is going to hold the rest of us hostage with directed energy weapons in space, if the Policy for a New American Century group - PNAC - Bush and cronie think tank has their way, along with directed energy attacks against any country or citizen that they decide they do not like. These weapons can create climate war, weather war, mind war, cyber war, disease war, disaster war, and undetectable war.


Taken together they can create economic war.

If this system is not stopped, it will kill billions due to aluminum and barium poisoning. It will kill billions due to crop failures and world-wide famine. It will cause heart attacks, strokes, and cancers. It will cause stillbirths, miscarriages, and infertility. The chemtrail sprays often have fungi, bacteria, viruses, dessicated red blood cells, crystalline substances, carbon, metal cations, lithium, other chemicals, heavy metals, and God knows what - probably smart dust, or nanocrap. Years of biowarfare testing on the American public is no big secret anymore. Spraying germs in the sky where they mutate due to the ultra-violet light -- brilliant plan, my man.


Are we acceptable losses or is this by design?

I know that many of the major players have big investments in pharmaceutical companies, GM seeds [seeds that can grow in an electromagnetic soup], weapons and directed energy development contracts, oil contracts, genetic research, and mind control research.


Some of these people have had a familial history of financial and policy support for population control, eugenics, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Pinochet, Hussein, and various other dictators. Some of the major players were the masterminds of the death squads in Central and South America. They stand to make a big profit on our death and disease.


Just take a look at Rumsfield and Tamiflu.

I assume that they know the dangers of this system and that they take care to stay in their shielded, air-filtered offices, homes, bases, and cars. I assume they take chelating substances to remove the barium and aluminum from their bodies and minds. If not, then they really do not understand the far-ranging implications of this destructive system. Congress may not understand just what a terrible weapons system and control grid they are funding.

As I understand it, Tesla towers attached to deep-earth, free-energy taps are to be created over the 10-12 magnetic poles and the GWEN system phased-out. Has this already been done? This should allow total control of the earth through giant, Tesla death ray-guns. This natural, electromagnetic earth was not meant to be an un-natural dynamo to power man's weapons or his utility companies.

Over-unity systems [Tesla devices] * are as of yet, another unexplored and probably not understood man-made energy. We should be very suspect of free energy. As we can see, the forms of man-made energy that have been created and used in the past have not been good for this planet. Maybe it is time to reconsider the options available to us through the development of crops for fuel, wind, solar, and water power.


We need world-wide, different, more holistic, renewable, energy programs.

Is there any good news? Yes.


There has been tons of particulate dumping through the spray operations for 8 years over the Americas, Europe, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, and from what I can find out, over Russia. And, what goes around blows around, right? So, these substances are probably actually global. It sure makes a ton of sense to spray poisonous elements in 24 NATO countries and let the substances be carried around the earth on the jet streams to poison yourself, your enemies, and all neutral and non-combatant countries.


Talk about making more enemies.

The water, air, and soil of all of these countries is so saturated with metal cations that these weapons freaks should be able to zap and mind f--k each other quite well now and as often as they wish. Once they have clobbered each other with light-saber beams for a few years and razed and scorched sections of the earth, they may start to realize that this foreign policy will lead to a defective human race and a rotten economy.

Do you think they will have knocked some sense into each other by then and will decide that non-proliferation and arms reduction is the more civilized and mature direction to take in world affairs? I doubt it, cause only idiots would have developed horrific, planet-killer weapons like these.


But, I'll bet the rest of the planet will finally rise up and tell these juvenile delinquents to quit playing with those ray-guns right this second.

* After further thought on Bearden + – a big over-unity and free energy proponent of Tesla technology that makes energy off of boiling the ionosphere or stealing electricity from the mis-named "vacumn" called Life, I have decided that Bearden is telling us some, if not most, of the truth. Same for Eastlund.






Qué Son Realmente los Chemtrails
by Carolyn Williams Palit
9 Noviembre 2007
Traducción de Trinity a Tierra
02 Diciembre 2007
del Sitio Web TrinityATierra



Una guerra de las Galaxias invisible a nuestros ojos

MORPHEUS: “The Matrix is everywhere, it’s all around us, here even in this room. You can see it out of your window, or on your television. You feel it when you go to work, or go to church, or pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.”

NEO: “What truth?”

MORPHEUS: “That you are a slave, Neo. That you, like everyone else, was born into bondage. . . kept inside a prison that you cannot smell, or touch. A prison for your mind. Unfortunately no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.”

The MATRIX: The movie. 1999


Lo que tenemos entre manos se llama Guerra de las Galaxias.


Es una combinación de chemtrails, para crear una atmósfera que soporte ondas electromagnéticas, osciladores electromagnéticos de campo (llamados girotrones) y calentadores ionosféricos. Las partículas fumigadas hacen que las armas funcionen mejor. Esto tiene que ver con su “estado estable” y la densidad de las partículas que mejoran la propagación de los rayos de plasma.

Lo que hacen en los programas chemtrails es fumigar polvos de bario para dejar dejan foto-ionizarlos con la luz ultravioleta del sol. De esa forma, crean una plasma basado en aluminio a base de destruir los cationes metálicos que hay en los aerosoles por medio, o bien del HAARP, del sistema de girotron en Tierra (Ground Wave Emergency Network) o bien por medio de lásers en el espacio.

El bario produce mayor densidad en el plasma de aluminio con lo que producen un plasma más denso de lo que se conseguiría simplemente ionizando la atmósfera. A mayor densidad, (más partículas), más partículas colisionan unas con otras y más carga transportan. De esa forma, consiguen armas basadas en rayos de plasmas de partículas cargadas.

Los chemtrails son el medio, mientras que HAARP, los lásers espaciales y la Red de Emergencia de Ondas Terrestres (Ground Wave Emergency Network) son las técnicas. Al parecer, este sistema está implantado en Rusia, Canadá, EE.UU. y toda Europa. Estas “exóticas” armas pueden ser móviles, satélites o de antena terrestres y constituyen un sistema defensivo y ofensivo contra ataques y misiles electromagnéticos.

En suma, dispersan partículas, por medio de aerosoles, y luego inflan el aerosol con ondas electromagnéticas, creando de esa forma “escudos” electromagnéticos, desplazando y anulando el campo magnético de fondo. Hay elementos en los chemtrails, tales como el carbono, cuyo objetivo es absorber microondas. Algunos aerosoles contienen metales con objeto de ser invisibles a los radares. Emplea partículas de la ionosfera como mecanismos de defensa contra los ataques EM y de misiles.

Es posible fotografiar la generación de plasma debido al calentamiento de chemtrails por medio de EM. Los nombres técnicos para las columna de plasma vertical y horizontal son lente focal de columna y antena de plasma de deriva horizontal.

Varios tamaños de orbes de gas plasmático están asociados a esta tecnología.


Estos orbes pueden ser usados como transmisores y receptores debido a sus propiedades ópticas refractarias magníficas. También son capaces de transmitir sonido analógico y digital. El bario, de hecho, es muy refractivo, más incluso que el cristal.

¿Qué significa todo esto?

Significa que alguien está involucrado de forma inconstitucional en espionaje doméstico ya que los orbes de plasma entrenados en base a rayos electromagnéticos pueden ser usados para la programación y control mental. Los satélites pueden ser programados para hacer seguimiento y monitorizar frecuencias de distintas partes del cuerpo.


Los rayos electromagnéticos que llevan los orbes gaseosos de plasma se adhieren al cuerpo, debido a la polaridad magnética, para monitorizar los ojos, las orejas y las partes privadas de las personas. Este sistema permite llevar imágenes de la misma forma que llevaría secuencias de una película, es un rayo de partículas que también se convierte en arma de frecuencias. El satélite descarga las películas holográficas de control mental, sonidos y sensaciones de las personas por medio de esta tecnología.

Las fuerza Aéreas comunicaron el un informe “Air Force 2025” que su objetivo era desarrollar el control mental virtual y real. Depende de cómo el ordenador esté programado o dependiendo del estado de ánimo o intenciones de la persona que interactúa con esta tecnología, ésta puede ser presa del pánico, manipulada, violada electrónicamente, molestada o torturada. La tecnología escanea las frecuencias de tu cerebro y descifra tus pensamientos. El satélite hace un seguimiento de tu persona por medio de tu firma bioenergética (biométrica corporal) y constantemente escanea un área para localizarte.

Somos simples ratas de laboratorio para esta tecnología. Algo funciona muy mal en los servicios de defensa e inteligencia, porque los proyectos de desarrollo en el gobierno y defensa son a menudo, secretos y estancos, e imagino que alguien puede usar toda esta tecnología sin autorización.

Como sabemos, programas de comportamiento y control mental ya fueron autorizados bajo los programas de MKULTRA, programa mediante el cual armas de frecuencia de partículas cargadas atacaban a personas durante 24 horas al día. Las llamadas armas psicotrónicas están consideradas por la ONU como armas de destrucción masiva.

HAARP puede crear terremotos y además puede escanear con rayos X la Tierra para encontrar bases militares, reservas de oro y de petróleo o gas. Estos calentadores ionosféricos pueden también operar como sistemas de comunicaciones que no se ven obstaculizados por el horizonte. Todas estas armas están basadas en rayos. Dos rayos solapados forman un rayo de partículas iones que es capaz de enviar imágenes holográficas al satélite por medio de operaciones de espionaje remoto.

Cuando se cruzan dos rayos potentes, supuestamente se pueden crear energías escalares. Estas pueden ser usadas como armas para crear explosiones nucleares que no dejan huella. También se pueden emplear para crear una especie de electro-shock de forma remota, causando un fallo de su propio sistema eléctrico humano.

Las energías escalares se pueden emplear para armas de mano o tanques. De las energías escalares resulta prácticamente imposible protegerse; se necesita plomo, materia cerámica y una instalación profunda subterránea para no verse afectado por estas armas.


Algunas personas escuchan tonos y zumbidos. Si oyes tonos estáticos y persistentes, tienes vibraciones corporales y sensaciones de quemazón, daño neuronal, daño en tu sistema inmunitario, escuchas voces electrónicas en tu cabeza o tienes dolores de cabeza persistentes, sufres dolor profundo de órganos o experiencias anómalas similares, es posible que estés siendo el objetivo directo de este tipo de rayo energético; las armas podrían estar en helicópteros, jets, aviones invisibles o satélites. Podrían estar enviándote rayos de energía dirigidos y ondas electromagnéticas por medio de dispositivos de mano, teléfonos celulares o torres de satélite.

Puede que ese ‘alguien’ tema las protestas y manifestaciones que se producirán por el hambre y el descontento general que vendrán en el futuro cercano y esa es la razón de que estén saturando la Tierra con chemtrails para un control mental a gran escala.

O tal vez, se trata simplemente de una guerra de ambiciones para apoderarse de los recursos energéticos disponibles bajo los hielos del Ártico y para ello quieren descongelarlo.

Cualquier país miembro de la OTAN es controlado mentalmente y enfermado por medio de campos electromagnéticos intensos, oscilantes así como por los tóxicos y venenosos chemtrails. Nuestro ADN se romperá, existe un riesgo de que el eje de la Tierra cambie o puede que esto haya ocurrido ya.

¿Quiénes son exactamente los que están pilotando estos aviones que están sincronizados con el manto de plasma que cubre la superficie de la Tierra y que están siendo vistos en todo el país y a veces confundidos con OVNIS por personas que no tienen conocimiento de esta tecnología?.

El gobierno de la elite corporativista nos va a tener prisioneros apuntándonos con sus armas de energía dirigida desde el espacio, si la política propugnada por el grupo New American Century - PNAC Bush y sus amigos del think tank, se salen con la suya dirigiendo ataques a cada ciudadano o país que ellos decidan que no les gusta.

Estas armas pueden crear guerras climáticas, guerras mentales guerras de enfermedades, guerras de desastres, ciber-guerras y guerras indetectables. Todas juntas pueden crear una guerra económica.

Si no les detenemos, el sistema matará a miles de millones de seres humanos por intoxicación de aluminio y barrio y generará sequías, hambrunas y enfermedades en todo el mundo. Causará ataques al corazón, cáncer, defectos de nacimiento, infertilidad. Los chemtrails llevan a menudo hongos, bacterias, litio, cationes metálicos, carbono, glóbulos rojos disecados, substancias cristalinas, metales pesados y Dios sabe qué más.

Fumigar con gérmenes que luego mutan en la atmósfera debido a la luz ultravioleta es un plan brillante, ¿no?. ¿Somos pérdidas aceptables o esto ocurre por un diseño y plan definido de antemano?

Sé que algunos de los protagonistas principales tienen inversiones importantes en compañías farmacéuticas. General Motors participa: siembra (semillas en chemtrails que pueden crecer en una “sopa” electromagnética) y está involucrada en armas y contratos para desarrollar energía dirigida, investigación genética, estudios de control mental.


Algunas de estas personas tienen una historia familiar de apoyo financiero y político a programas de control de la población, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Pinochet, Hussein y otros tantos dictadores. Algunos de estos actores principales fueron los inspiradores de los escuadrones de la muerte en América Central y América del Sur. Siguen con la intención de hacer grandes beneficios de nuestra muerte y enfermedades.


Sólo hay que echar un vistazo a lo que ocurre con Rumsfield y el producto Tamiflu.

Supongo que ellos conocen los riesgos de este sistema y que tienen cuidado y permanecen en sus oficinas con filtros de aire y lugares protegidos, casas, bases y coches. Supongo que toman sustancias quelantes para expulsar el bario y aluminio de sus cuerpos y mentes. Si no es así, es que realmente no comprenden las implicaciones de amplio espectro que conlleva este sistema destructivo.

El Congreso de los EE.UU. puede no entender la clase de armamento terrible y sistema de control que está financiando.

¿Hay alguna buena noticia?


Si. Hay toneladas de partículas sembradas en operaciones de fumigación de aerosoles durante los últimos 8 años sobre América, Europa, Escandinavia, Europa del Este y, por lo que tengo entendido, Rusia. De manera que estas sustancias ya se habrán extendido de forma global por todo el planeta. De esta forma, están envenenando a los propios países de la OTAN y también a otras potencias, neutrales y no combatientes así como a sus enemigos.

El agua, la tierra de todos estos países está tan saturada con cationes metálicos, que los locos que promueven estas horrendas armas pueden destruirse mutuamente y tan a menudo como deseen.


Una vez que se hayan bombardeado con estas armas mutuamente y a sus países durante algunos años, puede que empiecen a darse cuenta de que esta política de Asuntos Exteriores puede llevar a una raza humana defectuosa y a una economía destruida por completo.

imagen de dos orbes y zoom de la fotografía original