The Underworld Empire

Part 7

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According to Sharula, in another interview, the city of Telos exists on five different levels. The bottom level is about one and one-half miles across, while the other levels are different. The closest level to the mountain itself is about three-quarters of a mile across. This would allow for the possibility of "housing" a large number of inhabitants in a more concentrated area than surface cities could permit, being that surface areas can only be inhabited on the one (surface) level, except for high-rises. This might explain the large (million-and-a-half) population of this particular sub-city.

As a possible confirmation of the above, we quote the following transcript of parts of an interview between John Lear and the National Fringe Sciences Bulletin Board:

"Question: You just mentioned that there were... other ’species’ in contact with this world... are they aware of the EBE’s?

"Lear: Yes they are. The types I will mention are listed in a USAF Academy Physics book called ’INTRODUCTORY SPACE SCIENCE VOLUME 2,B.’ I refer to chapter 13... which lists the ones that are most seen. They are the EBE’s, the ’Blondes’... They look just like us but are invariably blond haired and blue eyed. Don’t know where they come from but they do not interact with us except for a few abductions now and then. We also have a species that is similar to us in appearance but they are about seven feet tall and the main difference is that their eyes wrap around their head a little more than ours. Another type listed is a small species about four feet tall, very hairy and extremely strong for their size. We don’t know where these guys come from either. All this was in the aforementioned text which was withdrawn by the Air Force in the early ’70’s from the book. But there are several people who have the original book...

"Question: I’m curious also as to the government’s plans, if any, to deal with an uprising of EBE’s should that eventually occur... or would the technological gap make an attempt untenable?

"Lear: It is my understanding that we have already lost the battle. This is the reason why MJ-12 is in such a panic. They had a lot of well laid plans to inform us, and when the deception was confirmed about 1984 it was all out the window...

"Question: Recently in the INF treaty negotiations, Gorbachev indicated that despite prior claims, they too were working on an SDI program... Is there any connection between our program and theirs and if the battle is lost, why are those attempts being made?

"Lear: I wish I knew the answer to that. Several rumors have come out of the test site recently and one of them was that every test shot this year (1989? - Branton) has been to make a giant (underground - Branton) room. The shots are very clean and as soon as everything subsides they move in equipment to make walls, ceiling, floors and various levels."

The following account is based on a series of letters, documents, and diagrams which were received from a man in Michigan who we will refer to as David L., who claimed to have been part of a 12-man speleological team who broke into an ancient tunnel system and, subsequently, encountered some of the inhabitants of the subsurface world. These beings described by David ’may’ be the 7-ft. tall humans with large ’wrap-around’ eyes described by John Lear who have bases on the moon. However this is only a supposition.

During the mid-1980’s, subsurface researcher Charles A. Marcoux (now deceased) informed other researchers who were at the time involved in aerial and subsurface investigations, that he had received a manuscript, maps, etc., from a long-time correspondent of his. This was David L. We will not reveal the last name of this source, nor the last names nor the cities of residence of others involved in the incident out of respect for their privacy. However, since much of the story was released to inner earth researchers some years ago we feel that the information itself is of enough importance to the "master puzzle" to mention here.

The manuscript contained an account of a series of expeditions which David L. and 11 others were involved with during the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. Only 4 or 5 of the members took part in the expeditions at any given time, while the others supported their efforts. The account contained a description of an alleged encounter with a subterran "human" race who allegedly inhabited an underground city or cities, connected by tunnels, approximately 5-7 miles beneath the surface of northern Arkansas. This subterranean system was apparently built by a highly technological race. Some indications suggest that the tunnels were constructed by a race which was more ancient than the present inhabitants, and were possibly excavated in antediluvian times, since the present inhabitants allegedly showed the speleologists ancient sealed ’cities’ farther below their own, built by a race which pre-dated themselves.

Some of the men involved were formerly members of a UFO organization which thrived in Michigan in the 1950’s, and which published a UFO journal which had up to a few thousand subscribers at one point. Some of the writers for this publication, who were also members of the ’board’ of this investigations group, later left off investigating UFO’s due to the confusing "paranormal" aspects of the phenomena, and instead turned their attentions to subsurface investigations. At the time there was a great division between those UFOlogists who considered the UFO phenomena to be an exclusively physical and solid phenomena and those who were convinced it was more paraphysical or supernatural in nature. Unfortunately, few considered the possibility that both could be true, i.e. that a physical race of alien "sorcerers" that possessed seemingly supernatural or paraphysical abilities, such as the reptilian Grays, were behind much of the phenomena.


One of the early members of this groups was a man by the name of George Wight. He, like the others, felt that it might be more profitable to investigate something more "closer to home", like the subterranean realm, instead of attempting to investigate possible encounters with alien craft from beyond earth which were here today and gone tomorrow and might have been paraphysial apparitions anyway, from all they could gather. So the group eventually drifted towards investigating the underground realm, beginning with the exploration of caverns in Arkansas and surrounding states.

According to David L., even though they had been partially exposed to the idea of subterranean civilizations through the Shaver Mystery, etc., none of them ever expected to encounter anything like that, and they took such accounts with a grain of salt. To them the idea was almost as elusive as the UFO phenomena, they had not really seen any solid evidence to prove it. They probably realized that any such "evidence" of an alien civilization might be apprehended by government officials even if it did turn up, and so they more-or-less resigned themselves to a "wait and see" attitude.

Two of the incidents which led Wight and the others to their assumption of a "paranormal" connection to the UFO phenomena were as follows. The first incident which led them to their conclusions involved a woman known by some members of the group, who claimed to be an "occult channel" for psychic messages from the so-called "space people". The researchers tried to convince the girl that she should ask the ’occupants’ to make an appearance to them, which she did. She took them outside and directed their attention to the sky. From the standpoint of the researchers, nothing could be seen in the sky, even through the girl insisted that ’they’ were there. However, several people in the area reported seeing a luminous object flying overhead at about the same time the researchers were standing outside with the ’contactee’, and in the exact same area.


They noticed some strange qualities with the girl which reminded them of some of the obsessive and irrational behavior which often accompanies those who have become involved in the occult, witchcraft, and the dark side and have become ’possessed’ by invisible malevolent entities as a result. Also, with the ’religious’ background of some of the members of the group, they began to suspect that something sinister and deceptive and at least in part supernatural might be working behind the phenomena. They noticed that some of the objects could be seen by people who were supposedly ’psychically attuned’ to them or people who were under the influence of the objects and the occupants, while those standing next to them might not see anything at all.

The other account involved one of the members of the group who was of the conviction that many of the UFO’s were of ’demonic’ origin (this is not to say that ALL such objects can be classified in this way). This member was alleged to have had conversations with a well- known UFOlogist at the time who claimed to have had frequent visits by the so-called ’Men In Black’. The beings he encountered looked humanlike yet seemed to possess (or were ’possessed’ by?) supernatural energies; perhaps a "controlled" hidden society of sorcerers!? This particular member of the group, according to David L., claimed that during his conversations with this well-known researcher, he was told by this man confidentially that he was of the opinion that some of the UFO phenomena was ’satanic’ or ’demonic’ in nature. The member who was told this even went so far as to begin giving public lectures about the occultic/demonic origin of some of the phenomena.

According to David L., some time afterwards and apparently in response to his outspokenness, this member and friend of his was on a ranch somewhere in the mountains of Wyoming where he was suddenly struck by a brilliantly lit red-glowing object which appeared in the sky. As a result of this he suffered serious paralysis below the waist and was consigned to a wheel chair for years afterwards.

Shortly before the group officially disbanded the UFO organization, George Wight himself wrote and published an article in their periodical which presented strong evidence that much of the UFO phenomena was being directed by an unknown intelligence which was secretly working towards the establishment of an Anti-Christ system on earth.

As the "group" began to disband, some of it’s members as we’ve said began to seek out ways to continue their friendships and still remain active in some pursuit. Not so much out of a motive to discover a lost world but more out of a desire to fulfill their hunger for adventure (and escape for at least a time the busy rat-race which many of them, having been involved in some type of ’professional’ career or business, found themselves getting caught up in) they began to explore the caverns.

During the latter part of the 1950’s the exploration party had investigated some very interesting caverns, mainly within the area of Arkansas and the surrounding states. At on point they came across one particular cavern some miles north of Batesville, Arkansas. This was in an area where several caverns were located. Many of these caves (concentrated generally NW-West of the town of Cushman) have in fact been the subject of some very interesting accounts, suggesting that there might be more than one route to the nether regions below other than the one discovered by David L. and his friends.


There are accounts of several people who have entered some of these caves and were never seen again; or who encountered strange phenomena deep underground - such as electrical failure of flashlights, suggesting possible electromagnetic interference; accounts involving extremely deep caverns; gas pockets encountered at extreme depths; and an account concerning one of the caves west of Cushman which seemed to have ancient carvings over it depicting various figures; and there is even one account which came from an Oklahoma man who was told by a friend of his of being chased from a cavern west of Cushman by a large hairy humanoid who began throwing boulders at him as if annoyingly scaring him out of "his" territory!

At one point David L’s group came across one particular cavern near the town. Over a period of years, returning from time to time to this particular cavern, the explorers had crossed underground lakes, followed dead-end leads, explored "breakdown" areas, investigated numerous cracks and chasms, and steep inclines. One of their most fortunate discoveries was made in a large boulder-strewn break-down area about half-way between the entrance and an underground "lake". They noticed a crack in the path which they had found through the boulders and, following this crack into the thick of the breakdown they came across another area where the crevice widened enough to allow them entrance.


Following this they descended for a very great distance for a very long while, down a sloping 45 degree incline, so steep in places that rope had to be used. This steep, sloping passage led them past a couple of horizontal "side passages" which they followed a few miles to dead ends, and continued deeper through at least one more crevice. Eventually they emerged into a large cavernous area hundreds of feet high and long, which they named "glass cave" because of it’s features, and used it as a central "camp" in subsequent explorations. The remarkable thing about this cavern, however, was their claim that it was located almost 4 MILES beneath the surface of the earth, which would definitely make it deeper than any other "officially" recognized cavern.

Time and again they explored the mazes and labyrinths deep in the earth using "glass cave" as their central camp. Two passages in the far wall of this chamber, opposite from the crevice through which they first entered glass cave, were each explored for 3 days continuously before they decided to turn back. According to David L., these passages still continued onward with no end in sight. Could these have led to the gloomy ’hadean’ like caverns which they were to see later, and which they alleged contained ’gigantic serpents’ or snakes capable of crushing a human being to death in a few seconds?

After some experiments involving air flow within glass cave, the explorers were able to trace slight air movements to another as-yet- undiscovered crevice hidden within the wall, not far from the crevice which they had entered from above. This passage, through relatively small, continued still DEEPER into the earth. They explored the steep incline for what they approximated to be a mile, before reaching an area of "breakdown". This "seemed" to be the end of the line. Just as they were about to turn back in disappointment from this passage which had taken them deeper than they had ever been before, one of the members of the team noticed that the light of their carbide lamps seemed to have a faint amber tint to it. All of them were perplexed, wondering what would be causing the phenomena.

It was decided that they would all turn off their lamps in order to see if the greenish luminescence remained. They did so, and a minute or so afterwards their eyes adjusted to the darkness and they could faintly distinguish a greenish luminescence which seemed to emanate from the lowest part of the passage in an area where heavy "breakdown" SEEMED to close off any further progress.

George Wight was the first one to make his way to the spot in the breakdown area from which the faint light seemed to emanate and, after removing more rocks, they discovered that still another crack or crevice, barely wide enough for one man to enter at a time, descended vertically from beneath the breakdown.

According to David L., Wight volunteered himself to be the first to explore the crevice, and soon afterwards he was on his way down. A few minutes passed before those above heard the sound of what they could only guess was George slipping and falling down the crevice.

After a period of uncertainty those above, concerned for his safety, were relieved to hear the faint voice of George Wight rising up from apparently several dozen feet below. They were able to make out his excited words to the effect that he had fallen into a large tunnel, and encouraged the others to follow him.

They did so, and when they were all in the ’tunnel’ they stood in stunned silence. The passage which stretched out from them in BOTH directions was not like the common natural cavern passages which they had explored for the past few days. In fact, it seemed more artificial than natural. Approximately a dozen feet in height and about the same in width, the ’tunnel’ was similar in shape to a subway tunnel, having a domed ceiling and a flat floor. What really caught their attention however, was the fact that the tunnel was illuminated by a greenish phosphorescence to the point that they did not need their carbide lamps to see their surroundings. The strange luminescence seemed to emanate from the walls of the tunnel itself, which were clear and glass-like yet at the same time extremely hard.

In one direction the lighting effect faded out into blackness, while in the other direction the light seemed to increase. One of the members suggested that the light might be coming from the surface, and that they might be in one of the old mines which existed in the area of the cavern entrance, but others brought up the fact that, according to their calculations, they were at least five miles beneath the earth and therefore the light probably did not come from the surface.

Subsequently, the explorers decided to investigate in the direction of the "light" since it would allow them to keep some carbide in reserve for their return trip. At one point the tunnel (which was apparently cut through solid rock much of the way and then glazed over with the hard, transparent substance) opened into a gigantic cavern. Actually, this occurred several times and at intervals, as if those who constructed the tunnel intentionally meant for them to intersect the various cavern systems. Did the ancient builders of this tunnel system possess a combination of gravitometers, x-rays and sounding radars to detect these cavities? Even as it passed through these large caverns, the tunnel still continued in the form of a transparent domed enclosure, still the same shape as before, yet this time the hard transparent substance was in the form of a ’wall’ a foot or so thick that protected the group from the ’outside’ or cavern environment. And fortunately so, for beyond the luminescent walls, were black expanses of gloomy darkness within which they could faintly make out huge moving and slithering figures of what seemed to be giant serpents and other grotesque reptilian creatures as well as other non-reptilian creatures, including giant insects.

If not for the fact that these creatures were physical, tangible things, these dark caverns could have been likely candidates for the legendary ’Hades’ of Greek and Hebrew tradition.

The most shocking surprise of all, however, occurred on the third day after exploration of this tunnel began, a considerable distance from the crevice from which they entered the tunnel. They were walking along when all-of-the-sudden they turned around and found themselves face-to-face with a group of human-like beings who stood around 7 to 8 feet tall. ’Their’ skin had a faint pale-bluish, almost clay-bluish tint to it and their eyes were relatively large and owl- like. But ’they’ were definitely human, according to David L., who was on this particular expedition. The ’people’ took out some type of electronic device, apparently some kind of parabolic communicator, and after a few attempts they succeeded in establishing a communication link using the electronic ’translator’.

At this point their story becomes even more complex, and the exact series of events, in their chronological order, are rather undefined. First, the strange ’people’ made it known that the tunnel led to a network that went all throughout the earth and to even greater depths. ’They’ had certain types of instruments that could monitor from a distance the emotional field or make-up of a person and thus determine their intentions. It was only because ’the group’ was found to possess an emotional makeup indicating relatively non-violent and non-selfish motivations that they were chosen to be contacted. ’They’ made it known that the cavers could have traveled through the underground tunnels for weeks and would not have discovered their "city" if "they" did not wish them to, as the entrance to it was so well hidden. Here then, are some of the other incidents which allegedly occurred after the group encountered the strange people, or rather after these people CONTACTED the group (chronological sequence uncertain):

1) The group learned that the tunnels continued for hundreds of miles, at least. After the initial contact, the topsiders were taken to a hidden “elevator” and were then taken through this to the “city” where these people resided. This community was apparently made out of a glass-like substance, somewhat like the makeup of the tunnels themselves.

2) Their lifestyle, way of life, society, government, etc., was described as being radically different than that which existed on the surface. These people possessed a “Book of Laws” or a moral code by which they attempted to live. According to David L., if any of their society became violent or became a threat to the rest they were expelled into the tunnels, given sufficient provisions to make it on their own, and generally forced to seek out their destiny in other parts of the nether regions. This punishment for unrepentant “criminals” was apparently practiced only on very rare occasions.

3) The technology used by this civilization was very complex, and is based largely on the technology of the lost races who lived before the flood and whose demise resulted in the abandonment of the subterranean system, along with all of the sophisticated technology which had been left there as well. The race encountered by David L. and his group allegedly were direct descendants of Noah, and were of a race of explorers who came to the Western Hemisphere some centuries following the deluge and discovered and took up residence within the ancient subsystem where they now resided. Some of the technology left by the “ancients” is still not understood by the people encountered by the speleologists. The group was also shown tremendous dark caverns miles beneath the city, where the subterraneans had found ancient ruins of this ancient lost race. Some of these buildings were sealed, apparently the desperate act of the vanished race who built them.

4) Some of the caverns—especially the extremely deep one’s in which the ancient cities were found—were miles in diameter. Some were pitch black and so still and silent that a whisper could seemingly be heard miles away. Some of the upper caverns through which the ‘tunnel’ penetrated contained not only serpent-like creatures but also huge, hairy ‘humanoids’, perhaps tied-in with the Sasquatch family. These however were particularly violent in nature, possibly due to their environment and constant proximity to the serpents. Apparently there was an ongoing conflict between the “hairy” humanoids and the reptilian creatures in the caverns. According to David L., these hairy giants had faces “only a mother could love”. On one occasion, their subterranean friends demonstrated some type of hand-held beam weapon by pointing it at one of the large serpents which could be seen through the tunnel “walls”. The beam melted through the transparent barrier and the serpent disappeared in a sizzling glow of fire.

5) The group attempted to tell their story to friends of theirs on the surface. Apparently they made several trips after their first encounter with the blue-skinned race. However, their story was rejected and met with mockery and ridicule. They attempted to gather proof of their visit, and made a special trip “down under” just for that purpose, and succeeded in capturing a “giant cave moth” which roamed the deeper caverns. They placed it in a bag and upon returning topside they opened the bag and exposed the creature to the brilliant summer sun. For some reason, the sunlight had a disintegrating effect on the insect and before they could show it to anyone as proof it had dried up, become brittle and eventually crumbled to dust. After this, they gave up all attempts to get anyone to believe them, and resigned themselves to keep the secret among the twelve individuals who made up the exploration and support teams, that is, until David L. was given permission to reveal the story to the now late Charles A. Marcoux

(Note: Marcoux incidentally died as a result of a ‘heart attack’, while exploring the surface areas around the Cushman caves. His wife described it as a sudden and irrational attack of fear resulting from a swarm of bees that Charles had encountered. One must realize that ‘fear’ is one of the most powerful weapons utilized by the ‘infernals’ who would attempt to blind mankind to conditions taking place in the inner world. However, by the grace of God Almighty, many have been able to defend themselves from the “body terror” utilized by the reptilians and which can often lead to paralysis, heart attacks, insanity or even suicide).


Eventually George Wight decided to remain below with their subterranean friends, and on their second-to-the-last trip they said their goodbyes. They allegedly made one more trip afterwards during which they met with their friend, who was doing well, for the last time. The peculiar thing about this incident, according to David, was that shortly after Wight had joined this underground society all evidence and records of him ever existing began to mysteriously disappear from the surface. Birth certificates, school records, computer records, bank records, etc. all seemed to vanish, apparently the work of someone in a very influential position who was able to erase all evidence that Wight had ever lived. Some researchers still retain copies of George Wight’s articles from the old UFO periodical, nevertheless. This would open up the possibility that this underground race closely monitors events on the surface, and even has "workers" in various influential positions who act as mediators in surface society. Everything points to the fact that this subterranean race prefers it’s privacy and does not wish to become involved in the political conflict and chaos which has for untold centuries plagued the surface world by warring factions constantly fighting over territorial rights, etc.

There is apparently much more to this account than we can relate here, however for various reasons, specific information other than that which we have just related will have to remain confidential. One can seemingly find "connections" between this account and others which have been related by other sources. For instance, John Lear has stated to some researchers that certain Apollo astronauts encountered another terran or earth-based race on the moon, a race that apparently made it there long before America did, and this 7 ft. tall, large-eyed race of humans seems to fit the same description as that given by David L. The people that Lear referred to allegedly have an alliance with the ’Blondes’. Is it possible that the underground people contacted by David know of and interact with the Telosians?

Whether this small item has any connection with the people allegedly encountered by the speleologists is uncertain, but it was related by John Keel in his book ’THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES’:

"...The Cherokees have a tradition, according to Benjamin Smith Barton’s ’NEW VIEWS OF THE ORIGINS OF THE TRIBES AND NATIONS OF AMERICA’ (1798), that when they migrated to Tennessee they found the region inhabited by a weird race of white people who lived in houses and were apparently quite civilized. They had one problem: their eyes were very large and sensitive to light. They could only see at night..."

Is it possible that these people may have later taken up a cave- dwelling lifestyle, if they had not done so previously, to allow themselves more comfortable living conditions?

Leading Edge Research’ made the following statements in one of their publications:


- There is some confusion over the subject of alien bases in the United States. There seem to be many of them, but some of them seem to stand out functionally and operationally. IT WOULD SEEM THAT THE MAIN BASE is in NEW MEXICO with small detachments (human phrase) at Dreamland and Area 51 in general. Both of those locations are used to test-fly alien craft (PROJECT GRUDGE/REDLIGHT). The main location for the test flights appears to be Area 51. The EXCALIBUR project being developed AT LOS ALAMOS is designed to try and penetrate underground facilities, since they (grays) have entrenched themselves and no longer honor any of the dubious agreements which they have made with (certain) factions within the government."

In the May, 1989 issue of ’Leading Edge’ (formerly ’Nevada Aerial Research’) it was stated that:

"...Information about underground bases at Edwards AFB (CA) are not new. Stories have circulated for years. There was the lady whose mother used to work at the cafeteria who overheard people talking about aliens and disks. The constant stream of construction materials going out to the end of the base, but nothing showed up on the surface. NASA has a large underground base that has been there for years.

"’Tube shuttles take personnel 50 miles to the other end of the base in the Tahachapi mountains. The underground base has been referred to as an underground city. It is even said that there are disks stored in glasslike enclosures under a vacuum to preserve them.’"

What may very well be a confirmation of the above appeared in the Dec. 1990 issue of a publication sent out by ’THE BORDERLAND SCIENCES RESEARCH FOUNDATION’, which has for years been under the direction of Riley H. Crabb. The information was in the form of a letter which we quote here:

"I spent the weekend with a ’recent’ Edwards AFB workman and his wife -- ’recent’ because they are both repeat contactees and have become ’unmanageable’ as the AFB management puts it. He was fired for blasting a Spybee with spray paint -- which I find funny and as classic as the graffiti on New York subway cars.

"’You did it on purpose,’ they told him, and they knew of course, because the Spybees are telepathic (i.e. capable of ’tuning in’ to Extremely Low Frequency or ’ELF’ electro-encephalographic neuro-brain waves? - Branton) as well as camera equipt. They also carry microphones. We were all laughing as he told us how the little spray- painted gold orb, blinded, went bouncing off walls and posts and was quickly withdrawn from its spy mission. He said Spybees are about the size of a basketball. They fly by antigravity all over any ’Above Top Secret’ installation. They dart soundlessly everywhere and hover between workers, sometimes programmed to harass the guys for fun, like bumping them in the rear end.

"No person (that) he and his friends knew about there was allowed to say one word to another while on the job. They would test by trying to write to each other in the floor dust. Within two or three strokes a Spybee would whiz around the corner, lock on to and stop above the writing. His last comment was to write and draw a great big ’screw you’.

"His painting work was part of an ONGOING EXCAVATION beneath Edwards AFB on the high desert in California. He and his crew were always blindfolded and strip-searched before transit. They couldn’t even have watches. BY TAKING TURNS COUNTING IN THE ELEVATOR GOING TO AND FROM THE WORK SITE, THEY ESTIMATED IT MUST BE SOME 9,000 FEET DOWN, AT LEAST TWO MILES, AND THE TRIP TOOK ABOUT 15 MINUTES.

"Management accused him of doing it on purpose, and they knew... ’No, no. The Spybee kept bumpin’ the back of my neck while I was sprayin.’ After one real hard knock I whirled around with the spray gun still goin.’"


"For part of the night we went ’foo chasing’, their term for sightseeking UFOs. Tahachapi where H. Hughes and Northrup Corporations and the USAF have just imported Delta Forces and fleets of black helicopters deployed by the government for top security events coverage. There is no doubt something major is going on up there, even that night.

"The researcher and his team were hoping to see the 30-FOOT VERSION OF THE SPYBEES, as there are growing numbers of reports on these. THEY ARE DESIGNED TO FLY OVER YOUR HOUSE (electromagnetically cloaked in a similar manner as was discovered during the ’Philadelphia’ experiments? - Branton), CARRYING SURVEILLANCE BEAMS FOR THOUGHT/EMOTION CONTROL AND BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION. (Note: Since thoughts and emotions may be to some extent electromagnetic in nature, it may be possible for them to be manipulated by EM rays - Branton).

"...I often see Terra now as in near-final throes of exactly the H.G. Wells scenario where the unwilling and witless 90% of mankind inhabits a play-fantasy world on Earth’s surface, while the split-off race of highly technical degenerates (in league with and/or controlled by the serpent race - Branton), the Trogs, prey on them from underground..."