Descendants of
Generation No. 4


1D1A. EN.KI4 (ANU3,ANSHAR22,APSU1) {aka E.A, SAMA.EL, Hea, Nudimmud, Ptah, Lord Earth, Archetype, The Lord Of Firm Ground, The Lord Of The Seas And Oceans, He Whose House Is Water, The Deep, The God Of The Lower Regions, The God Of The House Of Water, The Lord Of The City Of Eridu}

EN.KI was the firstborn son of ANU; as such, he should have inherited the dominion over the Earth. EN.KI was originally the Lord of the Earth, being the one who made the first settlement of this planet (at Eridu - i.e. House in faraway built) around 445,000 B.C., according to present-day reckoning. The purpose of establishing a settlement on Earth at Eridu (the first Earth Station) was to set up gold mining operations. At that time, he would have been known as the Lord Of Firm Ground.


But after the settlements were established, ANU sent his son, EN.LIL to govern the Earth and redirected EN.KI to rule the ABZU or 'netherworld' (sometimes mistranslated as the 'abyss' or the underworld, or at times as the abysmal oceans and referred to as Hades by the Greeks). As HEA, EN.KI is often compared to the Greek god, Kronos. He is also identified with the god, Poseidon because of the mistranslation of the word, Abzu. In Egyptian mythology, EN.KI was known as Ptah, "the Developer."

EN.KI raped his sister, NIN.HUR.SAG in an attempt to gain a male heir. When she bore a daughter, NIN.SAR, EN.KI in turn, raped her. She, likewise bore a daughter. NIN.KUR, whom EN.KI raped in an attempt to gain a male heir. NIN.KUR bore a daughter, UT.TU, whom EN.KI raped. UT.TU bore eight trees as children to EN.KI, but he consumed them and was cursed by NIN.HUR.SAG for his actions. The curse gave to EN.KI a wound for each of the 'tree children' that he had killed. EN.LIL and a fox entreated NIN.HUR.SAG to reconsider her punishment of EN.KI.


In the end, NIN.HUR.SAG relented, and bore unto EN.KI eight new children, each empowered to heal one of his wounds. It was by NIN.KI {aka Damkina, Davkina, Davke, The Consort Of The Deep}, the daughter of ALALU, his 'legitimate' wife, that EN.KI gained a son, who was named MAR.DUK. In certain texts, it is claimed that NIN.KI was none other than NIN.HUR.SAG. EN.KI and a concubine named DUT.TUR gave birth to a son, DU.MUZI (by certain scholars, believed to have been the son of ISH.KUR and SHALA).

To alleviate the need for the Anunnaki to labor on Earth, EN.KI and his half-sister, NIN.HUR.SAG, are believed to have created the first human, the ADAMA (i.e. earthling). According to a scenario proposed by Zecharia Sitchin in his 1976 book, The 12th Planet, the Anunnaki established a settlement on the planet Earth for the purpose of mining gold. After toiling for forty 'periods', the Anunnaki mutinied and demanded relief. They approached EN.LIL begging for relief, but he did not want to satisfy their requests, so they called on ANU to provide relief. EN.KI, invariably the Anunnaki's protagonist, suggested that a lullu (i.e. a primitive worker, aka the Lullu Amelu) be created to bear the work.

According to the Sumerian texts, the decision to create the Lullu was agreed upon by all the Nephilim - the gods and goddesses who made up the Anunnaki assembly. The writers of the Judeo-Christian Bible borrowed much from the Sumerian texts.


But in the process of converting the pantheon of gods into the single Deity of Yahweh, the writers sometimes made 'errors' and allowed the pluralistic origins of the Deity surface. In regard to the creation of mankind, the writer of the Book of Genesis made such as error when he stated, in Chapter I, verse 26:

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..."

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male and female created he them."

And again, in Genesis 5:1 and 5:2, we find a parallel account, in which it is stated that:

"In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God he made him. Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam...".

The word used in Genesis 1:26 to name the Deity was Elohim, which denotes the plural of 'deity'. Later, in regard to the incident in which Adam and Eve partake of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil, the plural of El (i.e. God) - Elohim, is again used in which the Deity, apparently speaking to others of His own kind, stated, in Chapter III, verse 22:

"And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil."

The process whereby mankind - Homo sapiens sapiens (i.e. the Lullu, the 'one that is mixed') was created, was by genetically altering the Homo erectus beings that inhabited the Earth prior to the coming of the Anunnaki. But rather than being a 'creation' in the strictest sense of the word, the method by which EN.KI and NIN.HUR.SAG brought the ADAMA into existence was by infusing the Nephilim / Anunnaki life blood (i.e. the nephesh, or soul) into the beings which already inhabited the Earth - the prehistoric Homo erectus.


It should here be noted that the life which inhabited this planet, prior to the arrival of the Nephilim, may have actually originated on the home planet of the Nephilim, Nibiru (according to the Sumerians, but referred to as The Twelfth Planet by Zecharia Sitchin), and been deposited on this planet when it collided with Nibiru. Therefore, the life forms, including the 'caveman', Homo erectus, would have been genetically compatible with the life forms of Nibiru.


In the most basic terms, the semen/sperm of EN.KI was introduced into the egg of an Homo erectus female in the process known today as cross-fertilization, and the fertilized egg, the embryo, was then inserted into NIN.KI's womb where it was nourished by her blood and grew into the ADAMA, which EN.KI named Adapa. The ADAMA was the first man - or rather, the first of a kind - Home sapiens sapiens. This first human being would be referred to, in later times, and by the spiritual descendants of the Sumerians - the Judeo-Christians, as Adam. EN.KI and NIN.HUR.SAG then created KHAWA, who would later be known as Eve.

The Adama and the Khawa were not the only beings created by EN.KI and NIN.HUR.SAG. The Sumerian Atra-Hasis epic stated that EN.KI and NIN.HUR.SAG / NIN.KI created fourteen additional humans, seven male and seven female, and inserted the genetically altered embryos into the wombs of 'birth goddesses' where they would mature. The Sumerian texts state that the beings which the Anunnaki created were 'the black-haired people' - who were the Sumerians, themselves.


Certain authorities believe that these fourteen hu.mannan were created before the ADAMA; certain others maintain that they came afterward. Those who are of the opinion that the fourteen were created first base that opinion on the assumption that they were test subjects and suffered from abnormalities that prevented them from functioning properly. It has been suggested by some scholars that the ability to reproduce is what differentiated the ADAMA and the KHAWA from the earlier created earthlings.

EN.KI introduced the knowledge of the domestication of animals to the earthlings following the Deluge.

According to the Jewish Midrash, a collection of ‘inquiries’ into the history and essence of the Jewish religion, EN.KI was known as Samael, the serpent. He was known in Chaldean tradition as Shaitan. It was EN.KI who appeared as a serpent to KHAWA / EVE and told her that EN.LIL had deceived her and ADAPA / ADAM in regard to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. EN.LIL did not want the created earthlings to possess such knowledge, and had warned them to eat of any fruit except that of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, for if they ate of it, they would die.


EN.KI, having been one of the creators of the earthlings, and wanting them to survive and multiply, informed KHAWA of EN.LIL’s deceit, telling her that she and ADAPA would not die, but be aware of their existence and of their status in relation to the Nephilim – the ‘gods.’ When the Jewish religion was being devised, and the ‘gods’ were being transformed into a single ‘god,’ the encounter in the Garden of Eden between EN.KI and KHAWA was transformed to glorify EN.LIL rather than EN.KI, and the concept of an evil, tempting adversary, the Satan, was instituted. The name SAMAEL comes from the Akkadian term, SAMA.EL, meaning ‘King of SAMA,’ a kingdom in northern Mesopotamia.

Children of EN.KI and NIN.HUR.SAG is:

1.  NIN.SAR5

Child of EN.KI and NIN.KI is:


Child of EN.KI and DUT.TUR is:


Children created genetically by EN.KI and NIN.HUR.SAG and carried in the womb by NIN.KI are:

6.  ADAPA – the Adama

Child of EN.KI and an unknown concubine is:


1D1B. NIN.HUR.SAG4 (ANU3,ANSHAR2,APSU1) {aka KI, Nin.Mah, Nin.Khur.Sag, Nin.Igiku, Ma.Mi, and in a few instances - Nin.Ki} As the daughter of ANU and KI, NIN.MAH was known as the Lady of the Mountain, or Lady Earth. The title would eventually evolve into that form used to this day - Mother Earth. She received the name by which she was more widely known, NIN.HUR.SAG, following the Deluge, when she was granted the region which is today known as the Sinai Peninsula. NIN.MAH / NIN.HUR.SAG was the chief medical officer of the Anunnaki.

1D1C. EN.LIL4 (ANU3,ANSHAR2,APSU1) {aka Ilu, Ilu Kur-Gal, Eloh, El Elyon, The Lofty One, The Lord Of The Air, The Lord Of The Airspace, Guardian Of The Table Of Destinies} EN.LIL bore one child by his sister, NIN.HUR.SAG, and others by his legitimate wife, NIN.LIL. NIN.LIL, {aka SUD}, the daughter of Hiah and Nidaba (aka Nunbarshegunu), was known as The Nurse. In regard to EN.LIL's relationship to the Anunnaki, and later to the Adama creation, he functioned in a rather antagonistic role. (See the entry for EN.KI)


He was not in agreement with EN.KI's creation of the Adama, primarily because of the frequency with which the earthlings were reproducing. Prior to the Deluge, EN.LIL attempted to curb the increase of the earthlings by introducing diseases to them. Following the Deluge, EN.LIL treated the earthlings with greater patience, and even imparted the understanding of agriculture to them. EN.LIL assumed the powers and status of his father, ANU, and was sometimes referred to as the 'Father Of The Gods.' EN.LIL corresponds to the God of Israel {aka El Elyon, Jehovah, El Shaddai, Allah, El Of The Mountain}, who is worshipped to this present day by Jews, Christians and Moslems. The word, Eloh, derives from Ilu, one of the names of EN.LIL.


The Mesopotamian name for EN.LIL was ILU KUR.GAL, which translates into 'Great Mountain Lord.' It was the tradition of EN.LIL the El Elyon which Abraham, from Ur 'of the Chaldees', carried with him from Mesopotamia to Canaan. It was also El the El Elyon who Abraham's descendants followed and eventually came to worship as the monotheistic god, Jehovah, the 'I am that I am'. In the Book of Exodus, Chapter 6, verse 3, it states,

"And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the Lord: And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them."

The name by which Abraham knew this being, the God Almighty, was El Shaddai, which translates into 'El of the Mountain'. It was, of course, simply a variation of the name Ilu Kur.Gal. The emergence of the concept of Jehovah from EN.LIL was accompanied by a few changes in His basic nature. While EN.LIL was not immortal, Jehovah was identified as 'everlasting to everlasting.' While EN.LIL was believed to descend from earlier 'gods', the Anunnaki, who from heaven came down to earth, Jehovah was claimed to have been the one and only god in existence. The transformation was, undoubtedly, an attempt to elevate EN.LIL higher than any of the other Anunnaki.

Children of EN.LIL and NIN.HUR.SAG are:

1.  NIN.UR.TA5

Children of EN.LIL and NIN.LIL are:


1D1E. LUGAL.EDIN4 (ANU3,ANSHAR2,APSU1) {aka The King Of The Desert}

1D1I. RIM.MAN4 (ANU3,ANSHAR2,APSU1) {aka Rimmon, Mirmir, Dadda, Teiseba, The God Of The Space Between Heaven And Earth, The Air God, The Lord Of The City Of Muru} RIM.MAN was considered to be the god who controlled rain, storms, whirlwinds, thunder and lightning.

1D1J. GI.BIL4 (ANU3,ANSHAR2,APSU1) {aka The Fire God, He Who Burns The Soil} GIBIL was the god of fire. He was associated with witchcraft and the casting of spells. GI.BIL was knowledgeable in 'wisdom'. The Akkadian word for 'wisdom', nimiku, refers to mining metals. Therefore, GI.BIL was knowledgeable in mining techniques.

1D1K. ISTAR4 (ANU3,ANSHAR2,APSU1) {aka Gingir, The Goddess Of Love} ISTAR was often compared to the Greek goddess, Venus.

1D4A. SIN4 (ELUM3,ANSHAR2,APSU1) {aka Agu, Acu, The Moon God, The God Of The City Of Ur} SIN's consort is not known, by he was believed to have borne a son.

Child of SIN and ----- is:

1.  SAMAS5

1D4C. NINIP4 (ELUM3,ANSHAR2,APSU1) {aka The God Of Hunting And War} NINIP was originally considered to be the Sun God, before SIN's child, SAMAS took on that title.