by Jeff Challender

from ProjectProve Website


Soviet Air Force Colonel Marina Popovich has gone on record stating that Phobos, one of the two Martian moons, is an artificial structure.


She gave this information to CSETI’s International Director, Dr. Steven Greer. Her sources also advised that it is hollow. The credentials of Marina Popovich are second to none.


A Ph.D. from the University of Leningrad, and graduate of the Military Flight school. At the peak of her career she set over 100 aviation records, of which 90 still stand unbroken. Her contacts on the subject stem from her former husband being the first man to rendezvous with another spacecraft in orbit, during the Vostok 4 flight, in August 1962.

Deimos - "click" to enlarge

Phobos has itself always been considered a rather mysterious object, as has its smaller twin, Deimos. Joseph Shklovskii, a member of the Soviet Academy of science, calculated from the estimated density of the Martian atmosphere, and the "acceleration" of Phobos, that the moon must be hollow. Evidence for this arose in July 1988, when the Russians launched two unmanned planetary probes (Phobos 1 and Phobos 2).


Phobos 1 was lost en route two months later, reportedly because of a radio command error. Phobos 2 was also lost under the most intriguing circumstances, but not before it had beamed back certain images, and information from the planet Mars itself. Phobos 2 arrived safely at Mars in January 1989.


It entered into orbit around Mars as the first step towards its ultimate goal: to transfer to an orbit that would make it fly almost in tandem with the Martian moonlet called Phobos, and explore the moon with equipment that included two packages of instruments to be placed on the surface of the moon Phobos.

The mission was successful until Phobos 2 aligned itself with the Martian Moon. Then, on the 28th March, the Soviet mission control center acknowledged sudden communication "problems" with the spacecraft. Tass, the official Soviet news agency, reported that "Phobos 2 had failed to communicate with Earth, as scheduled, after completing an operation yesterday around the Martin moon Phobos.


Scientists at mission control have been unable to establish radio contact." The probe revealed anomalies on the surface of Mars (heat radiation leakage, in a perfect geometrical shape running parallel one to one another directly along the equator, and the Face on Mars).

Another anomaly was also found one of the last transmissions from Phobos 2. It was a photograph of a gigantic cylindrical object - a huge, approximately 20km long, 1.5km diameter cigar-shaped ’mother ship’, that was photographed on the 25th March 1989. hanging or packed next to the Martian moon Phobos by the Soviet unmanned probe Phobos.


After that last frame was radio-transmitted back to Earth, the probe mysteriously disappeared; according to the Russians it was destroyed - possibly knocked out with an energy pulse beam.

  • So what was it that collided or crashed into Phobos 2?

  • Was the space probe shot out of space for "seeing too much"?

  • What does the last secret frame show?

Popovich was associated with the controversial frames being ’smuggled’ out of top secret files, and although they have not been publicly released, it is believed however, that the frames have been shown to US and British officials.


The cigar shaped craft in the penultimate frame taken by Phobos 2, is apparently the object casting the oblong shadow on the surface of Mars in an earlier photo.

In October 1989, Soviet scientists published a series of technical reports on the experiments Phobos 2 did manage to conduct. The report confirms that the spacecraft was spinning, either because of a computer malfunction, or because Phobos 2 was "impacted" by an unknown object shortly before contact was lost.

In the latest effort to photograph Mars and its moons, the NASA ’Mars Observer’ was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida in late 1992, on a 337 day voyage to Mars. The Mars Observer initially was expected to arrive at Mars by 19 August 1993, and enter a long, elliptical orbit over the poles. In mid-November 1993, it was to begin its two year mapping of the surface of Mars.


Then suddenly, on 22nd August 1993, it was announced that NASA had lost contact with the spacecraft. Americans and the world mourned the loss of a valuable scientific tool for understanding Mars. Taxpayers wondered if there was a better way to spend their money than on expensive space probes that didn’t work.


A dark shield was going up on new information about Mars to the public at large.


With thanks to CSETI

UFO INFO comments:

With so much information that is coming out about Mars, we have to ask ourselves what is going on. If the report above is accurate and we are to believe that Phobos is a artificial structure, then who is using it and for what purpose? Maybe it is some kind of Inter-Stellar service station, were UFOs can stop and collect equipment that they may need for their missions. Maybe it is some kind of holding zone, where they can wait before going about their business. Whatever is going on up there, I am sure that somebody down here on Earth knows more than they are telling.

I don’t even think that it would do any good asking NASA what they have to say about Mars and its moons, as all they would give in response is something along the lines of, "If there is anything strange about Mars then ’Rover’ would be the first to find out." But how do we know that nothing has already happened? When was the last time we had any good information or pictures sent back from the ’Rover’?


In the beginning there were updates every couple of hours. When we landed on Mars, the whole world waited for the first images to be sent back. More recently we have had no information of any kind. Does this mean that something has happened, as did with Phobos 1, and Phobos 2?.

Andy Ellis

- Director Yorkshire UFO Info

NOTE: The "Pathfinder" Mars rover of 1997 had a life expectancy of only 60 days. Shortly after this time period ran out, "Pathfinder" became non-operational.