DELAWARE, DELAWARE BAY - Richard S. Shaver created a stir in AMAZING STORIES Magazine from 1945-1950 after sending a ms. to editor Ray Palmer [who backed Kenneth Arnold's investigation of the 'Maurey Island/Tacoma' UFO incident which also involved military industrialist agent Fred L. Crisman -- who later happened to be a close associate of Clay Shaw who Attorney James Garrison accused of being the Mafia-CIA go-between in the JFK assassination], Palmer also having publicized Arnold's own sighting of disc-shaped craft over Mt. Rainier, which became the original source for the term "flying saucers". Shaver's ms. was originally titled A WARNING TO FUTURE MAN, until it was embellished and "occultized" by Palmer to accommodate his metaphysical and science-fiction oriented readership, and re-named I REMEMBER LEMURIA. Shaver told of his experiences where he would "hear peoples thoughts" while working on a certain arc welding machine at an auto plant in Detroit. The "machine" made him sensitive to the thought-waves of others in the factory, however he claimed that many of the "voices" or thought-waves what he intercepted did not come from the factory but emanated from caverns BELOW Detroit involved a warring subterranean factions known as the dero and the tero, of star-ships, machines capable of transmitting electronically-enhanced focused encephalographic or telepathic beams or rays, and other bizarre and horrific realities.


Shaver also told of how his first visit to "the caves" occurred when a "hologram" of a young woman led him to a cavern entrance; also of his second and last physical visit to a hidden cave entrance on the east coast of Delaware [Bay], via a boat by which he navigated the water-filled passage for a few miles until reaching a "Tero" city. While there the "Deros", he claimed, attacked and killed all of his Tero "friends", but for some reason they left Shaver alive. Shaver left the cave and never returned to the inner world physically, however he continued to recieve "thought beams" which claimed to originate from other "Teros" yet which became increasingly occultic and confusions, suggesting, according to some, that the "Deros" were manipulating Shaver in order to bring ridicule to the subject of an underground reality that was on the verge of becoming public knowledge on the surface. The "Shaver Mystery" DID however provoke much feedback from others who recounted similar experiences with the underground realm, however the highly occultic "messages" that Shaver continued to receive for years afterwards led many to become entangled in deeply occultic practices and belief systems and also paranoid schizophrenic behaviors. Who or whatever was manipulating Shaver's mind apparently succeeded in dragging many people under their occultic influence. According to Ray Palmer, who stayed overnight at Shaver's house on on occasion, he heard five separate and distinct voices one night coming out of Shaver, who was apparently linked to a collective mind via electro-telepathic waves. The "group" of voices which were being channeled through Shaver were matter-of-factly discussing the murder and dismemberment of a woman within "the caves", and one of the "voices" was stating -- according to Palmer -- that such things should not be taking place. source: AMAZING STORIES Magazine; THE HIDDEN WORLD; SHAVER MYSTERY Magazine; CAVEAT EMPTOR; SHAVERTRONmagazine; Richard Shaver, the founder of Ufology?

EGYPT, CAIRO - 500 feet below the base of the great pyramid, a secret team reportedly discovered a metallic door operated via sonic code, behind which was a room with over 30,000 recording discs and "alien" equipment. The discs were deciphered and reveal the rise and fall of alien civilizations. Over 2700 record discs were photographed with infrared film [the Egyptian government would not allow the discs to be taken from the chamber], as well as photographs of other strange equipment stored in three levels. According to an Air Force contact, the photo plates are sitting in a safe at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. source: ORION TECHNOLOGY, MIND CONTROL, AND OTHER SECRET PROJECTS, by Val Valerian

EGYPT, CAIRO - Report of an unexplored tunnel system near Zozer's Step Pyramid at Memphis-Saqqarah, within the tomb of the Bull, called "Serapium", which was reportedly sealed by the Egyptian government in order to keep explorers from being lost in its confusing labyrinth. source: "Odyssey Into Egypt", by Dr. Earlyne Chaney & Bill Cox, VOICE OF ASTARA, May 1982 issue. source: Tomb of Serapium; Archived Report

EGYPT, EL TRINA GABEL[?] - Bill Cox describes his visit to the ruins at Trina Gambel [or the ruins of El Tuna Gabel in the temple of Edfu between Luxor and Cairo, according to another source], where he observes a large horizontal shaft in the wall 8 feet above the floor. One of the guides told him that expeditionary forces several decades before had explored the passage and had followed the tunnel for several days without finding the end, having run out of candles, torches and markers, fearing that they would become lost if they proceeded any further. Some allege that below the Gizeh plateau is an immense cavern in which the "Black Monks" of the NSA, Aryan humanoids from Sirius-B, Reptiloids from Alpha Draco, and Greys from Rigel Orion collaborate as part of the ancient "Kamagol-II Empire" which was driven underground following their loss of an ancient war between Orion and Sirius-A over who would control the Egyptian ruling elite. This cult is not only the one that is supposed to have backed the Nazi's but has also infiltrated and controls behind the scenes much of the psionic electromagnetic "Ashtar" network which links the minds of an untold number of beings throughout the galaxy and beneath the earth into a single collective mind. The massive Gizeh facility reportedly has operative connections with the Dulce New Mexico and Pine Gap Australia bases. source: THE HOLLOW HASSLE Newsletter, Aug. 1, 1981 [Vol.2, No.4]; THE LEADING EDGE magazine; The Temple at Edfu

ENGLAND, LIVERPOOL - A complex maze of underground tunnels underneath the city. source: WILLIAMSON'S TUNNELS website.

ENGLAND, LONDON - A dark 7 foot tall creature was observed by workers in London's New Victoria tube line. source: Article in THE PEOPLE [British], Dec. 1, 1968; London tube-line map

ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE - In 1770 a laborer moved a large flat stone he encountered in a field while digging a trench, beneath which he discovered a descending stone staircase which he followed deep into the earth, finding that the staircase switch-backed now and then until he emerged into a large underground chamber several hundred feel below that was filled with strange objects and large machines and illuminated by a strange ever-luminous sphere which revealed a man on a throne like chair, dressed in a hooded robe. The man in the chair saw the intruder and stood up with a baton like object in his hand as he went over to the luminous sphere and smashed it, plunging the cavern into darkness, as the laborer stumbled back up to the surface in surprise and terror. The story spread that one of the secret chambers where the Rosicrucians hoarded their scientific secrets had been discovered, i.e. the "Rosicrucius Sepulchre". source: THE ROSICRUCIANS - THEIR RITES AND MYSTERIES, by Hargrave Jennings

ENGLAND, WESTMINSTER - Betty Andreasson speaks of a grey alien which emerged from a "hole in a mountain" near Westminster, when she was 12 years old. Since that time she had experienced several abductions to an alien cavern realm beneath the earth, by grey aliens that used manipulation and deception to get their way. source: THE ANDREASSON AFFAIR - PHASE II, by Raymond A. Fowler; Betty Andreasson

FLORIDA, MIAMI - Underground genetics-breeding facility with several mature and young girls being held captive by grey aliens. Used to breed a "hybrid" slave labor race that is intended to infiltrate surface society and do the bidding of the New World Order, which is to be ultimately controlled by an alien agenda. source: Mr. X

FRANCE, PARIS - A young female physician tells of a terrifying experience of being abducted from the bottom of an elevator shaft and taken into caverns where she was, along with other human females, raped and tortured by cannibalistic beast-men. A few months later the beast-men were suddenly attacked and killed by pale skinned humans who wore grey metallic uniforms. They spoke French with a strange accent, and took the women survivors to a "medical vehicle" that was parked in a nearby tunnel. She was later taken back to Paris, being led up through a maze of tunnels that intersected the Parisian sewers. She learned that the pale skinned men were connected to a space alliance which is here to observe the coming war between the surface armies and the beast-men of the caverns who have acquired ancient technology, which they use against those on the surface in an effort to satisfy their twisted passions. source: THIS HOLLOW EARTH, by Warren Smith - "The Messerschmidt Manuscript"

GEORGIA - Engineer Rex Ball came upon a network of tunnels in Georgia in 1940, which led to an underground installation manned by Oriental-looking men in coveralls and a few American military officers. When caught in the tunnels, an officer issued the curt command: "Make him look like a nut!" The next thing he recalled was waking up in a field uncertain whether the experience was real or a dream. source: THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES, by John A. Keel

GEORGIA, ATLANTA - A major underground Bavarian Illuminati facility constructed in collaboration with a similar base below the Denver International Airport. Like the D.I.A. facility, the Atlanta facility is occupied by the cult of the serpent [human & alien collaborators] and is "intended" to be used jointly with the Denver Airport facility as duel U.S. headquarters for New World Order regional control, and for continued "Montauk" or "Phoenix" Project operations. source: Mr. X

GEORGIA, DOUGLAS - In the 1950's, Earl Meeks was drilling a well on his property 6 miles from Douglas when he broke through to empty space. The shaft began to suck in a constant flow of air and sounds resembling "an underground railway" were so loud that they had to cover the "well" with planks at night so that they could sleep. A few decades later a subscriber to THE HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER, "Lucky", visited the Meeks homestead 6 miles WEST of Douglas, and learned that people from all over the state had come to investigate the well the entire 2 weeks that it sucked in air, before the Meeks finally had it capped off. "Lucky" told of his intention to seek permission from the Meeks to uncap the well. source: FATE Magazine, Jan. 1957; THE HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER, Vol.1, No.4 [Spring, 1993]

GEORGIA, MARIETTA - A planned underground Pentagon facility below Kennedaw mountain, a few miles from Dobbins Air Force Base, to be used as a "defense" installation for the surrounding 13 states region, was reported by Richard Sauder. source: UNDERGROUND BASES AND TUNNELS, by Richard Sauder

GEORGIA, THOMASVILLE - Underground FEMA facility. source: Richard Sauder

GERMANY, TRIER - Monks at the Brunia Monastery -- in the Trier region of ancient Prussia [now Germany] -- founded by Charlemagne's father Pepin the Short, reportedly captured a dark-skinned dwarf in the basement of the monastery in A.D. 1138, after they discovered several wine casks that had been emptied onto the cellar floor. They confined the little man, who refused to speak or eat, until he escaped back down through the cellar and into a sloping tunnel that was accessed via a displaced stone. source: THE UNDERPEOPLE, by Eric Norman

GUATEMALA, ALTA VERAPAZ - In or near the town of Languin in the departamento of Alta Verapaz, and 30 miles NE of Coban, a group of young men walked through a cave/tunnel entrance and 8 days later emerge into a large cavern illuminated by a volcanic cone far above [possibly SW corner of Izabal departamento - Sierra De Los Minas range?], where they see a fish laden subterranean river, beyond which the passage continued NW, some suspect to the Silpino Cave area near the town of Cayuga!? source: Penny Harper

GUATEMALA, CAYUGA - Cayuga-#1 or Silpini cave is reached by leaving Guatemala City going NE on Highway CA9 en route to Port Barrios on the Caribbean coast, passing on the way the town of Morales and continuing to Cayuga village before the Tenedores turn off is reached. A few yards NE on highway CA9 from Cayuga village, on the west side of the road, is the entrance to Silpino Cave, which was discovered by highway construction crews while carving out a hillside, although locals later built a stone doorway set with an iron gate which at last word usually remains unlocked. A narrow passage continues north from the main room which then turns west. One report stated that a man from nearby Morales followed the passage, which later widens, SW for 15 days, after which he turned around. After 30 days in the cave his body was swollen, he was sick and had to stay in a hospital for 2 years! Locals say that the tunnel was excavated by the Mayas [or at least parts of it extended by the Mayas!?], and that "stone idols" can be seen in some section. source: Penny Harper

GUATEMALA, CAYUGA - Cayuga-#2 cave is located one kilometer NE of Silpino [Cayuga-#1] cave, and is another cave/tunnel that is entered on a skirt of a hill far in from the highway, although the valley it is in CAN be seen from the highway. Several men entered the tunnel and walked for 6 hours. It is said to be part of the Silpino cave system [NE branch?] and has MANY branching tunnels, "stone statues of owls", a "river with fish and a light cold wind [that] blows... there was a place where their watches stopped dead and all of their flashlights went out... once a "Gringo" went into that tunnel and never came out again" [at least not out of THAT entrance]. source: Penny Harper

GUATEMALA, QUICHE - Near the town of Chajul, in the state or departamento of Quiche, locals tell of a nearby cave, in the second level of which is a seemingly bottomless shaft. In the lower room is a huge goblet carved [by Mayas?] out of solid stone. No comment as to whether the shaft is natural or artificial was offered. source: Penny Harper

IDAHO, BURLEY - Druggist George Haycock claimed that he had explored a shaft that could be entered via a boulder strewn depression or sink 6 miles west of Burley, and one mile off the main road [presumably in the opposite direction from the river?]. Native American legends told of a demonic race that would emerge from a cave and capture their women and children. Mr. Haycock reported psychic attacks and impressions of evil activities taking place underground. The shaft led to a long square-cut yet ancient horizontal crawlspace tunnel with branch tunnels and a cave-in which he attempted to dig through, although experiencing unusual "resistance" in doing to. He later wrote friends that someone was trying to blast the shaft closed with dynamite and also reported a death threat he had received in the mail telling him to cease and desist his explorations. Shortly after this, he was found strangled to death in his home. source: AMAZING STORIES magazine, Oct. 1947 & Jan. 1948

ILLINOIS, CHICAGO - Allegations that the Bahai Temple near Chicago, which has foundation "pillars" reaching hundreds of feet to the bedrock below, contains an entrance to an underground system deep below which connect to other underground systems. source: Kenneth Van Hoof

INDIA, BENARES - Sheshna's well, a stone stairwell leading down to a sealed "door" engraven with serpents. The site of many 'channeled' Yoga texts and the traditional portal to Patala aka Snakeworld aka Nagaloka, a 7-leveled reptilian cavern world with its capital Bhoga-Vita. source: VENOMOUS REPTILES, by Shirman A. Minton, Jr.

INDIA, KASMIRA - Traditional entrance to the underworld of Patalas, which is divided into 7 realms: Rasatala, Mahatala, Alala, Sutala, Vitala, Talatala, & Patala. Some legends say that it is the abode of reptilian humanoids, but human "appearing" beings have also traditionally been encountered within Patalas. King Bhunandana allegedly entered this domain of "forbidden pleasures" via a portal in the peak of Pradyumna [or Hill of Sarika]. The underground journey to Patalas took 5 days and nights. Upon arriving, the king and his knights encountered an underground plain with trees from which hung human corpses, and also large vats of liquid in which human flesh and blood was mixed. A "woman" appeared and offered the king a cup of the "vile" liquid, stating that unless he drank it he would not prosper. He took the cup and threw its substance in disgust at the feet of the so-called "goddess", who in anger told him to take his men and leave that realm, and King Bhunandana obliged. The capital city of Patalas [also known among Hindus as Nagaloka or Snakeworld] is Bhoga-Vita. source: SOMADEVA'S KATHA SARIT SAGARA [or OCEAN OF STREAMS OF STORY], Vol. 6 - "The Adventures of King Bhunandana"

IRELAND, MAYO COUNTY - There is a "feeder" to the Aille river, which gathers on the foothills of the Partry Mts., being blocked as it reaches the lower slopes by a transverse outcrop of limestone cliff, beneath which it burrows for about half a mile before emerging into a large pool which feeds the main stream, 12 miles east of Westport on the way to Lake Carra. In dry seasons some have entered the cavern once the sump/maelstrom has disappeared, and have reportedly seen large buildings with illuminated windows and other things "too dreadful to describe". source: FOLKLORE - A QUARTERLY REVIEW, issue #28, pp.92-93

IRELAND, STATION ISLAND - An old legend tells how the knight Owen visited a cave on Station island in County Donegal in the year 1153, leading to an underground plain and a "cloister" where he met monks who warned him of the temptations ahead. The knight travels to a black, icy realm and also sulfurous pits of molten metal in which the wicked suffer, finally arriving at the earthly paradise below the earth. source: FLORES HISTORIARUM, by Roger Wendover; LEGENDA AUREA; Vincent of Beauvais's SPECULUM HISTORIALE; SOUTH ENGLISH LEGENDARY

KASHMERE-KABAKORAM - An ex-Army Captain, A.C., tells how during WWII he was shot down near Cheduba island and, once rescued, requested leave at Kashmere. He and another man left Srinagar and went to Rudok and then through the Khesa pass to the northern foothills of Kabakorum. They found a cavern that they were looking for... "My companion and I fought our way out of a cave with submachine guns. I have two 9" scars on my left arm that came from wounds given me in the cave when I was 50 feet from a moving object of any kind and in perfect silence. The muscles were ripped out. How? I don't know. My friend had a hole the size of a dime in his right bicep. It was seared inside. How we don't know." source: Letter from A.C. in AMAZING STORIES magazine, June, 1946

KENTUCKY, PIKEVILLE - Strange disappearances in the Truck Coal Mine 3 miles east of town. Two boys seen entering the mine disappear even though their lamp is found abandoned at the entrance. A full scale search of the mine fails to turn up any evidence of the missing boys. source: FATE magazine, Nov. 1950

KENTUCKY, PINEVILLE - On Dec. 26, 1945, a mine explosion in the Belva Mine trapped several men. When they were rescued some of the men insisted that they saw a "door" in one of the walls open, and a man dressed as a "lumberjack" emerge from a well-lighted room. After assuring the men that they would be rescued, the strange visitor returned to the room and closed the door. Other similar accounts have been reported during similar mine disasters, such as the one at a Shipton, Pennsylvania mine, where similar "lumberjack" or "telephone linemen" type of men have been seen, suggesting that they exist in another time-dimension, possibly explaining why they "knew" the outcome of the disasters. In some cases the strange "workmen", as if taking the role of guardian angels, had offered trapped men unusual "lighting" to keep them out of the dark, and in other cases as with the Shipton disaster, "astral visions" accompanied the visits of these fourth dimensional [?] visitors. source: Pineville Kentucky newspapers, circa Dec. 26, 1981 - Jan. 1982

KENTUCKY, RIVERTON - Patsey Wingate, a victim of UFO encounters, missing time, MIB limo's, harassment, black helicopters, police-like cars in a temporal mist, death threats, the works... spoke of a mountain near Riverton where a certain UFO was seen on numerous occasions. While on the mountain she would hear humming sounds coming from underground, then at home later that night she experienced frightening vivid "dreams" of "children underground on the mountain [who] were begging for help. They were in glass cages. Some of the children looked human, but some looked like aliens." source: UFO UNIVERSE, Vol.3, No.2, [Summer 1993]

KENTUCKY, SALEM - SE of Salem is Hodges cave, which some believe is the cavern that is mentioned in John Uri Lloyd's book ETIDORHPA, which was illustrated by a veteran Mason. Witnesses have stated that they have seen Masons wandering about the area. One report tells of a nearby stone staircase leading deep into the gloomy darkness of the earth, which witnesses failed to fully investigate as they were hit with an overpowering sense of terror. source: THE SHAVER MYSTERY magazine

KENTUCKY, STOVEN'S CAVE [SITE UNSPECIFIED] - Unusual sounds emanating from the cavern. source: TECH TROGLODYTE [NSS affiliate newsletter], Vol.12, No.2

KENTUCKY, TAZEWELL COUNTY - Higgingbottom #1 or Devil's Slide cave is avoided by local residents because they are convinced that some loathsome creature lives at the bottom. source: CAVE LEGENDS OF THE APPALACHIANS, article by Janice Goad

KENYA, KIRIMUKUYA - The African village of Kirimukuya, according to Brad Steiger, sat at the base of the so-called "sacred" peak of Mt. Kenya, over which numerous UFO's have been sighted over the years. Laili Thindu and his shepherd companions listened for several nights to the pounding of the drums in the distant village announcing an upcoming wedding, but were startled when bright beams flashed from the soaring lights that were particularly evident in the sky that night, and concerned when the drums fell silent. The next morning Laili learned that "all the dancers, all the children, all the livestock - the entire population of the village had been seared to death by terrible streams of light from glowing objects." source: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE, by Brad Steiger & Joan Whritenour

LOUISIANA, FORT POLK - Reports of over 19,000 war-ready United Nations Organization troops, French, Pakistani & Russian, along with massive underground facilities for storage of military and other supplies. source: a former anonymous serviceman who interacted with the base