So, as we continue to explore this picture, we will see that the tangible evidence, including written texts, supporting the existence of a lost advanced civilization is overwhelming. It is important for us to remember that the descriptions of this civilization are only tangentially similar to our own - and most of the similarities have to do with technology. According to many, many different sources, including the Vedic scriptures, the Atlantean culture was far more spiritually-centered than our current culture could ever possibly be.


They simply shared an entirely different perspective on reality, one wherein some important fundamental truths of the Universe were far more understood, and explained in ways that are unfamiliar to most of us upon first glance. Schwaller de Lubicz’s works go into extensive detail about this completely separate paradigm espoused by the Ancients - and as we progress further, we will have quotes from a scholar named Manly Palmer Hall who will help us to understand that symbolism is a very significant portion of this spiritual paradigm. We will see that it is literally the language of God.

Furthermore, as we already stated there are ample historical texts and data from all over the world that support the idea that the Atlantean civilization was routinely visited by and in cooperation with extraterrestrial intelligence, or what we have been referring to here as the Hidden Directorate. Our current civilization has far more than enough evidence to prove that the governments do have something to hide and that UFOs are real. Past civilizations such as
Atlantis apparently went far beyond this initial stage into an advanced rapport with the visitors themselves.


The scholarly work entitled Gods and Spacemen of the Ancient East by W. Raymond Drake provides a truly worldwide cultural perspective on cooperative human and extraterrestrial interaction in ancient history. The historical accounts that Drake invokes come from such diverse civilizations as India, Sumer, Tibet, China, Japan, Egypt, Israel and Babylon - and the book significantly repairs the damage done by the likes of Erich Von Daniken, who apparently falsified a great deal of data to come up with his conclusions regarding historical extraterrestrial / human interactions in books such as the popular Chariots of the Gods.

To help us support our continuing argument for an advanced civilization that cooperated with extraterrestrials in the remote past, we again bring in evidence from India cited in Dr. Richard L.Thompson’s book, page 216-217. Here, he discusses the various "powers" known as siddhis that cosmic or extraterrestrial beings visiting earth at the time, ["Vedic humanoids,"] frequently discussed in the Vedas, had readily available to them. These siddhis were also said to be available to certain illuminated human masters as well:

Mental communication and thought-reading. These are standard among Vedic humanoids, but normal speech through sound is also generally used.

  • Being able to see or hear at a great distance.

  • Laghima-siddhi: levitation or antigravity. There is also a power of creating tremendous weight.

  • Anima- and mahima-siddhis: the power to change the size of objects or living bodies without disrupting their structure.

  • Prapti-siddhi: the power to move objects from one place to another, apparently without crossing the intervening space. This power is connected with the ability to travel into parallel, higher-dimensional realms.

  • The ability to move objects directly through the ether, without being impeded by gross physical obstacles. This type of travel is called vihayasa. There is also a type of travel called mano-java, in which the body is directly transferred to a distant point by the action of the mind.

  • Vasita-siddhi: the power of long-distance hypnotic control. Vedic accounts point out that this power can be used to control people’s thoughts from a distance.

  • Antardhana, or invisibility.

  • The ability to assume different forms or to generate illusory body forms.

  • The power of entering within another person’s body and controlling it. This is done using the subtle body (defined below.)

[Author’s Note: The definition of the subtle body is referred to in common parapsychological literature as the astral body or soul body, and apparently these ancient societies had a much firmer recognition of its existence and of the ability to transfer one’s normal waking consciousness fully into it. Modern-day explorers of this art refer to it as having an OBE, or out-of-body experience. The literature on NDE’s, or Near-Death Experiences, seems to have a close parallel as well.]

Although many "academics" would automatically throw out these ideas as being far too mind-bending to be real, there are repeated examples of many of these "siddhis" appearing in ordinary people in our modern age. Michael Talbot’s incredible book The Holographic Universe covers these types of events in great detail. In Dr. Thompson’s book, a far-reaching series of correlations are made between these phenomena as expressed in the Vedas and the many various UFO reports that have come about in this wide-ranging field. Simply put, we can see that a society that could command abilities like those listed above would be truly extraordinary, and would obviously be viewing life from a much different perspective than that which we now have.

Returning to our immediate discussion regarding extraterrestrials, Dr. Thompson reveals the Vedic perspective on the nature and abundance of extraterrestrial life on the page before the above list is given:

The Puranas speak of 400,000 humanlike races of beings living on various planets and of 8,000,000 other life forms, including plants and lower animals. Out of the 400,000 humanlike forms, human beings as we know them are said to be among the least powerful. This, of course, ties in with the picture that emerges from accounts of UFO encounters.

Clearly, our current society does not have open contact with our alleged visitors. In a society that did have such contact, the view of the Universe would indeed be very different - especially with the knowledge that humankind was "among the least powerful" of the other races of beings that it was aware of. And yet, even though it was still in the kindergarten version of universal evolution, at that time the Rama / Atlantean civilization possessed inner qualities and outer technology that are only just now becoming tangible for us.

It is important that we note that although some
vimana appear to have been airplanes, there were other designs in use that apparently go far beyond any technology that we now openly possess. The most important Vedic text on the vimana, says Childress in Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India and Atlantis, is the Vaimanika Sastra, first reported to have been found in 1918 in the Baroda Royal Sanskrit Library.


Previous references were made to this text by other authors, but it was not rediscovered until 1918 - a flutter of time after 1901, when the Wright Brothers made the entire question of the existence of vimana aircraft much more plausible to modern humanity. (Remember that right up until the day the Wright Brothers flew, skeptics boldly declared that heavier-than-air flight was impossible.)


Although some have questioned the authenticity of the Vaimanika Sastra, Childress details the many qualities of the text that lend serious credibility to it. As we read the following, remember that a translator’s job is to take these ancient words and to then match them up with their closest approximation in our own modern language:

Says the Vaimanika Sastra about itself: In this book are described 8 pregnant and captivating chapters, the arts of manufacturing various types of aeroplanes of smooth and comfortable travel in the sky, as a unifying force for the Universe, contributive to the well-being of mankind.

That which can go by its own force, like a bird, on earth, or water, or air, is called Vimana.’

That which can travel in the sky, from place to place, land to land, or globe to globe, is called Vimana by scientists in Aeronautics. The ancient manuscript claims to give:

  • The secrets of constructing aeroplanes, which will not break, which cannot be cut, will not catch fire, and cannot be destroyed.

  • The secret of making planes motionless.

  • The secret of making planes invisible.

  • The secret of hearing conversations and other sounds in enemy places.

  • The secret of retrieving photographs of the interior of enemy planes.

  • The secret of ascertaining the direction of enemy planes approach.

  • The secret of making persons in enemy planes lose consciousness.

  • The secret of destroying enemy planes.

Unfortunately, due to size constraints we cannot give Dr. Richard L. Thompson, David Hatcher Childress, Raymond Drake and others’ material anywhere near the degree of coverage that it really needs in order to completely prove the point. The reason for why Thompson’s Alien Identities is considered such a breakthrough book is that it presents exhaustive, groundbreaking documentation from both the Vedic scriptures as well as modern UFO literature, and shows a highly significant number of coincidences between the two bodies of data, both on material and spiritual levels.


While the vimanas referred to in the Vedic scriptures are clearly some form of airplane, there are repetitive examples of flying craft and humanoid beings that are definitely far, far more advanced and unlike those of contemporary or ancient humans, and sources such as Dr. Thompson’s book cover this in great detail.


The encyclopedic work of
Zecharia Sitchin, including Genesis Revisited and especially in his series entitled The Earth Chronicles, also focuses on this cooperation between humankind and extraterrestrial life that once existed. Dr. Sitchin is one of only about 200 people in the world who can fully read and translate the ancient Sumerian cuneiform tablets. His work stems entirely from simply accepting that the information and historical accounts may well be true, documented facts, without falling back on the standard belief that they are simply myths.


With this fundamental premise in place, Sitchin then views the texts as accurate documents that might be able to find support in our current knowledge - and in doing this, his work is so solid that no skeptics have made any serious attempts to disassemble it. Therefore, Sitchin is simply ignored, as his scholarship is so complex, integrated and far-reaching that no one has been willing to try to mount a full attack.

Once again, in Sitchin’s books we see written evidence of super-advanced flying technology (as well as more mundane forms such as rockets,) extraterrestrial humanoids, lasers and weaponry, as well as a veritable cornucopia of advanced knowledge, including rigorously accurate and detailed descriptions of our Solar System. Within these ancient texts are diagrams and properties of all the planets that we have currently discovered as well as a large
"twelfth planet" named Nibiru.


The existence of that very planet is just now being formally (and quietly) acknowledged by the mainstream scientific community as of October 1999. The modern case for Nibiru that recent NASA scientists have presented comes from the mysterious, visible perturbations in the orbits of distant comets originating from the far recesses of our solar system, which suggest that there must be a potentially Jupiter-sized planet beyond the orbit of Pluto whose gravity is affecting them.

Based on the intensely technical descriptions that come to us from the
Sumerian cuneiform tablets, some of which we will explore in mathematical detail in future chapters, we must wonder if they were at least partially derived from verbally-preserved Atlantean records. This could explain the basis behind the epic "Saga of Gilgamesh," which details the story of a small group of people led by a man named Gilgamesh who survived an ancient flood - i.e. the demise of Atlantis. In The Earth Chronicles, Sitchin makes a solid case for the Biblical story of Noah and the Ark being a condensed and simplified version of this tale, where the character Gilgamesh was renamed Noah and many other important details were omitted.


The existence of Atlantean flood-survivors such as Gilgamesh also helps to reveal the identity of the illustrious "men from the sea" such as the Sumerian / Babylonian sea-king Oannes who were described in many ancient cultures worldwide as coming and civilizing various peoples so quickly. The most prevalent idea behind the Oannes story is that he was simply the first of these Atlantean survivors who appeared before the public and dressed up in, believe it or not, fish suits to add a mythical, magical presence to their identity for the then-uncivilized, superstitious masses.


Were the land, air and sea-worthy vimana still in partial existence at this time, Oannes could have simply parked their craft under the sea, venturing out of it by day and back to it at night. Here we cite a quote from Alexander Polyhistor in Raymond Drake’s book about this. ("Berossus" was a Sumerian / Chaldean author responsible for recording the original account of this information.)

Berossus describes an animal endowed with reason, who was called Oannes; the whole body of the animal

Oannes First Contact - by Manly P. Hall

was like that of a fish, and had under a fish’s head another (regular human) head, and also feet below, similar to those of a man, subjoined to the fish’s tail.


His voice too and language was articulate and human, and a representation of him is preserved even to this day.


This Being in the day-time used to converse with Man, but took no food at that season; and he gave them an insight into letters and sciences and every kind of art.


He taught them to construct houses, to found temples, to compile laws, and explained to them the principles of geometrical knowledge.


He made them distinguish the seeds of the earth and showed them how to collect fruits; in short, he instructed them in everything which could tend to soften manners and humanize mankind.


From that time so universal were his instructions, nothing has been added material by way of improvement. When the sun set, it was the custom of this Being to plunge again into the sea and abide all night in the deep, for he was amphibious. After this there appeared other animals like Oannes.

As we can see, the single most remarkable aspect of the story of the Sumerian culture is how beings like Oannes led them so incredibly quickly from nomadic "hunting and gathering" to an advanced society with running water, schools, codified law, government, domestication of animals and cultivation of crops for food and herbal healing remedies, as well as mathematics and geometry, house building and the like. Obviously those of a higher civilization could come into a primitive culture and effect changes very quickly, just as we in the West have done throughout our entire world.

Along the same lines, almost every ancient Mesoamerican culture has legends of highly civilized white men such as
Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha that came from the sea and brought advanced knowledge to their people, and were thusly worshipped as Gods - and we will have a book excerpt from Manly Hall about this in the next chapter. Again, these visitors could well have been the last remaining survivors of the collapsed Atlantean civilization, choosing to refrain from wearing the fish suits before appearing to the masses.


Furthermore, with the knowledge of Atlantean spiritual techniques such as those described above by Dr. Thompson under their belt, they may well have been able to remain in telepathic contact with the Directorate, bringing them back into view during the Sumerian and Mayan civilizations and thus continuing the saga. And furthermore, if they had mastered even three or four of the siddhis on the above list, their abilities would certainly make them appear to be gods, even by modern standards.