Part 13


The BUSH-LADEN Connection

George Bush Sr. and bin Laden Sr. are long-standing business partners. George Bush Sr. and the bin Laden family are on the board of the Carlyle Group, a large defense contractor. The bin Laden family financed George Bush Jr.'s early failed businesses.


From their generous contributions, even though the companies failed, George was still able to live high on the hog. According to the book Fortunate Son bin Laden money, invested via James Bath, enabled George Dubya to get hooked on cocaine.


He was busted in 1972 but got off with community service at Project P.U.L.L. - a project for troubled youth. In 1995, his father arranged to have the record purged and his son to get a new drivers' license number.


James R. Bath, friend and neighbor of George W. Bush, was used as a cash funnel from Osama bin Laden's rich father, Sheikh bin Laden, to set George W. Bush up in business, according to reputable sources from the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times.

The connection between GW Bush, the bin Laden family, and the Bank Commerce Credit International (BCCI) is well documented. The Bush dynasty has closer links to the bin Ladens than just about anyone else. George Bush Jr. arranged for the bin Laden family to escape the USA by private jet when everyone else was still under lockdown.


The bin Laden family were asked no questions. Pakistan's Secret Police (ISI), which has close ties to the CIA, secretly airlifted several thousand members of Al Qaeda, and, perhaps Osama, out of Afghanistan to safety shortly after 9/11.


If it were you or me with this many links to the alleged perpetrators of 9/11, we'd be rotting in Guantánamo Bay's Camp Delta in shackles and chains. If it were Clinton, he'd be lynched. But because it is BUSH, people pretend not to notice.


I think before too much more money is wasted chasing phantom terrorists, it would be wise to interrogate Bush under oath to find out just what he knows.


He seems to be on intimate terms with the reputed perpetrators.

Part 14


The BUSH-LADEN Connection (continued)

There is a long and tangled history between the Bush family and the elite of Saudi Arabia, including the bin Laden family. It begins in the 1970's in Houston, Texas, when George W. Bush was just starting out in his family's two businesses of politics and oil. The powerful - and very rich - bin Laden family helped fund his first venture into oil.


The cozy friendship continued for decades. After a terrorist attack at a barracks in Saudi Arabia which killed 19 Americans, the bin Laden family received a multi-billion dollar contract to re-build.


And incredibly, George Bush Sr. was in a business meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington on the morning of September 11th with one of Osama bin Laden's brothers.


While serving as governor of Texas, George W. Bush met with high-level Al Qaeda leaders, hoping to get support to build a pipeline across Afghanistan. Four months into his presidency, he rewarded the Taliban by handing over $43 million in May 2001, only four months before the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

All airlines in the United States were grounded for two days after 9/11. Yet, on September 13, 2001, the White House authorized six Saudi jets to fly bin Laden family members from America to Saudi Arabia.


The members of the bin Laden family were never questioned by United States authorities. Judicial Watch called for George Herbert Bush to resign from the Carlyle Group, when it became known that Osama bin Laden was a major investor in the firm. (Judicial Watch, March 5, 2001)


After the September 11 terrorist attacks, Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman said,

"This conflict of interest has now turned into a scandal. The idea of President George W Bush's father, an ex-president himself, doing business with a company under investigation by the FBI in the terror attacks of September 11 is horrible. President Bush should not ask, but demand, that his father pull out of the Carlyle Group."

(Judicial Watch, September 28, 2001)



Part 15


TIM OSMAN: The Perfect Manufactured Enemy

Please stop for a moment and ask yourself this question: What do you REALLY know about Osama Bin Laden? If you get all of your news from the corporate mainstream media, your answer would probably be that Bin Laden is some nasty terrorist from the middle east who used 19 Islamic extremist hijackers to bring down the twin towers.


But if you get your news from a wider range of sources, your opinion would be somewhat different.


For example,

  • Did you know that Bin Laden has worked with the CIA since the 1970's under the CIA codename - Tim Osman?

  • Did you know that the CIA funded Bin Laden's operations from the very start?

  • Did you know that the Bin Laden family is the second wealthiest family from Saudi Arabia, and the Bin Laden Corporation is one of the wealthiest corporations in the middle east?

  • Did you know that the Bin Laden family and the Bush family have been business partners for over 3 decades?

  • Did you know that on the morning of 9/11, Bush senior was at a meeting with the Bin Laden family in Washington?

  • Did you know that over 180 members of the Bin Laden family were airlifted out of the USA between September 11th and September 13th 2001, whilst every US citizen was grounded?

The list goes on and on and on. Make no mistake, Osama Bin Laden is a misguided and criminally-minded individual. However we cannot ignore the fact that the Bin Laden family has such close ties with the Bush family, and we cannot ignore the fact that Osama Bin Laden is a CIA asset.


For our own peace of mind, these issues should have been investigated by the 9/11 Commission, but they weren't. The fact that none of this information was mentioned in the 9/11 Commission report is highly suspicious.


And the fact that the corporate mainstream media has hardly reported on any of these matters is also highly suspicious. In order to put the matter to bed once and for all, it is high-time the American public demanded a proper independent investigation into the events of 9/11.


And whatever the outcome of that investigation, at least we can then all move on.



Part 16


Fake Hijackers

We've been told again and again that 19 Islamic hijackers took over the 4 aircraft used on 9/11. But the passenger manifests from the airlines didn't contain any Arabic passenger names. Not to worry. The FBI corrected this little problem.


The FBI's passenger manifests conveniently have about a half dozen more people on each plane than the airline's manifests. But then, there is another little problem with the FBI's version of the story. Amazingly, within a couple of days, the FBI knew who all the hijackers were. Names, pictures, everything we needed to know about them.


Some of them were names of people known to be still living in Arab countries or known to have already been dead before 9/11.

  • Just how did the FBI figure out who these alleged hijackers were so quickly when the physical evidence (their bodies) was well shredded and buried in mountains of rubble?

  • Were there really any hijackers at all?

  • Was there some other means to accomplish the control of those ill-fated flights?

  • Is the whole story of the hijackers a concerted media spin effort to conceal the real people, and their goals, behind the terror of 9/11?

We must remember the historical conduct of our main source for our current information/misinformation.


The FBI has been exposed for operating an evidence manufacturing laboratory which has been used to concoct evidence and fraudulently convict innocent Americans. The FBI is responsible for truckloads of lost or missing documents and countless bungled investigations, especially when the investigations begin to reveal that those within government are responsible for criminal activity.


They continue to possess 22 high quality video surveillance tapes collected from cameras which recorded the Oklahoma City bombing.


The FBI still refuses to release the tapes, even though the federal law enforcement agency has been court ordered to do so. And what about the 80 surveillance tapes which recorded the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon? Experience has shown the FBI can't be trusted with the truth.


With the FBI's previous history of either manufacturing, falsifying or destroying evidence in critical, high profile cases, aren't these passenger manifest discrepancies, which led to the quick identification of the 19 alleged Arabic culprits of 9/11, a little suspicious?


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