extracted from 'The Southern Crown YAZI-Dictionary'

Michael Topper and His Work

Collective designation for a heterogeneity of “channeled” sources all of which, by the very employment of this particular term, display a common desire to ingratiate themselves with their audience as the “good guys”. This seems to be the only thing such sources share in common. The worst of the lot has to be the Ashtar/Hatton communication (qv), discharging through a rapid-rotation roster of chewed-and-thrown-away channels since the ‘50s.


Rather than explain why these self-contradictory wolves clothed with kneejerk pietisms earn the Channeled Wretchedness Award (or CWRAW, as in “to stick in the...”), let’s simply say that, in the Ashtar case, if these communications aren’t self-evidently a brand of snakeoil pandering to the frail-ego factor of their typical target audience, well then perhaps you are just the glorious Light Worker they’re looking for.


The Meier Pleiadeans, in comparison, appear better on first introduction—again, until you begin to read what they actually have to communicate to and through Meier, who isn’t really a “channel” so much as an easy pickup...


Those of the readership boasting a faculty of assessment no more prodigious than that of “common sense”, may find many a reason on that front alone to question either the veracity, intent, powers of translation or the simple intelligence of these flying Meier-onies; those with subtler facility in assessing the esoterica of such subjects as they profess to expound, are sure to have reason for rapid recourse to “coitus interruptus” with respect to these beguilingly-comely versions of the Pleiadeans Peracletus.


(Fred Bell claims to be a “contacteé" channeler of the same Pleiadean forces linked with Meier, though the latter have professed sole troth to Billy. However, disregarding the Meier-Pleiadean disclaimer [since then whole veracity-quotient is exactly what is in question to begin with], and assessing Bell’s claim solely by comparison of the respective content-values in the presentations of each, we may reasonably side with Fred on this one and acknowledge a general similitude of quality from source to source, suggesting that indeed there’s more than one for whom They Toll—and how fortunate we all are, as beneficiaries of this badinage from both continents!)


The Marciniak (qv) Pleiadeans or the Flying Fatuosi as they’re affectionately known to Southern Crown, are in many respects the most eloquent of an ineloquent breed.


Their “rap” is rather different from the others, and they strain it through a vocal wha-wha that does nothing if not bid for attention; nor do they seem particularly pernicious in any given area—but they’re hopelessly dysfunctional, rather as absurd as Meier’s missionaries, when addressing the Natives as to how best to go around improving their backward and savage lot.


We find for example that, as exponents of the “You Create Your Own Reality” canard (qv. YCYOR, not “canard”) they enwrap their enraptured audience with exactly the rap we’ve all been waiting to hear:

“If it looks like it is too much work, something is telling you it is not the way.” Bringers of the Dawn, p. 122.

If that isn’t plain enough, they give formal instruction on achieving Everything-You-Ever-Wanted without so much as a token appearance from “the sweat of thy brow”:

“Say to yourself, ‘I am effortlessly intending that this come about.’” op. cit, p. 123.

All one need say in response to something like this is: “try it”. Formulate, decree, forget about it.

We’re willing to wager that, if your new age command-to-the-cosmos was something on the order of “air shall be supplied through my nostrils in the next few moments”, why, you’ve no doubt experienced an unexpected miracle approaching 100% achievement-probability. If however your command was something on the order of “I will receive a million dollars deposited to my account in the next couple days”, we confidently predict the probability-curve has precipitously plunged to nil.


So where’s the Amazing Randi when you really need him?


(For a closer philosophical inspection of these “ideas”, see The Big Spin.)