by Michael E. Salla, PhD
February 11, 2005

from Exopolitics Website


A special study commissioned by the US Air force on the viability of teleportation was recently released for public dissemination.


The "Teleportation Physics Study" was the result of a subcontracted study performed by a Nevada based company, Warp Drive Metrics, for the United States Air Force Research Laboratory based at Edward Air Force Base. The Study focused on different modes of teleportation and analyzed their viability for widespread military and civilian applications in communications and transportation.


The Study distinguished between different forms of teleportation. These modes included the classic Star Trek version, called sci-fi teleportation ('sf-Teleportation' ); teleportation of an objects 'quantum state' or 'unique identity', called 'quantum -' or 'q-Teleportation'; and a psychic form of teleportation called 'p-Teleportation'.

While the Study mentions the classic sci-fi teleportation, this is done for illustrative purposes only and is not in itself examined in any detail.


The Study begin by focusing on quantum teleportation which it deemed to be successful in relocating the 'quantum state' of relatively small objects across spatial distances but did not succeed in replicating the original object which was destroyed in the process.


In particular the Study states:

"In q-Teleportation it is the quantum states of the objects that are destroyed and recreated, and not the objects themselves. Therefore, q-Teleportation cannot teleport animate or inanimate matter (or energy) in its physical entirety.


However, some experts argue that because an object's quantum state is its defining characteristic, teleporting its quantum state is completely equivalent to teleporting the object, even though the original object's quantum state (and defining characteristic) was completely destroyed in the process"

( p. 46).

What this suggests is that the 'quantum state' of an object at the place of origin can be relocated to another place and draw upon constituent physical matter to create a new physical object containing the relocated 'quantum state' while the old object is destroyed in the process.


Basically, the new object at the destination has the 'quantum state' or essence of the 'original object' but is reconstituted with a new set of atoms, molecules, etc.


Q-Teleportation has been successful on smaller objects according to the Study:

"Given the incredible advancements that have been made in the entanglement and teleportation of macroscopic objects the size of 1012 atoms, we are still very far away from being able to entangle and teleport human beings (and even simpler biological entities such as cells, etc.) and bulk inanimate objects"

(p. 46)

The Study is here suggesting that q-Teleportation is a viable process that with further study and technological improvement may ultimately succeed in teleporting larger objects and eventually even humans.


Significantly, the Study also suggested that q-Teleportation is a phenomenon that naturally occurs in nature:

"It turns out that there does in fact exist a form of teleportation that occurs in nature despite the numerous technical roadblocks described in the previous section. It is called quantum teleportation, which is based on the well-known concept of quantum entanglement"

(p. 32).

The most surprising part of the Study comes when it examines the phenomenon of psychic or p-Teleportation which is defined as,

  • "the conveyance of persons or inanimate objects by psychic means"

    (p. 2).

  • The Study reveals that p-Teleportation "has been scientifically investigated and separately documented by the Department of Defense"

    (p. 1).

  • The Study concludes that there "is a wealth of factual scientific research data from around the world attesting to the physical reality of p-Teleportation…"

    (p. 59)

In short, psychic teleportation whereby individuals can move objects through space by teleportation is real and is actively being studies by elite research institutions of a number of countries.


This is the most significant aspect of the Study since it concludes that a phenomenon that is performed only partially by present technological means, is done by psychic means far much more successfully and extensively than commonly understood.

In conclusion, the Study affirms the viability of different modes of teleportation and not surprisingly advocates further research and technological innovations for exploring the civilian and military applications of teleportation. The Study itself is very thorough and details the seriousness with which this research has been pursued in the military and civilian sector.


The Study presents for the general public and the scientific community a bold new vision of what the future might hold if different teleportation technologies are developed and put into practice in the communications and transportation sectors.


For the science fiction community, it brings back the core ideas of sf-Teleportation popularized in the original Star Trek series. A question that can be raised is whether the Study is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of classified research on teleportation technologies, and whether such technologies have indeed already been developed, 'discovered' and/or put into application?


This is where the Study's exopolitical implications can be explored.


Exopolitical Implications of the Teleportation Physics Study

As a 'Special Study' approved for release by the US Air force, it may be assumed that the Teleportation Physics Study disseminates information not deemed to be so sensitive that it poses a significant threat to the national security of the US.


This is surprising given the Study's conclusion that p-Teleportation has been widely demonstrated to be real and actively under study in other countries.


The implication that may be drawn here is that classified information on the viability of the different modes of teleportation far exceeds the literature used by the Study in reaching its conclusions. There is very likely a detailed understanding of the capabilities and applications of these teleportation modes which makes it possible to release the Study without it posing a security threat to the US. This is likely due to the advanced nature of classified research and development of different modes of teleportation.


Consequently, the information on teleportation released in the Study is very likely only the proverbial tip of the iceberg in what is currently known about teleportation in classified projects. The question to be pursued here is whether some of the modes of teleportation described in the Study have already been secretly developed and put into application in various classified projects. More significantly, the Study leads plausibility to claims that teleportation technologies have been discovered in a number of locations around the planet.

A number of alleged whistleblowers claim to have witnessed classified projects that utilize some of the teleportation modes described in the Study. For example, Dr Dan Burisch claims to have witnessed teleportation technologies which he described as ' wormhole' or 'stargate'.


Burisch says these as are both 'artificial' and also 'natural' stargates where presumably q-Teleportation was employed. Burisch also described the ability of an advanced life form that was able to use p-Teleportation in an area Burisch described as a Natural Stargate at Frenchman's mountain in Nevada.


Burisch further claimed that one of the reasons for the US military intervention in Iraq was to gain access to the stargates in Iraq.

Another alleged whistleblower, Dr Michael Wolf, also claims to have knowledge of teleportation technologies discovered by national security agencies. He claims that a stargate exists at the Gizeh Pyramid, Egypt, and was created by extraterrestrials (


In a February 2003 study, I cite evidence of stargate technology in Iraq as a primary motivation for the US intervention in Iraq, and argue that the control and application of such technologies are a powerful political factor in global affairs.

The exopolitical implications of the Study are very significant since it lends greater plausibility to claims that teleportation or stargate technologies have been discovered and/or developed around the planet.


It can be concluded that as the Study is more disseminated and understood by the scientific and lay communities, the exopolitical implications of the Study will be better appreciated; and the role of extraterrestrials in creating, disseminating and using different modes of teleportation will be better understood.