by Harry Krueger

31 August 2016
from WakeUpWorld Website







The bonding of the pristine whole (energy) with Intelligence (the mysterious expression of all that exists) is the only environment in which human beings can flower, and come to completeness.


That fruition (as wholeness) is love. There is no other love. And that whole-y state is one of apperception - a perception that is beyond the aberrations of the memory-senses complex called, Mind.

Our thoughts are not self-generated, rather, our present responses to life's daily challenges are a cacophony of sounds given to us by the prevailing culture. Except for some slight variations in content, we are the psychological clones of past generations.


The accumulation of that misinformation (indoctrination) is what we call 'culture', and all culture is Mind:

a myth given by others.

The over-whelming false content of the Mind is what is preventing pristine awareness (Consciousness) from receiving its "daily bread" - the food that is indispensable to life's daily responses.



Empathy, Sympathy, Compassion, Love, Compatibility and Relationship

Relationship is compatibility.


Used here, compatibility is the bonding of Intelligence with Pristine Awareness and the expressions that come from that state. That state is always the first responder to all of life's challenges.

Intelligence is the only supplier of energy in all life forms, both moving and stationary. In that wholeness - in the bond of Intelligence and Consciousness - there is a diversity as to how the energy is expressed.


The totality of those expressions is what is meant by Acting as a harmonious whole.


When we are not expressing that Action, we are reacting from a view point that is empathetic to the human psychological suffering that has its roots in the indoctrinated, misinformation given by the culture. That same culture cannot end this sorrowful never-ending cycle.


Showing empathy, sympathy and compassion changes nothing.

Mind is the sole creator of all conflict, confusion and chaos. Mind cannot (by its false nature) realize the causes of its dilemmas.


How ironic, that which professes the ability to end psychological suffering is also the creator of that state. Mind has no clue as how to end the cycle of its false repetitions.

Intelligence does not offer empathy, sympathy or compassion to those who make false choices to life's challenges. Life offers a way of living in which all of its challenges are responded to by Intelligence; in which Mind is no longer reacting as a conduit in solving those challenges.


When the unification of Pristine Awareness and Intelligence are Acting as one, then and only then, that un-breakable bond becomes the new norm of relationship. That impregnable bonding is a force that renders Mind inoperable.

There are no paths to relationship. Relationship is always already the case.


When pristine awareness discerns its daily challenges without condemnation or justification, then that seeing makes it impossible to continue with the present charade.


There is only one awareness and that awareness has no content. The content (acting as an independent entity) is an illusion perpetrated by the master deceiver and hoaxer, mind. We have the ability (through the grace of pristine awareness) to experience the content.


The content (mind) cannot see itself because of the natural law which says,

"a like thing cannot see a like thing."

That pristine seeing (without condemnation or justification) is the ending of one's bondage. There is no other freedom. The imaginary cultural bonds have forever been severed.

In early writings the free state is spoken of as,

"you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not love (wholeness), I become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal (mind-noise)"